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Page 9

by Mya O'Malley

  “Is this our first argument?” Ryan’s stormy blue eyes met hers.

  “No. Yes. Maybe.” Although she was still upset, she felt a smile begin to form.

  “I’ll try harder, Naomi. I will.”

  But he shouldn’t have to try at all. It should just come naturally. “Okay, Ryan. Thank you.”

  He leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on her lips.

  It was a start.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “IT’S HIM.” MAGGIE felt cold. “Oh, my God. He was standing right there. I swear he was.”

  R.J. peered toward the glass window. “Are you sure? I don’t see anyone there, sweetheart.”

  “But. He was.” She struggled to find the words. “I saw him.”

  “Okay. Try to calm down.”

  “You don’t believe me, do you?”

  “Of course I do. Just try to relax.”

  Maggie’s bottom lip quivered. He had seen her, seen the two of them sitting here dining together. My God, he had probably witnessed their kiss. It felt as if someone had just punched her in the gut. She was going to be sick, right here at this table in the quaint Italian restaurant.

  “Maggie. Are you okay? Talk to me.”

  She attempted to swallow back her fear. “I…I’m okay.”

  “You’re shaking. You’re far from okay.” R.J. steadied her trembling hands. “I won’t let him hurt you. Don’t you trust me?”

  She chose her words carefully. “I believe that you will try to keep me safe. Of course I trust you, R.J.”


  “But—it’s him I don’t trust. His head isn’t screwed on right. Something is wrong with him.”

  “And thank God you’re away from him.”

  It wasn’t that easy. It couldn’t be. “You didn’t see that look in his eyes.” It made her blood run cold, just thinking about the cold, hard stare.

  “What would you like to do? Should we go to the police? Tell them he’s following you around?”

  Right. She would be laughed out of the station. “He hasn’t broken the law. There’s no law against looking into a restaurant at your ex-girlfriend.”

  “You have a point there. But there must be something we can do.” R.J.’s hand rested on his chin.

  “That’s the thing. I don’t think there’s a damn thing we can do. I feel like a sitting duck.”

  He reached for her hand across the table. Maggie flinched, pulling away from him. “Don’t. He could see us.”

  R.J. sat up straight and placed his cloth napkin on the table. “And what is he going to do, Maggie? This is kind of crazy. I won’t hide my feelings for you, run around like we’re having a secret affair. We’re not doing anything wrong.”

  He was right. He was so right. But R.J. wasn’t there with her when she was alone at her place in the middle of the night when she heard the wind howling outside her door. R.J. couldn’t possibly understand how she locked every single door and window, rechecking each night before going to bed.

  “I need you to support me here. For now, I want to be careful.”

  Her gut cried out for caution. She believed strongly in her feelings. Now wasn’t the time to turn her back on intuition.

  R.J. sat back in his chair, his mouth turned into a frown. “Fine. We do it your way. For now. If anything else happens though, your ex-boyfriend is going to get a visit from me.”

  Her intuition kicked into full gear once more. It was telling her that now she didn’t have only herself to worry about, but also the safety of R.J.

  “ARE YOU SURE you don’t want me to come in?” They were outside her place and R.J.’s eyes pleaded with her. Maggie just wanted to put an end to this day, wake up with a fresh start. But looking at her handsome friend standing before her, she wavered.

  “I don’t know. I’m kind of tired.” She glanced over her shoulder, searching for any dark figures out there in the night.

  “He’s not here. I’m with you, right here by your side.”

  “Okay, R.J.”

  “How about I come in for just a few minutes, make sure you’re settled in safely? This is part of my job, you know. I promised to keep you safe from harm.” He drew closer, wiggling his eyebrows.

  Maggie felt her resolve start to fade. “Who’s going to keep me safe from you?” she giggled.

  He leaned closer, kissing her softly. Her heart swelled and then she remembered they were out here in plain sight, for anyone to see.

  “Come inside.” She unlocked her door and pulled him inside. Before she had a chance to take off her coat or put her purse down, R.J. pressed her against the kitchen wall.

  “Is this okay? Nobody can see us now.” He kissed her more deeply, stirring feelings in her that had been dormant before meeting him. Where had this guy been her whole life? She was just happy she had found him.

  “R.J.” She needed to know if he felt the same way.

  “What? What’s the matter?” He smoothed her face with his hands, his eyes wide with concern.

  “Nothing. It’s okay. I just want to know if you’re feeling this. Are you feeling the same thing?”

  “You mean, this… between us?” He kissed her bottom lip, tugging at it with his mouth.


  “You’d better believe it.” He silenced her with his kiss.

  Chapter Fifteen


  TODAY WOULD PROVE to be the most difficult part of their research. Ryan had expressed some concern about intruding on Maggie’s parents. He worried that their presence and questions would stir up raw feelings.

  “I see what you’re saying, but just think, if we solve this mystery, they can finally get closure and see justice done.”

  “But what if her drowning was truly an accident and we’re bringing all this to light for no reason? What then?”

  “I trust my feelings. Something’s off here and I’m rarely wrong. It’s a chance we’re going to have to take.”

  “Fine. You win. But I’m staying in the car.”

  She turned to face him. “Are you serious?” He was starting to piss her off. “Are you or are you not part of this team?”

  “I am half of this team, and therefore, I get to make decisions too. We compromise on this one. Question her parents, but I’ll sit this one out. It’s too painful for me to see her parents, to look at the hurt in their eyes.”

  “Fine, Ryan. Fine.” She pulled her car up to the address written on the Post-it note. This was it. Before she could change her mind, she slammed the car into park and opened the car door without even glancing at Ryan.

  His words must have been getting to her, because she felt anxious as she pressed on the doorbell. What if this was the wrong thing to do? What if by rehashing the events of Maggie’s death, she only brought more pain?

  Justice. She had to remember that the justice would be well worth it.

  Taking in a deep breath and then releasing it, she pressed firmly on the doorbell once more. She could feel her heart race steadily.

  A sweet-faced brunette opened the door. Upon looking closer, Naomi saw deep frown lines.

  “Hi. Can I help you?”

  Naomi stumbled on her words. “I… um. My name is Naomi and I’m a local writer.”

  A tall, balding man came up behind the woman. She could see the dark circles etched under his eyes. She wondered when the two had last gotten a good night’s sleep. She doubted they ever would.

  “What’s this about?”

  Naomi met the man’s gaze. Perhaps Ryan was correct in feeling this was the wrong thing to do. It was too late now, though.

  “It’s about your daughter.” Naomi could see the grim exchange between the mother and father. The man placed a firm hand in his wife’s shoulder.

  “What do you want from us?” the woman spoke.

  “Can I come in please?” Naomi turned to glance at Ryan sitting in the car. His eyes were averted to the side.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea,�
�� Mr. Field responded quickly.

  “Let her come in. Please.” Mrs. Field turned to face her husband.

  She half expected to be thrown out on her face, but to her surprise, she was invited into their home.

  “Come sit down, please.” Mrs. Field led the way to a small living area.

  “Thank you. Thank you both.” She glanced at Mr. Field but he avoided eye contact.

  “Can I get you something to drink, dear?”

  “No, thank you, Mrs. Field. I promise I won’t take up too much of your time.” How did one even begin a topic like the one she planned to deliver?

  “Like I said, I’m a writer. I live out near the cemetery.” This wasn’t going to be easy. Maggie’s father clutched his wife’s hand.

  “I don’t know how to tell you this. I know it’s going to sound crazy but…”

  “But, you think there’s foul play involved.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Field. Oh my God, I can’t believe you just said that. Do you mind me asking why you feel that way?”

  “Honey, this isn’t healthy for you. We agreed to let this rest.” Mr. Field stood to pace the room.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Field, but if I didn’t feel strongly about this, I would never bother you.”

  “She didn’t know anyone with a boat, for one thing.”

  Naomi nodded, waiting for the woman to continue.

  “Another thing? She was a strong swimmer. I’m not buying this story. Pieces of it just don’t fit. Do you know what I’m saying?”

  “I do. I know exactly what you’re saying. That’s why I’m here.”

  “Wait a minute here. First of all, with all due respect, honey, Maggie could have had friends we weren’t aware of, we don’t know that she wasn’t out on a boat. And Naomi, is it?” He turned to face Naomi now. “Why would a writer suddenly develop an interest in a story that’s been cold now for years?”

  “Mr. Field, if I told you, I’m not sure you’d believe me.”

  “Try me.”

  “Okay. I recently moved into the house that borders the cemetery and I walk out there sometimes.” Naomi figured she could skip the part where Zelda pranced over Maggie’s grave.

  “I developed a particular curiosity over Maggie’s story. I was drawn to her, if you will.”

  “Oh, come on.”

  “Let her finish,” Mrs. Fields interjected.

  “There’s more.” This would be the difficult part. “I’ve seen things, heard things.”

  “Like what?”

  “Mr. Field, Mrs. Field? Do you believe in ghosts?”

  “Okay, that’s it. You’ve said enough here.” Mr. Field walked toward the edge of the living room. “Time to go.” He pointed his finger toward the door.

  Naomi glanced at Maggie’s mother, hoping she would intervene. Her mother’s face appeared ashen, still.

  “I said, time’s up.”

  It was no use. She had tried and had only succeeded in upsetting these two struggling people.

  “Wait,” Mrs. Field spoke softly at first and then raised her voice. “Tom, let her stay.”

  “Virginia, please.”

  “Let her stay.” Virginia Field met her gaze directly. “Sit.”

  With some hesitation, Mr. Field finally took a seat beside his wife on the couch. Naomi was seated in a chair across from them.

  “I believe. I believe in ghosts. I believe you, Naomi. Please tell me, what has she said, done?”

  Mr. Field placed his head in his hands.

  “Nothing other than moving things around, showing her form at times.”

  “It’s Maggie, isn’t it?” Mrs. Field leaped to her feet, grabbing a photograph from above her fireplace. “Here’s a picture of her. Is this the woman you saw?”

  Naomi’s heart broke at the look of hope in the mother’s eyes. She glanced down at the picture of Maggie T. Field. She took in the smiling blonde woman with clear blue eyes. Maggie had been a stunning, beautiful woman, just as she had imagined.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t seen her face. I can only assume it is.” Naomi’s mind went to the image of blonde hair fading into the night near Maggie’s headstone. “I’m pretty sure she’s trying to tell me something, or maybe she’s asking for closure. I haven’t quite figured out what she’s trying to tell me.”

  “Why wouldn’t she come here? Why not to her own parents?” At least Mr. Field was talking now. “I mean, I’m not saying I believe you, but let’s just say I believed in ghosts. Why you?”

  “That I’m not sure about. Maybe because I’m a writer? One theory is that she wants me to write her story, therefore giving her closure. Another reason may very well be the close proximity of my house to the cemetery.”

  “Yes. I could see any of those reasons. What are we going to do?” Mrs. Field gazed at Naomi with hopeful eyes.

  “For one, I’m trying to gather facts concerning the accident. That’s another reason I’m here. My friend Ryan and I are investigating your daughter’s accident, and we came upon a dead end at the police station.”

  “You had the pleasure of meeting Officer Frank then?”

  It was the first time Naomi had seen Mr. Field crack a smile. “Yes, Mr. Field, and let me assure you, it was no pleasure.”

  That earned a chuckle from him. “Call me Tom.”

  “Thank you, Tom. Is there any possibility you guys could put some more pressure on Officer Frank? I get the sense that he’s not giving up all of the information from that day.”

  “We could try again, I suppose. But back when the investigation was open, he was very firm in his belief that it was an accident,” Mrs. Field offered.

  “Yes, I was told the same. Still, I feel like he’s hiding something.” Naomi bit her lip.

  Tom glanced back and forth between Naomi and his wife. “You both feel the same about Officer Frank? Honey, did you get the impression he was keeping something from us?”

  “I do now. At the time, I just remember feeling that he was a real ass.”


  Naomi got the sense that Mrs. Field didn’t swear often.

  “I think it’s pretty clear we all feel the same.” Naomi chuckled as she watched the exchange between Maggie’s parents. These two held such love for their daughter, for one another.

  “So let’s make a plan. How about we shake up Officer Frank, and if we’re still not pleased with his efforts, let’s try to get another officer on the case,” Tom suggested.

  “It’s a plan. We’ll keep in touch. If anything comes up, anything at all, give me a call.”

  “Of course, dear. Same with you. If your spirit over there says anything to prove she’s Maggie, please let us know,” Virginia said.

  “Without a doubt.” Naomi fumbled through her purse and scribbled her cell number down on a Post-it note that she kept handy. “Here’s my number. Don’t hesitate to call.”

  Mr. Field rattled off his home number and both of their cell numbers. She stood to leave, glancing around the house once more. She could almost imagine Maggie playing here as a small child. A home filled with love and warmth.

  “Naomi?” Virginia moved toward her and wrapped her in a hug. “Thank you for caring and listening when no one else would.”

  Tears pooled in Naomi’s eyes. She vowed then and there that she wouldn’t give up on Maggie.

  Not now.

  Chapter Sixteen


  RYAN WAS QUIET the entire ride back to the parking lot of the coffee shop. She understood why he felt uncomfortable involving Maggie’s parents in their investigation, but after she had shared the outcome, he should have felt better.

  The parking lot was busier now that it was getting close to lunchtime. Naomi turned to face Ryan.

  ‘What is it?”

  “I think it was a mistake to get their hopes up, to bother them. I’m sorry, but this isn’t sitting right with me.”

  “So, what do you suggest? We drop it?”

  “All evidence points toward the inc
ident being an accident, Naomi. You’re grasping at straws and now you’ve dredged up painful memories for her parents.”

  She didn’t know how to respond to him. She had to put it out there, had to know if he wanted to bail. “Then go. I’m used to working on my own anyway.”

  Ryan’s eyes shimmered with emotion. “That’s it? That’s what you want?”

  “It’s what you want. First the romance is gone, now your sense of adventure has all but diminished too.” She turned her face so he wouldn’t see her tears forming.

  “Dammit, Naomi. Dammit!” He slammed his hand against the car door, his emotional reaction startling her. “Don’t you see? I’m worried about you. I care for you. A lot.”

  She faced him once more as he reached over to wipe a tear from her cheek. Leaning toward her, Ryan kissed her mouth. His kiss left her wanting more.

  “Thank you, Ryan. That was nice.”

  “If you’re going to continue this crazy crusade, I have no choice but to follow.”

  This time she kissed him.

  HER MIND WAS full with the events of the day. Now that Maggie’s parents were on board and had similar doubts about their daughter’s death, Naomi’s drive had increased. This was now a mission of sorts and she wouldn’t rest until Maggie was at peace.

  Those damn dreams continued. Each time, she ran as if her life was in danger. It was unsettling. Still, Naomi wondered if the dreams would stop if she reached closure with Nick. But was it Nick that was seeking closure, or was it Maggie?

  Or was it both?

  Movement from the cupboard in the kitchen startled Naomi. Thinking it must be Maggie at play again, she advanced toward the cupboard and opened it. Zelda flew out in a frenzy.

  “Zelda! How on Earth did you get in there?”

  Naomi hadn’t even opened up the cabinet that morning before she left to meet Ryan. You know what? She didn’t even want to begin to imagine the circumstances.

  “Whatever the two of you have been up to today, leave me out of it. I have enough to deal with.” Zelda meowed a quick response to her comment before sprinting upstairs.


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