Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

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Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega Page 7

by Marianna Forrest

  Chapter 6

  Sawyer jolted, forced from his almost-sleep once again. The sound of distant cars and sirens pierced through his heavy curtain, almost as if they didn’t want him to find peace in his own bed. He groaned and fell back on his pillow.

  After a moment, he dragged his tired body back up and pulled back the covers from his legs. He stood, carefully walking from his room into the hallway.

  Colton was still awake, it seemed. Pale, yellow light outlined his door in the darkness of the hallway. Sawyer’s ears perked up and he picked up the click-clack of Colton’s laptop coming from the room.

  After a week, the man’s scent was strong in the room and almost seeped beneath the crack in the door. Sawyer caught himself taking a deep breath and enjoying the alpha's pure, earthy scent before he managed to pull himself away.

  A distraction, that’s what he needed. He walked to the small kitchen area and grabbed a can of citrus-flavored chuhai from the fridge before settling down at the table.

  The hiss of the can seemed too loud in the quiet house. He listened for any movement in the darkness before taking a long drink. The amber liquid burned the back of his throat all the way down into his stomach. Sawyer let his arm drop to the table and a small gasp escaped his lips. He stared idly at the can in his hands and sighed.

  Okay, so now my skin is tingling, and my stomach is burning. This was a mistake. I’ll never loosen up like this.

  Sawyer groaned and laid his head down on the table. Just relax. His mind seemed fit to play along, if only for a moment, as his thoughts went blank. He thought sleep would finally take him until he heard a muffled cough from Colton’s room, followed by the creak of the bed. Craning his neck down the hallway, he noticed the dim light was gone.

  Damn, I wish I could sleep that easily. Straight from work to dreamland…what a trip.

  Yep, the alpha was still there, sleeping in this house, eating in this kitchen, and living his best life. This wasn’t just a dream. His scent was everywhere, and it was maddening.

  I wonder if he knows what he does to me.

  His mind played back the events of the past week as he relaxed at the table, unable to sleep for the umpteenth time.

  Every time the alpha smiled, it seemed like the room got a wee bit hotter. Sawyer listened as closely as he could, but he found himself distracted by Colton’s…everything—his expressive eyes, his sure movements, and the steady drawl of the voice coming from those rough lips.

  Colton’s face lit up as he spoke, “And as they say, it truly is a small world after all.”

  And then there was that smile. That stupid award-winning grin. He was doing that on purpose. That alpha and his stupid smile would be the death of him.

  Colton froze as Takahama landed on his head. The bird’s small, clawed feet gripped the golden locks of his hair. Akiko fluttered gracefully to Sawyer’s shoulder, still unsure about the alpha.

  “Should I be worried about impending doom?” Colton’s eyes rolled up as he tried to keep an eye on the bird.

  “Nah, that means he likes you. He’s a very affectionate bird when he gets to know you. Akiko is a bit slower to warm up to strangers, but she’ll be up there with him soon." Sawyer scratched Akiko’s chest lightly. Colton bent over to scoop up Bitty-Piggy from the floor next to the couch and passed her to Sawyer. He chuckled as he saw the little pig look up with her big, piggy eyes.

  Sawyer took her little feet in his fingers and moved them around to a jolly tune Colton had been subjected to a few times in his short stay.

  “Little piggy, little piggy, see, see, see. Little piggy, little piggy, go–”

  Bitty-Piggy squealed three times in succession, much to the omega’s delight.

  “Oh, you little sweetie-pie, you remembered!” Sawyer held the little pig up like a toddler, and his face beamed with happiness. “This calls for a celebration! Quick, what kind of treats does she have?”

  Colton’s grin slowly grew before he stepped back to his bedroom and returned with a small, plastic bag full of dried vegetables, raisins, and some sort of squished, red berry.

  “What is that?” Sawyer asked, furrowing his eyebrows and squinting as he tried to make out what it was.

  “Well, here we have all sorts of dried veggies, raisins, and, of course, the lifeforce of the damned." Colton held up the bag and pointed to the different foods. “Dried cranberries. Her favorite.”

  “You made it sound so ominous, but I knew the truth all along." Sawyer slowly smiled and leaned closer to the alpha as he cradled Bitty-Piggy to his stomach. “Bitty-Piggy is an overlord!”

  Colton gasped and took a dried berry out of the bag and gave it to Bitty-Piggy.

  “How did you know?”

  “It was tough. She may look cute and innocent, but it’s all a ruse. She hides the true nature of her crimes behind that perfect, pink, curly tail. It’s a defense mechanism.”

  “You knew, and yet you kept her secret. You are a true comrade." Colton chuckled and reached up to move some stray locks from his eyes. He flinched when Takahama readjusted his grip.

  “I’ll be honest, I forgot he was up there." Colton cringed as Takahama tried to move and pulled a golden curl. “I can’t believe he stuck with me while I went back to the bedroom.”

  “Do you need me to get him down?”

  Colton grinned and raised his hand to mess with Takahama. “Nah, he’s fine. I’m used to stuff like this.”

  “You’re used to this?” Sawyer motioned toward Takahama with a laugh.

  “I was the chosen one. You should have seen it when I had to get the eggs every morning back home on the farm. You’ve never known a true tension headache until you’ve had a fat n’ sassy chicken scrambling to sit on your head.”

  Colton leaned back into the couch and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “It’s kind of nostalgic. I like it, to be honest." Colton’s voice quieted, and his gaze trailed to the floor.

  Pain. Sawyer felt the pain coming off Colton in waves. His chest tightened.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Colton’s eyes snapped back up. “For what?”

  “I made you think of some old memories. That caused you pain, and I’m sorry.”

  Colton shifted and leaned forward on his elbows. “No, I’m the one who brought it up. Certain memories may hurt, but I’m happy I have the privilege of remembering. They’re little reminders of how lucky I am now.”

  As he stroked Bitty-Piggy’s back slowly, Sawyer whispered softly, “The saddest thing in the world is a lost and forgotten happy memory.”

  Colton’s ears perked up. He turned slightly to face Sawyer and rested his arm on the back of the couch.

  “Something my Noma, Sumida, used to say. To lose a happy memory is sad because it shows that a person hasn’t experienced happiness in a long time. They forget what warmth, love, and joy feel like. But you…you haven’t forgotten.”

  “And I don’t think I ever will." Colton smiled wistfully, and his eyes locked with Sawyer’s.

  Sawyer felt the heat blooming on his cheeks as he dropped his eyes.

  That damn smile.

  Sawyer couldn’t hide the pang of longing he felt within him as he watched Colton interact with the people around him. People flocked to the handsome new employee, eager for any excuse to be near the charismatic alpha.

  Not that he blamed them. Colton didn’t know it, but he had this aura that drew people in. It was comforting, warm, and borderline addicting, and Sawyer yearned to be close to the alpha once more.

  But it was not to be. Left and right, customers grabbed Sawyer’s attention. His hands were full helping them, but his eyes weren’t playing along. He felt his gaze return to the busy section where Colton arranged new displays and gathered requested flowers for customers.

  As Valentine’s Day drew near, more and more people visited the store. Hell, they flocked to it. Sawyer felt his head drop a bit as his lips curled into a pout. He could see in their eyes that some of them didn�
�t come just for the flowers.

  Colton’s attention was grabbed by a young male omega, who was trying way too hard to keep the alpha’s gaze on him. The poor boy wasn’t subtle about it. He batted his lashes and oh-so-lightly touched Colton’s arms and hands every time his eyes strayed to the counter. Sawyer saw Colton clench his jaw, despite the smile on his handsome face.

  As closing time finally rolled around, and cleaning time fell upon them, only a few customers remained. Many looked lost, disoriented by all the colors and scents. He saw Colton pause mid-sweep, almost as if he were in a dream. Sawyer felt warmth bloom in his chest as he felt the alpha’s gentle gaze on him before he turned back to the last customer.

  “You know, everyone has a flower that represents their soul. Pick out what calls to you, and I’ll throw together a bouquet that will make even the coldest heart melt." Sawyer’s eyes softened, and a cherubic smile crossed his face.

  One happy customer later, Sawyer began watching the alpha closely. He distantly heard Sophie thank the customer as she locked the door. Colton leaned on the broom handle and looked a bit lost in thought.

  Whimsical was a good look on the alpha. His earthy brown eyes seemed to get a bit deeper, and a thoughtful expression softened his features. Yes, Colton looked like a stunning work of art, and only Sawyer could see every little detail.

  Sawyer’s heart skipped a beat as those eyes rose from the floor and locked on his. A tingle ran down his spine, and heat rose on his cheeks as he smiled and gave a small wave to the alpha. Colton crossed his free arm over his chest, almost bowing, before returning to his task. Sawyer returned to his own task, and a stupid grin slipped across his face.

  You truly are a work of art, you know?

  Sawyer cracked open his eyes. A smile tugged at his lips when he heard a frustrated grumble come from Colton. His eyes first wandered to the darkness of the window. Apparently, quite some time had passed since his back hit the cushions. Warmth blanketed him like…a blanket because that’s exactly what it was. It definitely hadn’t been there when he laid down.

  A groan, followed by the click-clack of the laptop keyboard, perked his ears up. Yep, somebody was busy, and it certainly wasn’t him, the guy sleeping on the couch with a micropig on his stomach.

  He turned his head and looked toward the large desk in the corner of his living room. Colton was working by the light of a small lamp, leaving the overhead light off so Sawyer could sleep.

  Sawyer sat up, carefully cradling Bitty-Piggy in his arms as she squirmed. Colton still hadn’t noticed that he had woken up and grumbled once more at the adversary in front of him.

  Sawyer sat on the warm, comfy couch and contemplated convincing Colton to go to bed, but he abandoned the idea when he saw the half-full coffee pot on his counter. Poor guy wouldn’t be sleeping for a while.

  He knew the alpha didn’t like Sawyer worrying over him when he got this focused on something, but that didn’t stop Sawyer from spotting the little things most wouldn’t notice.

  Like the little knot Colton got between his eyebrows when he concentrated. Or when he bit his bottom lip and growled softly when he was frustrated. Colton didn’t realize how perfectly his rough lips swelled and turned a beautiful shade of dark pink in the midst of his bite.

  But his favorite face was…yep, that one. The one where his eyes lit up when everything started to come together just as he envisioned it.

  God, if you could only see the faces you make.

  Sawyer carefully nudged the door open with his foot, careful to not lose his grip on the box full of crafting supplies he held. It was just a few last-minute additions for his Valentine’s Day bouquets, nothing big that would get in the way. Or so he thought. The woman he bought all his supplies from had greatly exaggerated the amount of stuff in the box.

  He felt the box slipping from his grip before he dropped it roughly on the couch, praying to all that was holy that the two vases he had found hadn’t cracked. After checking them, he sighed with relief.

  His eyes darted around the house, looking for Colton. Usually, the alpha was there, ready to help him at the door, whether he asked for assistance or not. Where is he? Did he go out?

  A small hum coming from the hallway grabbed his attention, and he noticed steam rising from the crack at the bottom of the door. Was Colton…singing? He inched closer to the bathroom and leaned against the wall across from the door.

  Sure enough, he heard a low, husky voice over the constant stream of water. A slow, charming tune filled his ears and almost bewitched his soul. Sawyer felt his heart melt a little bit as he listened to the slow tune that escaped the alpha’s lips before–

  Oh, shit.

  –before that flimsy piece of wood had slowly but surely creaked open, pretty much revealing a god standing buck-ass naked in his shower. The frosted glass of the shower walls barely preserved the man’s modesty. Bitty-Piggy looked up at him from the now open door, probably wondering why Sawyer was standing outside the bathroom.

  Oh, Christ.

  He knew he should have fixed that broken latch ages ago. Yep, because sure as hell, there was Colton, standing tall, perfect, and utterly unaware of the crisis unfolding behind him.

  Sawyer felt his chest tighten before he managed to make himself move. He rushed to his room and slammed the door behind him. Sure, he had told Colton to make himself at home, but oh, hell, he had messed up. Not that Colton was the issue. No, far from it. This was entirely on him. He knew something like this would happen eventually.

  Damn it, what are you doing to me? I could end this now, I could just kick you out, but…

  He silently cursed before sliding down his door to the floor.

  …I’d miss you.

  Sawyer raised his head from the table and looked at the clock. Eleven already. He’d been sitting there for an hour, just drinking.

  He grimaced. Heat burned deep in his body. Damn, that alcohol was stronger than he remembered. He finished off the last of it and tossed the can in a recycling bin before heading back to his bedroom.

  Before he could reach it, a noise from Colton’s room caught his attention. Is he awake, again? I hope I wasn’t too loud.

  Sawyer froze as a gruff, muffled moan reached his ears, followed by a slight, constant creak of the bed. Nightmares. I’ll blame that on nightmares.

  The intoxicating scent coming from the room said otherwise, though. The longer he stood there, the dirtier he felt. He rushed back to his room and closed the door as quietly as he could.

  “Damn it,” Sawyer whispered to himself. He slid down with his back against the door and rested his arms on his bent knees. “Deep breaths.” He forced himself to calm down.

  Well, that whole breathing thing turned out to be a mistake. In retrospect, it was probably the dumbest decision he’d ever made. Colton’s scent was heavy throughout the house and covered his own body like a thick blanket. He felt heat building in his stomach, and he was unable to tear his mind away from what he had heard. Colton’s pleasured gasps echoed in his head, and desire flared up inside him like wildfire.

  Desire. It was a strange emotion to him—a slick heat, an inferno deep within him, an ache he needed to soothe.

  Sawyer’s skin bristled as he moved his hands from his knees to the waistband of his sweats. He keened quietly and slowly rubbed the growing bulge before slipping his hand down and wrapping it around his shaft.

  As he stroked gently, he perked up his ears, listening for the breathy, stimulated moans of the alpha. He bit his lip as he rubbed his fingers over the head of his cock, spreading the slick fluid up and down.

  Wonder what he looks like when–

  An image of a thoroughly blissed-out Colton appeared in his mind, causing him to suddenly spasm roughly against his door with a quiet whimper. He quickly brought his free hand to his lips and bit down on his finger.

  Sawyer stopped stroking and listened closely. Everything was silent at first. Ah, shit. Please don’t stop. Keep going.

seconds, thirty seconds, a minute. Then, after what felt like an eternity, another gruff sigh, the creak of the bed, rustling sheets, and…there it was, that maddening voice.

  Desire. It was dangerous. Driven by such emotion, he was bound to make stupid mistakes. Just like this, this indecency. A few years ago, he would have died before he let himself crumple into the mess he currently was. Now?

  Now, he was just too damn hot. He pulled the hem of his pajama shirt to his mouth and bit down tightly, before shifting and pulling his sweatpants down to his ankles. He spread his legs a bit wider and thrust lightly up into his hand.

  His eyes drifted shut, and he got lost in that oh-so-forbidden feeling. He moaned quietly against the makeshift gag in his mouth. He leaned forward and sucked in a sharp breath through his nose, a breath filled with his and Colton’s mingling scents. He gripped the cloth gag between his teeth tighter, his fervent whimpers and words not getting the chance to be heard.

  In the other room, he heard Colton’s voice catch. It was a hushed, lewd groan that brought the blissed-out image back to Sawyer’s mind.

  Close. Too close–

  He doubled over as the slick feeling on his sensitive flesh became too much to handle. The hem of his shirt slipped from his mouth as he thrust into his hand.

  Surrender. Give in. Strong, god-like alpha!

  He felt a bit of drool creeping down the side of his chin as his mouth hung open, free of the gag. For once, he and his omega voice seemed to agree.

  A low whimper escaped his open mouth, bringing Sawyer to a hazy realization. What if he hears me now? Is he listening?

  Sawyer’s slick hand moved faster and faster, with more urgency than before. The thought of the nearby alpha hearing him made even more heat pool to his hips. White, thick ribbons of come stuck to his hands as he continued stroking and rode out his peak.

  With one last thrust into his hand, he leaned his head back against the door. He didn’t try to hide the pleased keens and pants that escaped his lips.


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