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Page 25

by Mya O'Malley

  Phil was due to arrive the next day from out West. Naomi had asked for him to stop by when he had a chance. Her plan involved getting him in a room with both herself and Miriam. If he didn’t take her word for the fact that Ryan was now a ghost, maybe he would believe a police officer.

  Maggie was characteristically silent. A harsh wind swept through the air, messing with Naomi’s hair. Shivering, Naomi wrapped her arms tightly around herself and said good night to Maggie’s grave. Crunching on the dried leaves, Naomi relaxed as she listened to the hooting of an owl nearby.

  Moonlight lit the narrow path leading back to her house. Bryce had said he would call to say good night to her soon. She had made a promise to Bryce that as soon as this mystery had come to an end, she would focus on other things. Things like their relationship, her book and above all, the real world. Living among the spirits didn’t do much to brighten her mood.

  But, she had come to find that living without them was far worse.

  She opened the door to find Zelda waiting for her. Peering down at her cat’s cute little face, she sighed. “Looks like it’s just you and me now, Zelda. You okay with that?”

  She knew Zelda was just as affected as she was by Maggie’s absence. Reaching down to grab her cat, Naomi cuddled her before placing her on the counter top. Normally, she never allowed Zelda to jump up on the counter, but tonight her melancholy mood overrode her silly rules.

  “That’s right, don’t get used to being up here, Zelda,” Naomi responded to Zelda’s content purring.

  Tonight, she would write. Over the past several days, she had knocked out a few chapters. The first chapters set the stage for the plot of the story, and in turn, evoked varied emotions from Naomi. It would get more distressing the deeper she got into weaving Maggie and Ryan’s tale.

  Was this what they wanted from her? If so, would they appear before her one last time? Either way, she had promised to write the story and she was intent on keeping her word. Flowing from her fingertips came the words that needed to be said. She barely noticed the time that slipped by while she was writing. It was always like that once she got into the groove.

  Stretching her legs, she padded into the kitchen to grab some decaf tea. She noticed her cell phone on the table. Shoot, Bryce had said he would call. She must have been at her desk for at least two hours.

  Sure enough, there was a missed call and a text from Bryce. Tried calling. Wanted to say goodnight. It’s late, I’ll talk to you in the morning. XOXO B

  Holding her phone to her chest, she swayed slightly. “Forgive me, Bryce. My head is so wrapped up in them. I promise you I’ll make it up to you.” She said the words aloud, even knowing Bryce couldn’t hear her plea.

  EARLY THE NEXT morning, Naomi rose before her bedside alarm sounded. Sleep still evaded her, and she guessed that it would for some time to come. She didn’t want to miss Phil’s visit. Since he claimed that he only had a few minutes to spend with her, she needed to make the most of her time.

  After a quick shower, Naomi ran to the store and purchased some bagels for them. Hopefully the smell of fresh coffee and warm bagels would be enough to entice him to stay for a while. The longer he stayed, the better her chances were at getting him to agree to lay Ryan to rest outside in the cemetery next to his soul mate.

  Miriam had texted that she was on her way, due to arrive without her partner again. Naomi couldn’t ignore the fact that she and Miriam were growing closer. Hell, they might even consider each other friends at this point.

  The table was set, and the unmistakable aroma of coffee drifted through the air. She paced the floor, trying to keep calm while waiting. Spying a car pulling up in the driveway, she walked over to the window and saw Miriam approaching. Good, it would be best if they presented a united front from the start.

  “Hey, good morning.”

  “Hi, Miriam. He should be arriving any minute. Come in, I have some fresh coffee on.”

  Miriam smiled at the sight of the bagels and coffee in the kitchen. “You sure know how to charm someone. Works for me.” She grabbed a cup and poured herself a piping hot cup of coffee. “Bagels, too?”

  “I go all out,” Naomi chuckled as she watched Miriam grab a poppy seed bagel. Naomi was too nervous to eat right now. She felt like pulling her hair out as she fixated on the clock.

  “He’s late,” Naomi commented.

  “He’ll come.”

  “How do you know that?” Naomi squinted her eyes at Miriam.

  “I don’t. Just trying to make you feel better.” She bit into her bagel. A smear of cream cheese stayed on her lip. Just as she was about to say something, memories of Ryan came flooding in. The way he would eat, oblivious to everything else around him.

  “He’s here.” Miriam leaned over the windowsill, watching a red Jeep pull up. “Not bad on the eyes, either,” Miriam whistled.

  She had never heard Miriam comment on a man in all the time she had known her. As a matter of fact, she realized right then that she had no idea what the officer’s romantic status was.

  “Here.” Naomi leaned over, dabbing at Miriam’s mouth with a napkin. “You’ve got a little cream cheese on your mouth.”

  Before Phil had a chance to knock on the door, Naomi and Miriam greeted him.

  Sucking in her breath, Naomi felt her knees buckle at the sight of Phil. Except for his shorter stature, he and Ryan could pass as twins. He looked a few years older than Ryan, as well. A few laugh lines did nothing to diminish his attractiveness.

  “Hi, I’m Naomi. It’s nice to meet you.” She extended her hand to him. Waiting for Miriam to introduce herself, she noticed the look in Phil’s eyes. He scanned Miriam up and down, his eyes finally resting on her face.

  Miriam, too, stood speechless. Naomi knocked her hip into Miriam, clearing her throat.

  “Oh. Nice to meet you. I’m Officer Marty. Call me Miriam.” Miriam blushed a deep red. So she is human, Naomi thought to herself with a grin.

  “Miriam. Nice to meet you.” Phil’s gaze remained fixed on her.

  “Come on. I have coffee and bagels inside.” Leading him to the table, Naomi watched as Miriam excused herself to the restroom. She was probably splashing cold water on her face as Naomi prepared Phil’s coffee.

  “So, Phil. I want to tell you that I was a good friend of your brother’s.”

  “Oh? How long ago did you meet him?”

  “I met him a few months ago,” Naomi managed. His direct gaze challenged her.

  “Really? So then you didn’t know him.” It wasn’t a question.

  “No, like I said, we became close friends.” It suddenly felt warm in here. Naomi pulled at the collar of her sweater.

  “When he was dead.”

  She gulped. “Yes.” Where the hell was Miriam?

  “I can’t believe I’m listening to this garbage. So Ryan’s ghost and you became fast friends?” He was mocking her. Damn, where was Miriam?

  “Yes. That’s right.”

  “And his ghostly form came to you and told you where to bury his body?”

  She glanced impatiently at the empty staircase. “It wasn’t exactly like


  “I’m going to call this as I see it. It’s bull.” He leaned forward, never breaking eye contact. Miriam may just have met her match with this guy. Sighing loudly, she turned her head at the sound of Miriam’s voice.

  “What’s bull?” She approached the table, looking a bit blotchy but less red than she had been minutes earlier.

  “This story. I’m not being sucked into it. What do you guys want? What’s your hidden agenda?”

  Miriam laughed wickedly. “Hidden agenda?” She edged closer to him. “Just what might our agenda be? Do you know how ridiculous you sound? What could we possibly have to gain from wanting Ryan’s body on this property?”

  “Well… I…”

  “Exactly.” Miriam placed a fist on the table in front of Phil. They sat, face-to-face.

  “Coffee anyone?” Naomi
stood as she whistled.

  “No.” They stated the response in unison. Wow. Tension hung thickly in the air.

  “Please just try to have an open mind. Now that you know why Ryan disappeared, just open your mind a bit. Clearly he and Maggie were dating. I’m not making any of this up.”

  “Hey, hold on there a second.” Miriam placed her hand on her chin and squinted at Phil. “Why the heck didn’t you report your brother as a missing person?”

  “Excellent question,” Naomi commented.

  “If you knew anything at all about my brother, you would know that he was a free spirit. Sometimes I went up to a year without hearing from him. He did email me a few times, though, over the past few years. Why would I think anything was amiss? Heck, you hung out with the guy and had no clue he was a ghost.”

  “He does have a point,” Miriam raised her brows at Naomi.

  “Well, yes. I suppose he wasn’t exactly what I’d call a missing person.” It baffled her that Maggie’s spirit was so different in form and that her communication was so stunted compared to Ryan. Her only theory was that since her body had been laid to rest, she wasn’t able to wander about the human world like her friend. Ryan had been in complete denial about his own death, so that had most likely been a huge factor as well.

  “There’s no point in arguing, Phil. Don’t waste our time, and we won’t waste yours. We’re coming together because both you and Naomi cared deeply for Ryan. But don’t forget who held his heart.”

  “Maggie,” Phil whispered, his head hung low.

  “Yes.” Miriam reached over and placed her hand over his. “If I didn’t say it before, I’m so sorry about your brother.”

  “Thank you.” Phil’s eyes misted over.

  It was working. But Naomi sensed sincerity in Miriam. This wasn’t part of the plan to persuade Phil over to their side of thinking. This was genuine empathy coming from Miriam. Interesting.

  “Fine, ladies. You get your way. Can I have some coffee, please?”

  “Thank you!” Miriam impulsively jumped from her chair and wrapped her arms around him.

  Naomi looked on, smiling. Something was definitely up with Miriam. It was rare for her to show anyone her soft side. That took trust and time.

  Phil finished up his cup of coffee and excused himself. He asked Miriam if she wouldn’t mind walking him out to discuss some of the details of the case.

  “Sure. Hey, there’s a small park around the corner if you want to take a walk,” Miriam suggested.

  “That sounds good, but I have to grab my gloves from the back of my car. Do you have gloves?”

  “Nah. I’m fine,” Miriam shrugged. Naomi watched in fascination as they walked to his car and he grabbed his gloves. After some discussion, he placed the gloves in Miriam’s hands.

  “Well, I’ll be.” Naomi grinned as she witnessed them together. She couldn’t blame Miriam for being smitten. He was Ryan’s brother, after all.

  Closing the main door to her house, Naomi leaned against it as her mind wandered to her own romance with Bryce. She owed him a phone call and hoped he wasn’t angry with her for not calling him back last night.


  She smiled at the sound of his deep voice. All male, very sexy.

  “Hey. I wanted to apologize for last night. I was caught up writing and didn’t hear the phone ring.”

  “No worries. Did you get much accomplished?”

  “I think so. It’s so emotional for me, though. I feel as if it’s taken longer than any other book I’ve written.”

  “That makes sense, Naomi. Think about it. You’re emotionally invested in this story, and you’re technically one of the main characters.”

  “Hm. I suppose I am.” She hadn’t thought of it that way. Nor had she considered how she would write herself into the story.

  “Are you free tonight for dinner? I have a sitter available, and I’d really like to spend some time with you.”

  It sounded amazing. “Yes, Bryce. I’d like that.”

  “Good. Get some writing done, and I’d love to hear all about your book when I see you later.”

  He was too good to be true, but he was proving to be genuine.

  Sighing, she walked into the living room, drawn to the window overlooking the cemetery. Where are you, Ryan? Where have you gone?

  “Thank you.”

  Spinning around at the sound of his voice, she knocked into the lamp next to the window. He stood in plain view right in front of her.

  His arms opened wide for her. He smelled fresh, clean and alive. He broke the embrace to look her in the eyes.


  His bloodshot eyes told of his sorrow. They told the tale of his travels over his absence.

  “Don’t go. Don’t leave me,” Naomi whispered as she clung to him.

  “Naomi, don’t. Don’t make this any harder for me. Don’t make me choose.”

  “Choose?” She didn’t understand.

  “She needs me. Maggie needs me and I need her.”

  “What are you saying? You can stay?”

  His bitter laugh filled the air. “Like this, not like before. I can stay like she did. In a state of unrest, searching for closure.”

  But no, that wasn’t at all what she wished for him. “Where is she, Ryan? Where’s Maggie?”

  “She’s waiting for me.” He gazed out the window, out at the graveyard beyond. “I won’t leave her alone out there. It’s too dark, too cold, without someone you love by your side.”

  She couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “Oh, Ryan. I don’t want it to end like this. You and her, you’re soul mates. Go to her.”

  “You’ll be fine. You have Bryce by your side. Heck, you’d be fine anyway. It was your strength that drew me toward you, you know.” Tears flowed down from his eyes, and he didn’t try to hide them.

  “Thank you for talking sense into my brother. If you hadn’t, I would have made his life miserable for all eternity.”

  They both laughed at his comment. He was here, standing by her side, and she couldn’t think how she was going to say good-bye to him. “This is it, isn’t it?”

  “I’m afraid it is.” His hands smoothed her cheeks. There was nothing either could say at this moment. She wanted him to stay here forever. She knew, instinctively, his heart was torn. Torn between his soulmate and his best friend.

  “So I guess you’ve figured it all out by now. It was my fault. If I hadn’t pushed her to overcome her fears, given her the wine, argued with Nick…” His voice trailed off as he brought his hand up to cover his face.

  “Don’t you do that to yourself, Ryan. I won’t allow it. You loved her. It was an accident. A tragic accident,” she exclaimed.

  “It shouldn’t have happened.”

  “But it did and there’s nothing you can do except face the fact that she loves you so much, forgives you.” Naomi cried at the sight of his distraught eyes.

  “It’s just too much to bear.”

  “I know.” She held him until she felt his deep, wracking sobs to her core. “But she loves you, and at this point, not much else is important.”

  He pulled away from her, as if preparing to leave.

  “Will I see you again?” she asked, desperate to keep him there beside her.

  “God, I hope not for a very long time.” He kissed the top of her head and grabbed her closer once more.

  “I love you.” he mouthed, studying her eyes, her face. “You’re one of the most precious things in the world to me.”

  Wracking sobs shook her body. “I love you, too.”

  In a moment of high emotion, she melted into him as he tilted her head up to face him. He placed his lips on hers and she kissed him. For all the good times, bad times, sweetness and sorrow. For all they had been through and meant to one another.

  “Don’t go yet. Just stay for a few minutes more,” she cried.

  “I have to, or I’ll never be able to turn my back on you.” He walked, his form fading thr
ough the window.

  “No!” Her hands spread out on the window, sobbing as she watched him walk to Maggie’s grave.


  It was Bryce, standing there, his mouth open, eyes wide with disbelief.

  “Bryce. It’s not what it looked like.”

  “Don’t, Naomi. Don’t. “He backed away, into the kitchen. She heard the slam of the door that signaled his disappointment and hurt.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  THE SERVICE Was small; not many people attended. As a matter of fact, it was only Naomi, Miriam, Phil and Maggie’s parents, besides a few of his former co-workers from the college on the hill. Naomi felt as if a piece of her was missing. Not only had she lost Ryan, but Bryce had slipped from her fingers as well. Miriam swore he would come around, with time.

  Naomi, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure.

  She couldn’t bear to watch as Ryan’s body was laid to rest beside Maggie’s grave. Not now; the hurt was too raw. Later, she would come back here when she was alone and say her good-byes. She wasn’t as strong as Ryan thought she was. She needed him so much after all.

  She turned to leave and head back to her house alone, head tilted down. Her only hope of getting her mind off of Ryan and Bryce was to write tonight. All night, if that’s what it took.

  “Where are you going?”

  Naomi jumped at the sound of Bryce’s voice. “Bryce. What are you doing here?” She tried to keep her cool as her heart raced.

  “I needed to see you. We have to talk.”

  Exactly what she feared most. “Now really isn’t a great time.” She turned back to stare at Ryan’s grave.

  “You look like hell.”

  Lifting her head to face him, she stared him right in the eye. “Thanks, Bryce, I needed to hear that right about now.”

  “That’s not what I meant. You look like you’ve been up crying for days.” He came closer, his mouth in a frown.

  “I can’t hide the fact that I’m upset, that I feel like a hole has been ripped out of my chest.” She felt anger, and it was a welcome emotion. Anything but the pain she had been experiencing since she had discovered Ryan was gone. “Despite what you think, Ryan and I don’t have those kind of feelings for each other. We never really did. Ours was a deep friendship, and I wouldn’t expect anyone else to understand.”


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