at nirvana, views on, 71–72
nonvirtue as, 28
rebirth and, 223
of sentient beings, 103
in twelve links, 63–64
afflictive obscurations, 14, 19–20, 57, 76, 109, 367
agent and action, 5, 92–93, 126, 127
aggregates, mental and physical, 102–3
arising of, 51–52
bondage to, 109
conceit of apprehending as I, 333–34
conventional existence of, 108
duhkha of, 64–65
emptiness of, 52
fear of emptiness and, 46
I as dependent on, 58–60
investigating, 47–48, 54, 55–56, 134
lack of inherent existence of, 82, 83
at nirvana, views on, 71–72
refuting inherent existence of, 91, 92, 298–99
self and, 111
self-grasping of, 61–62
selflessness of, 114–19
views on, 70
Akanishta, 221, 369
Akshayamati Sutra, 386
analogies and examples
for aggregates, 304
for birth in cyclic existence, 21–22
bitter medicine, 310
cow leading herd, 33, 94
cows wandering in jungle, 33, 34
eczema, 181
fire and fuel, 118, 123, 132, 298
fireflies and sunlight, 200
grand fruit tree, 287
handling snakes, 154
illusory elephant, 145–47
lamp’s flame, 78, 79
mirages, 81–83, 86
monarch’s child, 365–66
pig chased by dog, 65
plantain tree, 137–38
rabbit’s horn, 111
reflection in mirror, 53, 56, 58–59
sandalwood tree, 242
sight obscured by floaters, 131
snake as rope, 111–12
snake grasped incorrectly, 47
sprout and seed, 94–95, 97n17
sugarcane bark, 186–87
sunlight and darkness, 132
turtle’s mustache, 111, 141
analysis, 24
of attachment to body, 182–83
as changeable mental factor, 342–43
mistaken understandings of, 83–84
of phenomena, 82, 85, 120–23, 127–28
of pleasure and pain, 290–300
of scripture, 318, 348–49
sevenfold, 119
ultimate, 80, 112, 132, 134, 138–40
using tetralemma, 141–42
wisdom and, 241, 256, 346
See also reasoning
Ananda, 60
anger, 37, 39, 41–42, 218, 243–44, 330, 359–60
animal realm, 38, 42, 222, 223, 270, 357
animal sacrifice, 24, 40, 158
anti-vows, 284
conventional view of, 53
false, 45, 50, 56–57, 146–47
illusory, 147, 148
pacifying dualistic, 132
appearing objects, 57, 82, 153
apprehended objects, 57, 61n8, 82, 89, 115, 153
arhats, 188
Ananda as, 60
and bodhisattvas, distinguished, 365, 367
and buddhas, distinguished, 14, 215, 321–22
happiness of, 182
liberation of, 6, 69–70, 71
arrogance, 37, 152, 242, 245, 258, 273, 332
arya bodhisattvas, 15, 103, 211–12, 219–20, 270, 305, 308n36, 343. See also grounds, bodhisattva
arya buddhas, 206–7
Aryadeva, 7. See also Four Hundred Stanzas on the Middle Way (Aryadeva)
Asanga, 38, 330, 364n39
asceticism, 27, 31–32, 33–34
aspirations, 235, 271, 321
Atisha, 272
arising of, 155
benefits of taming, 169
to bodies of others, 173–78
capacity for subduing, 257
consequences of, 175
due to pleasure and pain, 300–301
to family, 237n31
faults of, 337–39, 340, 341
freedom from, 65, 182–83
karma of, 39
to one’s own body, 179–83
reflection on, 41–42
on third ground, 359–60
types of, 218–19
attaining, 214–15
conditions for attaining, 143–44
four immeasurable factors for, 216–17, 221–22
full, 3, 20, 25, 45, 46
generosity and, 163
principal causes of, 185, 186–89, 203, 250
three types, 17
understanding, 19–20
erroneous, 49
introspective, 330, 345
nondual, 203
probing, 112
of suchness, 262
of the ultimate, 128–30
Ball of Foam Sutta, 303–4
basis of designation, 111, 138, 302
aggregates as, 46–47, 59, 61, 72, 91, 102, 115–17, 134, 290, 334
elements as, 120–21
six constituents as, 112–14
Bhavaviveka, 110
blameworthy activities, 29–30, 32
bodhichitta, 3, 19, 66, 190
actual engaging, 214
aspiring, 214
in fasting practices, 32
generating, 36, 185, 186, 188, 254–55
increasing merit with, 215
limitations of, 23
as mistaken not erroneous, 153
need for, 224
in six perfections, 344
in two collections, 208–9, 211–12, 233
two types, 186–87
ultimate, 189, 351, 353
uncontrived, 367
in universal vehicle, 304, 311, 321
wisdom and, 17, 25
bodhisattva vehicle/path, 6n2, 349, 381
discouragement on, 215–17, 312
emptiness on, 17, 303
entering, 189, 214, 304–5, 319, 325
scriptures as source of, 307, 315–16
two collections and, 312
wisdom and method on, 192
See also grounds, bodhisattva; perfections, six; universal vehicle
arising of, 52
aspiration of, 66
buddhahood of, 190
and buddhas, compared, 374, 375
causes of, 186–87, 189, 203
compassion of, 213, 220–21, 283
faculties of, 187–88
four “austerities” of, 244
generosity of, 235, 270
generosity toward, 162–63
homages to, 9
levels of understanding of, 110
liberation of, 304
offering to, 227
pleasing, 159
signs of, 191
superknowledges of, 259, 359
See also arya bodhisattvas
cause of, 198
constituents of, 113
impurity of, 149, 150, 173–83
investigating, 54, 55
offering, 235, 237, 238, 270, 308, 310, 311, 357, 384, 385
refuting inherent existence of, 92
selflessness of, 116–17
Brahma kings, 355, 366, 367
Buddha, 207
as basis of offering, 192
compassion of, 34
on final vehicle, 318–20
generosity of, 236–37
homage to, 13–14
mind, four qualities of, 198
parinirvana of, views on, 70
past lives of, 220, 236–37
scriptural authority of, 23
silence of, 100, 102–3, 141, 145, 149
teaching method of, 3, 4, 58, 138–39
buddha bodies
four, 70, 10
6, 190–91, 206, 369, 376
two, 209–10, 211, 263, 321
See also individual buddha body
buddha lands. See pure lands
Buddha Maitreya, 362
buddha nature, 143, 190, 357
buddha qualities, 197–98, 374–75. See also ten powers of buddhas
and arhatship, differences in, 14, 215, 321–22
causes of, 144, 216
cognitive obscuration and, 57, 352
as highest good, 16, 17
Prasangika view of, 319
reasons for aspiring to, 215, 221
on tenth ground, 190, 368–70
three essential factors for, 7
two collection and, 208–9, 212–13, 220, 252
in universal vehicle, 3, 6n2, 320–21, 325
Buddhapalita, 7
appearance of, 144–45
arising of, 52
and arya buddhas, differences between, 206–7
generosity toward, 162–63
homages to, 9
meditative equipoise of, 372
pleasing, 159
principal cause of, 187
respecting images, 225–26
and sentient beings, relationship of, 142–43, 214–15
ten powers of, 371–74
twelve deeds of, 369
See also thirty-two signs of buddhas
capacity, three levels of, 323–24
causal dependence, 67, 78–79, 209
cause and effect
dependent arising of, 78–79, 106, 124–25
function of based on emptiness, 5
of higher rebirth and highest good, 16–17
lack of inherent existence of, 77–78
in Prasangika system, 80–81
in reasoning, 116
of rebirth, 20
refuting inherent existence of, 92
as related factors, 127
concordant, 198, 358
discordant, 141
principle, 24, 185–87, 190–91, 207–8, 224, 252, 259, 313, 317–18, 347
celestial realm
bodhisattva’s ripening result in, 359, 360, 361, 362, 365, 368
collection of merit and, 222–23, 251, 253–54
contemplating, 41–42
as higher rebirth, 16, 17, 20–21, 155
karma and, 169, 204
cessation, 72–73
of all defilements, 261
equipoise of, 363–64, 365
true, 22, 74, 76–77, 190, 348, 369, 374, 376
two methods of, 100–101
Chandrakirti, 7, 111–14. See also Supplement to the Middle Way (Chandrakirti)
Charvaka School, 148, 242
Chekawa, Geshe, 382–83
Chittamatra system, 6
capability in, 324
erroneous understanding of emptiness in, 110
inherent existence in, 48
karma in, 345
ripening results in, 358
selflessness in, 315
vehicles in, 319
clairvoyance, 259, 260
clear light, actual and example, 221
Clear Words (Chandrakirti), 7
cognitive obscurations, 3
of arhats, 215
Buddha’s freedom from, 14
eliminating, 188
inherent existence as, 57
in taking-and-giving practice, 383
on tenth ground, 369
cognizer, reliable
apprehending I, 115
of cause and effect, 80
compassion as, 153
of dependent arising and emptiness, 209, 210
of emptiness, 109
during meditative equipoise, 48
and objects, mutual dependence of, 79
of ordinary beings, 82
in Prasangika method, 76
of three types of phenomena, 347–49
as valid mind, 51
Collected Topics, 120n23
Collection of Advice, 4
collection of merit
of bodhisattvas, 189
of buddhas, 185n26, 375
characteristics of, 204–7
contemplating, 198
differences in, 105
form bodies and, 191, 208
immeasurability of, 386
physical suffering and, 217–18
specific deeds for, 225–28, 229–39
See also two collections
Collection of Middle Way Reasoning, 4–5, 7, 8
collection of wisdom, 189, 190–91, 207–8, 218–19, 228–29, 239–46
companions, 155, 164, 165–67
compassion, 19
of Buddha, 15
buddhahood and, 7
contemplating, 66
of friends, 166
general result of, 349
generating, 185, 186
immeasurable, 31
limitations of, 23
as mistaken not erroneous, 153
mixed with attachment, 237
of spiritual mentors, 390–91
temporal effects of, 347
in two collections, 220–21
in universal vehicle, 311–12
wisdom and, 262–63
for wrongdoers, 282–85
Compendium of Knowledge (Asanga), 330, 364n39
Compendium of Sutras, 4, 7
conceived object, 53, 61–62, 104, 109, 115, 149
concentrations, four of material realm, 21, 42, 259, 359, 362, 374
conceptions, four distorted, 150, 180
contextual meanings of, 108n19
faults of, 339–40
mere designation of, 110–11
mistaken views on, 58
cooperative, 252, 259
dominant, 295, 369
mental aggregates of, 113
mistaken, 19, 50, 53, 56–57, 152–53, 177, 297, 300
objects of, 140
refuting inherent existence of, 99–100
constituents, six, 108, 112–14, 133–34, 137–38
convention, mere, 106–7, 109–11
conventional existence
and inherent, differentiation, 78–79
of persons, 48
of phenomena, 100, 108–9
Prasangika view of, 80
realistic view of, 75
of samsara, 101
three criteria for, 111–12
as ultimately false, 50–52
creators, 141, 292
crown protuberance, 195–96, 205
cyclic existence
analogies for, 33, 34
applying tetralemma to, 141–42, 148
attachment in, 301
beginningless and cessation of, 142–43
bodhisattvas in, 220
cause and effect of, 21–22
cause of, 52, 59–60, 155
contemplating defects of, 65, 66
dependent existence of, 67, 101
determination to be free from, 63, 64, 65, 224
emptiness of, 66
I-grasping and, 50
Nagarjuna’s understanding of, 6
reflecting on, 257
refuting inherent existence of, 93–94
root of, 3, 61–62
Dashabhumika Sutra. See Sutra of the Ten Grounds
death, 169
generosity and, 274–75
Prasangika view of, 73
without regret, 42
remembering, 155, 167–68, 250–51, 257, 339
twelve links and, 63
debate, 97n17, 98–99, 123, 242, 362
Dechö Sangpo, 8
dedication, 321, 344, 377–82, 385
definitive meaning, 58, 107–8, 139, 303, 320
dependent arising
causal dependence, 67, 78–79, 209
emptiness and, 106, 108, 109, 210–11, 301<
br />
of persons and aggregates as subject, 209–10
purpose of understanding, 68
reasoning of, 78–80, 119, 123–26, 127–28, 209
Svatantrika view of, 81
designation, mere, 106–7, 109–11, 114, 133, 134
desire, two kinds, 42–43
desire realm, 21n4, 39n5, 41, 349n37, 355, 369
Dharma, 184–85, 227
acting in accordance with, 157
benefits of studying, 17
cherishing, 387–88
as completely virtuous, 16–17
conduct conducive to, 391–94
difficulty of realizing, 149–50
diligence in, 167–68
four important practices, 388
four perfect understandings of, 368
four ways of attracting others to, 155, 160
gift of, 239, 254, 270
lacking respect for, 32–33
listening to, 256–57
misunderstanding, 151–54
preserving, 255, 256
profundity of, 104, 145
reflecting on, 255, 256
respect for, 226–27, 239–40, 249
suitability for, 17, 102–3, 151
sustaining, 160
unique aspects of, 88–89
Dharma eye, 60, 262n32
Dharma-conch, 205–6
dharmakaya. See truth body
Buddha’s skillful method with, 15, 58, 103, 139
knowing others’, 259, 260–61, 373
receptivity and, 215
of three vehicles, 6n2, 318–19, 324
divine eye and ear, 259–60
Drepung Monastery, 272
Dromtonpa, 272
cessation of, 68
of change, 170
four aspects of, 180
freedom from, 4, 17, 52–53
Prasangika view of, 76
protection from, 15
purpose of understanding, 63
of sentient beings, 213
in taking-and-giving practice, 383
three types, 64–65
true, 112
in twelve links, 63, 64
See also suffering
“Eight Verses of Thought Training” (Langri Tangpa), 382, 383
eighteen unshared qualities, 14
eightfold discipline, 252–53
eighty marks, 198–99, 204, 205
elemental derivatives, 120, 122, 125–26
five, 297–98
four, 119, 120–26, 128–29
emanation body, 14, 15, 70, 190, 206–7, 369
appearing as object, 46
arhats realization of, 52–53
and awakening, importance of to, 3–4, 6
benefits of realizing, 68
buddhas’ nondual perception of, 372
as cessation, 364
conceptual realization f, 146
conventional existence of, 69
conventional truth and, 210
correct understanding of, 48
differences in perception of, 130–31
direct perception of, 109–10
emptiness of, 51
fortitude regarding, 258
as foundationless, 104
as free from extremes, 140
importance of correct understanding of, 18–19, 105–6, 150
Practical Ethics and Profound Emptiness Page 45