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Fifty Shades of Lexi Maxxwell

Page 34

by Lexi Maxxwell

  He stripped his pants, then slipped his dick through the piss hole in his boxers. I grabbed hold and on the second stroke let my weight ease the gear shift into my pussy.

  I rocked my hips in circles letting it touch my inner walls as I hollered with pleasure.

  “Shit, that’s HOT…” he panted as his hand took over where mine had left to balance myself on the dash. He stroked his cock, watching as I rotated my hips.

  Once I had my fill, along with my fair share of tired leg muscles, I lifted myself from the gearshift and turned to slide the car seat back. It fell hard beneath his weight and I straddled him, my knees digging into the console on one side and the door on the other. Not that I noticed.

  I hovered my dripping wet pussy centimeters from the head of his dick and watched Seth as he panted.

  After two or three painful minutes I slipped the head of his dick inside me and started to ride. Moans and screams erupted from both of our mouths, echoing from the car walls. His thumb found my clit and started rubbing slow circles in time with my rising up and down on his dick as his other hand lightly drifted across my nipples from one side to the other, sending sparks through my body and driving me wild.

  I sank his cock as far into me as our bones would allow and made wide, slow circles with my hips, bringing myself to a near instant climax. Juices shot from everywhere as I squirted for the first time ever, covering his boxers. Surprised by my own body’s reaction I could do little if anything to control my movements, which were almost epileptic as I stroked faster and faster on the length of his cock.

  Tip to base, I slid my sloshing wet pussy up and down his throbbing dick, riding it like a cowgirl on an eight second stint.

  We convulsed together with one last final circle of my hips and his thumb on my clit and I lay on his chest, panting in unison as though we shared one body.

  It was the hottest time Seth and I had had together, until the next time.

  It was a cool fall night and he picked me up as usual to go out. The evening went like usual. We laughed and joked and spent time making out in his mustang. We met with a few of his friends, hanging out at the local parking lot.

  He finally said his goodbyes and we climbed in the car, parking at the lake and making out for a while before I stripped to nothing but titties. My shirt was the first to come off, mostly because Seth knew what a turn on it was for me to have him play with my tits and turn my nipples to rubber bullets.

  He flicked them a few times with his tongue before twisting them between his fingers sending pricks of pleasure like pins and needles all over my body. Seth had an awesome habit of taking a turn on and sending it to overdrive.

  I helped with one nipple while he nipped at the other with his teeth.

  He scraped a single tooth along the length, making me wince at the even blend of pleasure and pain. I felt a sudden, insane need to rip into his pants. Once Seth’s cock was free, I started stroking him slowly, the way that always made him groan for me to stop, go faster, and do exactly what I was doing all at the same time.

  Having sex with the same man over and over has its advantages. You get to know what they like and how to do exactly what makes them crazy – empowering you like nothing else in the world.

  “Mmmm… you like it when I do this don’t you?” I teased.

  “You know you drive me crazy,” he breathed into my hair, still fondling my tits.

  “You think I can swallow your cock and balls all in one stroke?”

  Breathless almost inaudible words fell from his lips. “You can do whatever the fuck you want!”

  “Oh don’t tell me that,” I purred.

  I bent myself over the console and let my hot breath fall over his rock hard cock. He moaned and twitched a bit. I peeled his shirt from his toned chest and laid a trail of kisses from his collar bone down to his hip bone, raking my teeth across the skin standing between me and the nerves that covered his bone.

  His hips jumped toward my lips as I grinned into his crotch.

  After repeating the raking several more times, sending him into the sort of blue streak of curses that could only made a dirty talker like me that much wetter, then pulled me up and crushed my lips with a long, hard kiss. I lingered at the top of his body for several minutes, sucking at his neck, and laying a rainbow of kisses from one collar bone to the other before working my way back down to his dick.

  Again I lingered my mouth over the tip of his cock, teasing the tender skin before dipping my tongue down to circle around the girth. I took a long stroke of his length into the hollowed heat of my mouth, moaning on my way back up and sending the vibrations from my throat to his dick.

  Seth spouted another stream of profanities, then grabbed my hair, shoving my mouth all the way down to the base of his dick.

  As I reached the hilt, Seth released his grasp on my hair, then drew a long breath that caught half way down his throat and held as if he was being suffocated. I returned to the tip in a slow, exaggerated motion, then held the head of his throbbing cock in my mouth.

  I slammed my face back toward the base and grasped his balls in my hand, shoving them in my mouth cunt for a brief moment then letting them fall back to the cool air. He shivered beneath me, making me feel as if I’d won a medal.

  Accelerating to the speed of a Hoover on deep clean, I swept my head up and down on his cock as he throbbed under my tongue, his hips thrashing toward my mouth as he slammed his cock into the back of my throat.

  I could almost hear the rumbling of the cum under his skin and in the heat of the moment. I popped his cock out and said, “Cum in my mouth.”

  The words were out before I could hold them inside.

  A second later Seth shot his hot, salty load into my mouth, as I milked him dry with my lips. His cum slammed against the back of my mouth, coating my throat as I swallowed, finishing the experiment that left me with a life-long love of swallowing seed.



  The Holiday Collection


  This is a work of erotic fiction and contains GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF SEX, WHICH MAY OFFEND SOME AUDIENCES. This book is meant for MATURE AUDIENCES AGED 18 OR OLDER (or whatever the local laws are in your area). All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission from the publisher. Excerpts may be used for the purposes of review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © Lexi Maxxwell 2012


  A Mother’s Day Fucking!

  Jenna was so exhausted, she was afraid she wouldn’t even get to enjoy Mother’s Day – the one day of the year when she was entitled to her fair share of worship. She and her husband John used to have a killer sex life, fucking like rabbits before their daughter was born. Can Jenna and John get the kids to bed before 9:30, so Jenna could get the Mother’s Day she deserves?

  (2,898 words)

  Jenna was so thoroughly exhausted, she was afraid she wouldn’t even get to enjoy Mother’s Day, the one day of the year when she was entitled to her fair share of worship, or at least a few minutes worth of quiet or sleep.

  Jenna hadn't had more than eight hours of uninterrupted sleep for two weeks. Unlike her daughter, Avery, baby #2, Adam, started sleeping through the night at just four months old, at least until the previous week when he’d come down with a nasty cold and stayed up crying through most of the night.

  It seemed as though Adam was over the worst of it, and Jenna was hoping he would finally sleep through the night, or at least most of it. Avery was four and a half (she never allowed anyone to forget the half) and being woken by her baby brother. She was in the world’s worst mood because of it, storming through the last few days, screaming ab
out the littlest things, generally crabby, and announcing to anyone who would listen that her “baby brother is louder than a playground full of boys!”

  Jenna could hear Avery in her room, jumping on the bed and screaming at the top of her lungs that she was “STARVING!” and that no one cared enough to feed her. Christ, Jenna thought, girls were SO dramatic. Thank God, #2 had been a boy.

  Adam was cradled in her arms with a bottle in his mouth when John finally walked through the front door. His mood was approximately the same as hers, having been woken by a crying baby, then having to burn the midnight oil on top of it all. And, he was feeling especially guilty that he hadn’t been home too much, with the baby sick and it being almost Mother’s Day.

  The worst part of the last week was that Jenna and John usually had a killer sex life. They fucked like rabbits before Avery was born, and right through both pregnancies. They could barely wait the two weeks after Adam was delivered to start bumping uglies again, but the lack of sleep and sour mood in the house had shattered their previous record of seven days without sex, not counting the kids’ births. So on top of everything else, Jenna was horny as hell, and figured John was probably dying.

  Even after two babies, Jenna had managed to keep her figure. She had a personal trainer she met at the gym three times a week while Avery was in preschool. The trainer helped her bring her stomach, ass, and tits back to the same fuck me five times a week shape they had been in before kids. This last week Jenna hadn’t exercised at all, and was in desperate need of physical activity.

  Adam finished his bottle and was drifting to sleep, but he started crying when Avery screamed at the top of her lungs, telling the world how hungry she was. Jenna put the baby in his bassinet, and then quietly stormed from the living room and into her daughter’s room.

  “Avery, your brother is trying to sleep! If I hear you scream one more time, you are going to bed without any dinner!” Jenna hissed.

  Avery stared at her mother, then started to cry, making Jenna feel like maybe she didn’t even deserve a Mother’s Day. John came in, sat at the edge of the bed, held Avery close, then told her that mommy would get her dinner soon, but that she needed to be quiet so that Avery could get to sleep.

  “Okay, sorry Mommy,” Avery said, sweet enough to make Jenna feel like shit. She added, “Happy Mother’s Day,” to twist the knife. Avery gave Jenna a giant hug. Jenna thanked the Good Lord, or whoever needed thanking, that she had a man like John, and then returned to the front room to check on Adam, who was mercifully asleep.

  Great, now she could get dinner ready.

  Twenty-four minutes later the three of them were sitting around the dinner table eating the best meal Jenna could prepare under duress. Avery complained that she didn’t like carrots, as usual, but ate her four required bites anyway. Jenna sipped her merlot and picked at her meal, wishing she had more of an appetite for food and less of an appetite for a good fucking.

  John ate well, but spent most of the meal staring at Jenna. She was still beautiful, and he told her so every day. She could tell he wanted her and caught him staring several times. She smiled, though her smile was tired. He smiled back; with a grin alive enough to make her wonder if he was getting hard. Whether or not he was, the thought made her pussy throb. His gorgeous green eyes were flashing the same look that had never once failed to turn her on.

  John reached his hand beneath the table and started massaging her thighs, pushing his hand as far between her legs as he could. She gasped, his one touch making her want him right then and there. “I want you,” she mouthed, and he mouthed back, “fuck me” which sent another shudder up her body and blood coursing down to her cunt.

  Avery asked for more milk, and John jumped to get it, while Jenna tried to slow her pounding heart. She poured another glass of wine, enjoying the mellow buzz. Avery finished her dinner, and Jenna went to run her bath, pouring some lavender and chamomile bubble bath into the filling tub. Avery came running into the bathroom and jumped into the water.

  Jenna washed Avery’s hair, then left her to play and went to check on Adam, now wide-awake with a giant smile, begging his mommy to play. But, Jenna wanted him asleep. She poured some baby cereal into his formula, and then fed him again, hoping he’d go down for the count.

  John got Avery out of the bath and into her pajamas. Jenna brought in a small pill, the melatonin Avery’s pediatrician recommended for when she couldn’t sleep. Jenna gave her the 1mg sublingual tablet so she would sleep soundly through the night, then John read her a bedtime story as Jenna put Adam in his crib, and turned on the soft lullaby toy aquarium, which would play until Adam was snoring.

  By the time the kids were in bed, it was already 9:30 and both Jenna and John were exhausted. But that couldn’t keep them from what they both desperately wanted. John went to finish some emails while Jenna finished her third glass of wine, and then headed down the hall to the master bathroom.

  She shaved her pubes with clippers, the buzz making her wet pussy wetter and moving the throb in her clit to a thrum. She turned on the faucet, and then stepped in the shower, basking beneath the steamy water, and letting it strip the tension from her shoulders and back.

  She shaved her legs, then squirted some almond scented body wash onto her sponge and covered her entire body with warm suds. She hung the sponge, then massaged her breasts with her soapy hands, rubbing her nipples and squeezing her 36C tits as she shuddered with pleasure. She slid her hand below her stomach until her soapy fingers were exploring the folds of her pussy.

  Jenna massaged the soap into her folds, moaning as she rubbed her clit, throwing her head behind her as she rubbed her fingers up and along her slit, groaning deeper with every pass.

  Jenna didn’t hear John come in, and was startled when he stepped into the shower behind her. He took her still soapy sponge and rubbed her back and ass, then washed his own body. She turned to face him and he massaged her breasts, then pulled her wet body against his, kissing her deeply, biting and licking her lips, then teasing her tongue with his. She reached down and massaged his soapy cock, rubbing the slick soap up and down, and squeezing the head of his cock tightly.

  “Mmmm,” he moaned, kissing her again. She moved her hand to massage his balls, then further still until her fingers were rubbing his ass and anus. She slid her hand back up and massaged his balls some more, then continued to stroke him. While she was enjoying his hard cock, he was rubbing her tits and shoulders, squeezing tightly as the hot water sprayed them both. Reluctantly, Jenna moved her hand from her husband’s beautiful dick and rinsed him off, then herself. He stepped from the shower first, grabbed a large towel, and then got one for her. When she stepped out, he held it open, and she wrapped herself inside, and then got another for her long hair.

  Jenna marveled at how sexy John was in just a towel. His muscular chest, shoulders, and arms were amazing to look at, and she had a strong urge to run her hands over his chest. He caught her staring and pulled her close. They kissed hard, urgency mounting inside them. She shook her hair from the towel, dried it quickly, then he dried the rest of her, rubbing the fluffy towel all over her body, sliding it between her legs, making her moan, then down her long legs.

  She dried him next, his cock rock hard as she slid the towel along it.

  He pulled her to the bed and buried his face between her legs, which is what he did when he wanted their lovemaking to last longer, and knew he would blow his load too soon otherwise. John licked Jenna slow and steady, sliding his tongue up and along her swollen fuck lips. He let his tongue linger in her folds, licking slowly up and down before sliding his tongue inside her.

  “Oh God John!” she moaned, grabbing his wet hair, then releasing him quickly to move her hands to her taut nipples, squeezing them hard as he slipped his tongue in and out of her hole. He guided his tongue to her clit then moved it around in slow circles. She arched her back, still holding firm to her tits and squeezing hard as he made her scream, “Oooohh!”

  She moan
ed, a heavy orgasm building inside her, but John wasn’t ready for her to come. He pulled himself up, then licked and sucked her nipples as she ran her fingers through his hair. “Oh John, please, please make me cum,” she begged.

  John whispered. “Oh, I will baby, I will, I just want this to last, I want to give you as much pleasure as I can. Be patient with me babe, I will make you cum, just not yet, love. You deserve the best Mother’s Day ever.” He pulled her into his arms, she wrapped her legs around him, then they started making out like teenagers, kissing and sucking at one another’s mouths, licking ears, sucking necks, biting, and groping.

  “Suck me baby,” he moaned.

  Jenna pushed him down, then, starting with his neck, she sucked, licked, and nibbled him, lapping at his nipples, and sliding her hands over his fantastic chest. Her tongue slid to his stomach, and then she adjusted herself so she was between his legs. She moved down, her ass in the air and licked both of his inner thighs, then up to his balls, and back down to his asshole. That sometimes made him uncomfortable, but it was Mother’s Day weekend and she knew he’d let her do whatever she wanted.

  “Oh baby,” he moaned deeply, hands white knuckled and gripping the comforter. She took his balls in her mouth and sucked them gently, making him groan again, now louder. He lifted his ass, and she licked his long thick shaft to the tip, teasing and flicking her tongue over the head of his dick as she slurped the pre-cum from his cock. She teased his head, enjoying his writhing impatience, as he groaned and rubbed his ass into the mattress, moaning and marveling over Jenna’s mastery of the blowjob.

  Jenna finally took him full in her mouth, sucking as she moved her head lower, until his cock was sliding down her throat.

  “Oh. My. God.” He grunted. “More!” he begged.

  Jenna moved her mouth expertly up and down his dick, then let his head pop from her mouth with a slurp. She was enjoying it more by the second, teasing John the way she liked instead of giving in to him when he begged like she usually did.


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