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The Accident

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by A M Heath

  Also Available by A.M. Heath

  The Accident

  Ancient Words Series

  Where Can I Flee

  In the Shadow of Thy Wings

  Out of the Ashes

  *Series should be read in order

  A Season Passed

  If Only It Were Yesterday

  Yesterday’s Christmas

  Cover photo © Pixelfit.

  Front cover designed by A.M. Heath. Full cover designed by Krista Noorman

  Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

  ISBN13: 9781724802262

  The Accident

  Copyright © 2019 A.M. Heath

  All rights reserved.

  To my hockey buddy Nichole Sharp. I hope you enjoy revisiting some of our favorite moments.

  And to Jesus Christ whose outpouring of mercy and grace in my life were not accidental.

  But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; You consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to You; You are the helper of the fatherless.

  ~ Psalm 10:14

  Chapter One

  May 18, 2017

  Chris 6:03 pm:

  I've been in a car accident. They say I'll live, but I'll be in some pain for a while yet. My car on the other hand …

  Chris 6:05 pm:

  Oh, I'm in room 321 at the hospital.

  Chris 9:36 pm:


  Danielle 9:39 pm:

  I'm very sorry to hear about your accident! But, ummm, you've texted me three times tonight by mistake. Your sister didn't get your messages.

  I hope you feel better soon.

  Chris 9:45 pm:

  I’m terribly sorry! I had no idea! Here I was wondering why my sister didn't bother to respond, and it's because I'm an idiot. I'll blame it on the pain meds. LOL

  Danielle 9:47 pm:

  LOL It's no problem, I promise. I hope you finally got ahold of your sister.

  Chris 9:48 pm:

  I did. She was properly concerned and insisted on seeing me first thing in the morning. She also got a big kick out of my blunder. I still can't believe I did that.

  Danielle 9:53 pm:

  It's ok, really. I’m not bothered, but I am curious about something. How did you text the wrong number? Isn’t your sister in your contacts?

  Chris 9:54 pm:

  That’s a mystery to me. Darn phone lost everything during the accident. It was like a factory reboot or something. It was so weird. But I’m just glad it still works.

  Anyway, I was texting from my memory … which turns out is as dependable as my phone.

  Danielle 9:54 pm:

  Weird. LOL

  Chris 9:55 pm:

  Definitely. But nothing about this night has been normal.

  Danielle 9:55 pm:

  Sounds like it.

  How are you feeling? What happened? … If you don’t mind me asking.

  Chris 9:57 pm:

  Someone pulled out in front of me. I tried to stop in time but couldn’t. Unfortunately, I flipped the car over, got a lump on the side of my head (which is why they’re keeping me overnight), severely bruised some ribs, and broke my wrist.

  Oh, my name is Chris Knowles, by the way.

  Danielle 10:02 pm:

  YIKES! I’m so sorry. That sounds dreadful.

  And I’m Danielle Conner.

  Chris 10:04 pm:

  Thanks for keeping me company, Danielle. I probably should leave you alone now. It’s getting late.

  Danielle 10:06 pm:

  It’s no biggie on my end. I’m not ready to sleep, and there’s nothing on TV anyway. But I’m sure you could use the rest.

  Chris 10:07 pm:

  Are you kidding?! I work a night shift, so I’m used to being up during this time. The nurse would feel better if I slept, but I’m a little too wired for that. The energy drink I had just before the accident may be part of the reason.

  Danielle 10:07 pm:

  Is that where you were going when you had the accident?

  Chris 10:08 pm:

  Yep. I’ve been at the pencil factory for the past two years. And this just happened to be my last week on night shift. What a way to go out.

  What about you? Why aren’t you rushing to bed like normal folks?

  Danielle 10:09 pm:

  LOL The simple of it is this: Life for me hasn’t been normal in far too long. Plus, I’m a bit of a night owl.

  Ashlyn Conner’s Diary:

  I lied! I still can’t believe I did it! I was sitting here, thumbing through the channels — there really should be more cool stuff on TV! Where did all the good stuff go, anyways? Like I want to watch another home remodeling show! Or worse, some old guys picking through cluttered barns for some worthless “treasure!” — Anyways, mom’s phone kept going off. I didn’t recognize the number, so I didn’t bother to answer it. There’s nothing worse than a wrong number who keeps texting you, so I finally answered it to set him straight. Turns out, it was someone trying to tell his sister that he was in the hospital!! What are the chances?! I felt bad for not answering him sooner, but how was I to know? We chatted for a bit. The guy says he’ll live and they’re only keeping him overnight for observation. Lucky! He said his name is Chris Knowles, but when it was my turn to give him my name, I panicked. I gave him Mom’s name instead. I really shouldn’t have done that! But, I mean, I know lying is a sin and all that, but Mom’s always on my case about not talking to strangers or giving out my name and stuff. Urg! I should have just stopped texting him … but I didn’t. I can’t explain it. He seemed … lonely. Don’t ask me how I know that. I just do.

  Chapter Two

  May 19, 2017

  Chris 11:34 am:

  You are not going to believe what just happened. I'm sitting here, waiting for my discharge papers, when this girl just walked into my room. LOL She just walked in as pretty as you please, then stopped in the middle of the room and stared at me. I asked her if I could do something for her, but she just stood there, then asked if this was Charlie's room. When I told her it wasn't, she apologized and took off like a rocket.

  LOL Well, if I can dial the wrong number, then I suppose she can wander into the wrong room.

  Danielle 11:41 am:

  LOL That is so funny! Do these sorts of things always happen to you?

  Chris 11:42 am:

  Nope. But maybe I needed a little variety in my life. LOL

  Danielle 11:45 am:

  Maybe. LOL But I'll stick to variety in my ice cream. I mean, variety in life isn't always so pleasant.

  Ashlyn’s Diary:

  I saw him! I couldn’t help myself!! I know I shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t resist. I was sitting here in Ms. Amber’s room. She had hip surgery this morning. Momma said that she had brought us too many tuna casseroles not to go visit her. So we just happened to be at the hospital when Chris texted to say he was about to be discharged. It was my one shot to actually SEE
the man that I was texting last night. He’s perfect for Momma!! He was sitting on the edge of his bed when I walked in — And I did walk in. I can hardly believe it, but I just walked into his room and stood there, staring at him, — and I could tell by the way his legs stretched out onto the floor and continued out that he was tall. My legs barely touch the floor. His hair is a sandy color. And his eyes looked green. He’s so handsome!! And his smile is so soft and welcoming. I can hardly put into words how he made me feel when he smiled at me. It was like coming home. LOL It’s funny now because Chris texted me about it right after I walked out. He just thought I was a confused kid. But he was really cool about it. In person, I could tell that he was surprised, but he offered to help me. Over the phone, he just laughed it off. I know it was wrong of me to continue to lie to him about who I really am, but it was comforting to know that he wasn’t just being nice to my face, you know? He meant it.

  Chris 4:15 pm:

  Danielle, I’ve had something on my mind all afternoon. I’m sorry for not asking sooner. Are you alright? I don’t know. Maybe I’m making a big deal out of nothing, but you mentioned twice that things weren’t so pleasant for you. I know I’m virtually a stranger to you and all, but I just want you to know that I can be a friend to you if you need. I can listen. And who knows, maybe talking to a stranger will be easier than talking to someone around you. Anyway, I don’t mean to scare you off or anything, but my offer stands. Take it or leave it; it’s your call.

  Ashlyn’s Diary:

  Chris asked me if everything was alright, and I didn’t know how to respond. I just sat there, curled up on the chair beside the window, and stared at the screen. Momma is asleep again. It’s one of her bad days, probably because she insisted on getting out today when she was already dragging. I hate seeing her like this.

  People say that rest is a good thing, but it doesn’t feel good to watch her sleep this much. Seeing her so droopy all the time just reminds me of how sick she is and that she may never get better.

  The doctor said her lack of energy is due to being off of her thyroid meds. He said she’ll feel much better after her treatment is over, but she has this long diet to endure first. He said it’s normal and that I shouldn’t panic, but he’s not standing by day in and day out, watching her fade away like this. It makes remission look impossible and death all the more certain.

  Back to Chris, I don’t know what to do about him. I want to talk to him, but how much can I say? How trustworthy is this man? Then again, he doesn’t know me or anyone I know, so what’s the harm in being honest with him?


  I took a break for lunch. Food has a way of bringing clarity.

  I’m going to text Chris back. I’ve decided that much. I still don’t know what I’ll say, or how I’ll get around to telling him that I’m not Danielle, but her daughter, or maybe I never will. But I can’t keep writing in a journal that doesn’t answer. Or waiting for a God who doesn’t speak. Chris will answer back at least, and that’s something more than I have right now.

  Danielle 6:03 pm:

  Thanks for checking up on me. You were probably thinking I’d never answer your last text. I’ll level with you: I wasn’t sure how to respond. You didn’t scare me off. I just … don’t open up so easily. Maybe we can just talk for now. The simple stuff. Like how old are you? Do you like any sports? Favorite color? Favorite holiday? Have any pets?

  Chris 6:06 pm:

  :) You caught me. I was worried I ran you off already. I’m glad to know that I haven’t. And there’s no pressure. Honest. Now to answer your questions …

  I’m 36. I love most sports. Green is my favorite color. I’ve always been a sucker for the smell of a charcoal grill and the thrill of fireworks, so I’m going to have to say the 4th of July is my favorite holiday. And I have one dog. He’s a mutt named Biscuit. And now it’s your turn. LOL And don’t even think of skipping over the age question, either. You asked me first, so it’s only fair that you answer honestly.

  Danielle 6:09 pm:

  LOL Fine. I’ll answer honestly. I’m 37. I never played sports in school, and only occasionally watch them on TV. I love Christmas and Valentine’s Day. My favorite color is dark purple. We had a cat named Sassy but had to send her to live with my sister for a while. And I agree with you about the smell of a charcoal grill. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it. Your turn. Ask me anything.

  Danielle 6:10 pm:

  Oh, and Biscuit is a great name, by the way!

  Chris 6:15 pm:

  Well, I think I have to start where any responsible man would and ask you what you meant when you used the term we? There is no we in my life aside from me and Biscuit.

  Danielle 6:16 pm:

  We stands for me and my daughter Ashlyn. My husband died eight years ago. My daughter is now 15 and just the light of my life. LOL I feel like I’m getting a tad personal, but have you ever been married? Any kids?

  Chris 6:17 pm:

  Nope. Neither. Do you go to church anywhere? I go to Main Street Baptist. I teach a teen boys’ Sunday School class.

  Tell me more about Ashlyn.

  Danielle 6:19 pm:

  Great! You and I have that in common. I mean, we don’t attend Main Street, but we attend a small Baptist church in Coffee County, where I grew up.

  Let’s see, what can I say about Ashlyn? She’s your typical teen. She’s energetic and fun-loving. But she’s also quiet and artsy. Or at least she used to be. She doesn’t draw much anymore. She looks so much like me it’s ridiculous, but I can still see her father in her from time to time.

  Chris 6:23 pm:

  She sounds delightful. That’s a shame she doesn’t draw much anymore. Do you know why?

  Danielle 6:26 pm:

  Lack of inspiration.

  Chris 6:30 pm:

  Ahh, I understand. I mean, I don’t because I’ve never been the artsy sort. But I think I get it. Try to encourage her to get outside more. A change of scenery will do wonders for the soul. But also, a change of perspective. A lot of times when we become inwardly focused instead of Christ focused, we lose our inspiration. Encourage her to spend more time in prayer and in her Bible. Once her soul heals, she’ll be able to focus on her work again. It’s almost like being in a fog. It clouds your mind, your thoughts, your attitudes. You have to come out from under that. And Christ is the only lasting way to do that. Her not having inspiration is likely just a by-product of a floundering relationship with her Lord.

  Danielle 6:35 pm:

  Wow! I think you might be right. Fog. That sounds a lot like what she was trying to describe the other day. I never thought about it being in connection to her relationship with Christ. I’ll talk to her about it.

  Danielle 6:35 pm:

  Thanks so much!

  Chris 6:37 pm:

  You’re welcome! I’ll be praying for her!

  Ashlyn’s Diary:

  “It’s almost like being in a fog.” I read Chris’s message again and again until I practically had it memorized. He described my situation so perfectly. I do feel like I’ve been in a fog. Those little things, like drawing, that used to bring me so much joy just don’t anymore. Every time I pull out my sketch pad, I feel like there’s nothing inside of me to pour out onto the paper. I feel so stuck. So stranded. So … stranded in the fog. I can’t see or feel. I’m just there. And I’m all alone.

  But … I’m not so alone now. Chris really gets me. I don’t get myself anymore so I’m glad to know that someone does.

  I copied his message into my journal then deleted our conversation. But I couldn’t lose what he had said to me. It was way too important. When I finished, I leaned back and tried to pray. Chris was right about not being close to God anymore. When Momma got cancer, and then the first round of treatment didn’t cure it, I just felt like God stopped listening to me. Like He stopped hearing and answering. Somewhere along the way, I just stopped talking to Him. I’m not exactly sure I prayed right. I’m certainly out of practice. All I
could do was close my eyes and tell God that I was ready to try to talk to Him again. But then all I did was cry as I remembered what Momma was going through and how uncertain our futures are. I don’t even know if she’ll live to see me graduate. I’ll try praying again tomorrow. And maybe a walk around the neighborhood as well.

  Chapter Three

  May 20, 2017

  Chris 5:02 pm:

  How is your day going?

  Danielle 5:02 pm:

  Rotten! Just rotten!

  Chris 5:02 pm:

  Oh? Care to share?

  Danielle 5:03 pm:

  I was with Momma today. She had to have her TSH levels tested, and they weren’t high enough yet, so she’ll have to stay on her diet for another week, likely two weeks.

  Chris 5:03 pm:

  What is the diet and TSH levels for?

  Danielle 5:05 pm:

  She has thyroid cancer. They already took her thyroid out, so she is supposed to be on meds, and she’s extremely tired if she isn’t. Well, after the surgery they did a treatment, but she didn’t respond like they wanted, so she’s going for one more treatment. But before she can have the treatment, she has to go on this insane diet. Anyways, since her levels weren’t high enough, that means she has to stay off the meds and stay on the diet. I know I’m not the one on the diet or anything, but I hate everything about this. Am I allowed to say that?


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