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You're Being Summoned, Darkness

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by Natsume Akatsuki


  Konosuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 3


  Translation by Kevin Steinbach

  Cover art by Kurone Mishima

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


  Copyright © 2014 Natsume Akatsuki, Kurone Mishima

  First published in Japan in 2014 by KADOKAWA CORPORATION, Tokyo.

  English translation rights arranged with KADOKAWA CORPORATION, Tokyo, through TUTTLE-MORI AGENCY, INC., Tokyo.

  English translation © 2017 by Yen Press, LLC

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  First Yen On Edition: August 2017

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Akatsuki, Natsume, author. | Mishima, Kurone, 1991– illustrator. | Steinbach, Kevin, translator.

  Title: Konosuba, God’s blessing on this wonderful world! / Natsume Akatsuki ; illustration by Kurone Mishima ; translation by Kevin Steinbach.

  Other titles: Kono subarashi sekai ni shukufuku wo. English

  Description: First Yen On edition. | New York, NY : Yen On, 2017– Contents: v. 1. Oh! my useless goddess! — v. 2. Love, witches & other delusions! — v. 3. You’re being summoned, darkness

  Identifiers: LCCN 2016052009 | ISBN 9780316553377 (v. 1 : paperback) | ISBN 9780316468701 (v. 2 : paperback) | ISBN 9780316468732 (v. 3 : paperback)

  Subjects: | CYAC: Fantasy. | Future life—Fiction. | Adventure and adventurers—Fiction. | BISAC: FICTION / Fantasy / General.

  Classification: LCC PZ7.1.A38 Ko 2017 | DDC [Fic]—dc23

  LC record available at

  ISBNs: 978-0-316-46873-2 (paperback)

  978-0-316-46875-6 (ebook)



  Hi Mom, hi Dad.

  How are you doing? I’ll bet it’s pretty cold back in your world.

  “Defendant Kazuma Satou. In light of your numerous immoral deeds, to say nothing…”

  Or will the snow be melting for you soon?

  How’s my little brother? Same as always?

  “…of your total—indeed, sociopathic—disregard for public safety…”

  I know you guys. I’m sure you’re all getting along fine.

  “…I consider the prosecution’s recommendation to be appropriate.”

  For the most part, I’ve been doing great in my new home.

  “I find you guilty—”

  So even though your son has shamed you forever in a court of law…

  “—and sentence you to death.”

  …I hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive him.

  Chapter 1

  May I Be Saved from This Unfair Trial!


  I don’t know who named it, but behind its ridiculous moniker was an existence with a bounty on its head, feared the world over.

  Mobile Fortress Destroyer.

  And just the other day, we took it down, thanks to my exceptional leadership.

  Then we came to the Guild to collect our reward, but…

  “Adventurer Kazuma Satou! You are hereby accused of sedition. I will need you to come with me.”

  Things were getting a little weird around here.

  “Umm, who are you? And what’s sedition? I just came to collect a bounty,” I said nervously to the woman, who had a dangerous glint in her eyes.

  The pleasant chatter in the Guild Hall faded away as the woman, with two Knights escorting her, explained.

  “I am Sena, government prosecutor. Sedition is the crime of attempting to undermine or overthrow the State. And you are currently under suspicion of being a terrorist—or perhaps an agent from the Demon King’s army.”

  Long black hair framed the face of the prosecutor called Sena as she fixed me with her intense gaze.

  At first glance, you could mistake her for some highly paid executive’s secretary. Also, you might notice that she was drop-dead gorgeous.

  Aqua exclaimed, “What?! Just a second, Kazuma—what did you do?! Can’t I leave you alone for one minute? Apologize right now! I’ll help you—just hurry up and say you’re sorry!”

  “You idiot! Why would I commit a crime like that? And when did you ever ‘leave me alone for one minute’? You ought to know full well I haven’t done anything!”

  As the two of us shouted at one another, Megumin broke in.

  “Pardon me, but is there not some kind of mistake? Kazuma may be constantly committing minor offenses such as sexual harassment, but he does not have the nerve for the large-scale lawlessness you accuse him of.”

  “Are you defending me or trying to start something?”

  As I laid into Megumin, Darkness picked up the thread.

  “Hmm, I agree, this man isn’t capable of such grand malfeasance. If he had it in him, he would do more than just stare at me with animal lust when I walk around the house in clothes that barely cover me. But he can’t even bring himself to sneak into my room at night!”

  “I—I—I—I—I do not stare at you! You’re just way too self-conscious! Just ’cause you’re a little hot, don’t let it go to your head! Am I not allowed to make my own choices?!”

  Darkness flushed.

  “Wh-why, you—! You made me do all that stuff in the bath, and now you…?!”

  “We agreed I was under the control of a succubus then! You’re the one who let yourself get caught up in the moment so bad, you just went ahead and washed my back! What? Maybe you hoped it would go somewhere! Just how easy are you, woman?!”

  “I—I knew you remembered! A-and as a Crusader who serves Eris, my body is yet pure! Plus, are you calling me an easy woman?! I’ll kill you!”

  Darkness was attempting to strangle me when one of Sena’s escorts broke in between us.

  The prosecutor watched the whole exchange without batting an eyelash and said, “The Coronatite at the heart of Mobile Fortress Destroyer was teleported on this man’s orders to the manor of the local lord.”

  At that, the Guild Hall got extremely quiet.

  Coronatite. In the battle with Destroyer, we’d used Teleport magic to get rid of it moments before it exploded. And yes, I had been the one to give the word.

  But how could it have…?

  “Oh man! The lord died in an explosion I caused?!”

  “Don’t assume! He’s not dead. Reports indicate that all servants had left the house and the lord himself was in an underground bunker. Hence there were no injuries, althou
gh the house itself was blown to smithereens.”

  “So zero casualties in the battle with Destroyer? That’s great!”

  “Great?! Do you understand the situation here? You transported an explosive device to the noble’s manor and destroyed his home. As I stated previously, you are suspected of being either a terrorist or in league with the Demon King. We’ll learn the details at the station.”

  The hall erupted into discussion as she finished talking.

  Of course. All the adventurers here knew me.

  And they knew all about what I’d done in the Destroyer fight.

  “Hmph, and here I thought there was an actual problem. Kazuma is the hero of the battle against Destroyer. True, he ordered the teleportation of the stone, but that was a necessary emergency measure. Without his quick thinking, the exploding Coronatite might have claimed many lives. He deserves an award, not an arrest!”

  All around the Guild, people murmured agreement with Megumin.

  Y-you guys…!

  While I was busy feeling warmth in my heart, Sena broke in with a retort.

  “Incidentally, the charge of sedition can apply not only to the main actor but to any coconspirators. I advise caution in your words and actions until the trial is over. Though if you really want to join this man in prison, I won’t stop you.”

  At that, the Guild went quiet again.


  …Aqua suddenly piped up. “…I recall Kazuma saying at the time, ‘It’s a big world! There’s gotta be a better chance of it landing somewhere deserted! Do it—I’ll take full responsibility! I may not look like much, but I’ve got Luck to spare!’”

  …True, I’d said that. But why would our resident idiot choose to have a perfect memory this one time?

  “Aqua. You can’t seriously want to pin this…all…on…me…?”

  She didn’t answer, only looking away unhappily.

  “I didn’t go aboard Destroyer myself. I’m sure I could have stopped Kazuma if I’d been there. But I wasn’t, so there was nothing I could do… Nothing…,” Megumin commented loudly to herself.

  “Hang on, Aqua, Megumin… How can you…?”

  No way—they wouldn’t…?!

  Then Darkness stood between Sena and me as if to protect me.

  “Wait. I’m the one you want. I gave the order. So, if you must subject someone to dungeon play… No! I mean, please take me with Kazuma and subject me to your brutal tortures as well!”

  “Interesting,” Sena said. “I heard you simply stood in front of Destroyer the entire time and did nothing of any use at all.”


  Struck right in the heart, Darkness had tears leap to her eyes. She looked at me, but Sena was right, and anyway, now wasn’t the time.

  Finally, Wiz, who had been silent the entire time, raised a trembling hand.

  “U-um! I was the one who actually used Teleport, so if you insist on taking Mr. Kazuma away, p-please take me, too…”

  Aqua grasped Wiz’s raised hand.

  “No, Wiz! Only one person needs to sacrifice himself! I know it’s hard, but try to bear it…! This isn’t good-bye. We’ll just wait for Kazuma till he’s served his sentence, all right?”

  You despicable woman! You’ve given me up already?!

  No. I did give Wiz the order. I couldn’t let her take the rap for me alone.

  “Fine, you guys! Abandon me! I’ve got a whole Guild behind me!”

  As I spoke, I looked around the Guild Hall. One by one, adventurers averted their gazes before our eyes could meet.

  Et tu, entire Guild?!

  “C-c’mon, guys! Show a little spirit! Help me out here!”

  A Wizard girl spoke up quietly.

  “When I first saw Kazuma, he was… I remember. He was back behind the Guild Hall stealing the panties from a lady Thief. It’s hard to forget a sight like that.”


  “Yeah, I always figured it was only a matter of time before he snapped.”

  “You’re telling me. I heard he took that Priest in his party, put her in a cage, and tried to feed her to some alligators!”

  “I heard he stole a magic sword from some guy who challenged him and then just up and sold it.”

  “You’re the most fair-weather friends I’ve ever met! I know who spoke just now! Just you wait till I’m proven innocent…!”

  The two Knights took my arms as I spit out my last words.

  “You’ll regret thiiiiis!”


  We were at the police station in the middle of town.

  As a law-abiding adventurer, I hadn’t had much experience here, but now I was being led deeper and deeper into it.

  “Get in there. Until the trial is over, this will be your home.”

  Sena, walking in front of me, stopped and indicated a dank, cramped cell.

  “H-hey, I thought I was the hero who saved the whole town—you’ve gotta be kidding. Are you really putting me in jail? Hey, are you serious?”

  Sena replied to my bout of dread in an accusatory tone.

  “We’ll talk tomorrow. For now, enjoy your stay.”

  She hadn’t answered my question, but the Knights took this as a signal to shove me inside. Then Sena and her escorts spun on their heels and walked away.

  “Hey! Wait a second! You can’t leave me… You’re…leaving me…”

  I clung to the bars of the dim, cold cell, speechless with disbelief.

  Just this morning I’d been lounging at home.

  How did that turn into this?!

  At a loss, I surveyed my cell. There were a few blankets on the cold floor, a small toilet in one corner, and a window with bars over it. That was all.

  This was outrageous. How could the savior of the whole town end up like this?

  I sat on my haunches in the dark cell and buried my face in my knees.

  You know, I used to enjoy my life as a hikikomori.

  I would sleep till noon; wake up in my nice, warm room; and play all the video games I liked.

  I ate home-cooked meals, went to sleep when I wanted, woke up when I felt like it. Ah, the self-indulgence of it all!

  And then I got here, and every single day became a struggle.

  I didn’t know how anything was supposed to work in this world, so I couldn’t get a decent job or handle anything that involved interacting with customers. Instead, I did manual labor and lived in a stable every day.

  I spent all my time babysitting a bunch of people I could barely understand, only to wind up in debt…!

  I only got angrier and angrier. When I was out of this place, they’d all get theirs!


  “I wanna go home… Home to Japan…”

  For the first time in a long while, I remembered my original goal: to get home.

  I was on trial in a world where nobles and kings and stuff were normal. Considering who I was up against, it wasn’t hard to imagine I might get the death penalty.

  It began to dawn on me just how bleak my situation was. That realization, combined with the mustiness of my cell, made me very unhappy very quickly.

  Surrounded by stone walls and on the verge of tears, I heard several sets of footsteps in the distance.

  “Hey, I’m not struggling, so take it easy already!”

  “Less talk, more walk, punk!”

  I heard a rattling of armor and a thuggish voice.

  Looked like they’d collected some company for me.

  …Hold on. This is the only cell.

  You’ve gotta be kidding. Some criminal stranger and I were gonna be crammed in this cell together?

  “Get in there! How many times do we have to dump you in here? It’s a jail cell, not your room! Someone else got here first today. Try not to kill each other.”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hey, someone else, nice to meet— Well! If it isn’t Kazuma! How’d you wind up in a place like this?”

  There was only one guy everyone in town knew as a punk adventurer, and here he
was in my cell. Dust.

  “Geez, fancy meeting you here! Whatcha in for?”

  The Knights had left. Dust seemed surprisingly upbeat for a jailbird.

  “Oh, you know, they…they think I’m a terrorist or something. When we took down Destroyer, I was the one who gave the order to teleport the Coronatite just before it detonated. I guess it landed in some lord’s mansion and blew everything up.”

  Hearing my story, Dust nearly exploded himself.

  “Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! You don’t do anything halfway, do you, Kazuma? Ha-ha! That damn lord’s not worth the ass he sits on, is he? Way to go! Ha-ha-ha! You showed him!”

  “Shut up. I didn’t mean to! I don’t have anything against that lord or whoever! …Hang on, what are you doing here, Dust?”

  From his conversation with the guard, it sounded like he was a regular here.

  “Me? Aww, I heard they were giving out the rewards for the Destroyer job, so I had a little feast ahead of time—on a tab, of course. I figured there’d be plenty of dough, you know? So I gambled with some of it…also ahead of time. They just didn’t give me quite as much reward as I expected. Couldn’t pay off my debts. With no money, I have to sleep in the stables, but it gets pretty cold in there this time of year. So I figured, why not stay here? You get something to eat, and you’re not gonna freeze to death. So I pulled the old dine and dash. If they toss you in here, it doesn’t even count toward your debt!”

  Living up to the name, there, Dust.

  I’d been all torn up about going to jail, but finding out that Dust didn’t care about being the most obnoxious punk he could be made me feel a little bit better.


  I killed time by having pointless conversations with Dust, ate my dinner, and went to bed early.

  How long have I been asleep…?

  I woke to the sound of an explosion in the distance, small tremors shaking my cell.

  Someone was whispering something, too.

  “…zuma… Kazuma! Hey, Kazuma, get up!”

  Moonlight streamed in between the bars on the window. It had to be around midnight.


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