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Viking's Desire: Sexy-Romance Novel: A Viking Love Story

Page 3

by Sharp, Catherine

  Eriik spoke again in a voice that was definitely in charge.

  “Lord, do you see these warriors. They have stopped only because I commanded them to. They are ready to slaughter everyone in here. Is that what you want? Are your possessions worth your lives? I say nay!” Again and for the last time, I offer you your lives for the treasures of this fortress. Give them up willingly and we will return home and leave you in peace. This is fair!”

  Lord Frederick hung his head, looked around at his people, terrified, and sorrowfully shook his head yes.

  “Lord of the castle, I will hear your answer!”

  Frederick looked at Eriik, Jarl of Jaedon in the eye and said quietly, “Yes, I agree to your terms.”

  A few of the English fighting men cried out, “No!”

  Eriik raised his sword, “Don’t tempt these men. They are the best warriors in the world. You will be slaughtered if you try us.”

  “I agree, I have no doubt of what you say.” Frederick whispered. “Everyone will hand over their weapons.” He gave a stern look, especially to the young, hardy men of the group.

  The disarmament went on and Eriik and his men stayed, keeping the remaining men on watch outside, waiting. Any sign of a problem and they would swoop down on the fortress, bringing unbelievable horror upon the Saxons.

  At the removal of every weapon and most of the treasure from the walls of the castle, being safely ensconced in the Viking camp, Lord Devorn asked Eriik, “Now will you remove your henchmen from my land?”

  Eriik thought for several moments with thoughts of the lady running through his head. He knew he was about to insist on a very bad stipulation but he couldn’t stop himself, “Only after we dine, here, tonight, with you and your family.”

  If a look could kill, the look on Lord Devorn’s face would have struck Eriik Thorennson dead in his tracks.

  “My God man, are you mad?”

  “Possibly, but my demand still stands.”

  Frederick shook his head in defeat once more, “Give me your word that you will return to your camp immediately after, leave my land, and never return!”

  Eriik lifted his eyebrow in a jaunty manner, “I will give you my word never to return to your land.”

  Eriik and all of his men laughed until their faces were red, “We will see you at dinner.”

  Some of the Norsemen returned to camp with the remainder of their plunder, congratulating themselves on their success and rested in shifts until time for dinner.

  Bjorn looked at Eriik with a look of concern, “Why in Odin’s name demand dinner with these Saxons?”

  “I’m hungry.” Eriik laughed.

  Bjorn just shook his head. “This I will never understand.”

  “Well, they can’t fight worth a damn, I thought maybe they could cook.” He grinned.

  As dusk drew near, Eriik and the men going to dinner approached the castle carefully. Some men had been guarding the bastion all day, but caution was always the way. They were shown in with forced hospitality and seated at a long table. The family arrived but he did not see the young lady he was looking for.

  “Excuse me Lord, but I do not see everyone.”

  “I am here, my wife is here.”

  “I am looking for a particular young lady, fair of skin with long, dark hair. She looks out of the tower most days.”

  “My daughter?” Frederick exploded.

  “Then, lord, your daughter is not here.”

  Frederick stuttered, “My good man…

  “You are misinformed, my good man,” he said sarcastically, “You’ll find nothing good here, but for the last time, I asked you where your daughter is.”

  Frederick was so red in the face, the servants thought he might pass out of this world and on to the next, but through clenched teeth, he told Gertrude to fetch Lillian straight away.

  Eriik told the servants to hold the food until the lady arrived. They looked to Frederick and he nodded.

  When Lillian arrived, Eriik rose, none too gently moved the man beside him, who held himself like a strutting peacock, out of the way, and seated Lillian beside him.

  She was so surprised that for a moment she thought she might trip and fall onto the table. “What an entrance that would be,” she thought to herself and smiled.

  Eriik wondered what had put such a beautiful smile on her radiant face but didn’t care much as long as she was here and alongside him for dinner. All the days he had watched her couldn’t have prepared him for how stunning she was. He had imagined her so many times in his mind’s eye but he was ill equipped for the real lady. He was caught quite unaware.

  Lillian had watched this man so many times, but being next to him was something completely different. Watching him from afar was nothing to compare to seeing him up close. He was amazing. He was so tall and, mesmerizing. His thick, long, glorious hair framed his face, causing his blazing blue eyes to stand out even more. He had hard corded muscles over every inch of his body. Even the knights she had seen weren’t his equal. His arms were so muscular that she couldn’t imagine him being able to maneuver something as delicate as a fork. He had a band on each arm, outlining the taught muscles there. She was waiting for him to attack his food like an animal, but surprisingly, he ate quite civilized. She knew she was staring, but couldn’t help herself. She knew she should hate this man with everything in her heart and soul but still could only manage to gawk at him.

  Eriik knew she was staring at him because he was staring right back at her. He was sure she hated him with a blind fury, but all he could think about was the most alluring emerald green eyes he had ever seen and how it accented her beautiful long dark hair. It flowed down her back forcing one to notice how her back narrowed into a very graceful waist and shapely ass, just as he had imagined it would be, staring at her in the tower all those days. Oh yes, he would definitely like to bury himself in between those thighs. He could only imagine how beautiful they would be.

  After a rather uncomfortable silence, they started an awkward conversation at first, which blossomed into quite an interesting one, which surprised Eriik. He couldn’t imagine she would even talk to him. Lillian was a curious girl and couldn’t get enough information about this gorgeous man from a land afar, especially how he learned to speak English, and Eriik couldn’t get enough of telling her. After all, he could look at her while he was talking and that’s exactly where he wanted to be and what he wanted to do. His men couldn’t help but notice what an idiot Eriik was being over this Saxon wench. They couldn’t believe it. Usually women threw themselves at him. He was the one who besotted the lasses and he could pick and choose, never interested very long after tossing up their skirts.

  Eriik could tell that the man he moved was seething at his place at the table. Every time Lillian or Eriik would laugh, he could see the look of rage on his face as if he wanted to punch Eriik in the face. He would have loved to return the favor if he tried. Finally he guessed this peacock would have no more of it as he strode across the room and leaned in between Lillian and Eriik.

  “Excuse me, sir, and I use the term loosely.” He smiled an evil smile. “I am Lord Simon Montfort and you are cavorting around with my intended and I won’t have it for another second!”

  Eriik smiled widely, “Intended what?”

  Lillian could hardly keep herself from smiling.

  “You simpleton, intended wife. We are engaged to be wed.”

  Eriik’s eyes glazed over and he seemed to slip into a trance for an instant before he spoke again. “Well that is indeed unfortunate.”

  “Why is that? What in the world business is it of yours?”

  Eriik arose and raised his chalice, “Lord and Lady, I’m afraid I have one more demand and it is non-negotiable.”

  Frederick looked truly defeated, “What could you possible ask of us now?”

  “Yes, just one more small requirement and you will be rid of me and my men forever. He paused then stated sternly, “Your daughter must accompany me when we leave to

  He translated the demand for his men.

  An audible gasp came from the residents in the castle along with his own men, the biggest from across the room from his best friend.

  “What?” Bjorn swung around to face him. “What the hell do we need with a bawling princess? “By the gods, have you gone out of your bleeding mind? What can you possibly be thinking? I can’t believe what I’m hearing.”

  Lillian couldn’t either. Leave her home, her parents. Go with a complete stranger. Go where? To a foreign land among strange people and be a prisoner there? All this seemed impossible. Her father couldn’t possibly allow this. He couldn’t, he wouldn’t! Why was life so difficult, especially for a woman. Why couldn’t a woman decide for herself what she would do and where she would go. She bolted from the table without excusing herself and ran for her suite. If Mother was upset with her manners, then so be it.

  Eriik watched her go and felt for her, but couldn’t help himself. He wanted her. He would have her.

  Frederick couldn’t believe his ears. This heathen was going to take his little girl? He had been watching her all evening. She had talked with him, smiled at him, even laughed with him. But go away with him? He and his men had just laid siege to their castle and stolen most everything of value in it. That was intolerable! But the alternative, wed to Lord Montfort. Yes, his wife thought they needed him for political reasons but he knew that he was a cruel and manipulative man. What kind of man was this Norseman? Was he a demon, as everyone said?

  The whole time he was lost in thought, this Lord Thorennson seemed to be waiting for something, watching him. Frederick came out of his reverie and noticed the Norseman looking at him.

  “I understand that your men can and probably will kill everyone here at your command if I say no, and you will probably do just that, but I must tell you I cannot hand her over to a stranger, an enemy at that, to take her to a foreign land against her wishes. What do you say to that?”

  “I do not have an answer. You must talk with her and at dawn tomorrow I will come for her. If you do not hand her over to me, my decision will be made then.”

  Eriik strode out with commanding strides and his men followed, amazed at what had just taken place and completely confused at their leader’s actions. No one said a word.

  Chapter 7

  Frederick and Beatrice had been with Lillian, talking and crying late into the night. They had left her with her thoughts. Lillian was still trying to put the pieces together. She was a smart girl and she knew what her choices were. She couldn’t stay at home and wait for the love of her life to show up and they would live happily ever after. That dream was shattered. Her choices were too horrible to contemplate. On one hand, she could say no to this heathen, as Father called him, he said she could. If she did so, would everyone in the castle be slaughtered? She could never live with herself if that happened. Besides, if she didn’t accompany him, he and his men could slay everyone and take her anyway, or kill her too. If that did not happen by some miracle, then she would be Lady Montfort, spending the rest of her life with the loathsome, evil creature, Lord Montfort. Her thoughts and choices, if you could call it that, were whirling like a storm in her head and she even started considering running away, but that was no choice, it was a nightmare. Run like a coward? Not on her life, and it very well could be. “God please show me the way!”

  Her mind started flitting away from the present into the future. The Norseman was there, she was there. Could she find any happiness with someone like him. He was incredibly handsome. Oh how could she even think about that now? Would there even be a chance for any kind of life with him? Wouldn’t she be his prisoner? Really, did she even know what he was like? He didn’t send his men into the castle to slaughter everyone. He could have. That she knew for sure. She had heard Father talking about it. They did steal everything. What kind of gentleman would do that? Not any kind of gentleman she was used to, that was for sure! What should she do?


  At dawn, Eriik and his men were packed and camp was broken. They approached the castle much as they did many days ago, once again in full battle gear, well prepared for anything. Eriik spoke loudly and strongly. Send the lady out. We are ready to leave!

  There was no movement in the castle.

  Eriik waited motionless.

  Some of the men whispered to one another. “Do we slay them all if they do not comply or do we turn and leave?”

  A lot of head shaking was going on.

  Bjorn looked at Eriik questioningly, “Well, what do we do?”

  Eriik didn’t budge, “Wait.”

  The castle was terrified. Lady Lillian couldn’t possibly be turned over to a band of raiders, but what would become of them if she was not?

  Everyone was whispering and holding loved ones close when one by one all heads turned toward the stairs as Lillian slowly descended the stairway. She looked as if she were going to the gallows. Was she really going with them? Surely not! And just as everyone was guessing, she crossed the great room, hugged her father and said in a strong, loud voice, “Good bye, Father. Good bye, all. Step away from the gates please.”

  “Oh sweet pea!” The tears were coursing down his cheeks. Even Beatrice looked sad, probably upset about her lost political power. Lillian broke free and walked unfaltering toward Eriik without a whimper. The life she knew was over. A new life was beginning this day, and she prayed to God that she would not be wishing for death soon.

  Eriik, even though he had made this a demand, was very surprised to see her walking straight for him, not wavering, not crying, as strong as any Norsewoman would have been. In a strange way, he was proud of her. When she reached him, he took her arm and with his entire army, walked quickly away, never looking back.

  Chapter 8

  Eriik led his men back to their camp on the beach and everyone started busying themselves for the night and the journey to come, everyone that is, except Lillian and the whores, who had followed behind. Lillian had never felt more uncomfortable in her entire life. The girls were talking amongst themselves, making bawdy comments about the men, trading uncouth stories about the nights they had spent with them, and Lillian was turning a brilliant shade of red. When one of the girls noticed her blushing, she put her arms around Lillian’s shoulders and said loudly enough for most everyone to hear, “Don’t worry dearie, you’ll have your turn soon enough with the big one. I’d even bet you’re a virgin too. Oh my, that should be a night to remember. Tell you what girlie, I’d be glad to trade places with ya, well not the virgin part. Don’t think I could pull that off. But I wouldn’t mind havin’ a go at that one, eh ladies?” All the women laughed and Lillian hid her face in her cloak.

  Lillian was not only embarrassed, but terrified, and not for the first time that day.

  She sat in the same place, unmoving until Eriik approached with some food and water and said unemotionally, “Eat”…which she did. Her stomach had been feeling none too well but after eating the surprisingly good fare, she started to feel a little better. She guessed she would stay there through the night as it seemed she was the only one without shelter, but before she could even finish that thought, Eriik came walking over to her with his usual long strides and she came to a different conclusion just by the look on his handsome face. Her conclusion seemed to be correct. He took her by the hand and swept her into his arms as if she were nothing but a small child. She thought about resisting but decided that would be utterly absurd, considering his size and strength. He would do what he would.

  He set her down inside his tent and she stood straight and tall. She would not cower or beg. She would stand up to him and be her father’s daughter in every way, strong and unfaltering. She looked him straight in the eye, “Will you be raping me tonight?”

  Eriik appreciated her directness, her straight spine and strong attitude. He also appreciated her full breasts, those wondrous emerald eyes and long dark hair. By Thor, how he wanted to caress her nipples and lave the
m with his tongue. Instead, he looked unaffected and said simply, “No. Wash up and get ready for sleep. Tomorrow will be a day like you’ve never had before and it will be arduous. You will need every minute of sleep and every ounce of energy you have. You will sleep in my robes. You’ll be safe. A vessel of water is in the basin in the corner. Use it quickly so we can retire.” She was so astonished, she could barely move, until he looked back, “Move!”

  Eriik was taking off his clothes, all of his clothes. She looked away as quickly as she could. When she was finished at the basin, he was lying down, naked! She didn’t mean to look again but simply could not help herself. He was on his back with his hand over his eyes. She couldn’t tell if he was already asleep or not. She would have been surprised to know how wide awake he really was. Her eyes slowly traveled down his magnificent body, from the splendid muscles on his arms and chest to, oh my, the very male part of him that she couldn’t take her eyes off, even though she was chastising herself the entire time. What was wrong with her? That part of the male anatomy was certainly a mystery to her and it had not been of any interest at all until this minute. Now she couldn’t take her eyes off it. It brought to mind the knight’s stallions. Oh my, that thought made her blush as she turned quickly away and splashed more water on her face. After drying off again, she sat down in the corner.

  Eriik looked up, “I said you’ll be sleeping in my robes tonight. Did I not make myself clear?”

  “I will not sleep in the same bed with you. It’s not, well it’s just not proper.”

  “Not proper? What in Odin’s name are you talking about girl?”

  “You are not my husband and therefore I will not be sleeping in the same bed as you.”

  “Well let me put it to you this way lady. You will either come over here by your own volition or I will truss you up and bring you over here by force. Your choice.” It would be better for you if you came yourself.” He looked at her as if she were an unruly child.


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