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Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

Page 8

by Marianna Forrest

  Desire. For years, he hadn’t been allowed the opportunity to desire anything, and now his entire life was dictated by this feeling. It flowed freely through his veins, driving him berserk bit by bit.

  Sawyer grimaced as he felt beads of sweat running down his neck. His muscles felt heavy, and his legs quivered as he tried to put weight on them. He yanked off his dirty clothes and tossed the wad of cloth toward the hamper in the corner. He chuckled softly and leaned his head back against the door. Guess it had been a while.

  Maybe he had gotten this out of his system. Maybe he could finally act normally again, business as usual. He dragged himself to his feet and moved to dig through his dresser. He tugged on an old, oversized shirt. The cool fabric was soothing against his skin. He needed to get cleaned up, then, maybe, he could finally sleep peacefully.

  That had been his plan, but the quiet click of a door shutting down the hall told him Colton had just occupied the bathroom, and his scent, creeping along the walls like an invader, screamed hunger.

  No doubt, the alpha could smell him, too. Sawyer wasn’t exactly careful about disguising his scent or muffling his voice. He sat on his bed, a nervous smile forming on his face. This was bad. He was coming completely undone, the opposite of his usual self. But the most shocking feeling of all was that he couldn’t bring himself to care.

  Heat pulsed through his stomach as he took a deep breath, and flopped back onto the covers. Lukas was right. Fate was a strange thing.

  Chapter 7

  “Dirty, dirty boy,” Colton mumbled under his breath.

  “What?” Sawyer froze and felt his skin turn clammy. He spun around and focused on the alpha. Oh, God. He heard me. I’m not mentally prepared for this conversation right now. There’s a customer right there, don’t do this to me–

  Colton had slowly made his way to the front counter from the back of the store, sweeping up the cut stems and leaves that littered the floor, before pausing and leaning on the broom handle. He looked at the floor around the staging area where Sawyer put together his arrangements. Scraps of paper, ribbon, lace, and wire were scattered across the table and floor.

  “Oh." Sawyer ducked his head, trying to hide the flush on his face. Maybe if he hung out near the red carnations, he could blame the color on them. Or maybe the bright red and pink balloons.

  Sawyer was still rattled from his thoughts when the last customer placed a small bouquet on the counter in front of him. He busied himself with the transaction as he felt Colton move behind him to get to the staging table.

  Or he tried to busy himself. He was suddenly very aware of the alpha standing close behind him—every breath, every movement, every bit of heat rolling off his warm body. It took every bit of effort he had to drag himself out of that chasm so he could finish the transaction.

  One happy customer later, Sawyer quickly locked the door. As much as he would have liked to enjoy the cold air for a moment, he had to count the money. He needed another distraction ASAP. Anything to get his mind off Colton. He didn’t trust himself to not do something stupid.

  “It was hopping tonight.” Colton spoke a bit louder now that the customers were gone.

  “Valentine’s Day is this Friday,” Sawyer absentmindedly responded. “And today is Tuesday, so I dare say it’s the day before–” Sawyer cut himself off. He was not going to say that.

  “What? The day before hump day?” Colton smirked and raised his eyebrow.


  Sawyer wasn’t sure whether he wanted to snicker or curl in on himself. He had walked right into that one, even though he tried to back out of it.

  “So, you got any big plans tomorrow?” Colton kept his eyes on the ground and busied his hands with the broom.

  Sawyer used a key to open the register and pulled out the drawer and placed it on the counter. He gripped the wooden edge of the surface and thought about his plans for the next few days.

  “Maybe work on more arrangements,” he muttered, as he ran his hand through his hair. All he really wanted to do was relax. He hadn’t expected such a boom in business this year. Must have done something right on the advertising and customer service. He could feel the tension in his muscles, tight as–

  Colton’s fine-ass pecs.

  Sawyer gripped the counter tighter, inwardly cursing his ill-timed inner voice.

  Colton paused, concern flashing across his face. “You work too much, you know?”

  “This is one of the busiest times of year for this shop. Working hard is part of the package." Sawyer reached under the counter for his water bottle and took a long swig.

  “Is there any way I could convince you to take a day off tomorrow? You know, on your one day off a week?”

  Lots of ways. Sawyer felt his eyebrows furrowing with a strange mix of concern and curiosity that added to the tension in his body.

  “How about we take a day and go out on the town, maybe cause some mayhem?” Colton asked, stepping toward the counter again.

  “Mayhem aside, what’s your definition of a day on the town?”

  “Well, I did some thinking, and I realized I haven’t really, like really thanked you for everything properly, and Lukas told me recently that you wanted to go to the aquarium.” Colton gripped the broom tightly in one hand while he adjusted the collar on his shirt with the other. “He said you had never been to one.”

  “He did, did he?” Sawyer sighed and a slight smile tugged at his lips. He wondered if Colton noticed just how slow and thought out his speech got when he was nervous.

  He glanced over and noticed Colton was now rubbing the back of his neck, waiting for an answer.

  “I suppose the extra arrangements can wait." Sawyer picked up the cash drawer to take it to his small office. “Just so you know.”

  He saw Colton perk up, and his dazzling smile brightened the dimmed store. “So, that’s a…?”

  “Yeah, I’d love to go." He averted his gaze before throwing a small smile over his shoulder. He could spare one day to spend with Colton.

  Colton wound through the maze of cold, dark hallways and ramps and tried his best to stick close to Sawyer. The man was darting here and there, every which way, excited to see every odd creature swimming in the depths. Every time he turned his head, Sawyer was across the way, looking at some new aquatic creature. This must have been how his Ma felt when she took him and Lukas out in public.

  “Colton, Colton, look at that!” Sawyer whispered excitedly, eyes glowing with elation. The omega grabbed his arm and hugged it close to his body. “It’s like we’re actually walking on the bottom of the ocean!”

  Colton forced himself to look at the fish swimming overhead, anything to distract himself for a moment. He felt his heart thumping deep in his chest. Each new discovery coaxed another gasp and smile from the omega. He took a breath and held it, trying to calm down as those thrilled gasps reached his ears.

  “This is so cool!” Sawyer’s excited whispers reached his ears as he felt the man squish against his side and point to a colorful expanse of coral and plants. “How long do you think it takes to build these exhibits? There are so many plants and hiding places for the fish!”

  While Sawyer admired the intricately built exhibits, Colton forced himself to tear his gaze away. It was so damn hard, though. He wanted to see that excited face all the ti–

  Another breathy gasp escaped Sawyer’s lips, followed by a yelp. Colton jumped, torn from his inner monologue as he dove to steady the omega.

  Well, once again, he had an armful of omega. In his hurry, Sawyer had slipped on the slow conveyor belt that moved through the tunnels of tanks. Now, he looked up at Colton, deja vu written all over his face.

  Colton snapped himself out of his trance. “Are you okay?”

  Sawyer didn’t respond. He simply looked up with a bashful smile and soft eyes, and color bloomed on his cheeks.

  Among other faces. Damn it.

  What he needed was a quick diversion, something else to focus on, if only for a moment.
He pulled his mind from the warmth of Sawyer’s body against his, and his eyes drifted to the signs directing people to different areas of the aquarium.

  Bingo. Target locked.

  Colton’s hands moved to Sawyer’s shoulders, and he stepped back a bit. “You think that’s cool? There’s something even better up ahead. Come on.”

  Sawyer tentatively nodded, the cocked his head as he looked up at the tank one last time. They wove through the congregating groups of people and dodged the swarms of children as they rushed by. Must be a lot of field trips today.

  “Wait until you see this,” Colton said over the chatter of the children.

  Sawyer idly gazed up the ramps. “We’re heading into the tropical section?”

  “Yep. It has to be warm for what lives here." Colton smiled as he pulled open the first set of doors for Sawyer and motioned him. “Ready?”

  Sawyer nodded quickly and clasped his hands in front of his chest in anticipation.

  The second doors opened to reveal a beautiful, tropical paradise. Sunshine filtered in through the skylight, showing off the bursts of colorful flowers. The chatter of people seemed to be muffled, as scattered as the descending mists filling the room.

  He heard a small gasp behind him as Sawyer peeked around his body, then clutched his arm once again.

  “No way. They seriously have entire rooms like this?”

  Sawyer froze as a large, white butterfly fluttered toward him and landed in his hair. Shock and awe rose in his eyes before he looked back up at Colton.

  Colton reached up and let the white butterfly crawl onto his hand. He lowered it gently and held it steady in front of Sawyer. The omega carefully lifted his hand and laced his fingers with Colton’s to make a bridge for the small creature.

  “There you go,” Colton whispered. “Look at this beauty.”

  The butterfly rested on the bridge, content with the warmth of their joined hands. Colton heard Sawyer giggle quietly as the butterfly began tickling his skin, no doubt enjoying the salt of the sweat on their hands.

  “So, that’s why they make it so warm in here,” Sawyer said quietly. “The butterflies need salt, and we have it.”

  Colton felt the grip on his hand tighten as another butterfly landed on them. Another. And another. Until a dozen or so covered their arms. He smiled down at the small army of insects, then raised his gaze to Sawyer’s face.

  It was as if it was only the two of them in a hidden utopia, far away from the high-rising buildings of the city. It was a haven blessed with warm rays of sunshine, delicate flowers, and the dances of the butterflies around them.

  “You were right. This is wonderful." Sawyer smiled softly and relaxed.

  Colton sucked in a quiet breath as Sawyer shifted closer, careful not to disturb the butterflies. The omega leaned forward slightly, almost tucking his head under Colton’s chin. Oh, shit. The humid air was making his hair stick up. Stray locks tickled Colton’s skin, and his muscles tensed.

  “I wish we didn’t have to leave. Wish we could stay here forever,” Sawyer whispered, looking up with pouty lips and a dreamy look in his eyes.

  Colton leaned forward, lost in Sawyer’s soulful, brown eyes. He rested his free arm on Sawyer’s shoulder, carefully, tenderly, as if he was afraid the omega would suddenly run from his touch. To his pleasure, Sawyer seemed to relax into his warm grip, and his scent got a bit softer.

  Feeling a bit braver, Colton let his fingers play with a stray lock of soft hair. He tucked it behind the omega’s ear before slowly bringing them up to his flushed skin. He heard Sawyer hum quietly as he leaned into the touch.


  Colton jerked his hand back when Sawyer tensed. Oh, fuck, I messed up. He mentally slapped himself before he realized Sawyer had actually huddled closer to him He took a moment to look around, and he noticed that the butterflies covering their arms and hands had suddenly taken off.

  Sawyer had opened his mouth to say something when his voice caught in his throat. Colton’s eyes raked over his friend, trying to figure out what had caused him to freeze up. Then, it hit him. The scent of a familiar alpha. He spun around and put himself between Sawyer and the bitter alpha who was slowly getting closer.

  “How romantic. A trip to the butterfly room. Why didn’t I think of that?” Noah grinned and crossed his arms.

  The room's constant noise came to a halt, and the strong scent of angry alpha quickly filled the small utopia. Scattered people in the conservatory watched the trio carefully, some ready to bolt, others ready to protect their own if either one of the alphas snapped.

  Colton felt Sawyer press against his back, no doubt keeping an eye on Noah around his shoulder. Okay. Defusion tactic, attempt one.

  “Listen, we don’t want any trouble, man. We’re just here to enjoy the day,” Colton said in a warning tone.

  “What? Can’t have fun with me here?” Noah’s grin vanished before he took a step forward. “I’m just here to enjoy the sights, too. Ain’t that right, Colton?”

  Cold dread flowed through Colton’s veins as Noah’s dark blue eyes narrowed. “So, you did remember.”

  “Yeah, took me a few days after we met in the shop. You smelled familiar, but you looked totally different. A far cry from when we were in school.” Noah shook his head, a dark look in his eyes.

  “I thought I got away from you after graduation, but I should have known. You always overshadowed me, making me look like an idiot with your ‘peaceful alpha’ ways. Should have known you’d show up again. Are you gonna steal him from me, too?” Noah sneered.

  Colton held his ground and growled under his breath, causing Noah to throw his hands up.

  “Look, I know I said some rude things when we first met but hear me out. I’m tired of this whole rivalry, so I have a great idea." Noah stepped closer and earned a glare from Colton. He leaned forward, flashing his fangs.

  “How about we share him?”

  That did it. Colton was seeing red. He was about to take a step forward when he felt Sawyer’s hand tightly grasp his. It was as if all his blood had abandoned his body, leaving only frigid ice in its place. Sawyer couldn’t agree to this plan.

  Sawyer’s voice was quiet and collected, “Hang on, Colton. Let me take care of this. We’re calm and rational. We can work something out.”

  Colton watched as Sawyer stepped past him, eyes devoid of their usual, cheerful sparkle. No…there was a fire in them now which contrasted with his cold voice.

  “Sawyer? What are you–”

  Colton’s voice came to an abrupt stop as he watched Sawyer tense and lash out at Noah, surprising the rival and knocking him back. Colton barely held back his laugh as he watched the blood pouring from the rival alpha’s nose.

  Before either alpha could recover from what had just happened, Colton felt Sawyer grab his hand and run for the exit, weaving between the gathered people. He looked behind them and watched as other people blocked the enraged alpha's path, giving them time to escape.

  Shouts erupted from the once tranquil butterfly conservatory as Colton gripped Sawyer’s hand tighter. He surged forward, picked up the omega, and took off. Back down the dark hallways, this way and that, he ran, silently enjoying the warm, soft body in his arms.

  Focus your breathing. Just like in football. In. And out. Inhale. Exhale.

  Sawyer’s laughs and smile energized every step. The omega’s hands clutched his arms and shirt. Colton stopped for nothing, not even the cute, stuffed sea turtles in the gift shop. He bolted from the aquarium and ran until his lungs burned and the crowded buildings faded into a peaceful park.

  Colton collapsed and rolled on the soft grass beneath his feet, flipping so Sawyer rested on top of him. He gasped for breath as the adrenaline rush wore off, and he felt Sawyer relax on top of him.

  “Look where we are,” Sawyer whispered.

  Colton took a deep breath, then sat up and scanned the area. Sawyer slid down and relaxed on Colton’s outstretched legs. “How far
did I run?”

  Sawyer pulled out his phone and checked the exact distance. After a few moments, he turned his phone around to show Colton.

  “Oh, Hell’s bells, I just ran three miles. No wonder it feels like I’m dying." Colton flopped back down onto the grass and stared up at the branches of an old maple tree. “I’m not as young as I used to be.”

  Sawyer laughed and curled up near the alpha. “You know, you were cool back there. I mean with the whole butterfly charmer thing and the…the thing with Noah. Boy, if looks could kill!”

  Colton folded his arms behind his head and smirked. “You know, you were pretty awesome back there yourself. I can’t believe you punched him. It was great!”

  “I only did it because I know an omega hitting an alpha is a lot easier to play off than an all-alpha fight." Sawyer paused and thought for a moment. “No, that’s not all. I lost my head. I shouldn’t have–”

  Sawyer’s voice trailed off, as he was clearly lost in thought. Colton propped himself up on one arm and looked down at Sawyer.

  “You defended yourself when I couldn’t. That’s amazing.”

  “You really think so?” Sawyer gazed up at him, shocked. He propped himself up on his arm as well and leaned in a bit closer.

  “Yeah! You’re…you’re something else, Sawyer. I’m glad to call you my…” Colton paused. “My…”

  Just what were they now? Surely, he wasn’t the only one who felt that moment in the conservatory. He sat up and rested his arms on his crossed legs. He got his answer when he felt Sawyer’s fingers intertwine with his and the omega shifting closer.

  “I give up,” Sawyer whispered.

  Goosebumps prickled all along Colton’s skin. “What?”

  “I can’t keep fighting this. It hurts. It hurts every time I think about…” Sawyer stopped and took a deep breath. He was almost tucked underneath Colton’s chin again.

  “When you got here a few weeks ago, when Abigail was born, I thought, ‘He’ll find someone who makes him happy. I’ll have to stop thinking about him, and everything will go back to normal’.”


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