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Viking's Desire: Sexy-Romance Novel: A Viking Love Story

Page 12

by Sharp, Catherine

  Instead she said as detached and as coolly as she possibly could, “Good evening Eriik.”

  Eriik laughed a vicious laugh, “Good evening Eriik? Is that all you have to say to me? You’re standing there with your hand touching that viper’s flesh and seemingly content. What’s the matter with you Lillian? Tell me!”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m about to become a Lady of the Realm, quite impressive, don’t you think? Believe me, many women would love to trade places with me.”

  “Then trade.”

  Lord Montfort broke in, “I say sir, I believe I’ve been insulted quite enough in my own home and I’ll have no more of it. I have been quite hospitable to you and you’re, uh friends. I will have to ask you to at least try to act like a gentlemen, if nothing more.”

  “Montfort, I’ll have a word with Lillian in private.”

  “You will have nothing of the sort. My betrothed alone with another man is completely improper. You may say whatever you will here and now and then you may go back to wherever you came from. Simon looked at Lillian with the strangest look Eriik had ever seen and Lillian looked back at him with an equally peculiar expression, as if they were sharing secrets. He couldn’t understand this at all! She despised the vermin and now she was standing here as if he was her great love and she couldn’t wait to marry him. The world was turning upside down and Eriik didn’t know how to stop it. She stood there regally and asked, “Is there anything else you’d care to know?”

  “Lillian, what has happened to you?”

  “Nothing. I’m quite happy, really. I’m at home, planning the wedding of the season with my father and as you know, it was the wish of my dearly departed mother. What in the world do you mean, happened to me?”

  “You can tell me the truth.”

  “Oh my lord, there are so many truths.”

  “What in hell does that…” He stopped short as he noticed a bruise under her left eye covered by powder. He tried his best to leash in the uncontrollable rage that was enveloping him.

  “He hit you?”

  “Of course not, I’m just clumsy and fell.”

  Montfort interjected, “I would never…”

  “Why in the name of your god are you covering for him? Tell me what happened.”

  Before she could stop herself, she sighed, “Oh if only I could.”

  “What? What!”

  “I was just prattling on. You know nerves about the wedding. All of a sudden, she felt faint and reached for the stair rail to steady herself, and at the same time reached protectively for her belly. The feeling passed in a moment and she apologized, but Eriik couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that small gesture produced. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it unsettled him. Lillian had such an odd expression on her face, it took Eriik completely aback. He didn’t know exactly why, but he was determined to find out.

  Lillian smiled almost shyly, “My Lord Thorennson, I appreciate your concern for my well-being, but I really must be attending to other pressing engagements. I have so many plans and decisions to make, for the wedding of course. You understand, don’t you?”

  “Not really. But I will, you can count on it. By the way, I haven’t seen your father, where is he? I would have thought he would be here for the happy occasion.” Eriik couldn’t control the bite in his words.

  The shocked look on Lillian’s face told a tale, he wasn’t sure what it was but he had a strong suspicion it wasn’t a fairytale. He had the distinct feeling that something was hiding behind those emerald eyes. Everything was definitely not right in this household and he was not leaving until he knew what it was.

  “Well, it appears I, we, came a long way for nothing, however since it was such a long journey, I must insist you do me the honor of inviting me to the pre-wedding feast.”

  As Montfort opened his mouth to speak, Lillian interrupted immediately, “Of course, that’s the least we can do.”

  After much stuttering and stammering, Montfort added, “I suppose that could be arranged.” He certainly didn’t appear pleased with the proposition of having these giants of men playing guests at his table. “You must not scare any of our genteel guests however, and you must give me your word this will be the end of it. You will leave, never to bother us again.”

  “I’ll try not to behead anyone before dessert, if that’s what you mean.” Eriik almost snarled as he tried to speak politely to the man he could hardly stand to be in the same room with.

  “Very funny, Jarl. You know exactly what I mean. Afterwards, you’ll be gone and back to wherever you come from.

  “Aye. Just a dinner to see Lillian off to married bliss, yes?”

  “Fine. Now we both have much to do. Is that all?”

  For some reason Eriik needed to know about Lillian’s father, “I assume I’ll see Lord Devorn at the festivities?”

  “Yes I’m sure you will.” Montfort interjected before Lillian had a chance to speak. “You know he’s not one of your biggest fans.”

  “No, I’m sure he’s not.” Eriik added as he veered away and started to leave.

  “Until then,” Montfort snorted derisively, turned his back, and led Lillian upstairs.


  As Eriik and Bjorn rode back to camp, most of what she had said rang in his ears. All he could think about was her small dainty hand resting gracefully on that vermin’s. Everything looked fine, but he still couldn’t shake the strong feeling that it wasn’t. Could it feasibly have been a little too right, perhaps as if it was staged? And the way she looked at him, so strangely after she faltered. Was he trying to find an explanation for something too bizarre for his mind to accept? What could she possibly gain by pretending? If he was threatening her, she could have run to him then and there. Thinking about their meeting and the strange things she said was making him more confused, not less. Dammit! What was hiding just beyond his grasp?

  Bjorn was very vocal about Eriik being crazy to put himself in danger to attend the wedding feast.

  “Why would you even want to go to the sodding feast, that’s what I don’t understand? Obviously Lillian has decided to marry that despicable man for money, land, and politics. Apparently you didn’t know her as well as you thought you did. Eriik, I know you think this is the end of the world, and I admit you will be upset for a bit, but as soon as we get home, there are so many temptations waiting for you there that will eventually help you forget. One very beautiful young lady I know of is absolutely determined to make you erase Lillian from your memory entirely. I’m sure she has some very amorous ideas of how to go about it. By the gods, it sends my blood racing. Just let her have her way and you’ll see it will happen.”

  “You’re probably right, my friend.”

  Perhaps Bjorn was right but all Eriik could think of was dark hair, fair skin, emerald green eyes, soft breasts, and welcoming legs opening to beckon him into her soft warmth.

  Chapter 31

  The wedding plans continued and the fear kept mounting as Lillian was trapped in an unconscionable situation. Perhaps if she escaped to Eriik’s camp and told him everything, he could somehow save her father and they could be together after all. Perhaps and somehow didn’t make her feel all that confident. If she ran to Eriik and her father died, she would never forgive herself. On the other hand, she couldn’t marry the vicious Lord Montfort, even if she wasn’t with child, but she certainly couldn’t go forward with it carrying Eriik’s child. What in the world could she do?

  This is what she felt like the night before she walked down the stairs to Eriik so many months ago. It had been traumatic then but somehow not so much as now. She felt as if her life was over then too, but she fell in love with Eriik instead. Could she be that lucky a second time and a miracle save her again? She decided to go on with the wedding feast before trying to make a decision. Her father would be there and perhaps she could come up with some way for them both to escape unharmed. Her head was constantly spinning with ideas, making for quite the headache.
She felt dizzy again, so with Alicia’s help, she changed and decided to lie down for awhile. Before she could get any rest, Simon burst into the room, shooed Alicia out, and sat by her side on the bed.

  “My dear, we need to have a little talk.”

  Lillian looked at him apprehensively but didn’t say a word.

  “I’m sure you’re thinking of all sorts of ways to try to escape to your lover, somehow leaving your father unharmed, and I’ve come to put those silly notions out of that pretty head of yours. You see, I will be placing my best archers in the struts of the great room, with their arrows aimed straight for the heart of the Jarl and your father, should you say or act the slightest bit odd. Therefore, you will act the part of the perfect bride to be, do you understand?”

  She couldn’t stop the shocked look on her face.

  “Yes, just as I expected. Your scheming, conniving ways are very evident. Do you think I’m a complete idiot?”

  “No, I, uh…”

  “Stop it now. Just tell me what a good girl you will be and I’ll leave you to your rest.”

  “Yes my lord, I won’t do anything to upset you, I swear.”

  “Yes, you better swear, on your father’s life.”

  “Not only do I expect you not to do something strange, I expect you to smile and laugh and be the loving bride to be.” He stressed loving as he sauntered out with an evil grin on his cruel face. He acted as if he was enjoying himself.

  Chapter 32

  Everyone was gathering in the great room, festive with wedding decorations. The servants had outdone themselves at Lord Montfort’s orders. Great succulent slabs of pork, beef, goat, pheasant, and chicken on great trenchers were being served with so many huge containers of fruits and vegetables, one couldn’t count. There were a variety of sweets with their fragrant, appetizing aromas escaping from the kitchen, teasing the guests palate, waiting to be served later. Jugglers, musicians, wrestlers, and songsters entertained the guests and no one, except Eriik, who had been observing the revelry attentively, would have ever been able to guess that anything sinister was going on. It looked to be nothing short of pure joy, but Eriik couldn’t help but believe that something else was afoot. As Eriik and Bjorn were being seated, he beheld the most exquisite vision he’d ever had the pleasure of gazing upon, as Lillian gracefully descended the stairway in a gorgeous cream colored creation of silk and lace, with a décolletage low enough to catch just a glimpse of the cleavage of her soft, flawless breasts. Eriik was glad he was seated so no one could see how hard he was becoming, simply catching sight of his lovely Lillian. He couldn’t really call her his now, could he? He noticed many other gentlemen acting quite the same way and an unreasonable stab of jealousy hit him hard. It took every ounce of strength he had not to jump up and take their heads off right then and there. She reached the chairs and with grace and elegance took her seat at the head of the table, and not for the first time put her hand protectively on her belly just for a second, but he was watching her so closely, a second was all he needed to notice. This was not the first time, and he found it to be quite peculiar, but thought no more of it as he couldn’t take his eyes off the bounty of her beauty. It brought him nothing but pain, both physical and emotional. Just for a moment, emerald green and sea blue eyes met, then she looked away quickly. Why wouldn’t she meet him eye to eye?

  As Lord Montfort entered the room, everyone, excepting Eriik and Bjorn stood and clapped, shouting congratulations to the bride and groom. Lillian rose and met him with open arms and a smile on her face. Eriik couldn’t believe his eyes, even though he was looking straight at her. She looked happy. How could she have lied so convincingly when she was with him? Had the whole time been one big lie for her, just waiting to escape? He was not only full of pain but rage as well. At this point he was sorry he had insisted they attend the feast, all he wanted to do was get out of there and journey home as fast as their ship could take them. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take without ripping someone apart, or being ripped apart himself from the inside out. He could only hope he was keeping his emotions to himself. It was then he spotted Lord Devorn being escorted to sit beside Lillian. He seemed frail and gaunt, and why was he being lead to his seat? Was he ill? He had no more time to think about it as Montfort leaned over to kiss Lillian on the cheek and she actually seemed to beam at him, or if not, she was one hell of an actress. Oh by the gods, he wanted to jump over the tables and tear Montfort to shreds.

  The night seemed to go on an eternity until finally Eriik and Bjorn could rise, pretend to thank their hosts, and leave.

  Lillian was watching Eriik, the pain etched clearly on his handsome face, watching him walk out of the room and out of her life…forever. The frozen smile on her face hid the desolation she felt. Everything in her wanted to scream for him to stay, to take her with him, that she loved him. But she remained quietly frozen in place.

  Chapter 33

  As Eriik and Bjorn reached their campsite, Eriik bellowed as loud as he could, “Brothers, we break camp at dawn, to the ships, and back home!”

  A cheer went up. It seemed to Eriik that all the men were as ready as he was to be away from this Saxon land. Dawn couldn’t come fast enough for him. He was looking forward to feeling the cold spray of the sea in his face. He needed to feel his muscles strain with the pull of the huge oars. He was going home. As he stared at the stunning display of stars dotting the night sky like jewels, he saw, not for the first time, Renouf sneaking off for the fortress, and he couldn’t help but smile. At least someone was tossing up a skirt. He knew he should stop and chastise him. It was, after all, a bit dangerous, but he was a big boy and could take care of himself. Eriik wondered who the English wench was and hoped she didn’t get Renouf in trouble. As long as he was back by dawn, Eriik shook his head and decided to let it be. Freya, the goddess of love, would have to look out for the lucky lad tonight.


  Eriik and his men started breaking camp at dawn and he noticed that Renouf was not among them.

  He hoped he had not been foolhardy with his decision to let him go on to the fortress for reasons of the flesh. Eriik could not wait around for the young man to return because Renouf had let his randy side get the best of him. He would have to catch up with them on his own. Surely he hadn’t decided to stay. He couldn’t even speak the language. He briefly wondered how he communicated with the young lady. Flesh to flesh he guessed and laughed out loud. Bjorn looked at him questioningly and Eriik asked him, “Have you noticed that Renouf isn’t here?”

  “Aye yes, he has a young lady at the house.”

  “I hope he knows what he’s gotten into.”

  “I think that’s all he knows.”

  They both laughed as they started the long trek back to the ship. Laughing felt good after the previous evening.

  This was the first part of the journey home and that felt good too.

  After a couple of hours, Eriik’s keen hearing picked up hoof beats coming toward them at a rapid speed.

  He motioned toward the sound of the horse, “Men, be ready.”

  All the men were prepared when over the rise they saw Renouf riding fast with his young lady balanced in front of him. Eriik’s men relaxed and put their weapons down. As Renouf brought the horse to a halt, Eriik asked the young man sternly, “Renouf, what in hell do you think you’re doing? Stealing a horse and bringing your lady here. You’ve got a lot of explaining to do and I suspect you should be quick about it. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover and I’m anxious to get started home.”

  “My lord, I can’t really explain it…”

  Eriik exploded, “Can’t explain it!”

  “Wait a minute and let me tell you what I know. Alicia has been prattling away for the last hour and as you know, I can’t understand a word of what she says, but she keeps fearfully grabbing me and talking about the lady Lillian. She wouldn’t let me leave this morning without her and before I knew it, she had the horse saddled and, well, here we

  “Alicia, you say?”

  Alicia interrupted at the mention of her name, “Aye my lord. I understand you speak English?”

  “That is so young lady. Now what is all this about?”

  “My lord, Lady Lillian is with child.”

  Eriik’s face went as white as a snow covered peak.

  “Thank you for apprising me of the happy couple’s good news. Why in the world would you come here to tell me this? Did Montfort put you up to it?”

  “Oh my lord, no you don’t understand, I can’t let you leave without telling you the truth of what injustice is being dealt to the lady Lillian.”

  “The lady has made it quite clear…”

  “No!” Alicia interrupted again, “You do not know what you speak of. The lady is being forced to play the happy bride to be.”

  “Forced, how?”

  “Her father is being held captive, his life in danger if she does or says anything disobedient to Lord Montfort. He will kill Lord Devorn if she doesn’t obey him absolutely.”

  “Why would you endanger your own life to bring me this information?”

  “Lady Lillian has been very kind to me and Lord Montfort is, well, to say he is not kind would be treating his wickedness lightly. He is a cruel and sadistic man and the lady spending her life with him, especially carrying your child would be a travesty.”

  “What lass? Carrying whose child?”

  “Yes, of course it is your child. Think about it, she hasn’t been here that long and I know for a fact the lady has not shared the lord’s bed. The child is yours.”

  Her hand protectively on her belly.

  “Mine!” Eriik bellowed like an angry bear. After allowing himself a moment to settle down, he asked a little less violently, “This is a fact?”


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