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Muslim Mafia

Page 35

by Sperry, Paul

  19 “A Media Analysis on Glenn Beck’s Statements on Islam and Muslims aired on CNN,” CAIR National Communication Department, 7 January 2007, 1. CAIR officials traveled to Atlanta to complain to CNN executives on Jan. 10, 2007.

  20 CAIR memo regarding “oppositional research.”

  21 Ibid.

  22 “Council on American-Islamic Relations 2007-2008 Strategic Plan,” 2. In August 2009, CAIR co-hosted with the Hollywood-based Writers Guild of America a seminar to assist aspiring Muslim screenwriters. CAIR had held a similar seminar with Fox Entertainment.

  23 The lawsuit filed by Al-Qudhaieen and al-Shalawi against America West was dismissed in 2003 by a federal judge, who ruled that even if racial profiling occurred, airline captains have wide latitude to take security precautions to protect passengers.

  24 Paul Sperry, “Imams Gone Wild,” FrontPageMagazine, 30 November 2006.

  25 Corey P. Saylor, “Conference Call on MN Imams Case,” internal memo to CAIR board, 30 November 2006, 1.

  26 Internal CAIR email from Nihad Awad to Arsalan Iftikhar, “Subject: URGENT/Important Issues on 6 Imams Case,” 20 April 2007. “I raised these issues with you today in the meeting and in previous meetings (and) you became upset and made a face,” Awad fulminated. “Had you responded to my request this morning, we would not be in this situation. I asked you specifically today, and before, to follow the startegy [sic] outlined and to stay on the case.”

  27 Madeleine Gruen and Edward Sloan, “Are Acts of Staged Controversy an Islamist Strategic Tactic?” IPT News, 27 February 2009.


  1 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 16 January 2009.

  2 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 22 March 2009.

  3 Elbarassee was a founding member of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in nearby Falls Church, Va. One of the mosque’s imams, Johari Abdul Malik, told attendees at a 2001 Islamic conference in Chicago: “You can blow up bridges,” similar to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, as long as civilian casualties are minimized. Authorities in 2004 caught Elbarassee and his wife videotaping the bridge’s stanchions.

  4 Author (Sperry) interview by email, 25 August 2005.

  5 Mohamed Akram Adlouni, “An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,” 22 May 1991, 7. Adlouni, a member of the U.S. Brotherhood shura council, attended the secret 1993 Hamas meeting in Philadelphia.

  6 “Analysis of Muslim Brotherhood’s General Strategic Goals for North America Memorandum,” Stephen Coughlin, 7 September 2007, 3.

  7 Author (Sperry) interview in person, 2 February 2009.

  8 Richard H. Curtiss, “Omar Ahmad: Jordanian-Born Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Is Influential Muslim-American Activist,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 30 June 2000, 35, Vol. XIX; No. 5.

  9 Government Exhibit, 016-0069, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 3, 4.

  10 “It was mentioned that the United States provided them with a secure, legal base from which to operate,” says former FBI official Dale Watson, describing in a high-level Nov. 5, 2001, memo what Ahmad and other Brotherhood and Hamas leaders discussed during their wiretapped 1993 meeting in Philadelphia.

  11 Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant, 31, 36.

  12 The FBI believes Shukri Abu Baker “is a U.S.-based leader of Hamas.” A Texas resident, he has paid visits to CAIR’s headquarters in Washington. His name appears on CAIR’s visitors register on March 27, 2001, for example. (See Appendix.)

  13 Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant, 36.

  14 Department of Justice, Attachment A, List of Unindicted Co-Conspirators, U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation; “An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group In North America,” 22 May 1991, 18; Attachment C, Safa Group Businesses and Corporations, Affidavit in The Matter of Searches Involving 555 Grove Street, Herndon, Virginia, and Related Locations, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, unredacted, October 2003.


  1 Author (Sperry) interview in person, 15 April 2005.

  2 Government Exhibit, Elbarasse-Search-10, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., chart (“Committee Chairman/Palestinian Action Aspects”). “List of Unindicted Co-conspirators,” 6. Government Exhibit, Ashqar Wiretap-1, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 2, 6 (recorded 13 September 1993). Also, Government Exhibit, 016-0047, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 11. Also, Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 22 March 2009. The Muslim Brotherhood has not been designated a terrorist organization by the U.S., and it is not a crime to belong to it.

  3 Steven Merley, “The Muslim Brotherhood in the United States,” Hudson Institute, April 2009. Also, Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 22 March 2009. The Muslim Brotherhood has not been designated a terrorist organization by the U.S., and it is not a crime to belong to it.

  4 The Brothers also quote the Quran (Surah 49:10): “The believers are but a single Brotherhood,” which revered Quranic scholar Abdullah Yusuf Ali interprets to mean: “The enforcement of the Muslim Brotherhood is the greatest social ideal of Islam. On it was based the Prophet’s Sermon at his last pilgrimage, and Islam cannot be completely realized until this ideal is achieved.”

  5 Indictment, U.S. v HLF, et al., U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, 26 July 2004, 7.

  6 Merley, “The Muslim Brotherhood in the United States.”

  7 “CAIR Maryland and Virginia Chapter 1st Leadership and Empowerment Conference.” Also, Khan’s name and contact info was found in CAIR National’s email directory under the heading “VIP.” Khan, moreover, served as an official on ISNA’s 2004 convention coordinating committee.

  8 Government Exhibit, Elbarasse-Search-2, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 13.

  9 Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant, 31.

  10 Ibid.

  11 “An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group In North America,” 22 May 1991, 17.

  12 Government Exhibit 003-0092, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 23.

  13 “An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group In North America,” 10, 11.

  14 Government Exhibit (Elbarasse Search - 11) 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 3.

  15 Noreen S. Ahmed-Ullah, Sam Roe and Laurie Cohen, “A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in America: Muslims divided on Brotherhood,” Chicago Tribune, 19 September 2004, C01.

  16 Author (Sperry) interview in person, 19 April 2005.

  17 Sperry, Infiltration, 314.

  18 “Mahdi Bray’s Secret, Checkered Past,” IPT News, 25 March 2009.

  19 Author (Sperry) interview in person, 15 April 2005.


  1 Government Exhibit 003-0069, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al.

  2 Ibid.

  3 Ibid. Abu Baker and Ahmad echo the 9/11 planners, who boasted of blindsiding U.S. intelligence through superior deception. “As the prophet has stated: ‘War is to deceive,’” wrote al-Qaida detainees Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Walid bin Attash, Ramzi bin As-shibh, Ali Abd Al-Aziz Ali, and Mustafa Ahmed Al-Hawsawi, in their February statement responding to U.S. military charges.

  4 Ibid.

  5 “The Islamist Head Fake,” editorial, Investor’s Business Daily, 28 September 2007.

  6 Ibid.

  7 Ibid.

  8 “The Islamist Head Fake,” editorial, Investor’s Business Daily. Al-Timimi is serving a life term in prison.

  9 Mahdi Bray, “Counterpoint: We’re proud of our Muslim ‘face,’” Dallas Morning News, 18 December 2005.

  10 Ibid.

  11 Government Exhibit 003-0078, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 5. Also: additional declassified Brotherhood documents identify current MAS leaders as Brotherhood members. Finally, the Justice Department in December 2007 concluded in a U.S. court briefing: “MAS was founded as the overt arm
of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.”

  12 Habib also was asked about CAIR in the Egyptian media last year. INTERVIEWER: “The Council for [sic] American-Islamic Relations: Many say that they are your front. Do they really represent you?” HABIB: “Ehh, this is a sensitive subject, and it’s kind of problematic, especially after 9/11.” INTERVIEWER: “For them to say that there is a relationship between you two?” HABIB: “Yes. You can say that.”

  13 Noreen S. Ahmed-Ullah, Sam Roe and Laurie Cohen, “A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in America: Muslims divided on Brotherhood.”


  15 Noreen S. Ahmed-Ullah, Sam Roe and Laurie Cohen, “A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in America: Muslims divided on Brotherhood.”

  16 “IPT Footage Takes Down Omeish,” Investigative Project on Terrorism, 27 September 2007.

  17 Sperry, Infiltration, 115.

  18 Ibid.

  19 Caryle Murphy, “Facing New Realities as Islamic Americans,” Washington Post, 12 September 2004, A01.

  20 Ibid.

  21 “MAS’ Esam Omeish Seeks Virginia Office,” IPT News, 1 May 2009.


  1 Transcript of lecture by Imam Zaid Shakir, “Jihad or Terrorism?”

  2 Ibid.

  3 Also, Sookhdeo, Faith, Power and Territory, 75. And author (Sperry) interview in person with Maj. Stephen Coughlin, 12 February 2009.

  4 Transcript of lecture by Imam Zaid Shakir, “Jihad or Terrorism?”

  5 Ibid.

  6 Ibid.

  7 Government Exhibit 003-0085, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 31.

  8 Dar El-Eiman President Fawaz Mushtaha is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror case. Investigators found videotapes, cell phones, maps, and other evidence burned or buried in the backyard of his Falls Church, Virginia, home. His travel agency’s Washington-area office is located in the same building as the radical Dar Al-Arqam mosque run by convicted terrorist Ali al-Timimi.

  9 Frank Gaffney, “Shariah is Anti-Constitutional and Seditious,” prepared remarks, The Harbor League, Baltimore, Md., 7 October 2008.

  10 Ibid.


  1 Sperry, Infiltration, xi. Though Ahmad now insists he was misquoted, he has not denied the substance of the statement, which has caused him untold grief. Meanwhile, the reporter, Lisa Gardiner, stands by the accuracy of her 1998 story. The newspaper that published the story, “The San Ramon Valley Herald” (and sister publication “The Argus” of Fremont, Calif., where the article also ran) has not retracted any of it. Ironically, Ahmad several years earlier issued a prophetic warning to fellow Brothers at their secret 1993 meeting to support Hamas: “It is possible you could be destroyed by the media without the law touching you. They could hold things against you and destroy you on the media front before you’re destroyed by the government and the law.” He was referring to the media supposedly trumping up charges against his fellow Muslim Brother, the blind Sheik Omar Abdul-Rahman. “There are no, what you call, crimes against him, you see?” Ahmad contended in the FBI recordings. U.S. courts reached a different conclusion, sending the Brotherhood cleric to prison for life for conspiring to blow up New York City landmarks.

  2 Government Exhibit, Elbarasse Search-4, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 5. (In Brotherhood documents, Elkadi is also known as “Al-Qadi.”) Also, Noreen S. Ahmed-Ullah, Sam Roe and Laurie Cohen, “A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in America: Muslims divided on Brotherhood.”

  3 Ibid, “A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in America: Muslims divided on Brotherhood.”

  4 Ibid. Ahmed Elkadi’s wife, Iman A. Elkadi, is a therapist, who heads a clinic in Falls Church, Virginia, for “survivors of torture” called the Center for Multicultural Human Services.

  5 FEC records, 1996-2003. Elkadi and his wife, Iman, gave a total of $2,000 to LaRouche (D).

  6 The AMC largely disappeared following the 2004 conviction of Alamoudi on terror charges. Many of the political functions of the AMC are now being performed by MAS and the Muslim Public Affairs Council, or MPAC.

  7 Author (Sperry) interview in person, Washington, 15 April 2005. Also, a July 14, 2005, Treasury Department press release stated: “According to information available to the U.S. government, the September 2003 arrest of Alamoudi was a severe blow to al-Qaida, as Alamoudi had a close relationship with al-Qaida and had raised money for al-Qaida in the United States.” Full details of Alamoudi’s case remain classified.

  8 Ibid, Author (Sperry) interview in person, Washington, 15 April 2005.

  9 Author (Sperry) interview in person, NCTC officials, Fairfax County, Virginia, 17 June 2005. Also, Glenn R. Simpson, “U.S.-Tracked Account Held By Saudi,” Wall Street Journal, 6 October 2004, B3.

  10 Paul Sperry, “Congressional Paul Revere Warns Nation About Islamofascist Threat,” Investor’s Business Daily, 19 November 2007.

  11 “CAIR Executive Staff Meeting,” task report, 3 January 2007. CAIR official Corey Saylor “to call Saiful Islam, Hisham Islam.”

  12 United States v. Abdurahman Muhammad Alamoudi, criminal complaint filed in United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 30 September 2003, 11.

  13 Government Exhibit, Elbarasse-Search-10, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., chart (“Committee Chairman/Palestinian Action Aspects”). “List of Unindicted Co-conspirators,” 6. Government Exhibit, Ashqar Wiretap-1, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 2, 6 (recorded 13 September 1993). Also, Government Exhibit, 016-0047, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 11. Also, Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 22 March 2009. The Muslim Brotherhood has not been designated a terrorist organization by the U.S., and it is not a crime to belong to it. Although Ahmad remains under FBI counterterrorism investigation, he has not been charged with a crime as this book was going to press.

  14 Sperry, Infiltration, xi.

  15 “CAIR’s War on Truth,” IPT News, 13 March 2009.

  16 Robert Spencer, prepared remarks, Young America’s Foundation, annual student conference, Washington DC, 4 August 2007.

  17 Transcript of Hooper interview with The Keith Larson Show, WBT-1110 AM Radio, Charlotte, N.C., 3 October 2006. Larson called Hooper’s answer “cagey.”

  18 “Guilty verdicts in terror case deal blow to CAIR,” WorldNetDaily, 25 November 2008.


  1 Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant, 30, 31.

  2 Author (Sperry) interview by email with FBI official, 6 April 2005, and in person, 15 April 2005.

  3 Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant, 30, 31. Federal authorities in a separate court filing described the al-Arian document, entitled the “Charter of the Center of Studies,” as setting forth a detailed description of the structure and operation of “a hostile intelligence organization in the United States.” They said it included: “the organizational structure, duties, responsibilities, espionage methods and targets, counterintelligence and precautionary measures, methods of reporting, and a cipher system to make the hostile intelligence organization appear to be affiliated with a university.”

  4 Ibid, 33.

  5 John Mintz and Douglas Farah, “In Search of Friends Among the Foes: U.S. Hopes to Work with Diverse Group,” Washington Post, 11 September 2004, A01.

  6 Guitta, “The Cartoon Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood’s project for dominating the West.”

  7 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 22 March 2009.

  8 “North American Islamic Trust,” FBI memo marked “SECRET,” 1986, 43. Recently declassified in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by the Washington-based Investigative Project on Terrorism, 1986, 43. Neither Barzinji nor the other Brotherhood members cited in the FBI memo have been charged with a crime. It currently is not a crime to belong to the Muslim Brotherhood in America. Another more recent federal document, an affidavit for a search warrant of Barzinji’s home that was unsea
led in 2003, connects Barzinji to Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists. Barzinji’s lawyer Nancy Luque has denied any linkage between her client and terrorists or the Muslim Brotherhood. Also representing Safa group interests, she told the Washington Post her clients “love this country,” and “are absolutely not involved in any way in supporting terrorism,” adding that the government’s investigation of them is “a smearing.” However, Barzinji admitted to the Post that he was a member of the Ikhwan, or Brotherhood, and hosted Brotherhood bigshots from Egypt. Also, he is listed in secret U.S. Brotherhood documents as a leader of the group in America.

  9 Attachment A, List of Unindicted Co-Conspirators, U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation, 2007; “An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group In North America,” 22 May 1991, 18; Government Exhibit 004-0001, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et. al.,; Attachment C, Safa Group Businesses and Corporations, Affidavit in The Matter of Searches Involving 555 Grove Street, Herndon, Virginia, and Related Locations, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, unredacted, October 2003; Link-analysis chart, Abdurahman Alamoudi investigation, JTTF-Washington, 2003; Steven Merley, “The Muslim Brotherhood in the United States,” Hudson Institute, April 2009; Guest charges summaries, Courtyard Marriott, Philadelphia, 3 October 1993; Dale L. Watson, Assistant Director, FBI Counterterrorism Division, “Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development/International Economic Emergency Powers Act,” Action Memorandum (To: R. Richard Newcomb, Director, Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control), 5 November 2001.


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