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Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

Page 2

by Marianna Forrest

  “I want to get them something nice. What do you think?” Colton questioned. His eyes drifted to the small section of flowers. They didn’t look very healthy. Kind of wilted, actually. On second thought–

  “Well, I’ll tell you one thing they don’t need. Flowers. They’re covered. Trust me." Sienna smirked.

  “What does that smirk mean?”

  “A certain someone is on standby with a whole car full of fresh flowers just waiting for the moment friends can visit them," Sienna hinted.

  “A certain someone?” Colton asked quietly.

  “Surely, you remember him? He only stole your heart about, what, eight, nine months ago?”

  Colton’s chest tightened. The widening grin on her face said it all. Shit.

  “He’s here?”

  “You bet your patookie he is! Why wouldn’t he be? He and Lukas were wedding planning when Lukas felt that first kick. Poor Sawyer fell in love right then and there." Dahlia cackled.

  The way his heart was jumping probably wasn’t healthy. He could feel the alpha in him clawing into his free thoughts.

  Warm, delicate, unclaimed!

  Colton mentally slapped himself as he felt his body warm up.

  Damn it. What the hell?

  This significant move in his life was enough, but now he had to deal with the alpha clawing away inside him. He had to focus on settling in Boston before he could even think about–

  “Colton? You okay?” Sienna asked warily. “You look like you’re having an intense inner monologue with yourself.”

  “M’fine," he mumbled.

  “If you say so.” Sienna handed over a small bottle. “Now, get rid of that smell. We’re gonna go get comfy.”

  Colton idly turned the bottle over in his hand.

  “All right. Thanks.”

  He knew he was still mumbling, probably even sounded ungrateful, but this whole thing was new to him. In fact, it was terrifying. He hated his alpha thoughts. He didn’t want to give in to the alpha in him and end up hurting someone. No, he had gotten along just fine without anyone, and he’d continue on just fine, biology be damned.

  Well, wait, I can’t damn biology. That’s the base of what I do for a living.

  He mused to himself as he walked into the restroom. The fluorescent lights blinded him. He splashed some cold water on his face and neck and tried to cool down before he opened the small bottle of liquid.

  “Ugh, seriously?” He cringed at the oily substance that coated his fingers. It wasn’t supposed to feel like that. He started working it into his skin before giving up and washing his hands. Or attempting to.

  “Son of a…” Colton cursed. It wasn’t coming off. Oh, God, he was going to be cursed with butterfingers for the rest of his life.

  Damn, he remembered he hadn’t eaten anything since he left Atlanta. His stomach growled at the thought of his favorite candy before his thoughts returned to the present. It still wasn’t coming off. He was beginning to panic and looked around for paper towels.

  “This is a sin against humanity," Colton grumbled as he stared at the metal machines protruding from the wall. Who builds a bathroom with only blowers in it? Blasphemers, that’s who.

  So this was it. This was his home now. He was never gonna meet his niece, and the janitors would probably find his body and flush him like a common goldfish. He deserved better, damn it.

  Suddenly, the door squeaked open. Colton froze, ready to charm his way out of this mess.

  Wait, no, you can’t be charming while in a bathroom. Especially not with greased hands. Okay, plan B.

  Colton turned to the figure, smiled, and prepared to laugh his way out of the awkward situation before his voice caught in his throat.

  “Uh…um…” he stuttered. Oh, damn my luck.

  Of all the people in the world who could have walked into the bathroom, it had to be him. Sawyer. Colton’s eyes shut as the scent of peonies filled the room. He gripped the sink tightly, and his greasy hands almost caused him to slip.

  Smooth, Colton.

  “Are you okay?” Sawyer asked cautiously.

  Unclaimed.Unclaimed! Ripe for the–!

  Colton wrenched open his eyes for a split second and saw that Sawyer’s eyes were trained on him warily. He couldn’t for the life of him say anything, so he reached for the small bottle on the sink and fumbled it. He cursed as it kept slipping from his grasp until it finally landed in the sink with a clatter.

  “Uh, hi. I got into a tiny situation. This neutralizer, don’t know why it’s so oily. It’s fighting me.”

  His heart pounded as Sawyer took a step forward, eyes trained on Colton, before he pulled a small scrap of fabric from his pocket and picked up the bottle. He turned it over in his hands and read something.

  “It’s old. Expired by a lot,” he said softly, his gaze not meeting Colton’s.

  “What? It can expire?”

  “Yeah. When it does, it gets like this. That’s why most people prefer the spray instead of this,” he said. “Wait here, I’ll bring you something to clean it off. I’d offer this…” He held up the soiled fabric. “…But I don’t think it would get all the oil off. Your hands are…”

  Sawyer stopped himself with a squeak, before he ducked his head and fled the bathroom.

  Oh, my God… How are you so…? Colton groaned to himself. It had to be illegal to be that cute.

  He cursed and tried once more to clean himself up so he could retain some semblance of his pride. He could rub the oil off on his shirt, but he had standards. He wasn’t going to walk around the hospital with giant grease stains on his nice shirt, damn it.

  He probably thinks I’m the biggest loser in existence, Colton lamented as he fought the oily substance until his hands were raw. They burned as the expired mixture seeped into his blistered skin.

  Colton hissed as the warm water hurt his hands. He shut it off and scowled. Yep, he blew it. He hadn’t been able to get that stunning man out of his mind the entire time he was gone, and the moment he got back into Boston, he blew it.

  He focused on his alpha side and how loudly his instincts were screaming at him. Was the biology of the alpha within really that overpowering? Was it so strong it would force him to forget himself? To view omegas he met in person as mere toys instead of people?

  “Hell no,” he growled.

  He forced himself to calm down and pushed the enraged thoughts from his mind. He had met countless omegas, both claimed and unclaimed, throughout his life. Sawyer was the only one who affected him. Life sure liked throwing curveballs at him at the worst times.

  He jumped as the door squeaked open once again, only this time it wasn’t Sawyer. It was Andre.

  A small chuckle escaped the old man. “Don’t look so glum, son. I know who you were hoping for.”

  Colton sighed. “Hoping, but not expecting.”

  “Well, lemme tell ya a little somethin’. I ain’t ever seen Sawyer act like this.”

  “He’s afraid of me,” Colton said sadly.

  Andre shook his head. “It’s natural that any unclaimed omega would be wary of young, rambunctious alphas, especially with the trouble he’s already had with others, but…”

  “But what?”

  “I’ve known Sawyer for a long time. He’s different. Usually, he faces alphas head-on, shoulders back. With confidence. You’re the first one he seems to be affected by.”

  Colton sighed. “So, I just straight-up terrify him. Even better.”

  “Now, boy. Don’t you worry. He just needs time to warm up to you." The old man put his hand on Colton’s shoulder and patted it lightly.

  “Maybe. I hope so." Colton tapped his foot. He needed some release since he couldn’t wring his hands.

  “Trust me, I know so. Now, Sawyer sends this with his regards." Andre handed over a small bottle of liquid and a washcloth. “Use this, and the oil will come right off.”

  Andre paused and glanced at Colton’s red hands.

  “He also sent this." Andre
held up a small bottle of aloe. “He thought you might scrub your hands raw. This should help.”

  Colton hung his head in shame. Was he really that predictable?

  “Thanks, Andre. And thank him for me, please.”

  “No need. You’ll see him soon." Andre grinned. Oh, this old man was definitely getting a kick out of this.

  Colton felt his body heat up with nervousness. He tried to mask it with a smile and a nod.

  Andre laughed as he opened the bathroom door. “And, son, don’t worry. Just sit back and be yourself. Just be.”

  “Just be?” Colton questioned.

  Andre nodded. “I know what you’re going through. You can feel it, can’t you? Hear it? This bond you have with Sawyer, no matter how modest it may be right now, is different than anything you’ve ever experienced.”

  “Yeah. The alpha in me. I’ve never had to struggle so hard to hold it back, to keep it locked up. I don’t want to hurt anybody,” Colton whispered.

  “You can’t ignore it forever. It gets dangerous for everyone if you do. My advice to you is to hear the voice inside you. Listen to it, respect it, accept that it’s a part of you. But remember, you are a man before you are an alpha. Take care to not let it control you.”

  The old man left, and the closing door echoed in the quiet room.

  “Just be?” Colton groaned. “Just be.”

  Chapter 2

  Breathe, Sawyer, breathe. His breaths came in short gasps. Colton was already here? Oh, God, he wasn’t mentally prepared for this day after all. He felt himself heading for the waiting area where his friends were. Sienna noticed his state and quickly ran over to him and grasped his arms tightly.

  “Sawyer, calm down! What’s got you all worked up?” Sienna asked, concern painting her face.

  “You know exactly what’s wrong. He’s…” Sawyer fumed.

  He didn’t mean to get cross with her, but he was angry, scared, shaky, and way too hot all of a sudden.

  “He?” Sienna asked.

  “Dark blond hair, brown eyes, a distressing alpha scent that isn’t actually his scent? Ring any bells?”

  Sienna smirked. “I have no idea who you’re talking about. But tell me, why is your face so red, sweetie? Are you sick? Maybe you shouldn’t see the baby if you’re sick.”

  “I’m not sick!”

  “So, tell me why you’re all red.”

  Sawyer stuttered, “He’s just…Damn it, I only knew his face because of the picture hanging in Lukas’ house. It’s different seeing that picture for so long than when he’s suddenly standing right in front of me. First, at the fair, and now he’s–”

  “Hot? Sexy? Fine as hell?” Sienna asked slowly. “Sawyer, I’ve seen that picture, too. People tend to get more put together as they get older. Colton is no exception.”

  Sawyer wrapped his arms around himself as he sat down.

  Sienna sighed. “You know he chased after you to talk to you after you practically jumped into his arms?”

  “I did not jump into his arms!”

  “No, you’re right. Let me correct myself.” She leaned forward with a dark look in her eyes. “You swooned into them.”

  Sawyer’s face flushed. “I…I did not.” He buried his face in his hands. Why was it suddenly so hot in here?

  “So, how did you not see him afterward? I’m sure he went through hell and high water to try to find you that night." Sienna sat down next to him. “I thought, for sure, you two would have talked at least a bit and gotten more comfortable around each other before now.

  “Oh, he almost found me, but I ran anytime I smelled him near. Something was different about him, and it scared me.” Sawyer bit his lip and gripped the fabric of his shirt over his fast-beating heart. “Hell, before I ran off, I knew what was different about him, but knowing what it was and why it was happening…well, you’re never really prepared for the moment your body suddenly goes haywire over one person. Now he’s here and…”

  “Trust me, I know that feeling, but Colton is a good guy, Sawyer. You don’t have to worry." Sienna rubbed his back lightly. “Here, sit and chill out for a minute. It will be a few before we can meet and greet.”

  “Thanks. Sorry for the outburst.”

  “S’all good, sweet pea. Don’t worry, just be.”

  “Just be?” Sawyer questioned.

  “Advice my dad gave me when I was unsure about Kieran. Yes, I was just like you. Scared and disoriented and everything in between,” Sienna said.

  “I doubt that, Miss Spitfire,” Sawyer said with a smile.

  “Ain’t no time to doubt." Andre appeared in the waiting area. “It’s time to meet our fiery little princess!”

  Sienna smirked at him before she turned to talk with Dahlia. She rubbed her hand across Hazel’s back to wake her up. The poor girl was worn out after a long day and was asleep with her head in Dahlia’s lap.

  Just be.

  He cringed. He wasn’t going to “just be” an omega, not one that was affected like this by one alpha. Weak, needy omega didn’t apply to him before, and it wouldn’t now. He had gotten this far without an alpha, he sure as hell didn’t need one now.

  Colton beamed at his little brother and new niece. She was flawless—a perfect little angel.

  “You named her after Ma,” Colton’s voice wavered. His chest twinged with pain for a split second.

  “It just seemed right." Lukas smiled. “Saw it in a dream, after all.”

  Colton turned to Owen, who was gazing down at Lukas and his new daughter lovingly. He clapped a hand on Owen’s shoulder, and shook him lightly.

  “So, big guy? How’s it feel?”

  “She’s absolutely perfect. A beautiful little doll." Owen’s voice was twinged with emotion. “I had to pinch myself the first night to make sure it was real.”

  “You should have seen his face light up when he saw her on the screen for the first time,” Lukas said with a smile. “She’s gonna have him wrapped around her finger in no time.”

  “Too late. Already does,” Owen whispered.

  Colton grinned at his brother-in-law as a knock came at the door. Leaving the two behind, he took long strides to the door and tugged it open. He expected to see a nurse or two, but five smiling faces crowded the doorway, eager to meet the newcomer.

  Andre herded everyone in and pulled the door shut behind him.

  “Owen, you gotta tell us. We can see clear as day she has the red hair, but what about her eyes? Did she get the pretty green eyes?”

  Owen grinned and nodded. “Beautiful green eyes.”

  “What’d I tell ya!?” Andre laughed and wrapped his arm around Dahlia’s waist.

  “Lukas, she’s beautiful. A fiery little Irish baby." Eliseo gawked.

  “What’s her name?” Hazel asked, rubbing her eyes.

  Lukas was quiet for a moment before a dreamy smile crossed his face. “Her name is Abigail Emelia Atkins.”

  Sienna froze. “Abigail? Oh, Lukas.”

  “What’s wrong, Mama?” Hazel asked.

  “Nothing, sweetie. It’s a perfect name,” Sienna said with a smile. “Strong, elegant, and rolls off the tongue.”

  “Emelia. I like that name,” Hazel whispered. “Hey, Lukas? Owen? I gotta thank you now.”

  Owen perked up. “What for, Hazel?”

  “You guys promised a girl, and now she’s here,” she said quietly with a yawn. “So, thanks. For a little sister.”

  Chuckles rose from the group as Hazel teetered on her feet. Sienna quickly led her to a small couch nearby so she could rest.

  Lukas’ gaze darted around the crowd gathered in his room. “We’re missing someone. Where is he?”

  At that moment, a small clatter came from the other side of the door. Colton, being closest to the door, started to pull it open when it suddenly swung in. Flowers filled the doorway and a myriad of fragrances quickly filled the room. He stopped to help steady the multitudes of flowers and got a face-full of lilies, gerbera daisies, carnations, rose
s, and peonies.

  Wait, peonies? There weren’t any he could see. Oh. Colton held his breath as a cheerful, light-hearted voice drifted around the flowers.

  “Thanks. I didn’t think this through. I heard we were able to meet the baby, so I rushed and…”

  Colton saw Sawyer freeze when the young omega leaned around the flowers to see who was helping him. The omega sighed. If he hadn’t had his hands full of flowers, he’d probably be facepalming now.

  “Glad to see you escaped the room,” Sawyer said in a hushed tone, trying to lighten the mood. He crossed his arms with a slight smile after the flowers were safely placed on a nearby table.

  Colton felt the eyes of the others on his back before he saw Sawyer’s gaze drop to his raw hands. Shit. He quickly stuffed his hands in his pockets and cringed at the sudden pain blazing across his skin.

  “Thanks for your help. I wasn’t looking forward to spending the rest of my days in that prison of tile. And thanks for the aloe, it really helped." Colton’s gaze dropped to the floor in embarrassment.

  Sawyer hummed quietly. “I know how you alphas are. Stubborn, always getting into trouble, but never willing to accept help. Especially from an omega.”

  Colton sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “Some alphas are like that, can’t argue with you there. I really do appreciate your help, though.”

  A small sound escaped Sawyer as he carefully brushed past Colton. “You’re welcome.”

  He was ready to see the new baby, that much was certain. Colton stepped back and let everyone closer to Lukas and Owen. He watched as everyone fawned over the little princess, even Sawyer. Especially Sawyer. The omega was like a completely different person when Colton wasn’t in sight.

  A dazzling smile decorated Sawyer’s face as he looked at the new baby. Colton felt a twinge of pain in his chest, and his gaze dropped to the floor. He couldn’t stare too long. It was a stunning smile, yes, but it would never be directed at him, and he felt that gloom cut deep.

  Because the Sawyer standing in front of him was a Sawyer he would probably never know.

  He quietly slipped from the room, and pulled the door shut behind him. He would have plenty of time to see Abigail once he got settled into his new job and apartment. Right now, he was going to give the omega some space. He listed the reasons he should keep away for a bit in his mind.


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