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by Mya O'Malley

  “I know I am.”

  Bryce’s lips met hers as her heart soared.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  “COME ON. IT’S just a little bit further.”

  Glancing back in the direction from which they had come, Maggie cringed. “How about we call it quits for now? This looks like a nice spot.”

  “Here? But there’s no view. Come on, don’t you trust me?”

  Crunching leaves again. “Did you hear that? This time I’m sure, R.J. What was that?”

  “Oh, come on now. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re just trying to get out of this.”

  He knew her very well, indeed. But she had heard something. Maybe the wine was going to her head.

  There it was again. “No, R.J. I’m serious.” She tugged on his hand, slowing him down.

  “Fine.” He lifted his hand to his eyes, scanning the area. “Just like I thought. Nothing.” He grabbed her hand.

  “You barely looked.” But the sound had stopped. A large animal would have been easy to spot, so it could have been a smaller animal, she told herself. Even as she considered the idea, she immediately dismissed it.

  “I’m concerned. Whoever or whatever made the noise, it has to be big. A chipmunk does not move around like that.”

  “Maggie. What do you want me to do? I listened. I looked. Do you want to go back? Is that what you want?”

  “Well,” Maggie began. Disappointment etched his face. He had gone through so much trouble to plan the day out. She spun around to gaze at the woods once more. He was right; whatever had been lurking around appeared to be gone.

  “No, it’s okay.”

  He yanked her arm, leading her up the rocky dirt path. “Good, we’re almost there.”

  Worrisome thoughts about the noises in the woods were pushed to the side momentarily. They were quickly replaced by concerns of the high cliffs they were approaching.

  “R.J., that’s close enough.” She came to a stop on the path.

  “Maggie, do you see that tree up ahead?” He pointed to a large oak tree.

  She squinted her eyes at its close proximity to the edge of the cliff. “Yeah, I see it.”

  “That’s as far as we’ll go. I promise.”

  “Oh, that would be a definitive no.”

  He spread his arms wide. “Oh, come on. Do you think I would let anything happen to you?”

  She chose her words carefully. “How should I put this?” She bit her lip. “I don’t think you would purposely allow anything to happen to me, but accidents do happen, R.J.”

  R.J. sighed heavily, throwing his hands down by his side. “Sure, accidents do happen, but not with me.”

  “Famous last words,” Maggie muttered, standing her ground.

  “Pretty please?” R.J.’s blue eyes bore into her. His lower lip jutted out.

  “Are you pouting?” Maggie’s eyes went wide.

  He continued his charade. “Maybe just a little?”

  Shaking her head, Maggie crossed her arms over her chest. She peeked over toward the direction of the cliff.

  “R.J., I’ve been a good sport, coming up here with you, and I’ve gotten close enough the past few times I’ve been here with you.”

  “Do you remember when I told you I love you?” He stepped forward, clasping her small hands in his.

  “Yes, of course I remember.”

  “I only want to help. I love you, and I want you to conquer your fears, honey.”

  “But what if I don’t have the desire to overcome my fears? What if I’m perfectly content being afraid of heights?”

  “Do you want to know what I think?” R.J. kept hold of her hands. “I believe that you, Maggie, are overthinking this whole thing. All I want to do is enjoy the beautiful view with you and make a memory.”

  Make a memory. It did sound romantic and maybe she was acting a bit like a baby. It wasn’t like R.J. wouldn’t be there with her, to hold her, kiss her.

  Stepping forward, she blew out a breath. “You’re right, R.J.”

  He kissed her. “It’s right up here.” He led her forward, hiking up the rest of the short, winding path.

  Her heart raced, but she kept her focus and allowed him to guide her up to the very top of the path, to a grassy clearing right by the edge of the cliff.

  “Just a step closer, right near the tree.”

  Keeping her eyes straight ahead, her knees shook as she reached out and hugged the large oak tree before her.

  “Oh my God, I did it.” She closed her eyes and swore under her breath. R.J. closed his arms around her. Taking in his smiling face, she figured it was worth it. This euphoric feeling of being up here with the man she loved was all-consuming.

  “Yes, you sure did,” he whispered, pulling her closer until her mouth was inches from his. She gave in to his kiss.

  When R.J. released her, he took her hand and gently led her forward. “You didn’t really look. Come see, it’s an amazing view. I’ve got you.”

  She could do this, even with her wobbly legs and booming chest. Finally, when she thought he would never stop, he rested at a spot about three feet from the edge. She had to admit the view was breathtaking.

  Maggie nodded fiercely, holding her breath. “It’s beautiful,” she managed and then shut her eyes tight.

  “Enough torture for Maggie Field today. I want to show you something.” She opened her eyes as R.J.’s face lit up.

  “What are you doing?” Maggie watched as R.J. removed a Swiss Army Knife from the back pocket of his jeans.

  Funny, she wasn’t aware that he carried a knife with him.

  “What are you doing with that, R.J.?” Maggie repeated, her eyes fixed on his every move.


  TRUE TO HIS word, Bryce was at her house early the next morning. Naomi took a last sip of her coffee and grabbed her coat.

  “Ready?” Bryce rinsed out his coffee mug.

  “I’m ready. I feel good about this. It feels like I’m finally on the right track.”

  “I’m glad.” Bryce leaned over and kissed her gently.

  “And I’m glad you’re part of this now.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He squeezed her hands. “Come on, let’s do this.”

  The chilly air hit her as she opened the door. It would be a cold day ahead of them, but she was glad to have Bryce beside her to keep her warm.

  Neither spoke as they took the short drive to the cliffs by the Hudson River. A few times, Naomi peeked over at Bryce while he was driving. His boyish good looks were only enhanced by the fact he hadn’t shaved that morning. She kind of liked his stubble, it made him even sexier.

  “This is it.” Bryce pulled his truck into a parking spot by the woods.

  Naomi practically jumped out of her side of the car and rushed forward toward the woods.

  “Someone had too much coffee this morning,” Bryce teased.

  “It’s not the caffeine.” Her eyes were straight ahead on the clearing in the woods. “Come on.”

  Hand in hand, they made their way up the path. Naomi led the way, but she wasn’t sure where she was even headed. This was the setting of all her dreams, but the problem was, it all looked the same.

  Think, Naomi. Think.

  There were clues.

  The boulder, the heart etching in the tree, the cliffs.

  “Shoot, Bryce. I don’t know where to begin.”

  “Then we keep on walking. Calm down, Naomi.”

  He was right. Getting herself all worked up wouldn’t serve any purpose. Keep walking.

  An eerie feeling crept over her as they made their way up the path closer to the top of the mountain. In her sleep, she had been terrified in these woods. Here now, in the light of day with Bryce, it was safer, of course, but still ominous.

  “You okay?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Naomi grabbed his hand as they made their way to the edge of the cliff.

  Where was that spot with the boulder?
Nothing looked right up here except for the fact that they were on the top of the mountain, looking down at the river below. Her legs shook slightly as she peered down.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I don’t know. I’m trying to see if I can spot anything familiar.” Scanning the area, she frowned.

  “Let’s move around.” He took her hand and led her to another area overlooking the river.

  Together, they scouted the area, walking several miles before sitting down in a grassy clearing further down the path.

  “We’ve been at this for hours. I’m done.” Naomi rested her head on Bryce’s shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and sighed. The cold air bit at her cheeks as she warmed up in Bryce’s embrace.

  “Too bad we don’t have any wine.”


  “Sure, this would be a great spot for a picnic,” Bryce said.

  “I guess.” She wasn’t in the mood to think about picnics or anything else.

  “Holly would love this place. She’s all about the outdoors, that kid.”

  “How is she doing with the move and all?”

  “She’s resilient, I think most kids are. She loves you, by the way.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “She’s at her aunt’s house today?”

  “Yup. She had a sleepover at my sister’s last night. She loves spending time with her cousins.”

  “That’s nice. It must be difficult for her to be away from her mother.”

  “It’s for the best, believe me. Genna is a piece of work, to put it politely.” He shook his head. Naomi recalled that he never got around to telling her what had happened with his ex. With all the chaos going on around her, she had forgotten to ask him about Holly’s mother.

  “I’m so sorry. You never did get to tell me about Genna.”

  Bryce frowned as he moved his eyes to the ground. “I guess there’s not much to tell. She took off, after having an affair, that is. Seems she met some guy at work and it was going on right under my nose. I was too blind to see it. Last thing I knew, she had moved down South with the guy.”

  “Oh, Bryce. I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how you must feel.”

  “Heck, like I said, it’s for the best. She was a crappy wife and a worse mother. She did us both a favor.”

  “You’re an amazing father. Holly will be fine, I know it.”

  “Thank you. What do you say we head back? Holly’s due to come home soon and it’s getting pretty cold.”

  Bryce stood and then helped Naomi to her feet. She was glad to have this time with Bryce but felt defeated that she hadn’t discovered any clues to the murder. Maggie would just have to understand. Perhaps she would even give her some more help if she decided to come back around the house, that is.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  SHE SAW HIS face, his startling blue eyes caught her breath. She was dreaming again, part of her knew it was a dream, but like it goes with being in a dream state, her lucidity was fleeting. Ryan, she cried out, touching his cheek.

  He lifted a glass of wine to toast her. She felt an odd sensation as she pointed and then placed her hand over her chest. Her heart had opened to him. Then, the warmth had vanished.

  Spinning around frantically, she took in her surroundings. It was the grassy spot she and Bryce had been resting at that day. Everything was muddled around her and then she heard a distinctive crunching sound coming from the woods. If she could only make out what it was…

  Fear spread though her, taking hold until her chest thundered wildly. They had to leave, but Ryan wouldn’t budge.

  Let’s go, she screamed in his face, pulling him, but he sat firmly on the ground, smiling and shaking his head over and over.

  A sudden flash of Nick’s face popped into her mind before she woke, sweat sticking to her pajama top. Her hand shook as she reached for her cell phone on the nightstand.

  “Come on, answer the phone, dammit!” Visions of her dream came flashing back, taking hold of her.

  “Holly!” The little girl’s voice forced her back to reality.

  “Who’s this?”

  “Holly. It’s Naomi, from next door.”

  “I know where you live, silly Nomi. Are you coming over today to play?”

  “I… I don’t know, sweetie. I would love to, though. Is your daddy there?”

  She could hear Holly’s voice calling for Bryce. She chattered about a play date with Naomi.

  “Like I said, my daughter is smitten with you.”

  “Hey, Bryce. She’s adorable. Tell her I would love to play with her.” The idea of simply going over to Bryce’s and taking a break from all of this heartache that surrounded her held such appeal. But first, she had business to attend to.

  Bryce relayed the message to a squealing Holly. Biting her lip, she forced herself to breathe deeply as she waited for him to return to the phone.

  “Listen, Bryce. I had another dream. She’s telling me more. I have a new clue.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “That spot we were at yesterday, the one where you said we should picnic?” She took a breath. “They had a picnic there, Ryan and Maggie. I’m sure of it. He was raising a wine glass, toasting to Maggie. She heard a noise in the woods, Bryce. Someone was there, watching from the edge of the woods.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “No, Bryce. I wish I was. And there’s more. I think it was Nick.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “If I were to imagine that Maggie was giving me a message through these dreams, then yes, I’m sure.”

  “And Ryan? Do you think this clears him?”

  Hell, no. “I don’t think so. He is somehow involved in this. I just have to figure out how deeply.” She shivered at the memory of Ryan in her dream. The way he just continued to smile, the fact that he wouldn’t help her must mean something.

  “What are you going to do now?” he asked. She could hear Holly speaking to Bryce in the background.

  “I’m going back.”

  “Whoa. Slow down. When?”

  “This morning, as soon as I get myself dressed.”

  “Hell, Naomi. You can’t go up there by yourself. I have Holly here and I can’t go with you today.”

  “Bryce, I’m fine. I’ll be careful, promise.”

  “Naomi. I have a bad feeling about this. If you just wait until tomorrow when Holly is in school, I’ll see if I can go up there with you early, before I head to work for the day.”

  “That’s ridiculous. I’m not going to ask you to be late for work, and besides, I’m a grown woman. I can handle it.”

  She heard his resigned sigh through her phone. “Don’t you have someone who can go with you?”

  Amy would have a million questions, and she wouldn’t bother Maggie’s parents with this right now. “I said I’ll be fine.”

  “What about that police officer? Call her and tell her what’s happening. Maybe she’ll go with you.”

  “Oh yeah, right. I could just picture Officer Marty and me, going on a hike together. One of us would most likely throw the other off the cliff before the day was over.” She laughed bitterly.

  “That’s not funny. Listen, Ryan is on the loose. You know what they say about how criminals often revisit the scene of the crime.”

  He wasn’t going to let up. “Okay, if it makes you feel better, I’ll leave a message with Officer Marty telling her about the dream, and I’ll let her know I’m heading up there.”

  “I wish you would wait.”

  Naomi considered his request, but Maggie had waited long enough for closure, and Naomi knew she would go crazy sitting around the house.

  “I’m sorry, Bryce. I can’t.”

  “Promise you’ll make the call, and keep your cell on you. Call me the second you get to the woods. I want to be on the phone with you every step of the way.”

  It was sweet that he cared. “Yes, Bryce. Don’t worry.”

  “Famous last words.”

  “Don’t say that, even in joking.”

  Naomi hung up her cell and pondered over the dream once more. She needed a plan of action before heading up to the cliffs again. She would start in the grassy clearing and head up the path once more. This time she had some frame of reference. If she could find the tree with the carving, that would be incredible.

  Placing the call to the police station, she simply asked for Miriam’s voice mail. She wasn’t in the mood for Miriam’s crap today. Hell, she wouldn’t have made the call at all if it weren’t for the fact that she had promised Bryce.

  Her mind was on one thing only as she made the trip to the river once more.


  It seemed that Maggie had placed the responsibility of solving this crime on her, and she wouldn’t disappoint.

  Naomi sped into the nearly empty parking area, finding a spot and then slamming her car into park. The day was a bit milder than yesterday, so that was a plus at least. If Bryce were by her side again today, it would be even better.

  The sun warmed her cheeks as Naomi found the clearing and then headed further into the thick woods. A chill raced through her body as she experienced a strange sense of déjà vu. It was like it had appeared in her dreams. She was so close she could taste it.

  Naomi unbuttoned the top of her coat and quickened her pace until she stood in the center of the clearing. She gazed out at the surrounding woods where Nick most surely had been standing that day.

  “Maggie. I’m here. What happened that day? What are you trying to tell me?”

  Spinning her head to the side, she clutched her chest at the sound of a bird overhead. Thoughts that Ryan could be following her up here spooked her. Now she was overreacting to the natural sounds of the woods.

  “Damn you, Ryan. You were a wolf in sheep’s clothing the entire time, weren’t you?” she cried out.

  Her anger towards Ryan kept her motivated. She trudged her way up the path with tunnel vision. She would find the clues she was destined to discover. She had to. Any other option was unacceptable.

  Walking off the path, she found oak tree after oak tree, each one naked of the heart carving she sought out. She knew Ryan well; if she were him, where would she take a romantic date?


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