Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

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Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega Page 6

by Marianna Forrest

  “So, what are you gonna do?” Lukas asked.

  “I–” Sawyer’s voice was cut off as a low wail came from upstairs.

  Lukas rose from the table with a smile and put his hand on Sawyer’s shoulder as he walked past.

  “You know what you gotta do. Think it over for a bit. I’ll be back down shortly.”

  Sawyer slumped. What was he gonna do? Run up to Colton and profess his undying love? Invite him to come over to his apartment for dinner?

  It couldn’t be that simple, right?

  Colton was trying his best not to fume. He remembered to keep a professional face despite the absolute bullshit he was being forced to endure.

  The man in front of him, Osvaldo Hughes, was spewing such nonsense that it was almost comical. This had to be a joke. Yeah, haha, Mr. Hughes, I traveled over a thousand miles and got all fancied up for this evaluation, and now you’re not even going to give me a chance? There had to be some other reason.

  “And, as such, I cannot afford to pay you what you asked for. It’s just not doable.”

  Colton was panicking. He had been assured the position would work for him and his needs. What the hell was going to happen now?

  “I was told it wouldn’t be a problem for such a prestigious company." Colton’s voice remained calm, despite the rage he felt inside.

  Osvaldo sighed and placed his elbows on his desk. “I’m sorry, Mr. McGuire, but it’s not possible.”

  “Alright, I can work with less than what I originally asked–”

  Osvaldo’s irritated voice cut him off, “You don’t seem to be listening to me. It’s not possible. It’s not just the money.”

  “Am I not entitled to an explanation, at the very least?” Colton asked. “I thought a transfer had already been agreed upon?”

  “Then there seems to have been a miscommunication. We already have an employee ready to fill the position from within.”

  Motherfu- Colton thought, holding back a snarl. “Then why did I still get an evaluation?”

  “Again, a miscommunication. It seems my assistant forgot to contact you and remove you from the schedule and our automated system. I apologize.”

  The room was tense. The stuffy air made it nearly impossible to think clearly. Either way, it seemed like this negotiation was over.

  “And on that note, I do believe we are done here,” Osvaldo said and closed the folder sitting in front of him.

  Colton stood, willing himself to calm down before he said anything. His Pa would turn over in his grave if he was unprofessional, even now.

  “Thank you for your time, Mr. Hughes." Colton forced a smile and reached out for a handshake. The other alpha stared at his hand before waving him off.

  Colton fumed and exited the room before pulling the door shut behind him. He felt the stares–curiosity, exhaustion, maybe even pity–on him as he seethed inside.

  He heard the click of heels behind him. He turned and saw a young woman trying to stop him.

  “Excuse me, are you Mr. McGuire?”

  The woman’s thick German accent surprised him and caused him to fumble like an idiot for a moment.

  “I am. Do I know you, ma’am?”

  “No, I just…I feel that you should get more of an explanation about what happened in there.”

  “What happened in there is done and over with. If I think about it too much, I won’t sleep for a week.” Anger dripped in his voice.

  The woman’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Please, listen. Don’t lose sleep over this. You are not the first. The truth is, Mr. Hughes won’t move you here because he can’t stand competition so close to home.”

  Colton bristled. So, he had been right all along. That figured. True, he had witnessed the other alpha tense up when he stepped into the room. It was also true that he had thought it strange that he didn’t smell one other alpha employee in the building. Damn it.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  The young woman walked off in a hurry before Colton could react. Didn’t even get a chance to thank her. He sighed, ready to leave before the eyes of the other employees drilled holes through him.

  As he stepped from the building, he gazed up to the sky. A beautiful sunset painted the it, bordered by the old and new buildings of Boston.

  “Shit,” he groaned. What do I do now? Since I didn’t get that job, I don’t have an apartment. The hotel will kick me out soon, but I can’t stay with Lukas and Owen. They have enough on their plate without my waltzing in. Damn it.

  He wandered as he revised his plans. The streets bustled around him, rush hour was in full swing. He needed somewhere to think. The hotel room was out of the question. He loved Bitty-Piggy to death, but she would be all over him as soon as he opened the door, demanding treats and playtime. Libraries had shut down for the evening, restaurants were full, even churches were filling up steadily. A busy Wednesday was winding down into a peaceful lull. Or, as peaceful as it could get for the heart of Boston.

  “Okay…okay. Hotel is covered for five more days. I have a bit saved for food. God, what am I going to tell Lukas? Shit.” Colton sank onto a nearby bench and buried his face in his hands.

  He was stranded in Boston—no job, no home, and barely enough money to last the month. He heard people shuffling past the bench, but they didn’t care enough to glance in his direction. Nothing to see there, just another loser with another lost dream, they seemed to say.

  He felt the cold evening breeze brush over his neck and heard the tall trees creaking overhead. He leaned back into the bench and stared at the sky, watching as thick snow-clouds started rolling in. He had to figure out what he was doing fast.

  Damn, alright. So, I tell Lukas and Owen the bad news and then head back down to Atlanta. Maybe I can bunk with Cyrus, get my job back at the center, and then–


  Colton jumped. He wasn’t expecting anyone to talk to him while he was so down on his luck. He raised his head and saw Sophie, Sawyer, and an alpha woman.

  “It is Colton, right? Not Richard?” Sophie grinned and hugged the female alpha’s arm to her chest. “Mr. Begonia?”

  “Yes, it’s Bego–” he cleared his throat, accidentally hanging on to her last joke name. “Colton. What are you all doing out here?” Colton’s eyes darted between the visitors.

  “We’re going out to dinner. Want to join us?” Sophie grinned. “We’re going to this sweet pizza place down on Midas Avenue we heard about. My best friend recommended it and–”

  “Honey, calm down. Look at him, he’s had a rough day. Give him some breathing room." The female alpha sighed before reaching out her hand. “Lydia. Sophie’s my mate. Nice to meet you.”

  “Colton McGuire. Likewise.”

  “Well? Rough day, Begonia? I’m sorry. Did your plans get canceled?” Sophie’s lower lip jutted out as she squeezed Lydia’s arm tighter and motioned to the suit Colton was wearing with her eyes.

  “Oh, no, you know, I was just enjoying Boston's nightlife and needed a break from the party.”

  “Dude, if you think this is the nightlife of Boston, you are sorely mistaken,” Lydia deadpanned. “We’ll be happy to show you the real fun around here. By we, I mean Sophie and me, because Sawyer is afraid of people.”

  “I am not,” Sawyer mumbled.

  Colton snorted and failed to hide his smile. “Nah, I mean the old man nightlife. I have to be in bed by nine, or I’ll be cranky the next day.”

  Sawyer stared at him for a moment before sighing. He turned to Sophie and Lydia and motioned up the path through the park. “Go on ahead, I’ll catch up in a minute.”

  Sophie grinned widely as she tugged on Lydia’s arm and pulled her down the path. Sawyer eased himself down on the bench and folded his hands in his lap. He stared at the ground for a moment before he said, “You really remind me of Lukas.”

  “Is that good or bad?” Colton joked.

  “A bit of both. I know Lukas has a habit of joking when he’s scared or trying to
dodge questions. It’s good to keep a positive attitude, but when you stumble, it’s okay to lean on others,” Sawyer whispered. “So, what really happened today?”

  Colton groaned. “Well, you know I was planning on staying here in Boston, yeah?”

  “Of course.”

  “I was planning to transfer into the Hughes Center, that nearby agricultural research facility. My evaluation was today, and they wouldn’t even consider me. First, they said it was the salary I requested, then they said they filled the position from within." Colton snarled.

  Sawyer’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah, but neither of those was the real reason I didn’t get hired.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “One of the employees caught me on the way out. Told me the truth. No alphas other than the guy that interviewed me.” Colton shook his head.

  A sigh of disgust slipped from Sawyer’s lips as he leaned back into the bench, mimicking Colton. “So, what’s your plan?”

  “Christ, I don’t know. I can’t stay with Lukas and Owen, not when they have their hands full with Abi. Only thing I can really do is stay with my friend Cyrus back in Atlanta and keep looking for a job here. I don’t know how long it will take, but–”

  “Stay with me.”

  “What?” I had to have misheard him.

  Sawyer inhaled quickly, as if he couldn’t believe what he had just said, then he released his breath. “You can stay with me until you find another place. I have an extra room.”

  “Are you sure? I’m–”

  Sawyer held up a hand, interrupting Colton. “Trust me, I’m well aware of…you. But…” Sawyer bit his lip. “You’re good.”


  “Not like other alphas. Not like…” Sawyer’s voice trailed off.

  “He means you’re a respectable guy, Begonia!” Sophie’s voice was suddenly right behind them, loud as ever.

  Colton jerked away from her voice and yelped as he almost fell off the bench. Sawyer reached out and grabbed Colton’s arm as the alpha steadied himself. Sawyer snapped his hand back and averted his gaze as Colton let out a boisterous chuckle.

  “What, did I scare ya?” Sophie smirked.

  “Oh, Hell’s bells, is that how you killed your father, Indigo?” Colton clutched his chest, smirking. “At least the poor man went quickly.”

  “I realize now that I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have told you my middle name." Sophie pursed her lips. “And here I was about to ask Sawyer if you could work with us.”

  “Wait, what?” Colton’s eyes widened as he looked over at Sawyer. His face was equally surprised at the sudden request.

  Sophie continued, “C’mon, Sawyer, think about it! You said yourself we need more help with the holidays coming up!”

  “But there are so many other places that would be a better fit for him and his…alpha-ness.”

  “I’ll do it." Colton nodded. “That is, if you’ll have me. I’m willing to learn anything I need to help out.”

  Colton could practically hear the goosebumps rising on Sawyer’s skin. Was this really okay? He silently waited for an answer.

  “If you’re really sure you want to.” Sawyer whispered as he fidgeted with the sleeve of his sweater.

  “I’m sure. I’ll be of help any way I can." Colton smiled softly and caught Sawyer’s gaze. The omega turned sharply, a light flush decorating his cheeks.

  “So, let’s move!” Sophie squealed. “We gotta get you moved in!”

  “What?” Colton asked. “No, it’s okay for now, I’m still in the–”

  “Nonsense. You’re not sleeping on a bench tonight when there’s a nice, warm, comfy bed waiting for you." Sophie came around to the front of the bench, dragging Lydia along with her.

  “You can’t win this, Begonia. Just roll with it." Sophie grinned and rocked back and forth on her heels.

  Colton sighed. There really was no winning with these omegas.

  “So, home, sweet home." Sawyer stepped through the door and carefully toed off his shoes before stepping up into the living area. “So, rule number one. No shoes past this point. They stay here, at the entryway.”

  “Roger. Sorry to intrude." Colton took off his shoes and slid them out of the way of the door.

  “Rule number two–”

  Sawyer was cut off by a loud squawk and the sound of furiously flapping wings coming down the hallway. He casually stepped to the side as two feathered creatures flew toward Colton, causing him to duck suddenly.

  “Sorry, I forgot to disable my alarm." Sawyer laughed.

  “Ya’ll need to calm down! Don’t ya’ll know I can’t afford tweetment right now?” Colton called after the birds as they flew to the other side of the living room, earning a muffled snicker from Sawyer.

  “So, what’s rule number two?” Colton eased his bags down for a moment and balanced Bitty-Piggy’s carrier on top against his leg.

  “More like advice. Watch your head." Sawyer smirked. “Everything else is the usual—don’t leave trash lying around, clean up after Bitty-Piggy if she has an accident, and no walking around the house naked.”

  Colton smirked as Sawyer seemed to realize what he said. He turned away from the alpha, and a deep flush crept across his neck and ears.

  “Um, anyway, your room is over here." Sawyer led him to a room down the hall and pushed the door open.

  The room obviously hadn’t been used for much of anything besides a storage room for crafting supplies, but it was well-kempt. Sawyer began packing everything into nearby boxes with care.

  “I wasn’t expecting guests, so I apologize for the mess. It won’t take me long to clear it out. I’ll bring in fresh sheets, too.”

  “Is there a mudroom or bathroom I can set Bitty up in? She doesn’t take up much space.”

  “She can free-roam if you like. I mean, I won’t complain if there’s suddenly a micropig in my lap when I’m sitting on the couch. Just saying." Sawyer’s lips tilted up in a smile. “My birds have free roam of the house, so it’s only fair.”

  At that moment, the two birds rounded the corner of the doorframe and landed on Sawyer’s shoulder with a chirp.

  “These two winged beasts are Takahama and Akiko, my little attack birds.” Sawyer carefully scratched their chests, and soft, contented chirps filled the quiet room.

  “The Legend of the White Butterfly." A faint smile crossed Colton’s features as his gaze drifted from the two birds to Sawyer.

  “You know it?” Sawyer’s eyes widened.

  “Sure do. I did some research on Japanese legends while I was in college. It’s odd, but I enjoyed the structure. It’s a lesson woven into a legend." Colton’s eyes lost focus for a moment as he thought back to days past.

  Sawyer grinned and clasped his hands in front of his chest.

  “It was always my favorite. It holds a lot of memories for me. When I was growing up, I always wished to find a love like that. Well, you know, maybe not exactly, but–”

  Sawyer stopped talking. A flush covered his cheeks as he averted his face and stood. “Sorry, you’re probably tired. I’ll get everything cleaned up and get those sheets in here.”

  “Wait, have you eaten?” Colton suddenly asked.


  “Sophie said you three were heading out to dinner when you found me. Unless you grabbed something on the way here, and I didn’t see it, you’ve got to be a little bit hungry.”

  “No, I’m fine. I was just going along with them because you can’t really say no to Sophie." Sawyer bit his lip.

  Colton heard Sawyer’s stomach growl as if protesting his words.

  “Come on, anywhere you like. My treat.”

  I want to see that excited face again. Tell me more.


  Colton’s mouth dropped open. He tried unsuccessfully to hide his smirk.

  “What? Is that okay?” Sawyer murmured, his lower lip jutting out slightly.

  “I wouldn’t have pegged
you for a burrito junkie. Did Lukas rub off on you?”

  Sawyer shook his head. “I just want a big, fat burrito tonight. Don’t worry about covering my share, I’ve got it. Besides, payday isn’t until Friday.”


  Sawyer’s head snapped up, startling the birds on his shoulder. “You need to make sure you can take care of yourself and Bitty until payday! I didn’t mean–”

  “Calm down, it’s okay.” Colton laughed. Sawyer was so cute when he got flustered.

  I will return the favor, I promise.

  “Come on, there’s this awesome place nearby." Sawyer turned to leave the guestroom.

  “Hey," Colton softly called out. He froze as he caught himself reaching for Sawyer’s hand and their fingers brushed for a moment. Sawyer took a sharp breath. He turned back toward Colton, and his eyes jumped up to the alpha’s face.

  Colton took a step back and scratched the back of his head. “Seriously, thank you. For everything.”

  Sawyer stood still for a moment before he nodded. “Please, think nothing of it. A lot of people want you to stick around, and,” He swallowed. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t one of them.”

  The omega shuffled quickly from the room, leaving Colton stunned. Does he really feel that way? Is this a dream? Colton was startled by a loud squeal from Bitty-Piggy, who was tired of being cooped up in her carrier.

  Colton quickly lowered her carrier to the ground and opened the cage door before he stood. He ran his hand down his face, pausing over his mouth and jaw. It’s real. What Owen described, it’s real. I still feel the sparks in my fingertips. He took a deep breath, taking in the scent Sawyer left behind.

  “You alive in there, Colton?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be right out. Just getting Bitty-Piggy set up.”

  It was only a half-lie. After all, he couldn’t tell Sawyer what was going through his head right now. He scratched Bitty-Piggy’s back and set up everything she needed before stepping down the hallway. Sawyer’s ever-red face and bright eyes greeted him, ready to go enjoy a late dinner.

  Yeah, I’m screwed.


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