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The Cowboy's Unexpected Love: Wade and Sierra (MacFarland Ranch Book 1)

Page 19

by SJ McCoy

  ~ ~ ~

  By the time they got to Shane and Cassidy’s place, Wade wasn’t really in the mood for it. He normally looked forward to getting together with the Remingtons. It was always a good time. He and his brothers had grown up with them, gone to school with them. They’d all helped on each other’s family ranches over the years. They were more like family than friends. But the Remingtons really were a family. Their parents were awesome. That was the big difference. While the MacFarlands had dragged themselves up and become decent human beings in spite of their father, the Remingtons had been raised by a loving father who’d taught them by example how to be good men, and how to treat a woman.

  He blew out a sigh as he brought his truck to a stop in the driveway in front of Cassidy’s place. It had tickled him to think that Shane had been living in a cabin much like his when he met Cassidy, and she’d moved him into this place – which was more like a mansion. He didn’t feel like laughing about it tonight, though. He glanced over at Sierra. He wouldn’t be moving in with her. He’d only get to see her move in with her new children, and once it was safe for her to leave, he’d get to see her move back to San Francisco with them.

  She reached across and rested her hand on his arm with a sad smile. “Are you okay? I feel like I messed everything up with what I said earlier.”

  He covered her hand with his and gave it a squeeze. She was just too damned sweet. None of this was her fault. He was the one who’d gone and gotten in too deep with feelings for her, and he hated to see her sad.

  He forced himself to smile and to wink. “I’m okay, darlin’. Just having a moment of regret that I didn’t keep you at home in bed instead.”

  She smiled back at him, then waggled her eyebrows. “There’s still time to change our minds. We could go back and – ”

  He shook his head rapidly before he agreed with her. He’d love nothing more. But she was right. What they had would be over in another week. But she needed to find her place here in the valley. For however long she was going to stay, she’d need friends and connections and he knew that she’d find them with good people here tonight.

  He squeezed her hand again. “Don’t tempt me, darlin’. This is where you need to be. I can’t keep you for myself.”

  She opened her mouth, looking as though she was about to argue, but he turned and opened the door before running around to open hers. If he let her argue, he might let her win, and much as he wanted her all to himself, he knew he had to let her go.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sierra laughed as she tried to disentangle baby Penny’s chubby little fingers from her watch. The little girl was adorable, and she’d taken an immediate liking to the bright pink plastic. Her mom, Summer, scooped her up from Sierra’s knee and expertly released her grip on the watch.

  “I’m sorry.” Summer looked at the watch. “It’s the same color as one of her toys. I think she thinks it’s hers. Wait! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that to sound wrong.”

  Sierra laughed. “No. It’s fine. I know what you mean; it is a bit bright, but I love it. Penny and I have the same taste.” She waggled her fingers at the little girl, who smiled and waved back. “She’s gorgeous. And she’s so good.”

  Summer smiled proudly, and Cassidy laughed beside her. “That’s because she has the perfect mother and is doted on by her father.”

  From what Sierra had seen tonight, Cassidy was right. She’d been shocked when she realized that Cassidy’s sister-in-law was none other than the country singer, Summer Breese. Although she didn’t sing anymore, she’d still written some of country’s biggest hits of the last few years, even while she lived out here in Montana – with a sexy cowboy of her own. She was married to Carter Remington, Shane’s brother. He was another one who was so big and muscly that he should look scary, but he was more like the definition of a gentle giant. Especially around his wife and daughter. It made Sierra’s heart melt in her chest to watch him with them.

  She’d loved every minute of this evening. If anyone had told her ten days ago that she’d be hanging out in Montana with a bunch of cowboys and their women, who ranged from cowgirls to artists to celebrities, she would have laughed. Even if she’d believed it, she never would have believed that she would feel comfortable. And yet, here she was. And not only did she feel comfortable, she felt … at home.

  She watched Summer and Carter take little Penny inside. She hadn’t expected there to be any children here tonight. But there had been a few. Cassidy’s other sister-in-law, Corinne, had left with her husband, Beau, a little while ago. Their daughter, Ruby, had been the star of the evening. She was a precocious little madam, and it was obvious that all the cowboys adored her. Sierra did, too. She almost envied her. Ruby was growing up surrounded by people who loved her and who encouraged her to be herself. She was going to grow up to be a strong, independent woman who knew her own mind. She was strong-willed, but she was also gentle and loving with her baby brother and with little Penny.

  Cassidy nudged her with her elbow, almost making her spill her drink. “What’s got you looking so maudlin, chica?”

  “Me? Nothing!”

  Cassidy laughed. “Yeah, right. You were lost in your own little world there. I just want to know if seeing all the kidlets tonight has you looking forward to the children coming next week or if it has you wishing that you could just stick with Wade and make your own. I have to tell you; you two would make beautiful babies.”


  “What? It’s true. You’re beautiful. He’s gorgeous.”

  Sierra shook her head. “That’s neither here nor there.” She looked around to make sure no one else was listening. They were sitting by the fire pit and everyone else was standing around in small groups. “You know what the deal is. We’re only … together for this week and then the children are coming and … that’ll be it.”

  “Why, though?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why does that have to be it?”

  Sierra sighed. “Because it has to be. I’m going to be a mom. I … Wade didn’t sign up for that. He didn’t sign up for anything really. We just … we were attracted to each other. I wouldn’t have even done anything about that, but you encouraged me to. We agreed that we were going to make the most of the two weeks I’m here before we knew that I was going to be here for longer. It was only ever going to be a rebound thing.”

  Cassidy frowned. “But why? I mean, I get why that’s all it was going to be. But why can’t it be something more now?”

  Sierra sucked in a deep breath. She’d been asking herself that question a lot. But she knew the answer. “Because Wade’s not interested in me like that.”

  Cassidy threw her head back and laughed out loud. “You’re kidding me, right? We are talking about the same guy? The one who right now is standing with Chance at the bottom of the stairs, pretending that he’s glad to see his old buddy, even while he can’t take his eyes off you?”

  Sierra couldn’t help looking over to the stairs that led down from the deck. And Cassidy was right. She assumed that the cowboy in the black hat must be Chance – did they breed them for their looks and muscles out here? He was a good-looking guy, but he didn’t do it for her in the same way Wade did. As if he felt her looking, Wade turned his head and caught her gaze. His smile melted her heart a little bit. It had right from the first time she saw it, but tonight it seemed to be tinged with sadness, and she felt it, too. All the couples here tonight seemed to be living their happily-ever-after. Her heart ached at the knowledge that she and Wade weren’t going to get one of those.

  Cassidy nudged her with her elbow again. “I rest my case. He’s not just interested in you, he’s a goner. And from the sappy look on your face, you are, too. The question is, what are you going to do about it?”

  Sierra looked back at her friend. “There’s nothing I can do, is there?”

  “Hmph! Bullshit. Of course, there is.”

  “No, Cass.” Even though Sierra wanted to agree with he
r, she knew better. She’d already made a commitment to two little children – to Mateo and Maya. And even though she hadn’t even met them yet, she was determined to give them the best life she possibly could. She wouldn’t turn them away. And there was no way she could expect Wade to take them on. He’d said that he admired what she was doing, but from a few snippets his brothers had said, she had a sneaking suspicion that part of the reason that he wasn’t married to Josie anymore was because she’d wanted children and he hadn’t.


  Cassidy’s shout made Sierra jump. She got to her feet with a smile when she saw Hope Davenport hurrying toward them. No. She was Hope Malone now. She, like Cassidy, had married a cowboy; Chance, the one who was talking to Wade.

  Hope greeted Cassidy with a high-five and then turned to Sierra. “Hey! I couldn’t believe it when I heard you were here! Sorry I haven’t made it down to see you. And sorry I wasn’t here for dinner.” She wrapped Sierra in a hug.

  “That’s okay, I …” Sierra stopped and laughed when Hope let her go. Chance had appeared at her side and was mock scowling at her, but the twinkle in his eyes gave him away.

  “I thought you were going to call me to come get you. You know I don’t like you driving – ” Hope cut him off with a kiss, then stole his hat and put it on her own head with a smile.

  “I’m here. I’m safe. The kids are down for the night. Dad and Chris were so eager to get rid of me that I decided to drive instead of waiting for you to come get me. Are you going to bitch about it or kiss me?”

  Sierra chuckled as Chance’s frown turned into a smile just before he drew his wife in for a kiss that made Sierra blush and turn away.

  Turning brought her face to face with Wade, who must have come over with Chance. She wished for a second that he would kiss her like that. But that was hardly fair. She’d told him that she’d be embarrassed for people to know that they were together that way.

  Instead of a kiss, he greeted her with a wink and a smile, a gesture that was just so very … Wade. It sent a rush of warmth through her chest. She couldn’t help it. She went to him and slipped her arms around his waist.

  He looked surprised, but didn’t miss a beat, closing his arms around her and dropping a kiss on the top of her head. “Is this a stealth hug? Do I need to let go and hope that no one noticed?”

  She shook her head and pressed her cheek against his chest. “No. I don’t want you to let go.” It was hard to stop herself from adding the word ever at the end. But she managed it. “Do you want to go home?”

  He looked down into her eyes. “Have you had enough?”

  She smiled. “I’ve had a great time, but I’d rather be with you.”

  “Well, alrighty, then.” He tightened one arm around her waist and guided her toward Cassidy, who was now standing with Shane. “Thanks for having us over, guys. This was great. We should get everyone down to our place one night.”

  Shane raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re leaving?”

  Sierra felt him tense at her side and wondered what he’d say. She needn’t have worried. Cassidy slapped Shane’s arm.

  “That’s what it usually means when people say thanks for having us. Let them go.”

  “Oh!” Shane’s eyes widened and he glanced at Sierra before grinning and nodding at Wade. “Sure. Thanks for coming. See you again soon.” He smiled at Sierra. “I’m glad you’re here and I hope you’re going to stay.”

  “Thank you.” Sierra didn’t know how else to answer him.

  He chuckled. “You’ll make two of my favorite people happy if you do. Cass has always talked about you. I mean you know her, she has loads of friends, but not another artist. From what she says, nobody gets her like you do.”

  Sierra smiled at her friend, hoping to let the moment slide. Cassidy wasn’t big on expressing emotions if she didn’t have to. She preferred to laugh them off. So, it surprised Sierra when she gave her a serious look and nodded. Of course, she soon turned it around with a laugh. “And you know damned well I’m not going to beg you to stick around.”

  Shane laughed and looked at Wade. “And neither will he.” He looked back at Sierra. “That’s why I’m begging you. I have no pride and no shame when it comes to making my wife and my buddy happy.”

  Sierra’s heart thumped in her chest. It was quite the revelation to think that it’d make Cassidy happy if she stayed. But that was nothing compared to thinking about Wade. He stood stiffly beside her now, but somehow, she knew that he wasn’t mad at Shane. He was nervous. She could just tell – and that must mean that Shane was right, and he wanted her to stay! She swallowed. Wow. But she was staying, just not with him. She risked a glance up at him. He only met her gaze for a moment, but what she saw in his eyes shocked her. Perhaps whatever they had going between them could last longer than a couple of weeks after all.

  ~ ~ ~

  Wade pulled his truck into the garage and cut the engine before turning to Sierra. He’d come into the garage because he wanted her to see how it felt. While she’d been staying in his cabin with him, they just parked out front. But when she moved in here, he wouldn’t be with her. She’d be by herself. Except she wouldn’t – she’d have two small children to take care of. Either way, he wanted her to feel safe. He hit the remote and waited for the door to roll shut behind them.

  She gave him a puzzled look. “Is everything okay? I thought we were going home. I thought you were going to bring me here tomorrow.”

  “I was going to, but then I though you should see it in the dark. See what it’s like to come home at the end of the day.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “I wanted to tell you. I mean, it’s not my place. You can do what you want, of course. But I thought I should suggest that whenever you come home, you should come and park in here and make sure that the door’s closed behind you before you get out.”

  She glanced back at the doors, then at him again. “Okay.”

  He forced a smile. “Come on. I’ll show you around.” He let himself out of his truck and went around to her door. He’d always loved his truck, but since he’d met her, he loved it even more. It was a long way for her to get down and she usually waited for him to come help her. When he reached her, she’d opened the door but was sitting there sideways.

  He put his hands on her hips ready to lift her out, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. “Thank you, Wade.”

  He straightened up. “You’re welcome … but what for?”

  “For everything. For being you. For making me feel better about being me. For being so kind. And so sexy.” He felt like he grew two feet taller at that. “For being the best, most decent, kindest man I’ve ever known.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and drew her to the edge of the seat. “I’m not sure I’m any of those things, darlin’. But thank you, for bringing out the best in me.”

  She nuzzled her face into his neck, making him step closer and press her legs apart so that he could stand between them. “You bring out the best in me, too. I wish …”

  His heart thundered in his chest as he waited. What did she wish? Did she wish all the same things that he did? The silence drew on. She didn’t finish her thought, and he didn’t dare to. At least, not with specifics. Instead, he kissed her forehead and murmured, “I do, too.”

  As he gave her a tour of the cabin, he could imagine it transformed by her presence. Just like she’d made his cabin feel like a home for the first time, she’d do the same with this place. He knew it. He closed his eyes as he imagined her sitting at the big, oak kitchen table with two small, dark-haired children doing homework. She was going to make a great mom. He knew that, too. And for the first time in his life, he wished that he was going to get to be a dad.

  He hadn’t wanted to have children with Josie because their relationship hadn’t been solid. That was what he’d always told himself. But there was another deeper reason. It wasn’t so much about the relationship as it was about the person. Josie wasn’t warm
and loving. And there was no way that Wade wanted to bring a child into a home that wasn’t warm and loving and upbeat. He knew all too well how it felt to grow up with a parent who was cold and distant on a good day, and cruel and vindictive the rest of the time. Not that Josie was like his dad. Far from it. But she wasn’t the person he’d trust enough to love his children.

  When they came back to the great room, he flopped down on the sofa and held his arms up to Sierra. She was someone he’d trust that much. But she was already on the way to building a family of her own – and there was no room in that for him. He knew it. He needed to stop getting carried away. She was going to stay here for a while. She wouldn’t leave until her scuzzy ex had been found and brought to justice in one way or another. Best case scenario, she’d stay for the whole of the school year to come. He’d already promised her that he’d always be her friend and he planned to keep that promise. He might not be able to have her in his life in the way he wished, but he just needed to go with being grateful that she was in it at all. He needed to make the most of the week they had left and then make the most of any moments he got to share with her after that.

  She came to him and nestled into his side when he wrapped his arms around her.

  “What do you think of the place?”

  “I love it, Wade. It’s perfect.”

  “Good. Do you think Mateo and Maya will like it?”

  She shrugged and looked up at him. “I have no idea. I don’t know them. I know a little bit about their background – and it’s not good. The poor little things, Wade. I’m afraid it’s all going to be overwhelming for them. I mean, their mom died last year. Their dad was killed a couple of months ago. They’ve been staying with some friends of Dax’s while all the paperwork gets sorted out for them to be able to come here and stay. From what Dax says they haven’t had any stability in over a year. Mateo’s very protective of his little sister, and she doesn’t talk much – in fact, I don’t think she talks at all.”


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