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The Unkindness of the Paparazzi

Page 2

by Odette Botha

  “At the Palace Hotel, just till the movie is finished then I might be going back to New York.”

  Everyone always leaves, that was all I could think about for the rest of the ride. It was funny seven hours ago I didn’t even want him, now I was sad at the thought of him leaving.

  We stopped at the back of the hotel, we climbed out looking the entire time if there wasn’t someone following us.

  I just prayed under my breath, ‘please not tonight I look horrid.’

  We got into the elevator and went up to the top floor. It was the only hotel room on that floor.

  It was huge, white décor allot of glass and aluminium furniture. It felt like something you would see straight out of a décor magazine.

  “You can put your things down here. We can send your clothes to be dried downstairs at the hotel Laundromat.

  Follow me I will show you where the bathroom is, you will find robes in there.”

  He reached out his hand to take mine. I didn’t think about it, I put my hand in his and followed him.

  I went into the bathroom and closed the door; I looked around and found the robes hanging behind the door.

  As I got undressed I saw my reflection in the mirror I looked terrible most of my makeup was washed off, my eyes were red and I looked so sad. I took a washcloth off the basin and washed my face. I thought it would be better to have no makeup on than to look like a train wreck.

  “Are you alright in there, did you find the robe?” He asked by the door.

  I opened the door with the wet dress in my hand.

  “Yes thank you I am fine.”

  “Yes you will be just fine. Vanessa will take your clothes down stairs and she will make sure to bring it back when it’s dry.”

  He turned around and gave my dress to the girl dressed in black and white with a name tag on her chest.

  “Good evening Miss Roberts I will make sure they take good care of your dress.”

  She was very polite, I thought.

  “Thank you Vanessa you can call me Katie I am no one special.”

  She just smiled back at me and there it was that sad look I had on my face was now on hers.

  “I just meant...” I tried to fix my words.

  “Its fine Katie I will bring your beautiful dress back as soon as it’s done. By the way I have read all your books you are most definitely someone special.”

  Just like that, Vanessa made me feel good again.

  “Thank you.” I managed a smile.

  “Katie come let’s have some coffee or would you like something else?” He asked taking my hand again.

  “Coffee is fine,” I said as he led me to the sofa.

  “Sit, I will take care of it,” he said before he picked up the phone.

  “Good evening this is Joshua Scott, could I please have a pot of coffee and a bottle of whiskey and also fresh cream sent up to my room. For two people, thank you.”

  He put down the phone.

  “Is the bottle of whiskey for me?” I asked shocked at what he ordered.

  “No I am going to make you the best Irish coffee you have ever had, I know you like alcohol I saw you throwing back the wine at the restaurant,” he said winking at me playfully. I didn’t want to comment.

  Suddenly my phone rang it was Dean.

  “Do you mind if I get this?” I asked clutching the phone in my shaking cold hands.

  “No not at all.”

  “Hi I can’t really talk now,” I said when I answered the phone.

  “Why, where are you? Are you in his hotel room?” Dean asked whispering playfully. “No not his hotel room,” I said knowing this would bring up another question.

  “What! Whose hotel room are you in?” He asked talking louder now.

  “Joshua Scott’s hotel room but listen I cant talk now. Can we talk tomorrow?”

  I asked trying to avoid Josh’s eyes, he was sitting next to me on the sofa looking at me.

  “You better phone me tomorrow you slut.”

  Dean didn’t mean it that way. We had a very outspoken friendship, most people didn’t understand our relationship.

  “Alright I will. Go away now.”

  I closed the phone and pushed it back into my handbag.

  “Wow ‘go away now.’ Don’t tell me it’s your friend from the restaurant?” He asked and there it was again that word ‘friend’.

  “No it was my best friend Dean,” I answered avoiding eye contact.

  Chapter 6

  The order came and he started making his famous Irish coffees.

  “This is a bit strong but trust me it will warm you up.”

  He handed me the mug. I could immediately taste the whiskey, it was very strong he was right.

  “It’s hmm good.”

  That’s all I could get out.

  “Yes it’s nice… who am I kidding its strong and awful,” he said laughing he took the drink from me and put it on the table in front of us.

  “How about just a whiskey?”

  He held up the bottle.

  “Sure whiskey neat, thank you.”

  I never enjoyed alcohol neat with people I didn’t know. I usually got drunk and then I would pull out all the most embarrassing stories. But I figured I would sip slowly.

  “So do you want to talk about tonight?” He asked as he sat down next to me.

  “I don’t think I should talk about tonight, it was bad enough that I cried on your chest, in the pouring rain, on a street corner where anyone could have taken a photo.”

  I took a sip of whiskey not realising that I just gulped down more than I intended.

  “I think that you should talk about tonight, obviously you were upset and yes you cried because you were hurt, at least I could be there to comfort you. Unfortunately we were standing on a street corner because you ran about a block to get away from me and if someone might have taken a photo then so be it.”

  I looked at him and for the first time I saw him in a different light.

  “You are something else. I will tell you everything, just please promise me you will stop me when I bore you.”

  He nodded and I started telling him everything.

  I kept stopping every now and then to make sure he was still following.

  “And that is how it happened up to when I let you comfort me,” I said looking at his face.

  “That guy is such a jerk, you were so nervous about seeing him and then he treats you like a whore.”

  His conclusion was harsh, but yet spot on.

  “Yes I think that about sums it up.”

  I just shook my head, hearing the story while telling it brought things into perspective.

  “Let’s put on some music,” he said as he got up.

  “We will forget about that ignorant little twat at the restaurant and we will concentrate on you,” he said turning up the volume knob on the radio.

  “Alright that sounds nice.”

  I couldn’t believe how easy it was to forget; we sat and spoke for hours. He answered all my questions about him and I answered all his questions about me. I felt so comfortable with him. I felt like I could talk to him about anything within reason of course.

  “Its getting late and my dress came back three whiskeys ago,” I said pointing at the dress lying on the bed.

  “You can stay the night, its late, you can sleep on the bed I will sleep on the sofa. I will have James take you home when you have rested,” he said looking hopeful.

  “I can’t Josh, not because I don’t want to spend the night with you, I just can’t be here in the morning. I hope you understood that,” I said looking down at the floor.

  I don’t even think I understood that, besides for the sound of desperation in my voice I hoped he didn’t hear. He moved closer to me on the sofa and took my face in his hands and kissed me gently on my mouth and then he pulled away smiling.

; “Very well I will have James take you home, I will see you in a couple of hours on set.”

  I wanted to lean in and kiss him again because when he kissed me I felt my insides warm up like I had downed a mug of his Irish coffee.

  I got up and took my dress to the bathroom. I got dressed and took my shoes in my one hand and my handbag in the other hand.

  I walked towards the door where he was standing.

  “Thank you for everything, I enjoyed being with you and talking,” I said hugging him.

  I pulled away still standing on my toes. He continued to hold on to me, he leaned down and kissed me softly again but this kiss was longer. I could kiss him forever, he was good at it.

  “Good night Joshua,” I said softly when he stopped kissing me, my eyes were still closed.

  “Good morning Katie.”

  I got into the lift and waited for the doors to close it felt like it took forever, I looked at him and smiled as they closed.

  When the doors closed I saw my reflection in the doors. I just started smiling, I fell against the back of the lift. I couldn’t believe this feeling I had, I felt like a silly teenager again.

  Chapter 7

  The next day or should I rather say a couple of hours later, I woke up in my bed.

  The alarm rang in my ears and I just wished I could sleep in a little longer.

  I got up and switched on my coffee machine. And just like clock work the phone rang at four thirty.

  “Morning slut, did you do it?”

  Even first thing in the morning Dean was every bit well… Dean.

  “No I got home about three hours ago. We spoke and he kissed me twice,” I said screaming like a little girl.

  Suddenly I grabbed my head it had felt like I had broken it and it shattered like broken glass.

  “Oh my word Katie does this mean we like him now?” Dean asked as if he didn’t know the answer to that question.

  “We have always liked him we just didn’t think that a relationship would be appropriate,” I said realising he will have a comeback.

  “So why is it appropriate now?” He asked more mature than I expected.

  “Because that idiot broke my heart last night and when I was walking on the sidewalk, wearing new sexy underwear, an expensive dress and shoes cutting my feet crying, Josh stopped and he made me feel like a person again, it was so romantic Dean,” I said holding my mug to my chest biting my lip.

  “I wish I had more details, but please girlfriend never walk far in heals its just wrong and tacky.”

  There it was the comeback line.

  “Come visit me on set today?” I asked never realising he was on his way to my place. “No I am coming through now we can share a cab and you can tell me everything.”

  He got there ten minutes later holding up an espresso coffee.

  “You are my soul mate,” I said kissing him on the cheek as I took the cup out of his hand.

  Dean was the gay friend every woman wanted. He understood me and we got on splendidly. He was into guys and so was I. It was the perfect friendship I had the inside scoop to the world of the opposite sex.

  While I was in the shower he sat on my bed, I told him exactly what happened the night before.

  “Katie I am glad you are happy, just promise me you will give this guy a fair chance.” I stood in the shower and realised what those words meant, Dean knew me better sometimes than what I knew myself.

  “I am happy but it’s kind of silly don’t you think? He only kissed me twice it wasn’t even a date,” I said putting the towel around me.

  When I got to the room he had already put out an outfit for me.

  “You are amazing Dean Sheppard thank you.”

  I put on my clothes and makeup, while he sat next to me.

  Chapter 8

  We were at the set at 05:30 AM as planned.

  His trailer light was on but I was unsure if I should go and knock, so I just put my stuff down and got coffee for Dean and me.

  “Where is he?” Dean asked looking at the people standing in front of us.

  “He is in his trailer,” I said showing him where Joshua’s trailer was.

  “Go knock,” he said pushing me in that direction.

  “No are you crazy, that’s a bit desperate let him come find me,” I said pushing back. “Miss Roberts there is something you should see.”

  Ben put the newspaper in my hand.

  “What is it Ben?” I asked as I looked at the gossip coulomb on the back page.

  It felt like my world had just come to an end.

  There I was on page 8, standing in the rain with Joshua holding me.

  The headline: ‘Actor spotted with famous Author’ at least they knew who I was.

  I read on in the article ‘friends of the actor say that Miss Roberts and Mr Scott have been seeing each other for a couple of months but they kept it quiet while they are filming their new movie “Kind Love” released in cinemas this summer…’

  I couldn’t believe my eyes. I threw the news paper on the floor and rubbed my face I just wanted to get rid of that image.

  “This complicates things,” Dean said as he picked up the news paper and read the article.

  “He is going to get rid of me he can’t afford this type of publicity, he needs to be ‘available’ for his fans,” I said grabbing the news paper from Dean again.

  “Don’t look now but he is walking towards you.”

  I looked up and rolled up the news paper, trying to cover the article.

  “Hallo pretty girl,” he said as he leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

  “How is my pretty girl today?”

  “Hi my name is Joshua Scott,” he said holding his hand out to Dean

  “I am Dean Sheppard,” Dean said shaking his hand.

  “It’s so good to meet you Dean, I have seen you around here you must be Katie’s best friend, she speaks highly of you.”

  Just like that he became one of Dean’s favourite people.

  “Thank you, yes I am,” Dean replied smiling like a cat that got cream.

  “Josh did you see the paper this morning?” I asked him giving him the paper clearly, he didn’t know.

  “Yes I did I hope it doesn’t bother you?”

  By the way he asked me it sounded like he was more concerned about how I felt than what this could possibly do to his career.

  “Aren’t you upset?” I asked

  “No I want the world to know that you gave me a second glance,” he said winking at me.

  “Come to my trailer we can have coffee there.”

  I still wanted to talk about what happened, when I saw Dean following Josh to his trailer.

  As far as I walked people on set were staring, I felt so uncomfortable everyone was judging me, and if not what were they thinking?

  He stopped walking he looked around and saw the same thing. He turned around and walked up to me, he put his arm around my middle and his other hand on my face and gave me a kiss.

  He said softly in my ear, “let them talk.”

  He kissed me again and kept his arm around my middle as we walked to his trailer.

  He closed the door behind me.

  “You must realise what this means, we are a couple in public now are you okay with that?”

  I looked over at Dean he was nodding in agreement with Joshua.

  “I don’t know, what will this do to your career?” I asked concerned.

  “Screw my career I asked you if you wanted to be my, well… girlfriend?”

  He looked shy saying the word.

  “Do you want me as your girlfriend or is it just because our photo got out?” I asked him.

  I wasn’t willing to put my head on the chopping board again.

  “Yes I would love for you to be my girlfriend, you are amazing and I love everything about you,” he answered.

  I was so s
hocked at his answer.

  He walked towards me with a look of uncertainty.

  “Yes.” Was the only word I could get out.

  The next moment the trailer door swung open,

  “Are you high, you idiot? We are supposed to be a couple for the publicity for my new movie,” the small petite blond girl said standing in the door.

  Her name was Taylor she was an actress, she was Josh’s arm candy in photos.

  They helped each others careers since they acted in their first movie together, the public loved them and decided that they were dating, they went along for the ride because of the good publicity they got.

  “I guess the cat is out of the bag then,” he said looking angry at the fact that she burst in there.

  “You can’t do this Josh, we had an agreement,” she snapped back.

  “I think we should leave, come Dean.”

  I grabbed Dean’s arm and left the trailer.

  When I thought it couldn’t get any worst the producer came to me. I could see in the way he walked up to me that he wasn’t in the mood for games.

  “Katie, a word please,” he said pointing to a deserted corner on set.

  “Is there a problem Lucas?” I asked innocently.

  I decided I will use that approach maybe he would let me down easy.

  Lucas had always had a way of sorting out little problems or hiccups as he called it.

  “My dear Katie there isn’t a problem here; I just wanted to tell you that everyone has been talking about you and Mr Scott. I haven’t seen this lot so excited and hyped up in a very long time. I just wanted to say if you go public then you must make sure you willing to go on that wild rollercoaster.

  I was involved with an actress once and I can tell you its not at all a fun ride, however if you are willing to do it you should.

  I don’t know how this will impact the movie or your book sales, it might even help. Is this publicity or is this a real romance?”

  I looked at Lucas and wondered if he was trying to give advice or did he wonder if I was desperate for money and attention.

  “This I think is the real thing. I have no intension of making money off this, in fact I never even thought about my book sales or the profit of this movie. That might have been ignorant of me but I just needed someone and Joshua was there, the rest as they say is history.”

  He smiled at me as if he understood exactly what I was saying, although I didn’t understand half of what I said myself.

  “Alright then lets make a movie,” he said, he gave me a gentle pat on the back.

  In the mean time Taylor was still throwing a fit in Joshua’s trailer. I looked around for Dean, he was sitting in my chair waiting for me to come tell him what Lucas said.


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