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An Honest Mistake

Page 5

by L. Grubb

  “Fuck me sideways, you look hot wearing my clothes, baby.”

  I can’t help the smile the forms and look over my shoulder.

  “Thanks. Where are we sitting? I’m starving,” I say, nervous about eating in front of all these men. Spotting Lauren, I leave Cobra behind and make my way to her. She stands up when she sees me and runs full pelt at me. I had almost forgot she accompanied us to the MC.

  “Alexis! I’ve been so freakin’ worried about you, girl. Let me look at you.” She holds me at arms length and scans my body, for what I have no friggin’ idea. I stare at her, dumbfounded. She’s embarrassing the shit out of me here.

  “Lauren, you’re embarrassing me. For fuck sake, I’m fine.” I wiggle our of her hold and cross my arms in front of my chest. “Stop acting like a such a maniac.” I shake my head, rolling my eyes for good measure.

  “Okay, okay. But you disappeared so quickly last night, no one would tell me where you were.” She looks down, clasping her hands in front of her.

  “I was worried about you too, but we’re safe here. Even if all these burly men don’t look safe, we are. Okay?”

  “All right. All right.” She sighs. “You coming to sit with me?” She beams at me. She’s like a little kid at Christmas, and I have to laugh at her. She cracks me up. I laugh at her, grab her arm and turn her back in the direction of the table she ran from.

  “Yes, now sit and tell me what you did last night.” I say to her, shoving her lightly into her seat before taking the one to her left.

  “I’m sharing a room with Champ.” She blushes. Wow. Lauren Deville, blushing. Never thought I’d see the day.

  I can’t help the snort that comes from my mouth.

  “What? What’s so funny?” She furrows her brows at me in confusion.

  “You’re blushing, Lauren. You never blush.” I shake my head as I laugh, and she swats me across the arm, jokingly. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” I cough to try and calm myself.

  “Champ is hot. I can’t help it.” She giggles.

  “What did you do, Lauren?” I ask, fishing for answers.

  “It’s too graphic for details.” She smirks. My mouth hangs open in utter shock. Did she really just say that?

  Before I have a chance to reply to her, food is placed on the table in front of us and my stomach growls in delight. Digging in, I moan in appreciation. Nothing beats fried food. Nothing.

  “If you make that noise again, darlin’, I won’t be held responsible for my actions,” Cobra whispers in my ear, making my face feel aflame.

  “Alexis? Are you okay?” Lauren looks at me over her fork full of food. “You’ve gone a bit red.”

  “Fine. I’m fine. Hot flush,” I stammer out and continue to shovel food in my mouth.

  “You’re twenty-three, you’re too young for hot flashes,” Lauren replies, head cocked to the side.

  “Leave it, Lauren,” I grit out between my teeth.

  She shrugs and resumes eating, oblivious to the Chesire grin Cobra is wearing on his face.

  “Shut up, Cobra. You’re incorrigible.” I discreetly nudge him with my knee, making him lose his fork full of food. I burst out laughing at the scowl he’s sporting. Hilarious.

  After an amazing breakfast and full stomach, I leave Lauren flirting with Champ and head back to the room for a much needed nap. When I enter the room, I tumble down onto the bed and sigh wistfully. Ahhh, so comfy. Before I close my eyes, the door crashes open and Cobra stalks in, eyeing me he says, “What are you doing?”

  “Napping. That breakfast has killed me,” I murmur into the mattress. “I’ve never eaten so much.”

  Cobra laughs and flops down next to me, bouncing for a few seconds before swinging his arm around my middle, sighing contentedly.

  My eyes flutter open, sensing him staring at me. “What?” I slur, too tired to really care.

  “You’re something else, you know that, Alexis?”

  “Why?” What the hell is he talking about now?

  “I’ve never seen a girl pack away so much food as shamelessly as you did.” He chuckles.

  I smile in return, too sleepy for a proper response. He places a soft peck on my forehead before darkness takes over and pulls me into a soundless sleep.

  Chapter 12


  My thoughts run wild as I watch Alexis sleeping peacefully. I don’t deserve someone like her. Her ravenous beauty floors me every time I lay my eyes on her. Fuck. She deserves so much better than me. I have demons; demons that could destroy her and this club if anyone was to ever find out. I grasp my hair in both hands and pull, stressed at the situation that I’ve steered clear of my entire life. I don’t date, or do the whole couples shit that everyone else gets off on. I should end this now before I have a chance at hurting her. Fuck this sentimental bullshit. I head to the door, leaving quietly as not to disturb her.

  I head straight for the bar. “Whiskey neat!” I bellow to the end of the bar, looks like a blonde working it tonight.

  She places my drink on the bar in front of me, pushing her fake boobs in my face.

  “You got five seconds to get your nasty ass away from me or, for the love of God, you’re going to regret it,” I say, menacingly. She looks at me in utter shock.

  “Five…” I eye her with a death glare. “Four…” She soon gets the hint and skitters off back to the other end of the bar. I sling the shot down the back of my throat, relishing the burn all the way to my stomach. The shit’s good.

  Instead of calling Brandy back and getting another eyeful of cleavage, I get off the bar seat and round the bar. I grab a bottle of Jack and return to my uncomfortable stool. I drink shot after shot, losing track of time. Before I know it, the bar is getting busier and as I look around, the room seems packed. Party time. Just as that thought enters my mind, the music is ramped up, beers are flowing and bellowing laughter is all around me. I’m glad every other fucker is enjoying life. Lucky motherfuckers. I down another shot, shit, the bottle’s nearly empty, when the fuck did that happen?

  I feel arms sliding up my back, making their way over my shoulders and around my neck. “Want to dance, pretty boy?” some chick whispers in my ear.

  “Why the hell not.” I move off my hardwood stool and realize how pissed I really am, swaying slightly before getting my bearings. I’m completely shit faced, but at least my brain is empty.

  I follow the petite brunette onto the dance floor, where she proceeds to grind her delectable ass against my groin. Fuck! I grab her hips and follow her movements, nibbling along her shoulder blade. I feel the moan she releases against my chest and grip her hips tighter.

  When I look up across the dance floor, I catch Alexis’ eyes staring wide at me and brimming with unshed tears before she turns on her heel and runs off. Shit. Fuck. What the hell have I done? This is not how I pictured letting her down.

  I push the scantily dressed girl away from me and take off in the direction Alexis went. I return to my room and find it’s empty. “Alexis?” I call out while walking to the en suite. I slam the door open with so much force I thought the light oakwood door was going to fly off it’s hinges. Not here. I turn back around and sit heavily on the bed, pulling my hair in frustration. What the fuck have I done? She was brought here to keep safe, she trusted me, I felt it. I was her safe haven in this clusterfuck with the Hell Riders. Fucking shitbags! I’m such an asshole!


  I can’t believe what I’ve just seen out there on the makeshift dance floor; Cobra all cozied up to some girl in barely there clothes. I feel sick. I’m so stupid for jumping into bed with a guy I hardly know. Serves me fucking right for being such a fuckwit. Tears are streaming down my face, they’re not for him, they’re for me at making such a shitty mistake. I knew he was too good to be true. I walk briskly to the back of the clubhouse, hiding is what I do best.

  Entering what looks to be the poolroom, I walk over to the furthest corner where a la-z-boy recliner sits in front of a handcrafted
fireplace. I sink into the comfy cushions, curling my feet underneath me. I bury my face behind my arms and let all my emotions free. Sometime later, all cried out, I pull my phone from my jean pocket to text Lauren. She always knows what to do in situations like these, and she’s the only one here that can cheer me up.

  Alexis: Lauren, can you come to the poolroom at the back of the clubhouse, please? I need you. Don’t tell anyone! A x

  Tapping the send button, I place the phone on the arm of the chair. I stare mindlessly at the ancient grandfather clock in the far corner of the quiet room, watching the seconds tick by. Not even five minutes later the door swings open with force, banging on the wall. Lauren runs in, hurries over to me and wraps her arms around me in a comforting embrace. I must look awful or it’s the best friend intuition of knowing something is wrong.

  “Alexis, chick, what’s wrong?” she asks, soothingly.

  “Cobra…He’s played me like a fool, Lauren. I’m so furious with myself. I slept with him without knowing him. I’m not that type of girl, I’m not.” Tears streak down my face, angry at myself for falling for his boyish charm.

  “What’s he done wrong for you to start hating on yourself; regretting something that I bet was fucking hot as hell?”

  I chuckle despite my tears, my pity party easing off slowly. “It was hot, boy was it hot. But he’s just shoved it straight in my face.”

  “How?” She looks at me, confusion crossing her face. Cute.

  “He was on the dance floor when I came out of our room after my food coma sent me to sleep. He was grinding his dick into some skank’s ass.” Anger surges through my body, making me tremble with the force. Hurt to anger in minutes, who knew I’d have this in me?

  “What an utter asswipe!” she shrieks. “Did he see you?”

  “Yeah, his eyes locked to mine, wide at noticing I caught him out.” A fresh bout of tears fall from my puffy eyes. “I’m not hurt so much as I’m angry at myself for being played.”

  “He’s not worth these tears, babe. No man is. You’re stronger than this. So what, you made a mistake, we all do it. But, we learn from them. That’s life, chick. Life kicks your ass but you get back up with your finger in the air screaming, ‘fuck you life!’”

  I smile at her. Lauren always says the right thing; wise beyond her twenty-three years. We sit huddled like this for a while with Lauren’s head in my lap. Surely it should be the other way around? Whatever, it is what it is.

  “I guess we better leave this room, join the party and have some fun. What do you say?” Lauren lifts her head, beaming a smile at me.

  “Bring it on.” I reply with a matching grin. With a heavy heart, I stand from the cozy recliner and link my arm through Lauren’s, walking down the hallway toward the door in a hope of having a blast.

  We stroll leisurely down the hallway toward the thumping bass music being played over the sound system. Nerves are eating at my gut, churning with what’s to come. As soon as we make it back in the overly crowded main room, we make a beeline for the bar, squeezing our way to the front. Ordering a couple of vodka shots and Malibu and Cokes, we don’t waste time and down the shots like pros, chasing it with the Malibu mixers. Before the bartender heads off to serve others, we order the same again. Slamming back the shots, we take our mixers and head for the dance floor. Time to shake some ass and show that dickwipe what he’s missing. After dancing together for a while, Champ comes up behind Lauren, wrapping his large arms around her middle, grinding against her while whispering in her ear. I carry on dancing, not giving a damn about anything or anyone.

  I feel someone behind me, but don’t stop. They soon have their arms around my middle too, and I don’t give a flying shit who it is. I shake my hips in a seductive rhythm.

  All too soon, the guy I was dancing with pulls his arms away, when I look around to see where he was fucking off to, I notice Cobra pinning him to the wall.

  “Don’t touch my woman, you know what happens if you mess with me.” He sneers at my dance partner.

  “Dude, she isn’t wearing your cut, and you were dancing with a club whore not so long ago,” he replies, not blinking.

  I notice Cobra wince a little at the mention of him dancing with the club whore. Huh, strange.

  “Stay the fuck away, Grunge. Next time you’ll be paying a visit to the devil himself,” Cobra spits in his face, pushing away from him.

  He grabs my arm and pulls me through the onlookers. “Get off me, Cobra. You have no fucking right to touch me,” I shout, pulling my arm out of his grasp. He just stares at me dumfounded. Fucking really? He thinks I’ll run off with him into the sunset after the stunt he pulled with that girl? Yeah, if pigs can fly.

  He snaps out of his angry stance and walks over to me with a scowl on his face. He lifts me over his shoulder and continues to walk toward his room. No. Nuh fuckin’ uh. I don’t want to go in there with him so I do the only logical thing and pound the shit out of his ass, pummel after pummel, but he doesn’t break stride.

  When we enter the room and he slams the door, he drops me to my feet and proceeds to slam me against the wall, pinning my arms to my side. Ouch, that hurt like a bitch.

  “You listen to me, Alexis. Those men will eat you alive and spit you out for the next one.” He sneers at me.

  “What? Like you did, you mean?” I scream back. I am not weak. I am not weak, I chant to myself in my head.

  “No, I didn’t do that, Alexis.”

  I laugh sarcastically. “Could’ve fooled me, Cobra. That’s exactly what you’ve done.” I struggle against his firm grip until he finally relents, let’s me go and starts pacing the room.

  “Why the hell are you so worked up after what you did in front of me,” I shout at him, rage coursing through my veins.

  “That was a drunken mistake, Alexis. Nothing more.” He turned to me then and his dark brooding eyes bored into mine.

  “Ah, the drunken mistake excuse. Should of known.” I snorted, crossing my arms across my chest. “Same excuse that every other male species uses.” I shake my head, disappointment visible.

  “Alexis, I can’t do this. I don’t do relationships, I don’t do this jealousy shit I feel inside of me. I’m not right for you. I know, I should of gone about it a different way, I wasn’t thinking.”

  “So it was just a wam bam, thank you, ma’am incident last night then? Boy, thanks for that.” I go to open the door, but his hand slams down on it to stop me leaving. “Let. Me. Leave,” I growl through clenched teeth. I swallow around the lump forming in my throat, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my tears.

  “No. Please, Alexis. Hear me out at least.” He hangs his head and let’s go of the door, albeit reluctantly. I sigh, sliding away from him and moving across the room, putting plenty of distance between us.

  He stops his irritating pacing and sits on the edge of the bed. Snapping his head to me, he says, “I didn’t mean to hurt you like that, babe. That wasn’t my intention. Please, just let me explain.”

  “You didn’t just hurt me, Cobra. You infuriated me; made me second guess everything that’s happened. You made me question myself. I let go of the control I have over my life because I trusted you. I don’t even know why I trusted you. I don’t know you, all I know is that you are an outlaw biker, the complete opposite of who I’d generally go for. You broke that trust, Cobra. I don’t know who I am anymore.” I hiccup through sobs, turning my head to the small window overlooking the mini woods that surround the back and sides of the clubhouse. Get yourself together, Alexis. For fuck sake, I am not pathetic nor am I weak. I’m strong and independent.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, really I am.” He rubs his hands up and down his stubble covered face. “I panicked,” he says, barely audible behind his hands.

  “Panicked? Why the hell would you panic after nailing another conquest?” I raise my brows in question. I turn to see his face. A sexy face at that. Even when confused and melancholy, he’s sexy as hell. Damn him.

; “I’ve never gone passed a one night stand before. Never had a relationship. I have issues that can cause danger to this club and to the people I care for. But I like you, Alexis. There’s a connection between us that I’ve never had with anyone of my ‘conquests,’ as you put it. But I don’t want to see you get hurt.” He looks longingly at me before directing his gaze to the stained brown carpet.

  Well, well, well, mister mysterious can certainly talk. I stand there, mouth wide open and stare at him in disbelief. “I don’t believe you. Not after what I witnessed out there.”

  He stands and makes his way over to me. Placing his hands on my shoulders, he looks me in the eyes, searching for god knows what.

  “Alexis, I want to try ‘more’ with you. Please, baby, just give me another chance. I’m gonna fuck up, but I’m a guy, it’s just what we do. You’re beautiful and it would be a crime to let you out of my grasp.”

  Honesty. Lust. I see it all in his troubled eyes. I’m a total goner. Again, I don’t stand a chance.

  We’re standing there, lust in the air, electricity crackling all around us. Before I know it, I’m pinned to the wall behind me, his hands holding my head firmly in place while he ravishes my mouth with passion. His hips pin me, and I’m unable to move an inch. His hands start moving sensuously down my body. Feather light touches graze my skin along the waistline of my jeans. He pops the button and unzips them. Moving in a frenzied pace, he peels my jeans and panties down my legs and throws them behind his shoulder.

  From on his knees, a smile of lustful appreciation spreads across his gorgeous face while he appraises my half naked state.

  Standing abruptly, his lips smash onto mine, his hand roughly cups my mound before driving two fingers into my tight pussy. I moan, loudly as pleasure spikes through my entire body.

  He continues violating my mouth with his skillful tongue, curling his fingers inside me, pressing against my G-spot.

  “Please, Cobra. I need you,” I manage to say between the hard kisses. His growl reverberates through his chest, escaping into my mouth.


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