five, 6n2, 374 (See also individual paths)
imperfect, 31–34, 38
three principal aspects of, 250
true, 76–77, 89
uninterrupted, 369
unmistaken, 33–34
virtuous, 39
perfection of wisdom sutras, 3, 303
perfection vehicle, 3, 212, 220
perfections, six, 66, 168
bodhisattva factors in, 344
developing, 343–46
division by two collections, 208
as ornaments, 379
relationship between, 346
temporal effects from, 347–49
on ten grounds, deepening of, 321, 360
two aims in, 313–15
and wisdom, relationship of, 363
See also individual perfection
as conceptual designations, 111
conventional existence of, 48
emptiness of, 47–48
investigating, 113
momentariness of, 101–2
provisional and definitive teachings on, 137–39
selflessness of, 108–9, 115–19, 134
two ways of cognizing, 49
views on, 70
pervasion, ascertaining, 54–55
Phenapindupama Sutta. See Ball of Foam Sutta
conditioned, 92, 132
correct view of, 79, 85, 106–7
dependent existence of, 137–38
as illusory, 110, 137–38, 147
innate and acquired, 62
as made of parts, 98–99
momentariness of, 97–98
seeing clearly, 82
self-grasping of, 59, 61
selflessness of, 108–9
in tenet systems, 70
two types of reasoning on, 4
types of, 19–20, 23, 120, 212, 347–49
ultimate nature of, 51, 129
unconditioned, 133
pleasure, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293–99, 294–95, 300–301
post-meditation, 146–47. See also subsequent attainment
Prasangika system
buddhahood, view of, 319
cause and effect in, 80–81
cessation in, 363–64
death, view of in, 73
definitive teachings in, 320
dependent arising in, 124–25
disposition for, 324
distinctions in view of, 74–75, 88–89
ethical conduct in, 345–46
final vehicle in, 319
as free from extremes, 76–77, 80–81
inherent existence in, 6
mistaken consciousness in, 57, 153
Nagarjuna’s role in, 7
negation in, 134
nirvana in, 71–73, 75
object of negation in, 59, 70, 112–13
refutation of contradicting conventional knowledge, 78–79
refutation of hearers view of karma, 87–88
refutation of nihilism, 86–88
self-grasping and true grasping in, 49
stains, view of in, 74
subtle emptiness in, 289, 303–4
pratimoksha, 345–46
Pratimoksha Sutra, 329
precepts, 36, 68, 283–84, 310, 345–46
Precious Garland of Advice to a King
classification of, 3, 4
composition of, 330
emphasis of, 6, 7
purpose of, 13, 16–17
title, meaning of, 8
tonglen in, 235, 383
translator’s homage, 9
use of dialogue in, 87
preparation, path of, 110, 270, 349, 356, 357, 363
pride, 332–34, 362, 365
prostrations, 217–18
provisional teachings, 4, 58, 139, 320
punishments and prisons, 281–85
pure lands, 15, 190, 221, 263, 353
purity, two kinds, 73–74
questions, four ways to reply, 103
Questions of Rashtrapala Sutra, 3
Radreng Monastery, 272
Rashtrapala-paripriccha Sutra. See Questions of Rashtrapala Sutra
Ratnavali. See Precious Garland of Advice to a King
realms, six, 222–23. See also individual realm
realms, three, 21n4, 39n5, 349. See also desire realm; immaterial realm; material realm
of being not identical or separate, 114
of bodhisattvas, 298, 367
from cause and effect, 77–78
as correct path, 34
of dependent arising, 78–80, 119, 123–26, 127–28, 209
in determining definitive teachings, 320
diamond slivers, 67, 119
emptiness and, 19, 151
five principle types, 119, 120
Nagarjuna’s use of, 107
obscure phenomena and, 348
of one and many, 99–102
potential for awakening in, 212
in proving lack of inherent existence, 56
scripture for, 85
syllogisms in, 150, 209
textual sources on, 4–7
things as parts, 98–99
three criteria for, 149–50
in three vehicles, 322
See also analysis
awakening and, 143
of bodhisattvas, 305, 311, 354–55 (See also grounds, bodhisattva)
cessation of, 52
contemplating, 66
end of, 188
karma and, 61, 62–63, 169–70, 223
liberation from, 75, 76
in lower realms, 18, 33, 36, 38, 41, 42, 105, 155, 169–85
of nihilists and essentialists, 84
reflection on, 41–42
value of fortunate, 388
See also higher rebirth
refuge, 17, 36, 197–98, 215, 379
Refutation of Objections (Nagarjuna), 4, 5
remedial activities, 36
environmental, 36–37, 38, 158–59, 170
similar to the cause, 34–35, 41
three types, 36–37, 38, 39
ripening results, 34, 38, 41, 223, 373
on bodhisattva grounds, 357, 358, 360, 361, 362, 364, 366, 367, 368, 369
of meditation on emptiness, 197, 206
from motivation, 37
nonvirtuous, 36, 41, 158–59, 169, 183
of two collections, 207
rupakaya. See form body
Samadhiraja Sutra. See King of Concentration Sutra
Samdhinirmochana Sutra. See Sutra Unraveling the Thought
Samkhyas, 88–89, 148
Sammitiya, 138–39
samsara. See cyclic existence
Sautrantika system, 6n1
Buddha’s teachings in, 138–39
capability in, 323–24
cessation in, 364
erroneous understanding of emptiness in, 110
inherent existence in, 48
karma in, 345
liberation, views in, 69–70
nirvana, views in, 73, 74–75
selflessness in, 315
vehicles in, 319
schoolmasters, providing for, 228–29
authority of, 19, 20, 23, 99
definitive and provisional, distinctions between, 4
of fundamental vehicle, 307, 315
Nagarjuna’s use of, 107
perfection of wisdom, 3, 303
reassurance of, 212
three analyses of, 348–49
seeing, path of, 6, 60, 62, 110, 349, 351, 356
self, two types, 115
ascertaining, 57
ignorance, 3, 19, 21, 40, 45, 48, 63, 66, 109, 145
at nirvana, two types, 72, 73
order of generation of two types, 59–60, 61–62
of person, 128
two types, 49, 71
selflessness, 155
as lacking inherent existence, 138–40
misunderstanding, 103
order for realizing two types, 59–60, 61–62
of persons, 114–19
of phenomena, 120–33
profundity of, 46
two types, 49
of unconditioned space, 133
views on, 52–53, 315, 364
binding doors of, 163, 345
consciousnesses of, 293–95, 296
dependent arising of, 126, 127, 293–97
faculties of, 295, 297–98
objects of, 293–95, 296–97, 297–98, 337, 341
sentient beings
appearance to ordinary, 82
Buddha as friend to, 15
conditions for benefiting, 262
as countless, meaning of, 142, 213, 216–17
definition of, 57n7
faculties of, 373, 377
potential for liberation of, 143–44
Sera Monastery, 272
serenity, 311–12, 314, 341–43, 362, 363
seven branches of practice, 376–77
seven precious possessions, 358
Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness (Nagarjuna), 4, 5
sexual attraction, 172, 174, 175–78, 181–82, 337
sexual orientation, 172n25
Shakyamuni Buddha, 145, 207, 220. See also Buddha
Shantideva, 7, 173
Sharawa, Geshe, 382–83
Shariputra, 316
signlessness, 3–4, 81
Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning (Nagarjuna), 4, 6, 108, 112, 208–9
skillful means, 365, 366, 378–79
slightly obscure phenomena, 19–20, 23, 347, 348, 349
solitary realizer vehicle, 6n2, 17, 203
aspiration in, 187, 188
emptiness in, 289
liberation in, 52–53, 66
merit and wisdom in, 208
Prasangika view on, 75
signs in, 191, 199
six practices in, 344
two obscurations in, 352
space, refuting inherent existence of, 133
speech, 253
in accumulating wisdom, 240–43, 245–46
of Buddha, 187, 206
nonvirtuous, 28, 35, 163–64
result from proper, 260
truthful, 161–62
spiritual mentors
and disciples, relationship of, 389–90, 391
need for, 34
not meeting, 37
offering to and honoring, 31, 227, 241
qualifications of, 390–91
relying on, 388–90
respecting, 252, 256, 336, 394
stages of the path (lamrim), 14
stealing, 28, 34–35
stinginess, 37, 256
stream-enterers, 356
stupas (caitya), 191–92, 225–26, 227
subsequent attainment, 75, 110, 351–53, 356, 358, 359, 372
subtle body, 173
suchness, 81–82, 262, 302
bearing, 244, 308–11
bodhicitta and, 211–12
generosity in eliminating, 162
karma and, 169–70
of lower realms, 38
from nonvirtue, 159
reflection on, 41–42
two collections and, 217–18
superknowledges, 259–62, 359, 381
Supplement to the Middle Way (Chandrakirti), 7, 49, 56, 119, 126, 162, 186, 187, 203, 346
Sutra of the Ten Grounds, 38, 356, 372
Sutra Pitaka, 9
Sutra Unraveling the Thought, 85
Svatantrika Madhyamaka system, 6, 46
dependent arising in, 81, 124–25
disposition for, 324
erroneous views of emptiness in, 79–80, 108, 110
final vehicle in, 319
inherent existence in, 48
karma in, 88
liberation in, 60
selflessness in, 315
two extremes in, 86–87
tantra vehicle, 3, 212, 220–21
tathagata essence, 190
tathagata lineage, 356, 357, 366
teachers, harmful, 15
ten powers of buddhas, 14, 371–74
tenet systems
Buddha bodies in, 70
cause and effect in, 79–80
erroneous views of emptiness in, 108
four main, 6n1
inherent existence in, 48
nirvana in, 75
objects of negation in, 54
profane, 242
purpose of, 323–24
selflessness in, 52–53, 315, 364
two extremes in, 86–88
vehicles, views of in, 319
views of person in, 148–49
Tenzin Gyatso, Fourteenth Dalai Lama, 359
thirty-seven aids to awakening, 321–22, 361, 362, 366
thirty-two signs of buddhas, 206
distinctions in, 199–200
merit needed for, 205–6
principal causes of, 185, 186–89
purpose of, 189, 191, 197
reflecting on, 198
specific causes of each, 191–97
thousand-spoked wheel, 192
three doors of liberation, 3–4, 155
three higher trainings, 68, 182
Three Jewels, 13, 207, 376
Three Pitakas, 9
three poisons, 40, 42, 222–23, 224
Tibet, politics in, 249
times, three, 67, 68, 91–93, 127
tranquility, 155, 163–64, 165
transmigration, 63–67
Treasury of Knowledge (Vasubandhu), 28, 330, 364n39
Treatise on the Middle Way (Nagarjuna), 4–7, 91
agent and action in, 92–93
aggregates in, 118
cause and effect reasoning in, 77
dependent arising and emptiness in, 211
diamond slivers reasoning in, 67
inference in, 348
on misperception of emptiness, 47
treatises, 7–8, 13
true-grasping, 48–50, 69–70
on bodhisattva grounds, 360, 367
of body, 177
cessation of, 303
extinguishing, 75–76
of false appearance, 82
as foundationless, 104–5
ignorance, 112, 132, 218–19, 352
wisdom eliminating, 188
trust, 161, 391
truth (honesty), 155, 160–62, 165, 245–46, 253, 268–69, 391
truth body
attaining, 203
attributes of, 14–15
buddhas as, 144–45
causes of, 106, 316, 318
collection of wisdom and, 207, 208–11
and form body, union of, 208
misunderstanding, 152
truths, two
bearing, 258
in cognizing emptiness, 301–2, 303
as complementary, 106
integrated understanding of, 211
interdependence of, 69, 85
practice of, 189
sense objects and, 140
on seventh ground, 366
two collections and, 209–10
Tsakho Ngawang Drakpa, 272
Tsongkhapa, Je, 7, 28, 62, 65, 272
Tushita, 354, 361–62
twelve links of dependent origination, 62–63
attachment in, 301
meditation on, 64–66
reversal of, 68
samsara and, 101
seventh ground understanding of, 366
sixth ground understanding of, 362
three phases of, 63–64
See also dependent arising
two aims, 13–14, 15, 16, 313–15, 380
two collections
aspirations for, 379
buddha bodies and, 312
common benefi
ts of, 249–51
entities of, 222–24
feeling discouraged about, 211–12, 216–20, 221–22
immeasurable results of, 207–11
in tenet systems, 315–16
in universal vehicle, 306
See also collection of merit; collection of wisdom
universal monarchs, 191, 192, 199–200
universal vehicle
Buddha’s awakening, view of in, 70
as Buddha’s word, 307, 312–18, 322–23
collection of merit in, 203, 204
compassion and wisdom, role of in, 311–12
disparaging, 307–10, 312
equanimity toward, 318–20
and fundamental vehicle, differences between, 304–5, 307
misconceptions about, 306–7
special faith in, 325
two divisions of, 3
See also bodhisattva vehicle/path
Vaibhashika system, 6n1
capability in, 323–24
cessation in, 364
erroneous understanding of emptiness in, 110
inherent existence in, 48
karma in, 345
liberation, views on, 69–70
nirvana, views on, 71–73, 74–75
selflessness in, 315
vehicles in, 319
See also Sammitiya
Vaisheshikas, 88–89, 95–96
Vaishnavas, 95, 96–97
vajra vehicle. See tantra vehicle
vajra-like concentration, 369
Vasubandhu, 28, 330, 364n39
Vatsiputriyas, 149
vehicles, three, 6n2, 17, 104, 318–19, 323–24
very obscure phenomena, 19–20, 23, 212, 347, 348–49
correct and incorrect, distinctions between, 74–75
of personal identity, 33, 49–50, 59–60, 155, 156, 361
worldly, 74, 75, 84
wrong, 33–34, 35–36, 105–6 (See also extremes, two)
See also tenet systems
Vikramashila Monastery, 272
Vinaya, 9, 24, 173, 252, 329–30
aspiration for, 379, 380
benefits of, 156–57, 171
as cause of awakening, 144
creating, 42, 155
desire as, 43
faith and, 24
four practices of, 244
happiness and, 184
immeasurable, 216
polluted, 223
three roots of, 222–23, 224
wisdom and, 25
See also collection of merit
virtuous activities, 214–15, 251–63, 273, 367, 394
wealth, 229–33, 253–54, 258, 269–71, 274–75, 347–49
wheel of Dharma, 151, 187, 189, 192, 376–77
wheel-turning monarchs, 289, 290, 354–55, 357, 358
accumulating, 156, 188
of aryas, 82
as cause of highest good, 22
cultivating, 224
in cutting root of cyclic existence, 66
free from two extremes, 185, 186, 187–88
householders accumulation of, 325
importance of, 388
nondual, 188
perceiving ultimate reality, 50–51
qualities of, 25
as root of virtue, 222
Practical Ethics and Profound Emptiness Page 47