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Caspers Ghosts

Page 26

by Victoria Hyder

“Stop trying to push my boundaries!” he hissed through his teeth, saliva flecking his lips.

  “No,” I ground out. I glared down into his burning grey eyes, “I’m not going to stop pushing you and pushing you until you don’t even realise you’ve crossed one of your boundaries! Sometimes you need to be pushed just like sometimes I need to be restrained!” I softened my tone and tried to relax under his grip, “I’m not saying everything needs to be perfect right away. I just want you to enjoy being around me.”

  “I do!” he insisted, his own tone straining. He eased his grip on my shirt but pushed against me a little more. “I do,” he repeated softly, “I just –You’re the first person who’s ever bothered to try and get this close to me and it’s freaking me out a little!”’

  “I know that, I do, but if you’re not comfortable with me how are you going to get comfortable around my dad or even Katie?” He clenched his jaw but said nothing. I reached up and brushed his fringe out of his eyes, trailing my fingertips down over his clenched jaw. “I just want you to feel relaxed.”

  “I don’t mean to come off as an arsehole,” he murmured, his voice breaking a little.

  “You don’t,” I chuckled.

  “You’re supposed to say that!” he whined, fisting his hair.

  “I know but it’s still true,” I leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss to his temple. “I just want you to at least get along with my dad and my sister. Katie already adores you and you’ve barely said two words to each other yet!”

  My smile must’ve been infectious because soon his lips were turning upward. His grip on my shirt relaxed until he was almost leaning against me, his balled up fists the only things separating us. His nose bumped against my chin and I relaxed.

  “Well your dad I can handle, I’ll try and be better with Katie,” he paused and bit his lip, “But what about your mum?”

  I scoffed. “Fuck my mum!”

  “Er … no thanks,” he grimaced dramatically making me laugh out loud. He turned his head to the side and leaned against my shoulder.

  The warm weight felt comforting against me as I dropped another chaste kiss to his head, “Go on, you, go and have a shower whilst it’s quiet.”

  “What’re you going to do?” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

  I shrugged, “I can shower later. Can’t even stand outside the door and chat to you whilst you’re taking a shit because mum would think it’s some weird gay experiment.”

  “That’s beautiful, is that Shakespeare?” he quipped.

  “Oh fuck off and shower!” I chided.

  He leaned away from me and went to his suitcase to grab a towel. As soon as he’d found one, he tossed it over his shoulder along with a clean shirt and headed out the door, “Try not to think about me!” he called quietly over his shoulder.

  I snorted as the bathroom door closed behind him. I groaned as I felt heat burn in my boxers, “Too late.”

  Katie got to sit up front in the passenger seat as Dad drove us towards the Greenwich Odeon cinema. We’d eaten at a local Nando’s by the Cutty Sark and relaxed a little before driving over to the movie. Katie had pretty much turned so that she was leaning with her back against the door so she could talk to me and Casper. Now that we were out of the house he was slowly relaxing more and more, especially with Katie’s sense of humour. I hadn’t realised how sharp she’d gotten since I’d been away.

  “So what movie are we going to see?” I asked as soon as Dad parked the car.

  “We’re going to see the Cinderella film because apparently, it was Katie’s turn to decide,” my dad stated in his ‘just kidding’ tone.

  I rolled my eyes. Truthfully, I didn’t mind so much. I preferred real-life films instead of animated ones –at least in regards to the fairy tale genre. Also, I had promised Katie I’d do whatever to make up for my episode over Christmas. She insisted that I didn’t need to, but I felt obligated. I was so glad that Katie, Casper and I all had our student cards so the hit to my bank account wasn’t as drastic as it could’ve been.

  As soon as we’d queued up for popcorn and drinks and finally followed the crowd up into the screen, I dropped down into the leather seat and relaxed. Casper sat down on my right and Katie sat on my left, with dad on her other side. The trailers flashed by on the screen and all too soon the movie trailers began to play. Casper was transfixed, bright colours dancing in his eyes as he slowly ate popcorn from the bucket in my lap. I watched him watching the screen and just thought how handsome and sweet he looked. I leaned over and murmured in his ear, “Just think, one day you could have one of your short films playing on there.”

  He drew his eyes away from the screen to look at me with an endearingly amused look, “Sure I will. Who knows? Maybe it will even be the one I’m working on now.”

  I swallowed thickly. I’d almost forgotten the beautiful animation he’d been working on. Now that I replayed it in my head as the rest of the trailers wore on, I felt my heart swell and my stomach knot. Maybe I didn’t need to be so worried about how Casper felt about me? After all, actions did tend to speak louder than words and how loud did his have to be before I sat up and paid attention?

  The bright lights drew my attention back up to the screen and, with a thudding heart, I adjusted my position and sat back to watch. As the opening theme music reached its crescendo I almost jumped when I felt something prodding at my pinkie. Glancing down to where my arm lie on the armrest, I felt my body flush as I watched Casper slyly link his little finger around my own and squeeze lightly. The grin that broke over my face couldn’t be controlled, so I just rolled with it as I turned my gaze up to the screen.

  Whenever he squeezed my finger, I squeezed his back.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Three days was all it took before Katie and Casper were spending free time together in the conservatory where my piano was kept. It was an old thing, more polish than anything else, but it had been a bargain and I’d needed to study through my school years, so it was a worthy investment.

  I didn’t blame Casper for seeking something else to do. As usual I’d been selfish and had drifted downstairs after lunch to tinker away on the old keys. Dad was out at work for the day and mum was in the garden. I’d only been playing for half an hour –the little song Casper had written me for Valentine’s day –before the conservatory door had clicked open and Katie had strode in in a pair of jean cut-offs and a blue lace top over a black bra. She’d dropped down into the wicker chair on one side of the glass coffee table and started setting up a game of ‘Cluedo’. Out of the corner of my eye I watched her, my smile growing as Casper eased himself into the wicker chair opposite.

  “You know, playing Cluedo with only two people is pretty much just a coin toss over who did it. I could flip one now and save you the drama?” I offered with a grin as I turned in the stool.

  Katie rolled her eyes before holding her hand out, “Come and join us then, old man, and even up the chances.”

  “It won’t make it even, it’d make it worse!” I protested sliding out from my seat regardless.

  “Not for me,” she stated as she started shuffling the cards. Glancing over at Casper she grinned. “By the way I’m awesome,” she stated as she held out the cards for him to pick.

  “That’s fine,” he shrugged as he slipped three cards out and concealed them in the card envelope, “So am I.” The wink he gave her sent a shiver down my spine before he tossed the envelope onto the center of the board. The playful tension in the air didn’t abate as we started the game.

  “So how did you two get together?” Katie asked cheekily as she sipped her iced tea. She kicked her legs up on the table, something she wouldn’t have dared to do if mum could see her.

  Sighing I shook my head at her, “I already told you, Katie, it’s not like that.”

  “Really?” she sounded disappointed, “Are you sure about that?” Glancing at Casper I quirked an eyebrow at him. He simply pulled a bored face and returned his attention to his notepad whe
re he had, no doubt, already concluded the killer, weapon and room of the murder. “See! You’re doing it again! You can’t do that in front of me and expect me to believe you’re not a couple!”

  “What?” Casper asked.

  “That whole telepathic talking thing! You two don’t even have to speak to know what the other is thinking.”

  Casper snorted as I sipped my drink. I willed the ice cubes not to shake in the glass as he replied, “Okay fine. You caught us. We’re together. Happy now?”

  “YES!” she gushed out as though she could finally breathe again. I, however, was waiting for my heart to start beating. “Seriously, all this sexual tension is killing me just watching you!” At our silence and, no doubt, my blushing cheeks, her own face reddened. “Wait … you two … Shit, I’m sorry! I thought you had.”

  “We’re taking things slow,” I choked out.

  “But … Four months!”

  Casper cleared his throat, “Yes, we’ve been taking things very slowly. That’s my fault really. I’m a virgin and Avery’s been helping … ease me into things.”

  The colour drained from her face, “Oh dude that’s gross!” To my surprise, Casper laughed at her embarrassment, much like he laughed at mine. It was endearing as I watched him relax in the wicker chair, propping his chin up with his hand. His gaze toward Katie was affectionate. He really was trying and I loved him even more for that. Once she’d calmed down and taken a gulp of tea, Katie sighed softly, catching her breath. “There’s no shame in being a virgin. If it makes you feel better I’m still one.”

  “I should hope so!” I interjected, the thought of Katie even touching a condom with a ten foot pole making me protective.

  “Oh, shut up you!” she swatted at my leg, “After your experiences I’m thankful not to have sex. Too much hassle. Maybe I should become a lesbian,” she added thoughtfully.

  “What, and put up with all their whiney, bitchy nonsense? Sure go for it,” Casper smirked as he scribbled something down on his pad.

  “Hey!” Katie grinned, “We’re not all bad.”

  “Name one woman,” he dared her.

  “Jennifer Lawren –”

  “-Who you know!”

  Biting her lip she mumbled, “er … Me?”

  Grinning, Casper nudged her foot on top of the table with his own, “Yeah you’re pretty cool.”

  My heart stuttered and my chest filled with adoration for him. The two people I loved most in the world, and they liked each other! In that moment, I was beyond happy just to sit back and watch it happen.

  “So, I heard mum and dad saying they’re going out for dinner as soon as he gets home. Want to have a movie night?”

  I shrugged as I doodled on my notepad, “Could do. I don’t mind. What would we do for dinner? Order in?” A murmur of approval came from the other two as I cracked my knuckles. “Alright, I think I know who it is!” I grinned as I sat up in my chair.

  “Go on then,” Katie said.

  “Colonel Mustard in the dining room with the lead piping.”

  The silence that followed was only broken by Casper snickering at me, “Wrong! I have the lead piping.”

  “And you never told me?” I snapped childishly.

  He rolled his eyes, “To be fair … you didn’t ask me.”

  Pouting, I slouched back in my chair. “Alright fine. What was the weapon then?”

  Tapping his pen against the notepad in his lap he grinned at me; “The revolver.”

  “That’s so cliché!” I protested tossing my pen at the game whilst Katie giggled in her chair.

  “You’re such a sore loser,” Casper observed dryly as he reached over for a drink. I stuck my tongue out at him. He responded by seductively licking his lips and then winking. My cheeks burned bright red and Katie made a gagging noise. “So do we get to choose a movie each then?” he asked.

  Katie nodded, “Yeah I think that would be fair. At least then we each get to watch something we like.”

  The door clicked shut and we all turned our heads to see my mum standing in the doorway. Her cheeks were pink from the sun and her hair was a little windswept. Her gaze moved over what was happening before her mouth warped into a tight little smile. “Being productive I see,” she commented easing her grip on the gardening gloves clenched in her hand. She turned her attention to me and I felt blood freeze in my veins. “Avery, you should know that your dad and I are going out tonight. We’ll be back late, so it’s up to you to sort out dinner for your sister and your … guest.” She cleared her throat theatrically and I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes at her, “And this Sunday we’re going to have a barbeque and some people over.”

  “Instead of church?” I asked hopefully.

  She cut her eyes to me and I felt an ugly heat blotch my face, “No, of course not. It’ll be after church.”

  “Do I have to go?” I asked even though I knew the answer. “Of course you do. The whole family is going. It’s Easter Sunday after all and we are going to ask for forgiveness as we should every week.” With one final glare at me she straightened up and passed around the table and stepped back inside the house. The door slammed shut behind her, the glass rattling in the frames.

  As soon as she was out of earshot I let out a loud groan and sank lower into my chair. Looking over my knees at Casper, I murmured, “Sorry about all this.” I cast a look over at Katie and saw that she, too, was looking meeker than she had all morning.

  Casper shrugged, “Meh so it’s one day I have to wake up and sit on my arse and stare into space. So what?”

  Frowning heavily I asked, “Surely you can’t go to church.”

  “And why not?”

  “Are you sure you won’t burst into flames as soon as you step through the door –OW! HEY!” I grinned, using my pillow as a shield as Casper started lobbing paper balls over at me with infuriating precision. One even hit me in the eye! Katie giggled as she started defending me with mini-paper planes aimed at Casper. “Okay, okay! I surrender!” I gasped out, the laughter leaving me breathless. Casper smirked at me as Katie gasped for air, doubled over with red cheeks and watery eyes. I wiped the tears from my own eyes before collapsing back on the cool pillows and sighing softly. I ran a hand through my hair and grimaced, “Eurgh, I think I need a shower.”

  “You think?” Katie retorted with a small smirk before her phone started to play out ‘ALL ABOUT THE BASS’.

  “Dear God if you don’t change that ring-tone I will disown you!” I threatened as she answered her phone and stuck her tongue out at me. She hurried out of the room and once she was out of earshot, I glanced over at Casper. “Want to come upstairs with me?” I asked softly.

  He shrugged before leaning forward and slowly starting to pack the game away. “I’m sure I can entertain myself whilst you’re in the shower.”

  I rolled my eyes but helped him pack the few last pieces away. Tucking the box under his arm, Casper gestured for me to follow him.

  As I ambled into my bedroom I saw Casper stuffing the Cluedo box back under my bed where they’d obviously pulled it out from, before he turned to flop down on my bed.

  I prodded his foot. “What do you think you’re doing? You have a bed over there,” I stated gesturing to the made-up one on the floor.

  He wriggled about and smirked, “I know but you’re not using it at the moment. Therefore, dibs.”

  “Fuck off dibs!” I grinned, almost laughing at his literal knee-jerk reactions. “I’m only going to be gone for like ten minutes!”

  “So? Do you plan on getting into bed all soggy after your shower?”

  “Well no …”

  “Then dibs.” He smirked as he lazily folded his arms behind his head.

  I rolled my eyes and swiped a towel from the back of my desk chair. With one final glance over my shoulder I sauntered towards the bathroom.

  As soon as the hot water hit my skin I shivered and scooped handfuls over myself, rinsing away the greasiness of my hair. As I washed myself down, m
y mind wandered back to Casper. It would be so easy just to step out and take him by surprise, kiss his mouth and press him down into the mattress, leaving enough room to wriggle free if he wanted to but also close enough to feel the dampness of my skin. I hardened as the image sharpened in my mind. Within seconds my hand was around my cock and I was slowly stroking myself as the water lashed down on me. Panting softly, I quickened my strokes as I imagined Casper in the shower with me, wet, naked and pressing himself against me and rutting. He was a virgin but would that mean he was passive or frisky when he was touched? I could picture him letting go a little, his shaking hands running over my back and hips, exploring every inch of my wet body. Gasping loudly, I pressed my forehead against my arm and arched back as I got-off to the image of Casper, wet and ready for me to enter his beautiful body. I wanted to love him with a sweet, burning passion –an experience I’d never gotten –but I also wanted to fuck him raw and have him gasping beneath me. It wasn’t long before I came over my hand. Inhaling water, I choked and spluttered as my orgasm rocked me to my core.


  Dressed in a loose pair of tracksuit bottoms with a towel slung over my shoulder, I returned to my bedroom. I’d just stepped through the door when I froze. Casper was lying on my bed, his fists clenched at his sides and his face contorted as though he was in pain. I was about to ask what was wrong when I saw the large tent in his trousers. He was rock hard and whimpering weakly, his cheeks red and dampening. He bit back his groans, lashes plastered to his skin.

  “What’re you doing?” I asked, closing the door behind me.

  Casper eyes flew open and he jerked upright. “Shit! Fuck! I didn’t hear you!” he scrambled onto his side and curled into a ball away from me.

  “Is this … is this how you cope with hard-ons?” I asked incredulously, moving over to the bed and leaning over him. He stiffened. “Hey come on, you don’t need to hide.”

  “Fuck you, it’s embarrassing!” he snapped.


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