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To Tame a Wild Mustang

Page 17

by J. Rose Allister

  She’d been so lonely. She’d sore missed sharing this intimate contact, when his hands stroked her flesh and made her feel like nothing in the universe mattered to him more than she did. Her body came alive under his touch, and the only thing she wanted right now was more. Let his hands and mouth burn the memory of this into her like a brand, so she could pull it close to her during the long nights she tossed and turned alone in her bed. Only one thing could make this even more perfect, and that would be to share it with the man who had disappeared.

  “William,” she whispered, but she didn’t get to finish asking if Jack could join them.

  William pulled away without warning, leaned over, and picked her up into his arms. She squealed, and he carried her down the hall with less than perfect grace, considering he kissed her again like tomorrow might never come. She had no idea where they were going, nor did she care about anything other than his lips searing her with need.

  She was faintly aware of him kicking what must have been a partially ajar door open with his boot. “Jack,” he called out. “My room.”

  When he strode inside and set her down, she tried to catch her breath while she blinked into near darkness. She heard a door open across the hall, followed by footsteps. “Are we celebratin’?”

  William lit a kerosene lamp, and warm, yellow light washed over the space. “I believe we are.”

  Kate’s eyes widened. She’d never been in a man’s bedroom before, not counting her pa’s. And she’d never been in any that was this large. The four-poster bed was a good three times the size of hers, sticking out from the wall in the midst of the room instead of pushed into a corner. More fancy Oriental-style rugs lay on either side. No feet on cold, bare floors, or splinters when the wood needed re-sanding. A large trunk sat at the foot of the bed. He had two large bureaus—again, why did anyone need so many drawers?—with a wash basin and pitcher sitting atop one. A bright oval mirror hung on the wall behind it. Everything in the room was polished cherry. Curtains, bedding, and rugs were done in deep reds, rusts, and blacks. The effect looked very strong, very appealing.

  A colorful woven fabric across the back wall over the bed drew her eye, and she pointed to it. “Is that a—”

  William nodded before she could finish, brushing hair from his eyes. “Hupa made that blanket,” he said. “I bartered for it.”

  She eyed the vibrant reds, yellows, and blues, trying to catch her breath so she could speak matter-of-factly, as though it were the most natural thing in the world to stand in a man’s bedroom. “It’s lovely, hanging on the wall like that.”

  Jack stepped around her, cutting off the view of the wall hanging. “There’s only one lovely thing in this room that interests us at the moment.”

  Her heart skipped a beat, and she glanced at him to see burnished eyes flaming with a need that wiped away all further curiosity about their surroundings. She watched as he reached for her hair, but she shook her head, and his hand froze in midair.

  “I still have to leave soon,” she said.

  With a slight shimmer of disappointment, Jack nodded. “I know. Just stay with us fer this moment.”

  She swallowed when his hands moved down to work the buttons on the front of her dress. In turn, Kate unbuttoned Jack’s shirt with trembling fingers and pushed it down over his shoulders. Her face heated in embarrassment when she tried to tug his still-buttoned cuffs over his wrists. He laughed a little at that, but then their clothes were draped over the chest at the foot of his bed. Just a chemise and long johns remained, and a weighty silence fell between them. The heat of William’s body seared her from behind as he sandwiched her between them and began pulling off his clothing as well. Jack’s eyes never left hers while they finished undressing one another, and when they were naked at last, her stomach turned over at the sight of him standing there, so potent and strong. She turned to William, and a memory of the night she’d first seen his bare chest returned. While he stood there naked, she couldn’t quite bring herself to lower her gaze below his waist, so she focused on his eyes instead. He looked at her with an awestruck gaze, as though she had fallen from heaven right through his roof. His expression sent goose bumps over her exposed flesh, which was already feeling the slight chill of the adobe-walled room.

  She shivered as Jack’s hands slipped onto her bare shoulders and turned her back to him. “I’ve missed you so much,” he murmured, pulling her into his arms and nuzzling her hair. His body radiated heat, and she gasped when she felt her nipples brush against the dusting of hair over his muscled chest. They stiffened in pleasure, and she couldn’t quite stop herself from rubbing against him again. His growl in response vibrated through his sternum, and he leaned down to claim her lips. William pressed closer, his hands roaming her back and along her bottom. She let her hands roam, too, along the bulky contours of Jack’s powerful arms and broad shoulders while he kissed her.

  Jack picked her up this time, laying her down on William’s bed. The mattress was incredibly soft, but what held her rapt attention was something that was the exact opposite. Her eyes were fixed on the part of the men she’d been too afraid to glimpse earlier. Their rods stood stiff and thick and straining toward each other as they faced one another at the foot of the bed. It had been too dark and frantic to see much during their last time together. Now, the fevered desperation returned and the hurricane lamp was dim, but it was light enough to take in just how big the men’s stiff penises were. She hadn’t ever seen one before, but surely not all men looked like this? No wonder she could barely walk the morning after they’d made love. Still, after the brief stab of pain when William had breached her virginity, it felt so good to have him moving inside of her that she’d never wanted him to stop. When he finally did, she’d become greedy for more. She had to have Jack pushing his shaft into her, too.

  Her breath froze in her throat when Jack reached out to slide a palm over William’s cheek. “I thought yeh wouldn’t ask me in here. I got to thinkin’ maybe there were regrets about last time, and that was why yeh haven’t taken me up on some late night suggestions.”

  William shook his head. “No regrets. I just wanted our Kate to be here to share it, is all.” He glanced at her a moment, then back at Jack. “I told you I was gonna ask her to be mine tonight.”

  Jack nodded.

  “She and I both want you to be part of us, now and for as long as you’ll stay.”

  Only a brief hesitation punctuated Jack’s reply. Then the men’s mouths met with a fever that sent a gasp from Kate’s throat. Their moans sounded hungry and fierce, and Kate felt herself grow damp. Clutching at one another, their bodies came together until their stiff erections rubbed against one another. The sight of it tightened her stomach, and her hand strayed to her breast.

  Both men broke apart, turning to climb onto the bed on either side of her. “You first this time, Jack,” Kate said.

  With a silent nod, he knelt over her on the bed and leaned close to her face. Whispered words tickled her lip. “You’re so beautiful it makes me forget how to breathe.”

  Then his mouth and hands were on her, and she, too, forgot how to breathe. His fingertips skimmed like butterfly tracks over her breasts, and the shock of desire when they grazed her nipples was so electric that she cried out and arched up against him. Nothing could feel better than this, she thought, but William immediately proved her wrong by sliding his tongue down her breastbone and over to circle each hardened peak. Her hands groped the backs of their heads of their own accord, holding them to her while Jack massaged her tongue with his and the other sucked and flicked his tongue over her nipples until the flesh between her upper thighs became slick with juices. Her sex pulsed with need, and she arched her hips. She felt Jack’s hard erection make contact with her pelvis, and he groaned. His name came from her throat, and she spread her legs apart when she felt his hand snaking down her waist and hip toward the throbbing desire she could no longer control.

  When his hand parted the curls between her thigh
s, her grip tightened in both men’s hair until she realized it must be painful. Trying to relax with lust coursing through every vein proved impossible, but she forced herself to loosen her hold while William continued bathing her breasts with his warm tongue. Jack’s hand traced a maddening trail between her labia right near the swollen bud that was all but screaming for his touch, but rather than give Kate what she wanted, he bypassed her clit and slid his finger down to her opening. She gasped when it dipped inside, and she felt her muscles clench around it while he slid the finger in and out. Delicious tension began building in her pelvis, so much she knew she was about to explode. Then abruptly, he pulled his hand away. She moaned in frustration, but it turned to a little gasp of shock when he slid down her body, his tongue trailing down her stomach. He pressed kisses over the crest of each hip, but when his face moved over her sex she tried to close her legs and scoot back.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered as though someone might hear.

  Jack gripped her hips to hold her in place and pressed a kiss to her curls. “This.”

  Her eyes flew wide. “You can’t do that.”

  “Yes, he can, darlin’,” William whispered from her breasts. “Let him pleasure you with his mouth.”

  The first sweep of his tongue over her labia turned her panicked complaint into a loud moan. The ache in her loins eased with the wet, snaking sensation working over her clit, then sharpened it into a frenetic need. Jack’s tongue plunged inside her while William’s tongue circled her breasts, and when Jack’s slid out and back up to press a kiss to her clit, William sucked a nipple into his mouth. This maddening symmetry between two men’s hot, wet mouths were repeated over and over for what seemed an eternity, but it was really only moments before her thighs were spread wide and hips wriggling back and forth. Perspiration tingled all over her body in response to the sexual heat that was fast claiming her, and her fists gripped the quilt beneath her.

  William pulled away and moved up to lean over her, close enough for the musky smell of his large, throbbing cock to hit her nostrils. “Touch me, Kate. I need you.”

  She reached a quivering hand up to take hold of his velvet smooth, hard organ. “Ah, yes, darlin’. You feel so good. Now stroke it.” He pushed his hips against her hand to give her the idea.

  Her fist closed around his girth as best as she could, and she slid her hand back and forth.

  “Now do yer breast with the other hand,” Jack said from between her legs. “I want to watch yeh touch both William and yerself.”

  His bold suggestion sent a flood of heat to her cheeks. “I can’t. You do it.”

  “Oh, but I’m a might beyond busy.” His voice dropped low. “Please.”

  Embarrassed as she felt, the sexy way he said it made her respond. She molded her hand around a mound of flesh, and tentatively pinched her nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Her eyes fluttered as the touch spiked her pleasure higher, and her other hand reflexively squeezed William’s dick tighter. William shuddered and whispered encouragement. Jack moaned and pressed his hips against the bed, and she remembered that motion of his hips when he’d been buried inside her. Her effect on him emboldened her, and she slid her hands down over her stomach, almost brushing the hair between her legs where Jack’s head was before moving back up to the sensitive flesh of her nipples. His hips worked harder against the bed, and his tongue faster on her sex until she felt herself let go. Gripping William’s cock hard, she toppled over the edge of ecstasy. Her clit was still throbbing with the exquisite passion of her climax when Jack slid back up her body and positioned himself at her entrance.

  “Get up on yer knees for me, cowboy,” Jack said. William pulled out of her hand and knelt beside her, his cock jumping and straining.

  Jack took her with one long stroke while holding himself above her on his hands. Then he motioned to William and sucked his hard cock deep into his mouth. Kate cried out in shock at the erotic sight of him plunging that stiff, purplish shaft in and out between his lips while he thrust himself deep inside her core. William’s face was contorted in fierce, unbridled lust, and he took hold of Jack’s head and pumped himself into the man’s throat like he was giving Kate’s pussy a ride. The sexy looks on their faces while Jack fucked and sucked at the same time undid Kate completely. She bucked and thrashed beneath him, grunting like a wild thing while she met his hips with almost punishing force on each stroke. One of her hands went over William’s on the back of Jack’s head, helping pull him against William’s cock harder. The other reached between William’s legs to feel the sac hanging there, warm and loose. When she grazed it with her fingernails, his balls tightened against his body and William’s thighs tensed.

  “Jesus, I’m comin’,” he shouted.

  That was all Kate needed to hear to send her spiraling into another orgasm. Her eyes were closed while she cried out over the wave after wave of pleasure threatening to send her consciousness to some faraway land. When she reopened them at last, Jack had released William’s cock and was completely focused on her. He was cradling her head in his hands while he thrust his cock in and out of her, gazing down at her as if she were the world’s most precious treasure.

  When her gaze met his, he said, “God, I love yeh, Kate.”

  The tone in his voice brought tears to her eyes, and her voice quivered when she whispered back, “I love you, too. Both of you, so much.”

  Then his eyes closed, and desire overtook her again.

  “I love you, my Kate.” It was William this time, who twisted her head to the side and dipped his tongue in her mouth. Soon they were all flying together somewhere high over the ranch, lost in a world of their passion.

  When they finally returned to reality, Kate lay in William’s arms and Jack lay in hers. All of them were panting and slicked with sweat. She felt more peace and contentment in that moment than any time she could remember in her life. She had no idea how long they stayed like that, their chests rising and falling in tandem while she listened to William’s heart beat. Not nearly long enough, for she never wanted to leave. But she would have to do so soon, for she had to get home before Pa began to worry.

  Still, the warmth of the men’s embrace enveloped her like a safe, loving cocoon. William loved her and was serious about marrying her. Jack loved her enough to stay in their bed after that admission.

  She thought of the wedding dress all but tossed aside in their desire to skip ahead to the honeymoon, and a little thrill of excitement flipped in her stomach. William still hadn’t known when he could make the proposal official, and she still didn’t know when or how she could accept it with her pa still ailing. But someday they would be joined by the preacher, and then they would be together like this all night, every night. The three of them. Marry me, and love us both forever.

  Thoughts of wedded bliss twisted her lips into a smile while she snuggled into his chest, stroking Jack’s hair as he laid sprawled half over her. The last thing she thought while her eyes fluttered closed was how grateful she was that things had finally turned around. A perfect future lay ahead for them that nothing could stop, whether that future began sooner or later.

  Chapter Eleven

  As soon as William’s eyes opened, he realized that two things, possibly related, were wrong. First, a wash of pale gray light had painted itself over the window nearby. Daylight had arrived, meaning the beauty tucked under the crook of his arm had never gone home to her pa last night.

  That brought William to the second problem.

  “William Tyler?” came the booming voice that had prodded him awake moments earlier. “This is the sheriff. We have the place surrounded. Lay aside yer weapons and come out unarmed and with yer hands up.”

  His heart began beating out the rhythm of an Indian war council while he listened to the command. He glanced over at Kate, who was slumbering in blissful unawareness. Jack was gone. Maybe he’d found the bed too crowded and had ducked out to his own room sometime in the night.

  With slow
caution, William slipped out from under her warm, silken body. He might as well let her enjoy peaceful sleep for a few more moments because damn, they were both in for it. How could he have been so careless as to let her fall asleep in his bed? Why hadn’t he just kept his blasted drawers buttoned in the first place? Or better yet, why hadn’t he taken Kate straight home the minute he’d learned that she had gone on their “date” without permission? Now the old man had gone and put the law after him, no doubt regaling the sheriff with tales of kidnapping or worse.

  He put on his long johns and tugged on the trousers still lying in a puddle on the floor where he’d discarded them in a hot hurry last night. On this way out of the room, he grabbed his boots and shot a glance across the hall. Jack’s door stood open, and when he peered in, the room was empty and the bed made.

  William paused inside the front door long enough to grab the hat that their kisses had knocked to the floor, then he shoved his feet in his boots before pulling open the door. The sight that greeted him caught him up short.

  Sheriff Angus Grande stood several paces off, his Colt drawn and aimed his direction. From here he could spot three other men, deputy Jimmy Smith included. They stood several feet apart and all had pistols or shotguns pointed square at his chest.

  “Sheriff,” he said, taking a step. Several triggers cocked and he stopped.

  “Hands in the air, son,” Grande said. “Come down from that porch nice and slow.”

  William complied, stopping two paces off the bottom step. The early morning was covered with a layer of gray mist. Everything felt damp and cold, particularly the greeting he was getting from the law. He wondered whether to just come right out and admit Kate was here, perfectly fine and by her own choice. Judging from the itchy trigger fingers around, however, perhaps mentioning her name out of turn wasn’t a great idea. Instead, he tried a smile.

  “This is quite some wake-up service.”


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