Book Read Free

The Accident

Page 5

by A M Heath

  Danielle 9:10 am:

  I’ve been seeing Chris most days, and we chat pretty regularly.

  Macy 9:11 am:

  URG! You are so … Grrr! Can’t you tell me anything more than “yep, still chatting with him?” I mean, do you like the guy or what? Have you kissed? Does Ashlyn know you’ve been talking to him? When will you tell her?

  Danielle 9:12 am:

  Alright, Miss Nosy. I do like him. He’s a great guy. He’s cute, as I’ve already told you before. No, I don’t want Ashlyn to know just yet. Soon.

  Danielle 9:12 am:

  And a lady would never kiss and tell. ;)

  Macy 9:13 am:

  YOU BETTER!!! I’m dying to know!!!

  Danielle 9:13 am:

  LOL What do you expect me to do? Write you a book?

  Macy 9:13 am:

  YES! Lay it all out like a book.

  Danielle 9:14 am:

  You’re impossible!

  Macy 9:14 am:

  Fine by me! But you owe me a book, and I’m not letting up until I get it.

  Danielle 9:15 am:

  LOL Fine. Alright, let me see. How should I start this book? Once upon a time?

  Macy 9:15 am:

  LOL Skip ahead. Where were you when he kissed you?

  Danielle 9:21 am:

  We were having lunch last week at the park. It could have been one of the last really nice days before it turns cold for good. We were sitting on the picnic table, our chicken salad sandwiches and fruit tea were finished, and we were watching the squirrels scrambling up and down trees. Our hands were resting side by side on the table, because we were actually sitting on the table top and using the bench for our feet.

  Chris slid his hand over until it covered mine, his thumb caressing my hand. For days now, I thought I wanted him to draw closer, and when he finally did, I knew it was what I wanted. The tingles started in my hand and gathered in my belly. It had been far too long since I had felt that way.

  I gave his hand a squeeze of affirmation.

  Our eyes met, and in true romance novel fashion, time seemed to stand still. My heart beat so wild and so hard in my chest that it was all I could hear. But Chris’s soft green eyes were all I could see. He always had a warm friendly look in his eyes, but in that moment, they held something stronger. Something even more tempting and inviting.

  I can’t tell you how long we stared at one another, but it seemed that we were both afraid to move, both afraid to be rejected. I know I was. At any moment, he might realize this was a terrible idea and take off running. But he didn’t.

  Chris’s fingers twitched and nudged our joined hands toward him in the slightest of fashions.

  I knew then what he wanted. He was asking me, or inviting me, or maybe warning me that he was aiming to come closer. I could hardly control the grin tugging on my lips as I edged closer.

  He dipped his head and kissed me full on the lips. It was a good thing we were alone in the park that day because we’re too old for such public displays. But there was no one there, so I reached up with my free hand and cupped the back of his neck, and he slid his free arm around my back and pulled me in.

  There. That was our first kiss. And, no, it wasn’t our last. But that’s all you’re getting out of me. LOL

  Macy 9:23 am:


  Chris and Danielle:

  Chris 8:29 pm:

  How are you feeling? You looked a little weak after lunch today.

  Danielle 9:42 pm:

  Sorry, I just now saw your message. It’s one of those rough days, I suppose. You’d think taking time off of work would improve my energy levels, but it doesn’t matter what I do, I’m dead on my feet. I’m trying to finish watching this show, but I’m about to pass out. I took Ashlyn to the mall this afternoon. We had a good time, but it wore me out more than I expected.

  Chris 9:43 pm:

  :( I’m sorry. Is there something I can do?

  Danielle 9:44 pm:

  No. But thanks.

  Chris 9:46 pm:

  How about we cancel our lunch tomorrow and I drop off something for you instead?

  Danielle 9:47 pm:

  How do you know where I live?

  Chris 9:48 pm:

  Umm, I don’t. I can … I don’t know. I can order it in your name and let you call and tell them where to deliver it. How would that be?

  Danielle 9:50 pm:

  I’m sorry! I was just teasing. That is very sweet of you though. I’ll let you know in the morning how I’m feeling, and we’ll just go from there.

  Chris 9:51 pm:

  That sounds good. Sleep well!

  Ashlyn’s Diary:

  Momma took me to the mall after school. I wasn’t expecting it, but she said she wanted to go before the holiday shoppers took over. The Christmas decorations were everywhere. They already had the giant tree up in the middle of the court. It was pretty, but Momma and I both agreed they should wait until after Thanksgiving. I like putting our tree up on December first. It just doesn’t seem right to do it any earlier.

  We walked around for a while, then Momma had to rest while I shopped in the shoe store. LOL I kept showing her shoes through the window, and she’d wrinkle her nose and shake her head. LOL It was hilarious. I kept picking out the ugliest ones I could find, just to see the surprised, disgusted look on her face. I didn’t buy any though. But I did get a Preds t-shirt. It’s yellow. I love it. It’s so soft. Momma just rolled her eyes and smiled at me. I told her it was either the shirt or the sparkly eight-inch heels. LOL She agreed that the shirt was better.

  Chapter Seventeen

  November 28, 2017

  Danielle 9:04 am:

  Thanks for coffee this morning! Hey, I was sort of thinking … would you want to come over and have dinner with me and Ashlyn tonight? She said something about the Preds playing tonight. You could stay and watch the game?

  Chris 9:07 am:

  I would love to!

  Chris 9:07 am:

  Will you let me bring dinner?

  Danielle 9:09 am:

  Oh, you don’t have to do that. I invited you over.

  Chris 9:10 am:

  I know you did. But I also know how tired you’ve been lately. Let me bring dinner. Please.

  Danielle 9:12 am:

  Alright. :) Thank you.

  Chris 9:12 am:

  If I bring pizza for me and Ashlyn, what would you want me to bring for you?

  Danielle 9:13 am:

  Umm, nothing. I have a few things here that I can cook. It’ll be easier.

  Chris 9:13 am:

  :( Will you at least let me help you fix it?

  Danielle 9:14 am:

  LOL I’m too tired to argue, so sure.

  Ashlyn’s Diary:

  I keep a diary in order to remember details of my life and sort out my thoughts. But this is one of those days that I don’t think I’ll need help remembering, and I already know how I feel.

  Chris came over tonight. Just writing that makes me want to weep for joy all over again. Alright, alright. Let me slow down and explain what happened.

  There was a knock on the door. I paused and considered the time. It was near dinner time. “Mom,” I hollered toward her closed bedroom door.

  “Answer it, Ashlyn. Someone is bringing us dinner.”

  “Alright,” I hollered back, just as Momma was stepping into the living room.

  I opened the door, fully expecting to see one of the church ladies with a steamy casserole dish, and I was already praying it wasn’t another tuna casserole. But there wasn’t an old lady. There was Chris, and he was standing there with a wide grin and a box of pizza.

  The moment I saw him, my eyes watered and my heart did that stuttering thing. I was so happy, then so afraid. Momma made it clear I wasn’t to have anything to do with him, and she made sure of it too. I didn’t know how he found out where I lived, but I was afraid Momma would have him arrested for sure.

  But he didn’t run. He just stoo
d there and stared at me with his own watery eyes and big grin.

  Momma stepped up behind me. “Are you gonna let Chris in, darling?” She whispered it so softly, but I heard her full well.

  I could hardly take my eyes off of the man, but I forced myself to look at Momma, my brows dipped low.

  She didn’t say anything. She only smiled at me and patted my shoulder. Then she turned to Chris and took the box. “Come in, Chris.” She gave me a gentle nudge so I’d move and let him in.

  I stepped back as they both walked forward. Momma took the pizza and turned to the kitchen, while Chris stood in our house, grinning at me.

  My throat was thick and my chin quivered. It was one thing to see him again, but it was another to be reminded that I had lied to him. “I’m sorry,” I said, but it came out with an embarrassing squeak. “I-I know what I did was wrong. You’re probably mad at me. I’d be mad at me too.”

  “I’m not mad,” he said, his voice low and scratchy. Maybe his throat was as thick as mine.

  I studied him.“But I lied to you. I almost got you arrested. I-I didn’t mean to,” I rushed on to explain.

  He gave me a wobbly smile.“I’m not saying what you did was right. But I’m not mad at you, Ashlyn. I never was.”

  That was enough for me. I threw myself at his middle and squeezed him for all I was worth. But he squeezed me right back.

  There was something in that hug that made me feel as if my heart was finally snapped into place. My Sunday School teacher had once said that God was my father, and that I didn’t need to want for one, but that maybe He would still bring me another. There is great comfort in knowing I have a Heavenly Father that never sleeps and always loves me with a perfect, unending love. But there’s also something special about knowing the physical touch of an earthly father. I mean, God gave Jesus an earthly father, right? I know I’m getting ahead of myself. Chris only came over for dinner. But still, a girl can dream, can’t she?

  It was some time before I let him go, and when I did, I turned around to find Momma wiping her eyes.

  “You did this? You brought him back?” I wiped the tears from my own eyes.

  Momma only nodded.

  My jaw dropped. I mean, I was happy he was here, but I just didn’t understand her. “Why? How? I-I thought you said he was the devil, or something.”

  Momma snickered and flicked a glance at Chris, who was biting back his own smile. Her cheeks colored a tad, but she didn’t apologize or deny anything. “I’ve had some time to get to know Chris, and I’ve had a change of heart.” Her face went from soft to stern in less than a heartbeat. “That doesn’t mean I want you sneaking around or communicating without my permission, but I …”

  My heart melted on the spot and new tears trailed my face. “You’ll let me talk to him again?”

  She nodded.

  “And I can have my cell phone back?”

  Momma threw up her hands. “One step at a time, Ashlyn.”

  “But how can I talk to him without my cell? I–”

  Momma waved her hands as if she were pressing me back. “Tonight, let’s just have dinner.”

  I stopped talking, and Momma let out a heavy sigh.

  I found out more of the details over dinner. These two had been talking and meeting while I was in school for weeks now. After Chris left, I was quizzing her, and she said she was just trying to check him out before letting me visit with him again, but I’ve seen the way those two look at each other over my head. Chris practically watched Momma half as much as he watched the game tonight, and I know how much he loves his hockey.

  Chapter Eighteen

  December 8, 2017

  Ashlyn’s Diary:

  Chris came over again tonight to watch the game. I’m almost afraid to write this down. I’m afraid I’ll jinx it, but Brother Stephen said that superstition is just another false idol, and that we shouldn’t worry over those things. I’m trying, Lord, I really am, but You know how important this is to me. Ok, I’ll do it. I’ll tell you that I think my mom is falling in love. Take tonight for example:

  We were watching the game. I was sitting on one end of the couch, and Chris was sitting on the other. Across from us, Momma was falling asleep in the chair, but you could tell she was trying so hard to stay awake. Me and Chris kept watching her nod off.

  Finally, Chris stood up. “I think I better go.”

  “What? Why? The game isn’t over.” It was a really close game, so I was shocked that he’d dare to move.

  He gave me a small smile and pointed to Momma. “Your mother needs to sleep, and she won’t be able to do that while I’m here.”

  My heart sank. Does she still not trust him?

  Momma must have heard him, because she stirred in her seat and blinked up at him. “Is the game over?”

  “No,” I grumbled.

  Chris shot me a stern look. Geez, he’s playing the dad card already. He turned back to Momma with a tender smile. They did that a lot. Always smiling at each other. “You’re ready for bed. I’ll go so you can get some sleep.”

  Momma sighed.

  I almost felt bad. She really did look drained tonight.

  She looked from me to him, then to the TV, and back again to Chris. “How much time is left in the game?”

  Chris grimaced. “Still have a whole period left, but we’re tied right now, so the game could run over.”

  Momma’s brows furrowed.

  The game came back from commercial break, and the sound of the commentators and the rowdy fans in the background was already pulling at everyone’s attention.

  Momma sighed. “I’ll try to stay up. I can rest a little more tomorrow. Sit, enjoy the game.”

  Chris looked like he was about to argue.

  I patted the cushion beside me. “Momma, come sit here, so if you doze off you won’t feel like you left us alone.”

  She eyed me, her cheeks turning pink. I didn’t mean to expose the elephant in the room, but if it made everyone comfortable in the end, I didn’t see the harm in it.

  “I can go,” Chris whispered.

  Momma gave him a shy smile. “No, it’s fine.”

  “Then come on,” Chris said, extending his hand out to her.

  She slipped her hand in his and allowed him to help her up. I’m not so sure Momma was exhausted enough to need a hands on escort to walk across our small living room, but I didn’t say anything as they held hands and settled down on the couch. I tried to keep my eyes on the game, but I was dying to know if they were still holding hands. I finally, casually of course, turned to Chris to say something, just so I could see their hands. I was disappointed to see her hands resting solo in her lap. I might have growled, but I hope I didn’t.

  I turned back to the game, and tried in vain to pay attention to what was happening, but my mind and ears were tuned in behind me.

  Minutes ticked by, and I slowly gave up on them and returned wholly to the game. There was some rustling and shifting behind me. I didn’t even try to play it cool, but whipped around to see what was happening. My heart lurched in my chest at the sight of Momma nestled into Chris’s side, his arm slung around her shoulders, and he was rubbing a thumb on her bicep. Momma’s eyes were closed, and her head was tipped to the side, so that she rested on his shoulder. Chris’s cheeks colored, but he sent me a smile. I turned around and found that I couldn’t control my toothy grin.

  Is this the answer to my prayer, Lord? Are they finally falling in love?

  Chapter Nineteen

  December 9, 2017

  Danielle and Macy:

  Macy 11:00 am:

  How are you feeling?

  Danielle 11:09 am:

  Better now. I just woke up from a nice nap. Chris stayed late last night because the game ran over.

  Can I ask you a question?

  Macy 11:12 am:


  Danielle 11:13 am:

  Do you think it’s weird for me to trust Chris with Ashlyn?

  Macy 11:14

  What do you mean? Has he done anything to give you concern?

  Danielle 11:14 am:

  No. Not at all, actually. I just … I don’t know. I guess I feel like I’m not supposed to trust him. I mean, what sort of mother allows her daughter to talk to a stranger for weeks without even knowing it?

  Macy 11:15 am:

  Lots of mothers. I guarantee it. These things happen sometimes. I’m not trying to make light of it or excuse it. But you’re beating yourself up for not knowing what was hidden from you. Ashlyn didn’t want you to know that she was talking to Chris. That’s why you didn’t. But God revealed it to you anyway. Be grateful for that and stop beating yourself up over what you couldn’t control. Believe me, if we could control our kids, they’d never step out of line, much less do anything stupid and dangerous behind our backs.

  Danielle 11:18 am:

  Thanks. So you don’t think it’d be wrong for me to trust him then?

  Macy 11:19 am:

  Honey, if he does or says ANYTHING that makes you uneasy, you better go with your gut. But what is this really about? You’ve been seeing the guy for weeks yourself. In fact, you’ve been talking to him longer than Ashlyn did. If he made you uncomfortable, would you still be talking to him?

  So, I’m thinking this is really about you not forgiving yourself, and you worrying over what everyone else is thinking. If Chris is the great guy you believe him to be, then you’d be crazy not to trust him.


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