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The King Versus Commoner

Page 13

by Chloe Smith

  He already knew, this was love at first sight.

  I sighed, looking out at the dance floor. I sucked at dancing. That's why I was sitting off on the sidelines watching everyone dancing instead of being mixed up with them, moving to the beat. Jackson excused himself a few minutes later, saying he was going to get us drinks.

  I sighed again and leaned on one hand.

  Seconds later, a voice surprised me. "Oh how I wish to be a glove on that hand so I can touch that cheek…or something like that." It not only surprised me because I wasn't expecting one to be so close to my ear, but also because it sounded like…

  I turned quickly, and…

  My joy deflated. It wasn't him. I tried to keep my smile though, but it felt fake. "Oh, hi." I replied politely.

  "Gosh, I was beginning to think he would never leave!" He said, referring to Jackson. He was dressed in all black and gold, floppy-looking hat hung off his head, his pitch-black hair was tied back with a stark-white ribbon. His costume matched his hat. Black and gold. Except his mask. It was white and gold and covered most of his face. His brown eyes smiled down at me from the slits.

  And his sash said…Samuel Curtis.

  I squinted at him. Was he? No, he couldn't be. Hilary herself said he had left already. And plus. His hair and eyes were all different.

  I smiled at him. "How do you do, Mr. Curtis?"

  His smile was charmingly wide. "I am doing great, now that I've found you, Juliet."

  It was kind of weird, talking to him. Especially since I didn't know him at all. "Do I know you?"

  Samuel smiled and stuck one hand in his pocket. "No, not yet. But we both know someone. He kinda told me about you…unintentionally."

  Okay. This guy was weird and confusing.

  "Of course, that was before he left. I was actually supposed to leave with him..." He mumbled.

  "Clinton?" I asked.

  "Was that his name?" He asked. "I always called him brat." A surprised laugh slipped from my lips. "Ah, it's so loud here. Would you accompany me to a quieter place?" He asked, bowing and holding out a hand.

  "Ah, sure, I just…" I searched for Jackson and found him chatting with some guy in a Zorro costume. It had to be someone from the football team because there was no one else he talked to. Well, it wouldn't be that long that I would be out there, would it? And plus, he had news about Clinton. "Okay. Let's go." I took his hand.

  He led me through one of the hallways to a balcony. It was the furthest one away from the dance, so the music was only faded in the background. For some reason, it didn't feel in the slightest weird being around this guy who was practically a stranger. Shouldn't I feel just a little uncomfortable?

  "Oh, excuse me for being so rude." He spoke first. "I'm Nicholas Duff. Call me Nikko."

  That surprised me even more. "You're his…brother?"

  "Half-brother." He corrected.

  "Oh. That explains why you sound so much like him. Why are you here?" I asked our of pure curiosity.

  "Well, he put up a fuss about not wanting to leave. Then I tricked him into telling me. Oh, I think you would've enjoyed the look that came over his face when it slipped out his mouth how he wouldn't leave because of this girl. He even said a name too. Monica." He smiled down at my astonished face. "Isn't that cute? Unfortunately," He studied his hand as he continued. "Father really wants him in New York. Since he's the legitimate son of the Duffs, he'll be taking over. Which means he'll be working in the big office."

  "Okay…so why are you telling me all this?" I asked.

  He studied me for a moment before opening his mouth. "Monica," He looked down as he leaned against the balcony ledge. Then he looked back at me. "what is your relationship with Clinton?"

  "Why do you want to know?" I asked, a little cautious.

  "Let's just say…curiosity. Isn't that the reason you came out here with me?" He had a point there.

  I studied the guy. It was still weird not feeling uncomfortable with him…even though I knew I should. I couldn't explain it well, but he was just a comfy guy to be around…if that made any sense at all…

  "Well, when we first met, it wasn't the best way to meet. He made a big fuss about me dropping a few pieces of dry lettuce on him. Now, if I had dropped a full salad on him complete with salad dressing, I would understand his anger," at this Nikko laughed. "but the pieces of lettuce was like dirt, he could easily swipe at it and it would come right off!

  "But anyways. The way I met him, with a cafeteria full of Clinton-lovers, made it hard for me to fit in from the first day. People seriously had an issue with me because I was dared to face off against Clinton. That, and the fact that I wasn't 'elite' but someone who was a middle-class civilian.

  "Lately, it's gotten bad. They don't just mildly dislike me, they hate me with a vehemence! But just a few days ago, Clinton almost fought my date, Jackson. And his excuse was that I should've picked him instead of Jackson. It confused me so much, and I thought he was just playing around…and I said a mean thing-"

  "What did you say?" Nikko asked.

  "I said I wouldn't go out with him even if he was an entirely different person. At the time, it made all the world of sense…but now, I'm thinking I wouldn't have had this problem if he was a different person..." I looked down at the shadow of my hand. I couldn't deny it. I missed him already. I realized it was an intense feeling I was feeling for the fool. But it wasn't hate.

  And if I really thought about it, he hadn't really done anything past call me a commoner and accuse me of filching from his mom. Why did I always blame him?

  "And the thing was…he was always there for me. Like a knight. What do those sappy girls call them? Knight in glittering armor?"

  "Actually, it's 'Knight in shining armor.'" Nikko spoke up.

  "Yeah. Always there to keep me from falling. His best friend told me he hurt himself saving me from being trampled to death by horses."

  "Good God! Horses! ? What the-The hate went that far?" He asked.

  "Yeah. But it never was Clinton's fault. Never…" Oh please let that not be another tear! I've cried way too much in the past month!

  And yet it was. Nikko hooked his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to his chest.

  He didn't do it because he thought of me as cute, and wanted to make me fall for him. No, it was the simple fact that he knew how I felt.

  That's why it felt comfortable to be around him.

  "I understand now why Clinton likes you so much. Not only do you outshine all those girls in there, but you have a kind and caring heart. At first you attracted him because of how different you were, but your unselfish heart and fiery spirit had to have gotten to him. That's the only way that pigheaded brat would've reached out."

  "He wasn't that selfish himself. He loves his mother." I mumbled.

  "Yeah. His mother means a lot to him, even if he doesn't show it."

  My heart ached. It ached so bad. I've done a few things that made me regret in my life, but the way I treated Clinton since I've met him was the biggest regret in my life. I thought he was the bully, but in reality, I was the bully.

  "Wow Gaya! You're beautiful!" Gaya beamed. She had been watching Martin ever since she had come in. Her eyes stayed latched on him as she made her way down the staircase. That's the only way she saw Martin's astonished face when it rose to see her halfway down the stairs. He was there to take her hand when she reached the bottom.

  She was wearing a pure white gown. Probably one a bride would most likely want to wear to her wedding. But it was perfect for Cinderella. And her pure white mask matched beautifully, framed by her tightly curled blond hair.

  "And you're dashing yourself Mr. Athos. That's…one of the musketeers, right?" Gaya asked, sure her face was flushed.

  "You are absolutely correct. The other two went off somewhere." He said, looking as though he had barely realized they were nowhere in sight.

  "Have you seen Monica?" Gaya asked.

  Martin smiled. "Yeah. She was with them. S
hall we look for them together, Ms. Cinderella? " He offered his arm.

  "Why of course!" Gaya felt she had never smiled so widely in her whole life as she took his arm. She hated to admit it, but she had found herself falling more and more for the over-flirtatious Martin. Maybe because she was the exception? He never flirted with her. Maybe it was because she was the best friend of the girl he was trying to get. That left a pang in her heart.

  No matter how much she fell for him, he would never think of her that way. In his eyes, she was just a good friend.

  She hadn't realized her smile faltered until Martin shot her a questioning look. Hiding behind the smile, she just shook her head. "Just thinking too much."

  Martin laughed. "This is a dance, Gaya. You're not supposed to think." He patted her hand before looking out at the room. "Ah. There's Denzel." He led her through the dance floor, to a table off to the side. "Hey, Mr. Love-struck." He called out in greeting.

  This was the first time Gaya was meeting Denzel. She had seen Jackson, Monica's date, a few times, since Monica had told her he had asked her out…and then there was that almost-fight with Clinton.

  But one look, and Gaya knew the other twin. It was true, they did have the same face, but where Jackson's eyebrows furrowed, and frown lines framed his mouth, Denzel's face and expression was relaxed. You could see a hint of what would be crow's feet fanning from his eyes, probably from smiling too much.

  "Hey Martin. Is that your date?" He asked.

  For a moment, Gaya's heart jumped to her throat, hearing those words. But it was broken as soon as Martin spoke.

  "Nah. That's Monica's best friend." It was just as bad as a brother's best friend saying, "Nah, that's my best friend's little sister."

  Unaware of her emotions, the two boys carried on their conversation.

  "Ah." Denzel replied.

  "So everything going good with Sharon?" Martin asked. Denzel smiled like a buffoon at the girl sitting at his side.

  "Yeah. All I can say is that it's a shame I hadn't met her sooner." At his sweet words, Sharon blushed.

  Martin laughed. "Who knew I'd see the day you get even more sappier than you already were."

  "Hey hey."

  Sharon smiled. "He is a little sappy, huh?"

  "Wh-what? Really? I am?" Denzel looked astonished. "And I thought you were happy with me." He clearly looked down from her calling him sappy.

  "I never said it was a bad thing." Sharon replied.

  Denzel looked genuinely relieved, "Aw come on. Don't tease me like that."

  Sharon and Martin laughed.

  Gaya sighed. She didn't understand it, but she felt in a bad mood all of a sudden. "Martin. Can we find Monica?"

  "Oh, yeah. Denzel, have you seen Monica? Gaya's aching to be by her best friend's side." He exaggerated.

  Gaya hit him on the arm. "Martin!"

  "What, Gaya?" He copied her voice when he said her name.

  Denzel interjected, saving Martin from a tongue-lashing. "Oh, Gaya! Monica talks a lot about you."

  "Oh, you know her?" Gaya asked.

  "Yeah. I have Biology with her."

  "Oh! That explains why she likes Biology so much." Gaya said.

  "Okay. Enough getting to know each other. Have you seen Monica?" Martin cut in.

  "Yeah. I saw her a few minutes ago. She was with…some guy. Don't think I know the guy."

  "Thanks." Martin said, pulling Gaya away, heading toward the dance floor. If she hadn't known better, she would have thought Martin didn't like her talking to Denzel, but she did know better. Martin didn't care what she did. Here she was, putting all her trust and care into this guy, and the only reason he hung out with her was because she was Monica's best friend. She didn't blame Monica for anything. Wasn't jealous of her either.

  She just wished Martin would give up on her.

  Martin looked over the dance floor. Monica was nowhere in sight.

  "Martin, slow down a little." Gaya's small little voice ringed behind him, and he shortened his strides for her comfort. Her small hand grasped his tighter, and it did something to his chest.

  He shook it off just as soon as it happened. He persuaded himself that it was the shirt under the poncho-kinda-looking musketeer thingy. It had to be. He had no feelings whatsoever for Gaya…or Monica. They were both just entertainment. He told himself that's why he kept hanging around them for so long. There was no attachment anywhere.

  He let out a sigh that didn't sound like frustration. He was just tired.

  Yeah. That's all.

  He took his mind off of his thoughts and focused on looking for Monica. Wasn't he the one who told Gaya not to think at a dance?

  He couldn't find Monica amidst the myriad of colors and costumes. He almost gave up, but then saw his sister. She looked pretty sneaky, creeping off towards one of the hallways. What was she up to now? He questioned.

  Lately, she'd been obsessed with…"Monica!" He pulled on Gaya's hand, feeling a sudden sense of urgency overcoming him. "Come on!"

  "Did you find Monica?" Gaya asked, holding on to her mask with her free hand so it wouldn't fall off.

  "I'm hoping I did." He didn't stop to give her an explanation. More like he didn't really ever want to give her an explanation.

  Chapter 51

  "So Clinton left?" I asked. Nikko was still holding me, even though my pitiful crying had subsided. There was just a few sniffs here and there.

  "Yeah. He should be there by now. He's gone for good."

  It was silent. I didn't want him to be gone for good. But it didn't matter. No matter what I said, and no matter how much I didn't want him to be gone, the fact was…he was. And whatever petty feelings he had for me would probably go. He would most likely find someone to fall in love with. Someone like Gela…although a little less idiotic and way more graceful.

  "I have to get over him, huh?" It wasn't really a question. Both Nikko and I knew that. "I have to move on and grasp at happiness now that I've let it slip through my fingers."

  "Yeah." It was quiet for a while before Nikko spoke up again. "Can I ask a question?" He asked, backing away from me and resting against the balcony rail.

  "Sure." I responded, pushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear before grasping my hands in front of me.

  "If Clinton surprised you right here, right now, with all that you admitted and what you learned of him, would you confess to him?" His eyes stayed on me unwavering.

  The question and his eyes both unnerved me. The truth was, I didn't know what I would do. It was embarrassing thinking of what I had told Nikko already, but I'm pretty sure that I would be a coward to speak to Clinton directly. Especially since I just realized it wasn't hate I had for the guy, but the opposite.

  "Ah…I-e-excuse me. I need to use the restroom." I swept past him, rushing with all my embarrassment, to the restroom.

  Belle barely was able to conceal her bright yellow dress and herself behind a curtain before Monica passed by her. She had stepped out, with all intentions with making an appearance right at the same time the Juliet turned and left the balcony. She followed at a safe distance, realizing that Monica was headed to the restroom area.

  Her destination gave Belle a very evil thought. And it was just a coincidence that this particular restroom was the furthest away from the ballroom, so no one hardly used it. It would only mean no one except for who Belle had intended would be hurt.

  With an evil glint in her eye and a dark smile spreading on her lips, she whispered, "Perfect!"

  I turned on the water, wanting to throw water on my face to drive away the heat in it, but I stopped when I remembered I had makeup on. Grabbing a paper towel, I wet it lightly to use as a damp facecloth.

  Looking in the mirror, I looked at the figurine Hilary had managed to create from my plain self. To me, it was a miracle to see myself this beautiful. Too bad Clinton couldn't see it…

  I sighed.

  A pungent smell reached my nose seconds later, like something was burning. Lo
oking around, I saw nothing burning. There was an open window. Was it coming from outside?

  My phone rang, distracting me from the issue.

  "Hello?" I answered.

  "Oh hey, mamasita!" It was mamma! I smiled widely, my boy trouble and everything else vanished as delight in hearing mamma's voice overwhelmed me.

  "Hi mamma!"

  "Hey baby. Really though, I thought you wouldn't answer. You're at a party, no?" Her accented voice soothed me.

  "Yes, I am. But you know I can't dance. It's hardly any fun when you can't dance at a ball."


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