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A Civilized Mating

Page 8

by Marie Harte

  He stumbled, and everything became pure chaos. Talzec screamed with a rage that terrified her. So when he grabbed her and tossed her behind him, she worried she’d hit a tree and break her neck. Instead, she landed in Xav’s waiting arms.

  “Tonan, thank the Maker.” He hugged her tight. “Now watch and learn why your alpha is a leader to be proud of.”


  Talzec had waited for this moment for a solid year. When he would have sought first vengeance, he’d had his clan to look out for. At the time, the Nasuhl had more numbers and higher skilled warriors. No longer. They still outnumbered the Vyctore, but Talzec would pit any of his men against a half dozen of Daveen’s and expect victory.

  “You killed Nalla,” Daveen yelled. “For that you will die.”

  “I saved her. You were savaging your sister, and the poor woman wanted peace. I loved her,” Talzec bit out. “But you weren’t content to let her go. You killed her, you piece of avhleh. You are condemned to live an eternity in the hells of Fyanthul.”

  Talzec didn’t waste any more time talking. Daveen maimed and bludgeoned with those fists, so the battle would not be an easy one. But he’d make it quicker than he’d once intended, because he had a new female to protect.

  Getting to the yernax point had been the longest day of his life. Thinking he’d lose Skye before he had a chance to get to know her, to love her, put everything into perspective. He’d prayed to his Maker as he and Xav raced to rescue her. Finding Lore frantically trying to save Zhen, near death, had been one blessing. Lore’s warning, that if Talzec didn’t come alone, Daveen would tear Skye apart, had been a second lucky thing. Because Lore had added that Daveen planned to ruin Skye in front of Talzec, and not before. That gave Skye a measure of safety and Xav incentive to continue unnoticed, decimating the Nasuhl stationed throughout the woods in the journey to outpost four.

  Launching himself at Daveen, Talzec feinted high then moved low to grab Skye. He threw her behind him, knowing Xav would be there. The move left his back exposed, and Daveen took advantage, breaking several of Talzec’s ribs.

  But an odd thing happened. Instead of suffering from extreme pain, Talzec felt stronger. A surge of energy wrapped him in a cocoon of numbness, so that he straightened and caught the fist aimed for his face. He squeezed, with all the rage and hurt inside him, and crushed Daveen’s hand. Daveen screamed in anger and pain.

  “For Nalla.” Then he dragged the man to his knees and kicked him full in the face. Warriors around them yelled for their leader and attacked, but Talzec didn’t stop. He continued to pummel Daveen, immune to the beating the others gave him. He felt nothing, only a deepening satisfaction as Daveen turned from a person into a bloodied mess.

  “For Xav. For Lore. For Zhen.” He kept punching, unaware that the others beating him had drawn back. Then he pulled his fist back for the final blow. “For my mate, Skye.” Talzec let go of everything but the need for justice and delivered the death strike cleanly.

  Daveen flopped to the ground, a mess of tattered flesh, blood, and bone.

  Talzec staggered as a wave of horrendous pain overcame him. “No. Have to protect…” He couldn’t afford to fall now, not when he had Xav and Skye still vulnerable.

  “This is not over, you bastard,” Morlo promised as he and a few others raced away.

  Confused, Talzec turned and stumbled. Then Xav was there under one arm, and Skye by his other side. A booming cheer filled the air, and his warriors watched him with pride, Vyctore barbarians all over the place.


  Xav smiled. “Before we left, I gave Katan a message. He rallied our stealth troop. We’ve been slaughtering them in silence all the way here. Tapped in to Skye, I could sense the others around her. It was an amazing victory.”

  Skye hugged him, and even through the pain, he sensed her affection. Her…love. “Sorry about the aftereffects. Xav and I experimented a little. We pooled our energy to protect you, so you didn’t feel the enemy’s attack. But we had to pull it back.”

  “Tonan, I am sorry.” Talzec owed her so much more than he’d given.

  She frowned. “What does that mean?”

  “That I’m sorry? I have not given you the respect or attention you deserve. But my feelings for Nalla—”

  Xav’s chuckle interrupted him.

  “You think my grief and guilt for my mate funny?” That didn’t seem like the Xav he knew and…loved.

  “No, no. Not at all. It’s just that Skye was asking about the word ‘tonan’. Not why you’re sorry. We all know you’re sorry,” Xav teased.

  Talzec felt an unfamiliar heat over his face. “Oh.”

  Skye laughed, and despite his pain, he felt good. So much better than he’d been in a long time. Nalla had been avenged. An evil purged from this world. And the potential for a happy life in his grasp.

  To Skye, he said, “Tonan means ‘of my heart’.”

  She paused. “Then you and Xav are my tonan.”

  “No.” He frowned. “Tonan comes from your master. To us, you would say tonai. As my mate has moaned when I am buried deep inside him.”

  “Talzec, not in front of the warriors,” Xav muttered. “Bastard. He’s right, though. I am your tonai, as he is my tonai. My heart made whole. From submissive to master.”

  “Wait. Submissive?” Skye clutched him tighter, and Talzec barely stifled a moan. “Oh, sorry. It’s just…” She looked around and whispered. “Yeah, okay, I’m a little submissive. But only with sex. And both of you, quiet in front of the others, you hear me?”

  His little warrior looked fierce. He couldn’t have been prouder. “Let’s go home, tonan. I have some things to make right.” He glanced at Xav. “To both of you.”


  Skye felt nervous. Silly to feel anxious. Three days after Talzec had destroyed Daveen, and she’d given Mandy word about Lisa’s, and her own, decision to stay with the Vyctore, life had been golden. The women and Maht still fell all over themselves to make Lisa happy.

  Skye had been elevated in the entire clan’s eyes as the alpha and beta’s mate, as well as a warrior. The only female warrior in the Cloud Tribe. A unique honor, and one that would see their clan celebrated at the annual Cloud Tribe festival in another month. She’d have to perform, but she couldn’t wait. Here, being physically strong and adept at fighting elevated one’s position in the clan. Skye had become a virtual member of royalty. And that was without her association to the alpha.

  Nibbling her fingernails, she paced, naked, in Talzec’s hut. Twice the size of Xav’s, it would soon be connected to Xav’s hut, to officially announce their communal tie.

  “Oh my God. I have two husbands.” Mates. Life partners. Since Talzec had finally opened all the way up to her and Xav, she felt that lifeforce flowing through all of them. Their energy had healed him over the past two days, and he and Xav had been giving her hot, knowing looks all evening at the communal meal and after, at the clan celebration.

  She didn’t need anything to know she was drunk on the pair of them. Talzec at his most charming, to make up for being a jerk before, devastated her. Xav was no better, always kissing or touching her when he felt like it. Though she’d seen some of the barbarians, men and women, engaging in public sex, she’d expressly forbidden Xav from indulging with her outside of their hut.

  To which he’d laughed and said, “As if Talzec or I would share the sight of your glorious pleasure with anyone but each other.”

  Noise from outside, and a familiar energy, warned of their arrival.

  Talzec and Xav entered together, both naked and damp from a recent bath.

  “Finally. A fitting mating night.” Talzec smiled, so incredibly handsome. He turned to kiss Xav and took his cock in hand. She’d already been nervous and aroused thinking of the night to come, but watching Talzec handle Xav had her beyond wet.

  “Watch my beta come,” he said in a thick voice.

  She and Talzec watched the spurt of seed leave Xav to land on Talzec
’s belly.

  “Tonai, yes,” Xav moaned.

  Skye couldn’t blink. Especially when Talzec rubbed the moisture into his skin.

  “A marker from my tonan. And I’ll have another from you, Skye.” He and Xav pulled her down with them onto Talzec’s massive pallet. Talzec lay on his back and winked at Xav, who laughed.

  “I love my mates,” Xav said, joy evident in his words and energy.

  “As do I,” Talzec rumbled. “Now, tonan,” he said to Skye. “Come sit on my face.”

  She gaped at him, then saw Xav nod. “This is real, right? I don’t want this to be a dream.”

  “It’s real, Skye.” Talzec smiled, and she saw the love there. “But if you don’t soon do what I told you, you will be punished.”

  She wasn’t stupid. She hurried to kneel over Talzec’s face, ignoring Xav’s laughter. Then she knew nothing more as Talzec gripped her hips and pulled her over his mouth.

  His lips like magic, he drew forth her climax with little effort, licking and sucking her into multiple orgasms. His groans of pleasure became gasps of intense ecstasy, and he teased her into another rise to climax too fast.

  She glanced over her shoulder to see Xav sucking Talzec’s cock, which accounted for the burst of desire flooding the room. Then she couldn’t think anymore as Talzec shoved a thick finger up her pussy and sucked hard on her clit.

  Screaming her pleasure, she felt him jerk and pump behind her.

  Xav groaned, and she knew Talzec had just given his beta a mouthful of seed.

  Slowly pushing her off his face, Talzec rolled to kiss her, and she tasted herself on his lips.

  Xav spooned her from behind, kissing the back of her neck. “Tonight is for our pleasure, tonan,” he said to her. “Talzec and I have decided to wait for children until we’ve all had time together. Until you are ready, and we are more secure within the tribe.”

  “Oh, good,” she managed to say while Talzec kissed his way to her breasts. A normal woman would be too exhausted by now to do more than sigh. But sharing energy with her mates gave her their sexual drive. Like them, she was raring to go again.

  “So we will not give you our second seed.” Talzec kissed her nipples, molding her swollen breasts with his hot hands. “But we will give you our first seed many times this night.”

  “Yes, together,” Xav agreed.

  Talzec rolled away, and Xav urged her to her hands and knees.

  Excited about what would soon follow, she spread her knees wider, so aroused she couldn’t stand it.

  “Ah, tonan. Such a pretty pussy.” Talzec moved behind her while Xav knelt before her, his thick erection impossible to miss. The sheen of desire over his cock tasted minty, like his kiss, and made her think of an aphrodisiac. Because the more she tasted him, the more she wanted him.

  Talzec traced her folds, circling around but not touching her clit. But she couldn’t focus on that for long because Xav neared with his cock, stroking her lips with it.

  She opened her mouth and flicked her tongue over him, and like that, he stilled.

  “Yes, Xaveht,” Talzec growled. “You may take her mouth. But you will not spill until I tell you to.”

  “Yes, tonai.”

  Talzec gave a deep laugh. “Such a good submissive you are, Xav. So sweet.”

  “Fuck off,” Xav muttered, then groaned and thrust into Skye’s mouth.

  She worked him good while Talzec fingered her to near orgasm. Her alpha kept stopping right when she meant to come. Until she was backing into him as hard as she was sucking Xav, wanting his seed.

  “Now, Xaveht. You may come. And you too, Skye.”

  The magic words upped everyone’s ardor, because Xav jetted down her throat and moaned her name at the same time Talzec removed his finger and pushed the whole of himself inside her.

  So wet, so needy, Skye came around him while swallowing down Xav’s seed. It took Talzec one more thrust before he too released, and the loving energy in the room enhanced their pleasure until Skye couldn’t take any more.

  When she next could see and hear, she found herself sandwiched between two amazing warriors. Her tonai. Xaveht and Talzec. Such amazing men to be tied to for life.

  “Ah, she’s awake. Good.” Talzec stroked her hair. “It was a glorious mating, Skye. You and Xaveht hold my heart. In all ways.”

  Tied by a lifeforce and love. Forever.

  “Not all ways, Talzec.” Xav sighed, sounding sad.

  She turned to him. “What’s wrong?” Had she done something to upset him?

  “It’s just, you have not shared all of yourself with us.” Xav kissed her lips with tenderness, then more affection and lust until she quivered with need.

  Talzec nuzzled her neck and prodded her ass with his monster cock.

  “Oh no. Not there.”

  Xav smiled against her lips. “Yes, there. Do not worry, tonan. We’ll be gentle. And this way, we get to fill you with a second seed that will not get you with child.”

  “Um, well, you could do that in my mouth, right?”

  Talzec chuckled. “No. Not unless you wanted to drown. Our second seed is copious. Then again, it’s also nutritional. Perhaps you and Xav could share my second seed before bathing in it.”

  “Talzec,” Xav scolded. “First we need to show her how much we love her.” He cupped her cheek. “You will feel such warmth when we jet inside you.”

  She squirmed, so aroused she felt as if she’d burst. Then she felt Talzec between her buttocks, his cock prodding her anus. A moment later, he pushed his slick shaft deeper, stretching her, and it hurt.

  “Hey. Talzec, you—Xav?”

  Xav had lifted her leg over his and pushed inside her, which made Talzec moan.

  Before long, that lovely energy they shared made the pain fade under shared ecstasy.

  “Oh, God, that’s good.” She kissed Xav everywhere she could reach while he fucked her. Talzec wrapped his arms around her to play with her breasts while he continued to stroke in and out, arousing nerves that had never been so pleasured. She panted, building toward her end. “I’ve never been the meat in this kind of sandwich before.”

  “Such a way of speaking, offworlder,” Talzec teased. “You feel like silk, as warm and tight as my Xav.”

  “Hmm.” Xav was too busy kissing her and thrusting to answer.

  Oh, they’d get to feeling this same tortuous desire, she pledged to herself, then cried out as she came. As her warriors followed suit, demonstrating their love, Skye knew she’d finally come home.


  Zhen and Lore looked at each other, then back at their alpha’s hut as the cries of passion reached them.

  “That kind of pleasure from an offworlder.” Zhen sighed, still not fully recovered from the arrow that had almost pierced his heart. “I can feel their joy.”

  Lore nodded. “I know. I’m thick and aching. Let’s go back home.”

  Zhen agreed, but along the way, he mentioned the female that had been on their minds for days. “That female Skye spoke to.”

  “Mandy.” Lore sighed. “Such a pretty one.”

  “Yes. And she seemed more than willing to come visit Kahl here at the village, did she not?”

  “Kahl’s an idiot. She can do so much better than him.”

  They both knew Kahl would fuck the woman raw if she gave Kahl permission. The horny bastard loved females, and the more the merrier.

  “She deserves honorable mates.” Lore glanced at his bandaged chest. “The kind who would put themselves in front of an arrow for the alpha’s mate.”

  “This is true.” Zhen paused in thought. “It would only be right for us to do our part and take a turn on guard duty at the resort.”

  “And to let Mandy know her friends do well here. That we stand by the treaty. It is not our fault we are irresistible to offworlders.” They shared a grin. With both Skye and Lisa formally leaving the resort of their own free will, the resort could say nothing about barbarians breaking the treaty.

  “We could even show her how true we are to maintaining peace with the West. Escort her back here. Introduce her to our way of life. It might make it easier for her to work at Welcome, would it not?” Zhen chuckled.

  Lore kissed him, and as they made plans to visit their new offworlder friend, he wondered if Talzec had any notion of what mating his offworlder had started.

  About the Author

  Marie Harte, caffeine addict, boy referee, romance aficionado, and New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, has over 100 books published with more constantly on the way. She’s a confessed bibliophile and devotee of action movies. Whether hiking in Central Oregon, biking around town, or hanging at the local tea shop, she’s constantly plotting to give everyone a happily ever after.

  For more information on other books by Marie, visit her official website:

  Also By This Author

  Samhain Publishing

  Served Hot

  Served Cold

  Bending the Rules

  Making the Grade

  Prey & Prejudice

  By the Tail

  Love in Electric Blue

  Rising the Bar

  Right Wolf, Right Time

  A Matter of Pride


  Closing the Deal

  Storming His Heart

  Foxy Lady

  To Hunt a Sainte

  In Plain Sight

  Duncan’s Descent

  Rachel’s Totem

  Enjoying the Show

  The Dragon’s Demon

  A Scorching Seduction

  Sourcebooks, Inc.

  What to Do with a Bad Boy

  Ruining Mr. Perfect

  How to Handle a Heartbreaker

  The Troublemaker Next Door

  Fated Desires Publishing

  Jackal’s Measure

  Good to Go: The Complete Series

  A Major Distraction

  A Major Seduction

  A Major Attraction

  Beasts of Burden


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