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Page 14

by Mya O'Malley

“No, I didn’t. I need to see you, but you have to promise me you won’t call the police. Just give me a chance to look you in the eye, and you’ll see I’m not lying.”

  “I need to see you too. No police. For now. But we meet in a public place and no funny business like last time.”

  “Promise. But wouldn’t it be easier to meet you at your place? Or mine?”

  “No way. A public place. Make it the diner on Main, in, say… ten minutes?”

  “I’m on my way. Be there in a few.”

  Naomi sighed heavily. “Could you just let me beat you there this one time?”

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing, Ryan. It was nothing.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  OF COURSE HE was sitting there, coffee in hand. Frustrating, even as a potential murderer.


  He stood to kiss her hello, but Naomi backed away, shaking her head. “Sit down, Ryan.”

  Pain reflected in his eyes as he looked at her. “Naomi.”


  He sighed, but followed her direction.

  Gazing at the man before her, she had a difficult time picturing him harming Maggie.

  But she couldn’t forget the lies and the deceit.

  He took hold of her hands from across the table. “I need you to look me in the eyes. I did not murder Maggie.”

  Lifting her head, she gazed into his blue eyes. Kindness, caring, and sadness met her.

  Damn him. She believed him. But it didn’t make any sense. Why did he lie about knowing her, loving her?

  “Why didn’t you tell me you knew her? Loved her?”

  He looked away from her for a moment and then returned his gaze to her face. “I know you’re not going to believe me, but I didn’t remember. Not until that moment you asked me if I was still in love with someone else.”

  “How—how could that be?”

  “I don’t know Naomi. Dammit, I don’t know. You have to believe me. It was as if I had blocked out the entire relationship.”

  “That’s impossible, Ryan. Unless you hit your head or something, it doesn’t make sense. I’m not going to sit here and listen to this nonsense.” She turned away, hugging her arms across her chest.

  “It’s crazy, I know it is.”

  “Okay, so let’s say I was going to buy into this amnesia story, and that’s a big ‘if.’ Why did you try to dissuade me from the investigation? It was like you sensed I was getting too close.”

  “That’s just it, Naomi. The closer we got, physically and emotionally, to the case and to each other, the stranger it all felt to me.”

  “That I believe,” Naomi huffed. “You certainly changed your attitude. Three hundred sixty degrees.”

  “I’m sorry. I really do like you.”

  “I know you do. I like you too, but you’re asking me to believe this ridiculous tale you’re spinning, and quite honestly, I’m afraid of you right now.”

  “Don’t be afraid of me.” He ran his hands through his hair. “What am I saying? I’m afraid of myself.”

  Her heart tugged as she saw his pain. “Ryan,” she began.

  “I need help. There’s so much I don’t remember.” He placed his head in his hands.

  “That’s probably a good idea.”

  “You think?” His tortured eyes met hers. “But what if, God forbid, I was responsible in some way?”

  “But you just said…”

  His fist hit the table. “I know what I said!”

  “Ryan,” she whispered as she glanced at customers nearby. “Relax, you’re causing a scene.”

  He looked up at her, his face stained with tears. Either he was the best actor around, or he was the most manipulative liar she had laid eyes on. Either way, he was screwed.

  “Help me, Naomi. Take me to a doctor. If I am responsible, then I want to be punished. I miss her so much, so much.”

  He wept openly now, and it literally brought her to tears. If he were an awful, horrible man, then would he be willing to go to jail? Unless the guilt became too much for him to bear.

  It was all circumstantial evidence at this point. Nobody knew the truth, not even Ryan, apparently.

  “I think I need to take myself into the police station.”


  “Yes, really. My gut is telling me that Maggie’s death wasn’t an accident. Let’s go. Now.”

  He pulled at her arm as she attempted to rise from her seat. “But…”

  Ryan threw a twenty dollar bill down on the table and steered Naomi to the door.

  “Twenty dollars for two cups of coffee? Now I know you’re not feeling well.”

  “This is no time for jokes, Naomi. I might be in serious trouble here.”

  True. “Sorry. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “I’ll meet you there,” he stated solemnly. “Hey, wait a minute. What happened with Nick?”

  “Oh, that. Nick was in my driveway, waiting for me earlier. I locked the doors to the car, and he just kept yelling at me.”

  “My God, Naomi. You need to tell the police when we’re there. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  Unless he spent the night — or several — in jail.

  Truth be told, she was pleased she wasn’t sharing a car ride with him over to the police station. She didn’t trust him yet. Hopefully, they could get past all of the difficulties facing them, but for now she was leery.

  “I’ll come by your house after we finish with the police. I can even spend the night, on the couch, of course.”

  Oh, hell no.

  “Ryan? Please don’t take offense to this, but I don’t want to be alone with you. Not yet.”

  He turned away. She had hurt him, but what other choice did he give her right now? Heck, most people she knew wouldn’t even be speaking to him if they were in her situation.

  Maybe she was being stupid, naïve, but given their past, she felt she owed it to him to at least accompany him to the police station.


  “I wouldn’t want to be alone with me, either.”

  “Listen, there’s still the theory of the ex-boyfriend, right?” She had a fleeting thought that the waiter, Ted, was most likely cleared in her mind.

  “I guess. I can’t remember if she even had one.”

  “That’s so strange. I bet something happened. You must have hit your head or something.”

  “Who knows? Maybe I’m just slowly losing my mind.”

  “We’ll figure this out, Ryan.”

  He leaned over to hug her, but still she backed away. “I need some space, Ryan.”

  “See you over there.” He headed toward his car. Watching him walk away, her heart ached.

  God, she hoped he was innocent, with every ounce of her being.


  “Are you kidding me? It’s been over an hour since I left your place.”

  Virginia shook her head as Tom paced the room. The cold, stark office held little warmth for this mission of theirs.

  “I see you’ve become reacquainted with Ryan, here.”

  Ryan sat with his head in his hands, not speaking.

  “Yes, um, we have.” Virginia’s eyes rolled to the ceiling.

  “Have you explained that you want another officer assigned to the case?” Naomi took the seat in between Virginia and Ryan.

  “We’ve tried, but so far, no answers. Right now we’re playing the waiting game.”

  “This is ridiculous.”

  “Ma’am, is there a problem?”

  “Yes, there is, as a matter of fact.” Naomi approached the desk as a middle-aged man rose to his feet. “Mr. and Mrs. Field are requesting another officer be assigned to their daughter’s case.”

  “I’m very well aware of their request, miss. Who are you, by the way?”

  “I’m a family friend.”

  “Well, family friend, I’m pretty sure this doesn’t concern you. We wil
l deal with the parents here.”

  “Then deal with them. Don’t make them sit here. Haven’t they been through enough?”

  Mr. Field stepped forward. “I want answers. Now. Are we or are we not getting a new officer for Maggie’s case?’

  “Sir, as I told you before, in order for your daughter’s case to be assigned to another officer, it has to be reopened. I’m afraid there doesn’t seem to be evidence of foul play here. Maggie drowned, and I’m sorry about that. I truly am, but dredging up the past isn’t going to help her.”

  From behind Naomi, she heard his voice. “I may have had a part in her death.”

  “Excuse me? Now who is this?” The officer barked.

  “I’m her boyfriend. Rather, I was her boyfriend.”

  “Now you need to open the case. Did you hear that? He may have been involved with her death.” Naomi knew why Ryan had chosen his words. He knew the officer would now have to investigate and therefore open up the case.

  “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I still need to go through Officer Hamlin, and then we’ll determine whether or not the case will be reassigned.”

  Naomi’s blood ran cold at the mention of the officer’s name. She took hold of the counter before her to stop herself from falling.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she practiced controlled breathing.

  “Now wait just a minute here…” Tom’s voice rose as he leaned in toward the desk.

  “We do not want Officer Frank on the case any longer!” Virginia spoke up from across the room.

  “Are you listening to me? I may have killed the woman I love!” Ryan’s voice boomed out.

  The room spun around her. “Stop it, all of you, just stop it!” Naomi cried out. She had succeeded in silencing everyone. A bit of calm had been restored.

  Every eye was on her. Choosing her words carefully, Naomi spoke softly now. “Can you please repeat Officer Frank’s name?”

  “What’s gotten into you?” Ryan asked.

  “What’s his name?” she repeated, louder this time.

  “Officer Frank Hamlin. What’s the problem?”

  “Oh my God. Oh my God. Ryan, that’s Nick’s last name.” Her mind swam with possibilities. “Does he have a nephew named Nick?”

  The officer squinted his eyes. “I have no clue.”

  “It has to be his uncle. Ryan, I remember Nick saying his uncle was a cop. God, why didn’t I think of this before?”

  “What are you getting at here?”

  Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome and Mr. Average.

  Average. It couldn’t be Nick, could it?

  “Nick is attractive, but I suppose he could be described as average looking.”

  “Huh?” Ryan scratched at his face.

  “It’s Nick. I think she dated Nick before you.” And if that was the case, there were so many possible scenarios for this crime.

  “I want to see Officer Frank immediately,” Naomi commanded.

  “Miss, it doesn’t work that way,” the officer explained.

  “Well it damn well better work that way this time. Get him here, now, or I’ll ask to speak with your superior.”

  “Oh lady, you’re killing me.” He picked up the phone.

  “The best I can do is call his partner in. Officer Marty will be here in a while.”

  His partner? How had she forgotten? Of course he would have a partner, and Naomi was pretty sure his partner wouldn’t harbor a possible murder suspect for a nephew.

  “Great. We have all night,” Naomi stated as she walked back to her seat and made herself comfortable.

  Minutes passed as they waited silently. Naomi could only imagine the conflicted feelings Maggie’s parents must be dealing with, having Ryan sitting here so close beside them. As far as they were concerned, Ryan could very well be the murderer of their daughter.

  She sensed it wasn’t true, but she had been wrong before.

  The door to the outside opened as a stunning blonde-haired woman walked into the room.

  “Officer Miriam Marty here. What can I do for you, folks?”

  Ryan’s mouth hung open as he watched Miriam walk up to the front desk.

  “Close your mouth, Ryan, before you catch flies.” Men.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “R.J., THIS IS so beautiful.” Maggie spread her arms wide and her head toward the warmth of the sunlight.

  “You are beautiful.” He grabbed hold of her waist and led her down to the blanket.

  She stumbled slightly and giggled.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that someone had too much wine.”

  “Yes, well, then you shouldn’t be trying to get me tipsy.” But she felt wonderful, and the slight buzz wasn’t hurting.

  She reached for her glass.

  “Ah, I think you’ve had enough. I want you clearheaded for this.”

  “Huh? For what?” She popped a ripe grape into his mouth.

  “Hey,” he mumbled.

  He was quiet then.

  Maggie noticed that he had turned serious. “What is it?”

  “Maggie. I know that we haven’t been dating long, but I feel like we’ve grown so close.”

  She swallowed.

  “And you mean so much to me. I…”

  “Honey, what is it?”

  “I’m falling in love with you.”

  Oh God. This is where it had all gone wrong last time. Panic rose in her chest.

  Those three little words had turned her world around. And not in a good way.

  “Oh, R.J.” She didn’t want to ruin this with those game-changing words.

  “I love you, Maggie. I’m not afraid to say it.” His voice rose with passion.

  “R.J.!” She glanced around.

  “What are you afraid of? I’ll shout it out as loud as I can. Maggie, I love you!”

  It was ridiculous of her to think her ex could possibly hear R.J., but after being so careful in town, she felt funny hearing R.J. shout his words of love.

  He reached for her and rolled her around on the picnic blanket. Placing his lips on her mouth, he kissed her. She melted into his kiss. She loved this.

  She loved him.

  She just admitted it to herself, but she had known for some time now. Telling R.J. was a different matter. But then, he wasn’t anything like her ex. They were worlds apart.

  She broke free from his kiss, just for one small moment, and smiled. She could do this.

  Maggie pointed at her heart. “I love you, too.”

  Her mouth met his in a hungry kiss. His hands roamed over her back. This elated feeling was brand new. She gave in to her admission: she loved this man.

  She loved him.

  A sharp sound coming from the edge of the woods caught her attention. “What was that?” Pulling away from him, she sat up straight.

  “Come on, Maggie, get back here,” R.J. pleaded as he tugged on her arm.

  What is that? Maggie leaned over, squinting her eyes in the bright sunlight. The sound of crunching leaves could have been made by a deer. She thought she spied movement. Leaning closer still, Maggie gasped.

  “Oh no, R.J.!”

  “Stay perfectly still, Maggie. Don’t move, I’m right here,” R.J. whispered as he clutched her hand in his.

  She closed her eyes tightly, silently praying.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “DON’T YOU SEE now why we’re so concerned?” Mrs. Field pleaded after they had spent the past hour sharing everything they felt about Maggie’s case.

  Officer Marty shook her head firmly. “Let me see if I got this straight. Ryan, you think you might be responsible for your girlfriend’s death?”

  “No, that’s not what he said at all,” Naomi cried out. Instinctively, she wished to protect him.

  “Isn’t it, though?” Officer Marty turned to look at Ryan. “Well?”

  “I’m not sure. I believe I’m suffering from some type of amnesia. I can’t remem
ber anything about the circumstances of her death.”

  A bitter laugh came from the officer. “Sir, with all due respect, your story has an awful lot of holes in it.”

  “An awful lot,” Mr. Field chimed in, glaring at Ryan.

  ‘I’m sorry, Virginia and Tom, for what I did or didn’t do,” Ryan exclaimed.

  “Okay, Ryan. I think one thing is pretty clear here. You need some help. Oh, and don’t leave town. You’ll be my first interview bright and early tomorrow morning. ” Ryan nodded in agreement to the officer’s statement.

  “Another thing is also clear. It seems that Maggie’s case should, indeed, be reopened. Officer Frank and I will both be working on the case. I’m sorry, that’s just the way it works.”

  “But, didn’t you hear what I said before?” Naomi had told the officer all about her suspicions that Nick and Officer Frank were related.

  “Of course I heard you, but even if they are related, it doesn’t mean that Nick knew Maggie, and it certainly doesn’t mean that Nick killed her.”

  “But, don’t you see…”

  “Naomi, just because you’re writing a story doesn’t mean you have any rights here. Besides, I will do my job thoroughly. You can count on that.”

  “It’s not just a story to me.” Naomi pouted.

  “Okay, let me rephrase it then, if you will. Just because Maggie’s ghost is living with you, doesn’t give you any legal say here.”

  Officer Marty was mocking her, and it pissed her off. “You don’t have to take that tone, Officer Marty. I’m trying to help Mr. and Mrs. Field and Maggie here.”

  “She’s the only one who has cared about what has happened to our daughter since this whole thing happened,” Mrs. Field interjected.

  Throwing her head down, Officer Marty sighed. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you.” At least she seemed to have a heart, unlike Officer Frank.

  “Look, this can’t be easy for anyone here, and I feel awful that your daughter has died. I will make it a priority to find out the truth.”

  “Thank you. I actually think I believe you, Officer Marty.” Mr. Field extended his hand to her.

  “Please try to do whatever is in your power to keep Officer Frank away from your research. I have a very bad feeling about him,” Mrs. Field shared.


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