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Valaisha Defenders_An Incredible Fantasy

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by Lara Rose Lee

  Valaisha Defenders

  A Fantasy


  Lara Rose Lee

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2018 Lara Rose Lee

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-10: 1983029134

  ISBN-13: 978-198302




  The Queen


  Tayren Race












  New Threat


  Hidden Secret






  Second Prophecy


  Shield Training


  The Watch




  Final Goodbye




  Rough Flight


  The Newcomers


  Light Within


  Surprise Truth


  Since our reign on Kaihu, it has taken a little over a year for the people to adjust from the dark spell over them. Just when we believed all was finally at peace and beauty restored, a new threat arose to threaten our royal family from another world.

  As we are talking Peace with the Queen from the world Amadoria, others that are against the peace talks began a group so large; they were setting off bombs around our worlds and killing innocent people. The first one happened at my nineteenth birthday celebration, seriously injuring my mother. We have got to join forces and stop this new threat before it destroys us all.

  ~Rayana Karver Rowen, Queen of Kaihu

  1 The queen

  “Race you!” I said to my mother as we went flying on our tayrens. My mother has a beautiful gold tayren with silver mane and tail called Mystique, and we have spent time flying as often as we can. I never knew my mother was an advent flyer until the first time she and I went flying together.

  It is so good to see my mother happy again. I have been learning how to be a good queen by watching her at her duties. Galen reigning as King seems so natural for him. The people love and respect him and his leadership. The people seem to adore me, and I love them. My nineteenth birthday is nearing and like last year a big celebration is being planned. I am still getting used to all this attention.

  My mom and Bryden both seem to be in denial of their growing feelings for each other, but I am hopeful. I sure would love to see them together. They are perfect for each other.

  I have finally been getting to know my father in law and mother in law, and I adore them. There are times that Queen Kristana would join my mother and me on rides, but not today.

  I have finally gotten to see the pink snow, and I love it. The seasons seem backward then what I am used to, but this is my home, and I am adjusting. It is now what Earth would call spring even though on Earth it is autumn there. On Valaisha I was born in spring on Valaisha yet on Earth, I celebrated my birthday in fall. It was a big adjustment for me, but I am adapting.

  Today was my mother’s and my fun day, and so here we are flying our tayrens, and I just challenged my mother to a race.

  “You are on.” My mother said as we hovered. “To the hill over there and back.” She suggested.

  I smiled at her, “Okay, get ready? Set. Go!” and we were off. My mother was excellent, and I picked up flying real fast. Must be in my blood. I saw my mother lean and give head as I did and Mystique and Selest took off more swiftly. It was so exhilarating I love my time in the air.

  We got to the hill and turned sharp to head back. I was ahead but not by much. Then just before we made it to the starting point, my mother dropped the reins against her tayrens neck and leaned closer to her, which gave her tayren full range to fly and zipped right past me and won. Throwing her hands up in the air she shouted with glee. I caught up, and we both did a high five and laughed.

  She was good at flying. “Okay, mom you must teach me that trick.”

  She laughed, “Of course. But I need to tell you I have won a race or two in my time.”

  “You mom?” Now I am surprised. “What races?”

  “I was younger than you. There was a time when all three worlds in unity and peace would put on tayren races. I had learned a few tricks and would win a few. I loved racing, but then I married your father and when you were born the threats began, and we stopped the races.”

  “I bet the races were something to see.”

  “They were.” She looked as if in thought. “I may talk to Derrik, Kristana and you two about beginning the races for fun again.”

  “That would be so fun mom,” I said all for the racing again. “But you got to teach me your little tricks.”

  She smiled at me, “Gladly.” She turned Mystique towards the Palace. “We need to head back. We are going to be having a visiting Royal dignitary arriving later from the world Amadoria.”

  I nodded, “Next time then. I want to learn.”

  “Alright sweetie, next time.” She smiled, and I followed her back to the palace. We landed at the stables, and the stable hands took our tayrens for us, and we walked on into the castle. Galen was there conversing with Bryden, and they both stood as we walked in. Etiquette among the royal court and I am still learning. I smiled and gave my husband a big hug, and we all sat down.

  “Any word on when Queen Joanita is due to arrive?” My mother asked Bryden.

  “According to the manifest, she is due to arrive in about three hours.”

  “I see, well it gives me time to freshen up. If you all will excuse me.” My mother stood and glanced Bryden’s direction, and I couldn’t help but noticed he was watching her as she left.

  Finally, I had to ask. “When are you two going to stop being stubborn?”

  Bryden looked at me and said. “I am just allowing her time to adjust to things.” He sat back down. “When the time is right I will talk with her.”

  “Well, in my opinion, the time is right. Do you not see the way she looks at you?”

  “Rayna, it is more complicated then, who makes the first move and who don’t. There are prodigals to courting a Queen. I am only a knight after all.” Bryden tried to explain.

  “Prodigals my eye. She is happy when you are around; you must see that?” I said frustrated.

  “Yeah, I do see it but…” He leaned and placed his elbows on his knees. “With all due respect, Your Majesty. You really must understand. This is between your mother and me.”

  I knew when to quit, so I just stood up, looked at Galen before I excused myself. “I need to go and freshen up before the guest arrives.” Galen stood as did Bryden. But before I walked out, I turned to Bryden on my way, “I do apologize for speaking out of term.”

  “Rayna, I do understand. You love your mother and want to see her happy.”

  “I want to see you happy too, Bryden.” I smiled a smile I didn’t quite feel and walked away and down the hall to the guest room Galen, and I was staying in for this meeting.

  In the room, I showered and dressed in the gown I chose for this occasion, and the handmaid that was assigned to me helped fix my hair in an updo, and
I placed on my tiara and necklace with little diamond drop earrings on my ears. I took a short time putting some makeup on and finally stood and turned looking at my reflection; I find it still hard to believe I am of royal blood. Growing up on Earth I was just a girl with friends and planning a career. I always thought of becoming a veterinarian to help animals.

  Then after all that time I find out my destiny was already chosen for me and I was to reign as Queen of a world. Wow so much has changed. Then I fell genuinely in love with my King Galen and discovered that together we were the light to save our worlds. After the evil king, Lucas was killed, and peace was once again upon the worlds, Galen, and I finally got our much-needed rest and honeymoon.

  Galen walked in as I was reflecting on all the things that had happened. I turned and greeted my husband, and he stood there staring at me.

  “Wow, Rayna you look beautiful.” I smiled and walked into his arms. “Mmm, now this is nice.” He said rubbing my back. Then I stepped back and asked him.

  “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for this royal dignitary and dinner?” I asked as I did one last check on my appearance.

  “That is why I am here.” He smiled at my reflection. He walked over and kissed my cheek then went to take a shower and change.

  As Galen was getting ready in the next room, I dismissed my handmaiden. “Thank You, Zolene. You did a great job with my hair.” I smiled at her, and she smiled as she curtsied before leaving.

  Galen came out in his royal best and boy did he look handsome. I just stood there smiling and being thankful that this man that is standing before me belongs to me. He smiled and reached for me and brought me into his arms. It always felt so good being in his arms. His fresh, clean scent drifting into my nostrils tingling my senses.

  “Mmm, you do smell good,” I said hugging him tightly.

  “So, do you, my love, so do you.” He gave me one last hug and added, “You ready?” I nodded, and he extended his arm for me to take and together we walked out.

  We got to the large sitting room, and my mother was there talking to Bryden, and a few servants giving last minute instructions for this dinner and dance this evening. Galen’s parents and the council members and families are expected to be here for this peace talk event. It is all a part of being royal.

  My mother looked beautiful in her royal blue ballgown and diamond and sapphire blue crown. She also had her long auburn hair up in an upswept hairstyle with a few loose curls. Her bangs were up in a feathered style away from her forehead which gave her a more Regal look. I couldn’t help but notice the look Bryden was giving her. I did notice my mother glancing his way too. Bryden was also wearing his best and Kieran hadn’t come down yet but is also expected to attend.

  My mother was done with the instructions and turned and saw me. “Rayna, Galen!” She smiled at us. “You both look wonderful.”

  “And you look beautiful, mom.” I smiled back at her hugging her.

  “I agree, Shannon You, look beautiful,” Galen said also hugging her.

  “Guests should be arriving soon.” My mother said, and just as she turned around, an announced as was made as is prodigal to do so, Galen’s parents arrived.

  “Mother, Father,” Galen said kissing his mother on her cheek and shaking his dad’s hand in greeting. I gave them both a hug in greeting and complimented his mother. She looked beautiful as always.

  My mother looked around and asked. “Are we ready to meet with the Queen of Amadoria?”

  “What we say and do today at this dinner will determine our peaceful relations with Amadoria.” King Derrik was saying as to remind us all to be at our best.

  “I have done my research on Queen Joanita, and according to my findings, she can be a tough cookie, but very reasonable to different causes. She is a fair woman in her decisions.” Bryden was saying as he flipped through the papers in his hands with the findings. “So, this should go pretty well.” He finished.

  The dinner is to be intimate as the council and families arrive later. The Queen of Amadoria should be arriving soon. So, we all sat and chatted until the announcement was made and we all got up and headed to greet the guest at the greeting hall as we call it.

  We lined up accordingly, and my mother stood towards the large door waiting to greet her guest. She signaled the guard, and he opened the door, and in walked a lovely looking woman with four guards of her own. She was older than my mother and Queen Kristana, but she was quite beautiful and youthful in appearance. She wore a powder blue shiny gown and a silver with diamond crown. My mother walked over and extending her hand graciously towards the Queen of Amadoria said. “Your Majesty, it is so good of you to come.” She said with a slight bow

  Queen Joanita took my mother’s hand with respect and my mother lead her to Galen’s parents. “May I introduce you to His Royal Majesty King Derrik and his wife Queen Kristana of Cainya.” Derrik and Kristana both extended their hands when it was their turn to greet the guest, and Kristana curtsied as she took the foreign Queens hand respectfully, and King Derrik bowed taking her hand. Then my mother and the Queen walked across to where we stood and introduced us in the same way, and we followed with the same respect.

  “So, you two are the new King and Queen of Kaihu. And So young.” She smiled graciously at us. “It is nice to meet you finally.”

  “Likewise,” I said smiling politely.

  My mother and the new Queen walked through the door first, followed by Derrik and his wife, then followed by Galen and myself. Always following prodigal. Once in the sitting room, Bryden was there as was Kieran. My mother walked over and introduced the guest to Bryden, “This is Sir Bryden, my head knight of twenty. And his lovely daughter Kieran.”

  Bryden took the Queens' hand and bowed. “Your Majesty.”

  Then Kieran curtsied at the guest. “What a charming, young woman.” The queen said about Kieran.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” Kieran said smiling sweetly at her.

  The servants came in with glasses of drinks, much like that of Champaign only fruitier tasting. My first sip was at my eighteenth birthday celebration. Now as my nineteenth is approaching, there was something I wanted to discuss with my mother, but for now, that will have to wait.

  Dinner then was announced, and we all stood and went into the grand dining room. The place where my father was murdered. It did take me a little time with that knowledge to be able to eat in here, but now since my mother had it remodeled it doesn’t bother me as much now.

  My mother sat at the head of the table, and the guest Queen sat at her left side, next to my mother. Galen sat on the right side of my mother. I sat next to Galen. Derrik sat next to the new Queen, and Kristana sat next to her husband. Bryden sat next to Galen’s mother, and Kieran was seated next to me.

  We had guards at each doorway, and the servants all came in to serve us our dinners. My mother and Queen Joanita was speaking and seem to be getting along. Queen Joanita even entertained us with a few stories and had us laughing. She was a kind woman who seemed to want peace with our worlds as much as we did.

  An hour later we all walked towards the ballroom, and the music was already playing and then stopped as we reached the door. We could hear the thump three times from the Palace Herald’s scepter, and a hush came over the people as he began to announce the arrival of my mother and Queen Joanita as they walked in and shook hands with each council member. Then Galen’s parents were declared, and they too walked in and shook hands with the council members. Then it was Galen and my turn, and we did what the others had done. Lastly, Bryden and Kieran were announced, and they shook hands of the council.

  My mother walked over to where the band played and Formally said a welcome to Queen Joanita. “The kingdom of Valaisha, Cainya and Kaihu would all like to thank, her Royal Majesty Queen Joanita for gracing us with this wonderful visit.” A servant came over to us all with Champaign glasses and my mother had us lift them for a toast. “To Queen Joanita, may we enjoy peace and friendship in unity for ma
ny years to come.”

  Many of the councilmen and many other’s said, “To Peace.” And we all sipped our drinks.

  “Now let the celebration begin.” My mother added as she walked away to chat with a few nearby. The music began to play again, and couples were starting to dance.

  Galen looked to me, “Shall we?”

  I smiled at him and gave him my hand. “Of course.”

  And we began to dance. I noticed an elderly council member had asked Queen Joanita to dance which was sweet. I looked over as we danced at Bryden and he was watching my mother as she interacted with different council members.

  “He wants to dance with her,” I said as Galen spun me gently and back to his arms.

  “Who?” he asked perplexed.

  “Bryden, look at how he watches my mother. He wants to dance with her. Only they both are too stubborn.” I looked my mother’s direction. “See that? She looked over at him too. I know she would love for him to ask her to dance.”

  Galen laughed and held me tight. “I know you want to see them as happy as we are, but it has to be their timing, not ours.”

  “I know, it just is hard to see, when it is obvious they love each other.”

  My husband bent and kissed me, “Let it go and let us enjoy us right now.”

  I looked up into the eyes of the man I love. “You are right. I will back off… for now.” I smiled up at him, and he laughed and spun me with him around the room.


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