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Punk Rock Blitzkrieg

Page 44

by Marky Ramone

pranks played on, 196, 211, 212–13, 218

  Prozac prescription, 345

  Moon, Keith, 21, 39, 179, 256

  Moro, Aldo, 238

  Morrison, Jim, 37, 164

  Morton, Shadow, 76

  Mosconi, Willie, 185, 380

  Motörhead, 353, 360, 364

  Mott the Hoople, 256

  Mount Carmel High School, 165

  MTV, 320, 341, 356

  MTV awards, 372–74

  Mudd Club (NY), 208, 264–65

  Munson, Thurman, 216

  Murcia, Billy, 65

  Music Machine (London), 121

  My Generation (The Who), 21

  MySpace, 380–81

  Narcotics Anonymous, 318–20

  Nazi daggers, 150–51

  Nazi toy soldiers, 148

  Nazz, the, 76

  “Needles and Pins” (song), 128

  Neon Boys, 96

  Never Say Die (Black Sabbath), 162

  “new wave” music, 110

  New York Dolls, 64–65, 76, 77, 81, 86, 91, 95, 96

  New Zealand, 233–35

  Nicholas, Anthony, 308

  Nicholas, John, 69, 70, 74

  Nicholas, Tom, 69, 70, 74

  Nilsson, Harry, 179

  Nirvana, 341, 343, 347

  Nitzsche, Jack, 128

  Nixon, Richard, 134

  Nobody’s (NY), 64

  Nolan, Jerry, 65, 76–77, 83, 96, 103

  Nomi, Klaus, 140

  Norris, Fred, 339

  Nugent, Ted, 210–11

  Oldham, Andrew, 69–70, 71–72

  Ono, Yoko, 89

  On the Road (Kerouac), 100

  Ork, Terry, 102, 103–4, 104–5

  Ork Records, 102

  Osbourne, Ozzie, 162

  Pacific Rim tour, 229–36

  Page, Jimmy, 70

  Palace Theatre (Hollywood), 360

  Palais de Congrès (Paris), 156

  Paradiso (Amsterdam), 153–55

  Paris, 156, 171–72

  Parkside plaza (NY), 35–36, 38–39

  Parsons, Graham, 60

  Pastore, Vincent, 382–83

  Patti Smith Group, 81

  Paul Butterfield Blues Band, 21

  Pearl Jam, 352

  Pet Sematary (King), 323

  Pet Sematary (music video), 326–28

  Pet Sematary (song), 2, 323, 328–29

  Pet Sounds (Beach Boys), 28

  phone lines, illegal, 66, 68–69

  Pickett, Bobby “Boris,” 17

  Pierson, Kate, 251

  Plasmatics, the, 307

  Pleasant Dreams (Ramones), 249–51

  Pointer Sisters, 243

  Poison, 307

  “Poison Heart” (song), 344, 347, 348

  Police, the, 129, 214–15, 256

  Premier Talent, 227

  Presley, Elvis, 256

  Presley, Lisa Marie, 373, 381

  Pretenders, the, 110

  Prospect Park Bandshell (NY), 41

  prostate cancer diagnosis, 378–79, 381–82

  Prozac, 345

  Public Enemy, 314, 387

  Public School 217 (NY), 7–8, 10, 12–13, 15

  Puluse, Don, 70

  punk rock

  bands inspired by, 352

  beginning of, 83

  critics’ reviews of, 120

  influence on alternative rock, 325

  influence on “new” music, 341

  LA punk bands, 180

  legacy of, 387–88

  moves to the UK, 115, 118

  new young fan base, 387

  in NY and London, 122

  “The Purple People Eater” song, 16

  Pyramid Club (NY), 309

  Queen Elizabeth, 83

  Quicksilver Messenger Service, 28, 74

  Quine, Bob, 97–101, 118–19, 120–21, 124

  Quivers, Robin, 339

  Radioactive, 343

  Rage Against the Machine, 359

  Raging Bull (movie), 247

  Ramone, C.J., 335–38, 373, 382

  Ramone, Dee Dee

  acting talent, 176

  airport clothing incident, 183–84

  anti-Nazi views, 146–47

  attends final Ramones concert, 360

  attends Narcotics Anonymous meeting, 318–20

  Berlin TV interview, 146–47

  bubble baths, 137–38, 233

  bulimia, 317

  CBGB benefit organized by, 92

  “Chinese Rock” song written by, 96–97

  death, 375–76

  drinking, 231–33

  drug use, 2, 155–57, 161, 167, 170, 269, 366–67, 375–76

  embraces rap, 2, 313–14, 316–17, 323

  fights with Marky, 229, 235–36

  fight with Joey, 252–53

  finds Marky’s stashed liquor, 274

  forms the Remains, 365–66

  German bar fight, 151–53

  German childhood, 146

  headstone, 378

  hotel bathtub incident, 177–78

  hygiene, 137–38

  international drug stashes, 155–57

  leaves the Ramones, 331

  leaves Vera, 330

  Marky first meets, 83

  new girlfriend, 330, 335

  rap album made by, 329

  at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony, 375

  sobriety, 329

  stage presence, 138

  steals Marky’s money, 199–200

  switchblade incident, 229

  talk of quitting the band, 323–24

  tendency to exaggerate, 125

  weight gain, 269, 317

  Ramone, Joey

  acting talent, 175, 176–77

  anxiety disorders, 129, 133, 136, 137, 138, 143, 157–58, 160–61, 223–24, 236, 240, 345, 351

  apologizes to Marky, 308

  attends AA meeting, 340

  breaks his hip, 368–69

  brother of, 374, 375

  chemotherapy, 367–68

  claims to be sober, 339

  death, 371

  detained in Belgium, 351

  diagnosed with lymphoma, 364

  drug use, 339–40, 341

  fight with Dee Dee, 252–53

  foot problems, 236, 264

  friction with John, 139, 247–48, 313, 351–52, 367, 371

  health issues, 361

  hospital stay, 369–71

  informed about John and Linda, 279

  introspective nature, 83

  living quarters, 160

  meets Linda, 187–88

  memorial to, 377–78

  mother of, 374, 375

  moves in with Linda, 207

  personal hygiene, 138, 236, 316, 321–22

  Prozac prescription, 345

  scar on back, 133

  sobriety, 363

  solo album, 363–64, 368

  stage presence, 138

  tells Marky to leave band, 276

  weight gain, 345

  Ramone, Johnny

  asks Marky to audition, 125–26

  attends Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony, 374

  background, 135–36

  Brazilian TV interview, 356

  business acumen, 139

  California home, 359–60

  concept of rock star marriage, 330–31

  death, 382

  death of father, 193–94

  fight with Cindy, 171

  fight with Marion, 280

  fight with Seth Macklin, 281

  fixation on money, 186, 211, 216, 217

  friction with Joey, 139, 247–48, 313, 351–52, 367, 371

  gratitude toward Marky, 311

  health rumors about, 381–82

  influence on C.J., 337–38

  loses Roxy, 281

  moves in with Linda, 314

  nickname “Sloth,” 218

  obsession with baseball, 216–17

  passion for science fiction, 322

  politics, 134,
136, 138–39, 202–3

  prostate cancer diagnosis, 378–79, 381–82

  racist views, 138–39

  relationship with Roxy, 105, 161–62, 172–73, 208

  retirement, 367

  stage presence, 138

  talks about retiring, 311, 352–53

  time spent with Linda, 194, 229, 278–79, 314

  tribute concert held for, 382

  Ramone, Marky

  AA meetings, 300–302, 340

  adopts stage name, 130

  Bayley Seton rehab facility, 297–99

  bike messenger jobs, 63–64, 302–5

  birth, 8

  bug-eating, 213, 248–49

  buys first single, 16

  childhood drumming, 19–20

  demolition work, 306–7

  dental work, 70, 111

  detox symptoms, 288–89

  dog food incident, 123

  drinking, 71, 95, 167, 205–6, 231–33, 264–65, 269–74, 277–78, 282–86, 291–95

  DUI incident, 284–85

  economics experiment, 206–7

  elementary school years, 10–19

  fails to appear at Virginia Beach concert, 256–60

  fights with Dee Dee, 229, 235–36

  forms the Remains, 365–66

  Freeport rehab facility, 290–91

  high school diploma, 51

  high school years, 30–35, 54

  interest in science fiction, 16, 322

  junior high years, 22–26

  kicked out of the Ramones, 276

  locksmith work, 305–6

  nursery school, 8–9

  plays with Dust, 40–45, 47–62

  plays with Estus, 69–72, 69–77

  plays with King Flux, 307–9

  plays with the Intruders, 364–65

  plays with the Uncles, 22–24, 25–26

  plays with the Voidoids, 99–124

  plays with Wayne County and the Backstreet Boys, 84–93

  receives first radio, 16–17

  SiriusXM show, 383, 386

  stock boy job, 64

  strip-search incident, 34

  views on hallucinogens, 28–29

  Ramone, Phil, 59

  Ramone, Tommy, 83, 125, 126, 129, 131, 374, 375

  Ramones: Raw (DVD), 383

  Ramones Mania (Ramones), 320

  Ramones, the

  appear on Uncle Floyd Show, 208–9

  Argentina tour, 342–43

  Brazilian fans, 354–59

  Buenos Aires shows, 342–43, 357–59

  Canadian World Music Festival show, 209–10

  cancelled Virginia Beach show, 256–60

  compilation album, 320

  Continent tour, 143–58

  Dee Dee leaves the band, 331

  Dee Dee’s replacement, 333–35

  England tour, 223–28

  Europe tours, 237–43, 350–51

  filming of Pet Sematary video, 326–28

  filming of Rock ’n’ Roll High School, 164–81

  final show, 360–61

  financial contracts, 206

  Germany tours, 317, 337–38

  inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 374–75

  influence on “new” music, 341

  influence on UK punk, 118

  Ithaca, NY show, 247–49

  at the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon, 337

  Lollapalooza show, 359

  management teams, 129–30, 226–27

  Marky auditions with, 125–26

  Marky leaves the band, 276

  Marky rejoins the band, 310

  Marky’s film footage of, 315, 317, 383

  “mentally disabled boys” comment, 249

  Miami Beach show, 5

  MTV awards, 372–74

  New York road show, 131–34

  “office hours,” 220

  opening act for the Police, 214–15

  origins of, 82

  Pacific Rim tour, 229–36

  prior to Marky Ramone, 82–83

  recording of Adios Amigos, 353–54

  recording of Brain Drain, 324–25

  recording of End of the Century, 185–202

  recording of Loco Live, 342

  recording of Mondo Bizarro, 343–45

  recording of music video, 320–21

  recording of Pleasant Dreams, 249–51

  recording of Road to Ruin, 127–29

  recording of Subterranean Jungle, 269–75, 277–78

  Rio de Janeiro show, 354–57

  run as a business, 135

  São Paulo show, 343

  Six Flags Great Adventure show, 227–29

  songs and vocals, 82–83

  South America tour, 347–50

  stage names, 82

  Tommy’s replacement, 125–27

  tour starting rituals, 143

  US Festival show, 263–64

  Virginia Beach show, 260

  Virginia/North Carolina tour, 161–63

  Washington, DC, show, 260

  young fans, 314

  Ramones albums

  Adios Amigos, 353–54

  Brain Drain, 2, 324–25, 326, 328

  End of the Century, 174, 185–202, 220–21, 314

  Halfway to Sanity, 309

  Loco Live, 342

  Mondo Bizarro, 343–45, 347, 356

  Pleasant Dreams, 249–51

  Ramones Mania, 320

  Road to Ruin, 127–29, 132, 133, 140, 141

  Rocket to Russia, 109, 119, 141, 175, 314, 386

  Standing in the Spotlight, 329

  Subterranean Jungle, 267, 269–75, 277–78

  Rancid, 359, 360, 382

  Randell, Riff, 166

  rap music, 313–14

  Reagan, Ronald, 206, 243, 381

  Red Brigades, 237–38

  Red Hot Chili Peppers, 325, 382

  Reed, Lou, 81, 86

  Regatta de Blanc (Police), 215

  R.E.M., 325

  Remains, the, 365–66

  Remainz, the, 366

  Rey, Daniel, 309, 324, 353, 363–64, 368, 382

  Rhodes, Bernie, 116, 119

  Richards, Keith, 69

  Richie (Marky’s friend), 122–23

  Richie Stotts Experience, 309–10

  Righteous Brothers, 188

  Rimbaud, Arthur, 100

  Rio de Janeiro, 349, 354–57

  Riot House (CA), 163–64

  RKO 58th Street Theatre (NY), 39

  Road to Ruin (Ramones), 127–29, 132, 133, 140, 141

  Robert (Marky’s friend), 12

  Roberts, John, 250

  Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 372, 374–75

  Rocket to Russia (Ramones), 109, 119, 141, 175, 314, 386

  Rock ’n’ Roll High School (movie), 140, 164–81, 213–14

  Rock ’n’ Roll High School pajama parties, 388

  Rocks (Aerosmith), 210

  Rocky Horror Picture Show, The (movie), 213

  Rogers, Wayne, 83

  Rolling Stone magazine, 76, 141, 381

  Rolling Stones, the, 20, 22, 27, 69–70, 71, 175, 224

  Rolling Thunder roller-coaster ride, 228

  Rome, 240

  Ronettes, the, 187, 188, 202

  Roosevelt Hotel (NY), 105–6

  Rosendale, NY, 74

  Rosenman, Joel, 250

  Roth, David Lee, 128, 162

  Roth, Manny, 42

  Rototoms, 190

  Rotten, Johnny, 109, 121, 365

  “Roxanne” (song), 215

  Roxy club (West Hollywood), 179

  Roxy (John’s girlfriend)

  background, 95–96

  clothing, 105

  drinking, 161–62, 171–72, 208

  introduces Marky to Richard Hell, 97

  liaisons with men, 208, 281

  minibar rip-offs, 172

  told about John and Linda, 279

  Rumpf, Harry, 69, 70

  Runaways, the, 164

  Rundgren, Todd, 76
  Run-DMC, 314

  RuPaul, 309

  Ruskin, Mickey, 81

  Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, 369

  sake, 231, 232

  Salem, Jeff, 84

  Salvation (NY), 37–38

  São Paulo, 343

  Saturday Night Live, 254

  science fairs, 14

  science fiction, 322

  Scorsese, Martin, 247

  Scotland, 116

  Screaming Trees, 359

  Searchers, the, 128

  Seibu Theatre (Tokyo), 230

  September 11 attack, 374

  Sex Pistols, 109, 116, 118, 121, 125, 139, 178, 365

  Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (The Beatles), 28

  Shaggy Dog Studio, 72–73

  Sheepshead Bay apartment, 265–66

  Shepherd, Ben, 360

  Shines, Johnny, 73

  Silver Beetles, the, 82

  Simon, Paul, 82

  Simonon, Paul, 119

  Sire Records, 110, 115, 318

  Sirius Satellite Radio, 382–83, 386

  Six Flags Great Adventure, 227–29

  Sleepy Hollow cemetery, 326–28

  “Sloth” nickname, 218

  Smalling, J. R., 48, 106

  Small Faces, the, 70

  Smear, Pat, 180

  Smith, Patti, 86, 96, 243

  Snider, Dee, 307

  Snyder, Tom, 253–54

  Soles, P. J., 166

  Sonic Youth, 325

  Son of Sam, 114

  Soundgarden, 341, 359, 360

  South America, 347–50, 364–65

  Spain, 240–41

  Sparks, 251

  Spear, Sammy, 85

  Spears, Britney, 373

  Spector, Phil

  attitude toward Dee Dee, 167–68

  Beverly Hills mansion, 184–85

  fights with Monte, 193, 195–97

  Lenny Bruce tirades, 169

  murder charge, 379–80

  murder trial, 383–86

  prison sentence, 385–86

  professional respect for, 70

  professional success, 169, 185

  work on End of the Century, 185–202

  Spector, Rachelle, 384, 385

  Spector, Ronnie, 187

  spitting, at concerts, 118–19, 147, 155

  Springsteen, Bruce, 81, 227, 243

  Spungen, Nancy, 125

  Standing in the Spotlight (Ramones), 329

  State Theatre (Detroit), 218

  Stein, Chris, 326

  Stein, Linda, 129, 198

  Stein, Seymour, 110, 129, 197, 198, 318, 343

  Stern, Howard, 338–39

  Steven (Marky’s friend), 123

  Stewart, Rod, 56, 65, 70

  Stiff Records, 104

  Sting, 215

  Stock, Sandy, 15

  Stooges, the, 164

  Stories, the, 75

  Stotts, Richie, 307, 309–10

  Strawberry Studios, 251

  Streisand, Barbra, 30

  Strummer, Joe, 119

  Subterranean Jungle (Ramones), 267, 269–75, 277–78

  Suicidal Tendencies, 325

  Summer of Love, 27

  Sumner, Gordon, 215

  Swingos Celebrity Inn (Ohio), 256–59

  switchblade incident, 229

  “Take It as It Comes” (song), 344

  Talking Heads, 96, 110, 140, 227


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