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Generation 7

Page 3

by Ross Richdale

  My ancestor, Jordan muttered, Andrea and young Holly's, too. They landed in a temperate zone believing it was the best place but were driven further and further north by the Crucnon. New Seattle was once a hundred kilometers north of the nearest clicker outpost as the winter weather was too sever for their metabolism, so for two generations our peoples lived in peace. The old man shrugged. I think the clickers chose to ignore us as long as we never moved south of the river we call New Columbia.

  Why did it change? Holly broke the silence that followed.

  They were invaded by another clicker nation, Jordan continued. The invaders had a program of mass annihilation but were beaten back. Afterwards the Crucnon had a surplus of weapons and turned their attention to us. We could fend for ourselves until they began to use these modern weapons. You all know the rest of the story. He shrugged. I am too old to leave this world but you people here, our leaders, are not.

  Suddenly everyone began speaking at once as they grasp at the truth and tried to comprehend how the lives of the thousand settlers in the outside cave would be affected.

  Holly glanced at her mother and found tears in her eyes as they reached out and hugged each other. You knew all along, didn't you Mom? Holly sniffed.

  I did Sweetheart, Andrea replied and hugged her daughter again.

  An air of despondency hung over the community as the settlers attempted to sleep in the tunnels and natural caves beyond. Grieving relations reflected on the seven warriors killed in the battle while nurses and doctors cared for the two dozen more wounded survivors. Stretchers and bunks were allocated to elderly citizens and children and blankets distributed to everyone else who had to sleep wherever space was available.

  The small but dedicated police force remained vigilant and arguments or fights were stopped before they could become a problem. An attack on two teenage girls by five youths was interrupted when the girls screams from a remote corner brought their plight to attention.

  After almost forcing her daughter to lie down and rest, Andrea made no attempt to sleep herself but walked through the crowded tunnels, talking to settlers, offering to feed a crying baby, consoling a grieved parent over a lost son, and generally helping anyone and everyone in need.

  By four hundred hours, the tunnels were almost quiet and the Proctor made her way back to the small area allocated to her immediate family. This was now only Holly; her husband had died five years previously and her parents before that. She was about to slip into a sleeping bag when a man in dressed in a white jacket approached.

  Proctor Jurjevics, he said in a serious voice. I am afraid I have some bad news.

  Andrea's heart raced and her face drained of color. Visions of the enemy rushing into their retreat and slaughtering humans rushed into her mind. Tell me, Martin! she gasped and fixed the doctor with an apprehensive stare.

  Doctor Martin McLean placed a hand on Andrea's shoulder. It's Jordan Wittenburg, he stated in a hushed voice. I am afraid he hasn't made it.

  What do you mean? snapped the Proctor.

  I checked on him a few minutes ago and found he had died in his sleep. Two hours ago he was speaking to me and he dropped off to sleep and, this morning just didn't wake up. There was no pain. His old heart just stopped. It was as if he had done his duty and was confident in your ability to carry on to lead our people. I am sorry, Andrea. We all loved him. His eyes dropped.

  I see, Andrea replied. Thank you, Martin. Does anyone else know?

  The doctor shook his head. I came straight to you, he whispered.

  Have there been any other deaths over the night?

  No, the man replied. Only our warriors killed in battle after the initial attack. All the wounded are responding to treatment and are out of danger.

  Have you had any sleep?

  No less than you, Andrea, the man sighed. There are too few doctors or medics left now. He shrugged. Mind you, the youngsters of Holly's generation are very willing and capable. Within a few years they'll more than replace the Generation 5 and 6s who are reaching retirement.

  If we have a few years, Andrea added sadly. She stood up. I shall come and see Jordan for one last time. I appreciate you coming straight to me. He would have liked it that way. He was my grandfather, you know.

  Yes, and mine, the doctor gave a tiny smile. I guess we're all related by now.

  Probably, Andrea replied, but I'm glad the Survival of Humanity Protocol attempted to stop fragmentation of our society into family units.

  She placed a coat over her crumpled clothes and followed the doctor through the dim tunnel lit by an occasional orange security light. Everywhere was the sounds of close packed humanity as the refugees had finally succumbed to the sanctuary of sleep.

  Customs steeped in antiquity from before the Survival of Humanity Protocol were used in the funerals for the swordsmen, warriors and Elder Jordan Wittenburg. Fifteen wooden coffins draped in flags of both the United Nations and Stars and Stripes were carried by DPF officers of both genders to a corner of the underground cave beside where a small underground stream.

  Proctor Andrea Jurjevics and Commander Toby Evans spoke briefly on the lives of the deceased and a bugle played the haunting Last Post . Citizens filed by, dropped a symbolic handful of soil into the graves and stood in silence as the leaders of each generation, including Holly, said a few brief words. The graves were covered and topped with small semicircular stones on which their names were carved.

  Amazingly, it was Jaddig Qarte who was one of the most moved. The Crucnon stood at the rear of the humans trying to remain inconspicuous but everyone knew she was there and most appreciated it.

  What are the colored pieces of cloth? she asked Holly.

  Flags, Holly replied. They represent our community; our humanity but why they are designed as they are, I do not know.

  And the name stones?

  They are a symbol of remembrance. Before the Survival of Humanity Protocol there were different symbols but it was decided the stone best represents our life on Delpe. Holly noticed the young insect creature was almost in tears. What do your people do to when someone dies? Is there a special ceremony?

  No, answered Jaddig in her precise English. When a Crucnon dies the body is cremated and they are forgotten as if they never were. It is a law that they are never mentioned again.

  Oh how awful! Holly gasped.

  I know, Jaddig continued, but we can still remember in our minds. I had a brother called Glyka who was killed in a training exercise. Tears appeared in her eyes as she remembered.

  How were you told of his death then? Holly asked in a quiet tone.

  We were visited by an officer who said, There is no Glyka Qarte. His brain does not function That meant he was dead. Jaddig sighed. I like your system better. Glyka and I were from the same batch, had the same mother, and were very close Her yellow eyes turned to Holly. Even to cry is considered a weakness but I do; all the time.

  And so you should, Holly answered. We do not consider it a weakness. My Mom had tears rolling down her face a few moments ago and she is one of the strongest people here and I am proud of her.

  I noticed both her tears and your pride, the young Crucnon answered. She took a handkerchief from her body suit wiped her eyes and blew her nose, smaller in size than human noses but also just above the mouth. Thank you for letting me attend this moving ceremony for your deceased but I must return to the infirmary. I promised the nurse I'd help wash some bloodstained sheets in the underground stream.

  Holly was deep in thought as she studied her companion. I'll walk back with you, Jaddig, she stated quietly.

  The tall human girl was a head taller than the Crucnon and perhaps for the first time on that planet, the two intelligent species walked and chatted as friends. Stranger still, though, was that not one human near them showed any objection but, of course four teenage youths nearby were probably more interested in watching Holly in her graceful gown that emphasized her firm figure than Jaddig beside her.

nder Evans, though, noticed the youths. If you have nothing better to do except goggle at your leader with eyes of lust, I would recommend three hours of heavy chores, he snapped. We need the water containers filled from the stream and distributed. If you hurry you may get it done in two hours.

  Yes, Sir, the youths trembled, glanced at each other and headed for a pile of jerricans nearby. When you are fourteen; to be reprimanded by the Commander can be quite scary.

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  Chapter Three

  While Proctor Jurjevics and the other councilors watched with pursed lips and heavy frowns, Commander Toby Evans leaned over the table and ran his finger over the map unrolled in front of the Inner Circle. The river valley to the west where we used to have our farms is annexed by the enemy, he said. Clicker settlers are moving in and using our ranch houses to live in...

  Andrea frowned. Once again she had no idea how Toby gathered his information but had no doubt what so ever as to its authenticity.

  ...New Seattle has gone, Evans continued, and New London is occupied by clickers. His finger pointed to the only other human village, a hundred and fifty kilometers to the south on the banks of the New Columbia, the former boundary between human and clicker territories. The Landing Shuttle landed four hundred kilometers south of Vybber, as the clickers call their land. Ancient records say it is hidden in a cave similar to this one and protected by a force field.

  What's that? Ron Cotterell asked, his face wrinkled in concentration

  An invisible wall of electricity nothing can get through. This one also hides the craft from view. Anyone walking in the cave would merely see a clay wall.

  Of course, muttered Malone Davidson with sarcasm in her voice.

  Hush up, Malone, Andrea snapped.

  Our maps of Vybber are very basic and, I'm afraid, not very helpful, the commander continued, but we know the area is heavily populated with really one metropolis leading into another.

  Why don't we ask Jaddig Qarte to bring us up to date? Andrea suggested.

  The enemy! Malone Davidson snorted. Why don't we just walk out and surrender and save all the fuss. That insect should be immediately executed.

  That's it! Andrea Jurjevics anger showed as she stood and leaned forward on her hands so knuckles showed white. You are totally negative, Councilor Davidson. Every day we tolerate your innuendoes and sarcasm. Not once, though, have you offered a constructive solution to our problems, Her ice blue eyes bore into the other woman. As Proctor of New Washington I invoke Clause 473 of the Survival of Humanity Protocol. You are hereby dismissed as representative of New London. An election for your successor shall be called within the statutory thirty days. You do have the right to seek re-election, if you so desire.

  You can't do that! the woman snorted but looked a shade paler.

  She can, I'm afraid, Ron Cotterell, the lawyer of the Inner Council stroked his black beard and replied in a firm voice. Under the present emergency conditions, it is completely within her rights.

  Thank you, Ron, Andrea said quietly. The former councilor will please leave our chambers.

  Dictator! the woman's face contorted in fury. She stood, flung her head back in disgust, glared around the alcove and stalked out.

  Andrea flushed and, for a moment, hesitated. Toby, though, gave her a slight grin. If you didn't do it, Andrea, he said. I would have.

  The other members all nodded and broke into spontaneous applause.

  We're with you, Andrea, William Van Schaik, the normally dour old Generation 5 representative, added and reached across to shake her hand. I place the proposal on the table that we consult Jaddig Qarte so the map of Vybber can be updated

  I'll second that, Toby said.

  The result was unanimous so within five minutes Jaddig was standing before them with a nervous twitch of her lips.

  Andrea discretely studied the native of their planet who had removed her body suit. Instead, the clicker wore clothes borrowed from Holly; jeans that covered the minute abdomen her species had and a woolen jersey with holes cut for her lower arms and wings folded, almost invisible across her back. With no breasts, her body appeared masculine but the face was very feminine. Except for being hairless and with tiny centimeter high hearing antennae replacing a human's eyebrows, the face was remarkably human looking with eyes, tiny nose and lips painted with a shade of lipstick.

  The cave is a constant twenty five degrees Celsius so I can function outside my thermal body suit, Jaddig apologized in a shy voice. Holly was kind enough to loan me some of her clothes and make up. I would have changed back if I had time but was told it was urgent to be here. Like a human she sucked on an upper lip to try to cover her nervousness. I hope you don't think I look stupid.

  Not at all, Andrea remarked and grinned to herself. It seemed this young woman and her daughter had much in common. She coughed and returned to the matter in hand.

  Jaddig nodded and, within moments, was bending over the map sketching in details with a pencil.

  There is a highway that bisects the city of Gygnonypy, travels to the river you call the New Columbia, she said and drew a line across the map. It follows the river and... her voice continued on with a detailed description of her homeland.

  Andrea grinned and gave Tory a dig on the leg. He nodded and followed the proctor's eyes. Jaddig was right handed but used both right hands with equal dexterity. At one point, her upper hand was sketching in a city boundary while her lower one was writing words in neat English block capitals.

  The Crucnon looked up, saw their expressions and stopped. Her face drained white in embarrassment. Have I done something wrong? she stuttered.

  No, far from it, Andrea commented with a warm smile. We're impressed with your neat penmanship and ability to write two things at once, That's all.

  I learned English at school and Double Write at University, the Crucnon explained. It is difficult at first but speeds our work up. Most of our kind only use one hand.

  We are amazed, actually, Ron added, But please continue, Jaddig. Your information is vital.

  Jaddig smiled in return and glanced back at the map. The safest way through our land is via the outer lands here... she pointed to the left of the map. The east is high country, cold for our peoples and lightly populated. The journey would be longer by about twenty weddens, That's a hundred of your kilometers, but far safer. Once again the young woman and the councilors began to see her as that; not an alien insect creature, sketched detail after detail on the map.

  In an hour the paper was covered in her neat printing and sketches. I took typography, too, Jaddig added modestly. That was before I was ordered into motherhood and my studies cancelled.

  What's that? Andrea asked in a quiet voice.

  The clicker flushed again. Most females are neuters, proper females but ones that cannot reproduce offspring. If selected for motherhood we undergo, she shrugged, how would you say it in English, hormonal treatment, our wings develop and we can fly. It is considered an honor, she added doubtfully. In our land we are not given a choice. If told to do something, one does it. She shrugged. My female friends and I did not know it at the time but we were really wanted as flying warriors, not mothers. By the time I found out, it was too late.

  I'm sorry. Toby added. You are obviously a very intelligent young Crucnon. May I thank you for all your help here?

  I want to be of assistance, Jaddig answered in a whisper. In my homeland I am already classified as dead and would be executed for failing in my duty, if I returned. Her eyes found Andrea's. I've also found I like you humans. She gave a tiny giggle. Do you know what the Crucnon call you?

  Commander Evans raised an eyebrow. Biped-rats, I believe. Rats that walk on two legs.

  Why yes! Jaddig seemed surprised at the commander's knowledge. Rats are one of the few mammals we have. It is believed you humans brought them to Delpe. They are considered a pest and a menace in our cities, something to be exterminated without mercy.

  Like us, Andrea

  I'm afraid so, Jaddig replied. She looked up. But our people are wrong. I realize that, now.

  ...And perhaps always surmised, Andrea added.

  Yes, whispered the clicker, but there are too few of us freedom thinkers; far too few.

  It was late the settlers second evening in the caves and Holly was losing her third game of chess against Jaddig.

  Oh Holly, said the clicker girl as she moved her Bishop. You do leave yourself wide open. Check!

  What? gasped the human with a slight twinge of anger. How can it be?

  She did check but every possible move was covered. The game had been going only forty minutes. She looked across at the intense yellow eyes and slight smile. Okay, I resign, she gave a laugh. I reached our inter-generation quarter finals but admit, you're too good for me.

  I believe the game was brought here by your ancestors, Jaddig added. You did have me worried four moves back.

  Yea, Holly grinned. I bet. She glanced up as her mother entered their section of the tunnel Hi Mom, care to challenge Jaddig, here at chess? She is one mean competitor.

  I can't even beat you Holly, Andrea said in an attempt to keep her voice light but she looked worried. Can I speak to you a moment, Sweetheart?

  Sure Mom, the young woman replied.

  I'll slip away and see if there is a shower available, Jaddig stood, smiled and walked out.

  Mom, retorted Holly. You didn't have to be rude to her.

  Sweetheart, listen please, her mother replied with a frown. We have some grave news that concerns Jaddig.

  Holly nodded and saw that Commander Evans had appeared. He sat down and cast sad eyes across to her. Would you call Jaddig a friend? he asked in a harsh whisper.

  I guess, the young woman replied with a frown. I never really thought about it that way. Why?

  Jaddig will need a friend right now. He sighed and glanced at Andrea who continued.

  The Crucnon found out Jaddig surrendered to us instead of committing suicide as she was obliged to do, if captured, Sweetheart, she began. We believe there is a spy amongst us who passed the information back to them.


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