F*cker Next Door

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F*cker Next Door Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “She’s your friend, Cassie. Of course she’s going to look out for you. I just … she said some stuff, and it just got me thinking.”

  “Do you want to end it?”

  He jerked back, and stared at Cassie. Her face was unreadable. He didn’t know what she was thinking or feeling.

  “No, I don’t. Do you?”

  Cassie didn’t get to answer as they came to take their order.

  “No, I don’t,” Cassie said, the moment they had their privacy. “You don’t have to start freaking out. I know this isn’t some kind of love thing, or a happy ever after. I have no intention of springing up words of love for you, Slade.”

  What if it’s what I want?

  “I’ve not been in a real relationship for some time. I didn’t want to end up like my parents. Hating each other, and then causing heartache to get away from each other.”

  “Slade, I’m not like that.”

  “You’ve only ever been with Andrew. How do you know if you’re even falling in love with me?” he asked.

  She sighed. “Are we going to do this now? You want to go and screw one of the women here, Slade? Is that it? You bored already?”

  “Fuck no!”

  “Then what is your deal? I’m not bored. I’ve not told you I loved you, and you’re acting like I told you I was pregnant. Don’t listen to everything Jessica says, okay? She’s my friend. She’s allowed to do the whole threatening thing, and the worrying. Don’t put that shit on me.” She stood up, and this time he caught her wrist.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “I’m going to dance with someone, and it’s not going to be you. If you want to be an asshole, you can sit here, and be an ass.”

  She stormed onto the dance-floor, which only pissed Slade off. He was acting like an ass, and in doing so, she couldn’t seem to help her reaction to him. He seemed to get under her skin and drive her crazy.

  He didn’t know what was wrong with him. Pushing Cassie away was not what he wanted to do. Running fingers through his hair, he forced himself to watch as Cassie was pulled into another man’s arms.

  Slade’s hands clenched into fists as jealousy rushed through him, and then he took the time to watch her. Cassie wasn’t open in her dancing. She kept the guy at arm’s length, and there was no swaying of the hips, or drawing him in.

  She was just having a dance with a person. There was no connection.

  Stop being a fucking asshole, and go and get her.

  He didn’t need to be told twice. Crossing the dance-floor, he wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her against him.

  “Sorry, man, but this woman belongs to me,” Slade said.

  The guy held his hands up. “No problem.”

  Cassie wound her hands around his neck, but didn’t move. Her back was pressed to his front, and he kept his hands on her stomach.

  “Are you done being stupid?” she asked.


  “Are we still friends?”


  “Do we still fuck?”

  “Hell yes.”

  He nibbled on her neck, breathing in her scent.

  You’re falling for her.

  She’s yours for the taking.

  Take her.

  Slade ignored all of his thoughts, finished the dance, and then made their way back toward their table just in time to eat their food.

  Chapter Ten

  Entering Slade’s home, Cassie giggled. The few beers she had drunk with the steak and potatoes were enough to give her a bit of a buzz. What also hadn’t helped was Slade’s hands all over her body as he teased her. She was on fire, and it was all his fault.

  He didn’t even turn the light on. He pressed her up against the wall as soon as the front door was closed, his mouth on hers as he took possession of her lips.

  Slade caught her hands, pressing them above her head, and she gave herself to him, without putting up a struggle.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. All day and all night I’ve wanted to bend you over, and fuck you so damn hard.”

  She pressed her thighs together, moaning as she did. The shorts she wore seemed to press against her clit so that as she closed her legs, it created a nice little pulse that made her ache for more.

  Slade’s thigh moved between her legs, and she gasped as he rubbed in just the right spot to make her want more.

  “You want my cock, baby?”

  “I thought we agreed it was going to go in my ass.” She grabbed his ass, tugging him closer.

  He felt so good.

  She wanted him.

  “We have on way too many clothes.”

  “You got that right. We need to get naked.” Slade grabbed her shirt, and in one tug, had it torn in two. He pushed it down her arms and dropped it on the floor.

  “I liked that shirt,” she said.

  “You wear it for gardening. It’s a shitty, shitty shirt.”

  She chuckled. Grabbing his shirt, she didn’t have the strength to tear it, and he helped as she rid it from his body.

  Running her hands down his muscular chest, she grabbed his hips, grinding her pussy on his thigh.

  “Does your pussy need some attention?”

  “Yes. I’m so wet.”

  He cupped her pussy through her jean shorts, but it wasn’t enough. Within seconds they were both fighting to get naked, and only when they were, did she throw herself back into his arms.

  Slade pressed her against the wall, his hands cupping her tits, roughly. He pinched one breast, and then the other, before giving each curve a light slap.


  He claimed her lips, his hand moving up around her neck. His thumb pushed her chin up so she had no choice but to take the kiss that he was giving. His dominance turned her on even more.

  The feel of his fingers on her neck made her gasp, and she closed her eyes, basking in his touch. The way he held her, she felt in that moment like she belonged to him. It was heady, amazing, and oh so fucking good. The grip on her hands tightened, and she opened her eyes, to stare at him.

  “I didn’t like anyone else touching you.”

  “Then next time, don’t let me dance with anyone else.” She leaned in close, and smiled. “What are you going to do, Slade?”

  His hands released her, and before she knew what was happening, he held her hips, lifted her up, and plunged her down hard on his cock. He had her wedged between the wall, and his body.

  They both gasped as he filled her pussy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, moaning as his hard cock took her a few moments to get used to.

  “I’ve not put a fucking rubber on. I couldn’t wait,” he said.

  “I’m … on the pill. I’m clean.”

  “I don’t expect you to believe me, but I’m clean as well.”

  She chuckled. “Of course I believe you. You polish your boots.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “You take the time with your appearance, and even though you think my cleaning is funny, your place is always spotless. I figured you were a stickler for health in all things.”

  The smile on his face was wicked. “You know what this means?”

  “Nope. I’m an innocent, deputy. I’ve never been naughty in all my life.”

  “If I don’t have to use a condom anymore, I can fill you with my cum,” he said.

  She knew that he liked seeing his claim on her skin. He was a very physical person, and the dirtier the better for him.

  Cassie didn’t mind. She loved his dirty mind, especially as she always benefited from it. When he got dirty, she got pleasure, and what woman in her right mind would complain about that?

  He pumped inside her, and she looked down, wanting to see his cock within her.

  It was too dark, and he groaned.

  “Upstairs, bedroom, I want what you promised me.” He pulled out of her, and she rushed ahead. He gave her ass a little slap, making her yelp.

  Running to
his room, she bounced on the bed, spreading her thighs open. She had come to see that whenever he caught her playing with her pussy, it always worked in driving him wild, and she wanted him wild. She wanted him at the point of no return.

  When she’d asked for his help in moving her friends, she didn’t know what he’d want in return. At the mention of anal, her first instinct had been to tell him to fuck off. The thing was … she’d read a lot of erotic books, and they talked in detail of anal.

  She was … curious about it.

  There was no one else she would ever feel more comfortable with.

  Cassie smiled even as she filled her pussy with two of her fingers before pulling them out to tease her clit. The memory of his shocked face would stay with her for a long time.

  He stood in the doorway, and she slid her fingers over her clit, watching him, waiting for him to react.

  “You know what you’re doing to me, don’t you?”

  “It feels so good, Slade.”

  “Show me how wet you are.”

  She held up her fingers, and he moved toward her, catching her wrist, and sucking on the digits, tasting her pussy.

  “You want me to collect my debt?” he asked.


  “Then get on your knees, and show me that ass that now belongs to me.”

  She moved to her knees and bent forward.

  “Spread your cheeks wide. I want to see you.”

  Cassie did as he asked, and closed her eyes. He stroked her ass, and she released a little gasp. His touch brought her to life.

  His fingers moved down the center of her ass, running across her anus and down. She closed her eyes, enjoying the unusual feel.

  She was nervous, but she trusted Slade.

  The sounds of a drawer opening and closing filled the air, echoing off the walls. Her excitement was building with every single second.

  “You know, you have the nicest ass I’ve ever seen. It’s so round, so juicy, and I’ve wanted to fuck it for as long as I can remember.”

  She turned her head. “You have not.”

  “I have. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted your tits first. I saw you bent over, and those beauties nearly fell out of the shirt you were wearing. Thought I had died and gone to heaven. A woman with a nice pair of tits, and a nice juicy ass. My luck knows no bounds. Imagine my surprise to learn you didn’t like me all that much.”

  “I didn’t know you. I thought you were like other men I’ve known.”

  “Don’t ever put me in the same league as Andrew. That guy is a dick for what he did, and I hear he’s moving back to town. Do you want him in your life?”

  “Hell, no. You keep talking about him, and I’d prefer to put the news on than listen to more stuff about him.” She went to move out of his way, but he caught her before she did. “If I didn’t know any better, Slade, I’d think you were jealous.”

  He didn’t answer her question, and she gasped as he pressed the cold lube against her anus.

  His fingers began to work the lubricant against her ass, working around in circles, and then he started to press forward.

  “Your ass is so tight,” he said. “I’m going to be the only man that fills this.”

  She got a thrill from his words, and had noticed all night that he’d been referring to her as belonging to him.

  Cassie thought his words of possession would have pissed her off. They were turning her on. She wanted to hear them, loved them.

  She gripped the sheets beneath her tightly as he pushed a finger into her ass. He didn’t stop until he was down to the knuckle.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked, his voice soothing.

  “No.” It was painful but also … strangely nice. She didn’t know if she wanted to push him away, or ask him for more.

  He began to pump that finger into her ass, taking his time, working it in and then out, then back in again.

  She held her breath as he worked in a second finger. This time, he began to stretch her ass.

  “I need to get you ready to have my cock. At this rate, I’ll never fit.” He worked on her ass, stretching her out as he did.

  Some of the feelings were uncomfortable, and some she loved. There was a tightness there, but when she played with her pussy, pleasure took over. The small bites of pain were worth it.

  “I’m going to use a condom, baby.” Seconds passed as she imagined him rolling it on. This was it, she was going to get her ass fucked.

  His cock pressed against her ass, and she gasped as he began to slowly fill her. She had read so much that she pushed out without him even ordering her to as he began to sink inside her.

  When a couple of inches of his cock was inside her, he grabbed her hips, and slowly filled her ass until she had the whole of his dick inside her.

  Slade held still within her, giving her a chance to get accustomed to his dick.

  “Are you okay, baby?”

  “Yes. It’s … big.”

  He chuckled, which made his cock press inside her, making her moan.

  Slowly, he pulled out of her so that only the head was inside, and then filled her again. His thrusts were slow, and when she asked him to stop, to wait, he did. Slade took his time, drawing her own pleasure from her before continuing.

  He brought her to orgasm before he found his, filling the condom. The tightness of her ass made her feel every pulse of his cock as he came.

  There was no way she could ever do this with anyone else. This was something she could only ever feel for someone she cared about, or even worse, loved.

  Did she love Slade?


  Slade was going over a couple of reports he’d written up and a few statements over the Andersons’ noise complaint when Daniel entered his office, and took a seat.

  “Are you here to complain about Cassie and me?”


  “You’ll be the first one. I’ve had a warning from Jessica already. I figured now was your turn.” Slade clicked his pen top, staring at his boss. Daniel was a good man, and the town loved him.

  “When I heard the news that you and Cassie were together or whatever it is you call it, I thought it was a mistake. Seeing the way you are, I’m happy for the both of you.”

  This did surprise Slade. He’d figured Daniel would warn him, or say something to him.

  “Cassie’s a special woman, and I care about her deeply. I only hope that you see that, and don’t hurt her, like others have done. It’s Cassie that I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “What’s up?” Slade asked, ignoring the warning that Daniel had given. His feelings for Cassie were already driving him crazy.

  Daniel sighed, and held up a letter. “It’s from her mother. She’s very ill and wants to speak to Cassie.”

  Slade took the letter that Daniel gave to him, turning it around in his hands. “It’s addressed to the sheriff.”

  “Yep, but inside is the letter for Cassie. She didn’t care that her mother left. All Cassie cared about was the way it affected her father. Her mother’s abandonment set off a spiral with Bill that can never be forgotten. I don’t know what to do, but I figured with how close you two have gotten, you’ll know.”

  “I don’t—”

  “You can fool yourself, son, but not me. You care about her. You probably even love her. It’s not hard to do. She’s a nice woman, when you get to know her of course. You can fight this all you want, but you can’t deny that you have feelings for her. It doesn’t make you any less. It makes you more of a man.”

  Slade turned the letter over in his hands. It had already been opened, but then it would have been. “If I don’t give her this letter…”

  “I’m going to leave this in your court, Slade. You’ll know what to do.”

  Daniel got up, and Slade watched him leave, feeling like he’d just been given a much bigger responsibility than what he fucking wanted.

  Staring down at the envelope his curiosity got the better of him, and he opened it up.
br />   There were three letters in total. One was to the sheriff, the other to Bill, and then there was one to Cassie.

  He ignored the others and opened Cassie’s letter.

  Dear Cassie,

  I wanted to open up and say my darling daughter, but I don’t know how that will be received. I’ve not seen or heard from you since you were a little girl. That is entirely my fault. Over the past few years I’ve come to see that my actions when you were younger, were not those of a mother, but that of a woman who was selfish, attention seeking, and a whore. Your father was a good man, and I don’t know how he turned out. I’ve not heard from Bill after the first year of phone calls where he begged me to come home.

  I left because I knew I’d never make it out of that trailer with him. I had ambitions, and he and a child weren’t part of that. During the first couple of years, I didn’t care. I was living the high life. I was a mistress, not a wife. When I went to certain functions, women hated me, wives mostly. Some of the men adored me, and I didn’t see myself for what I really was. I was a home wrecker, a bitch, and most importantly, a whore. In my mind, I didn’t take money from the men I was with. Of course, being a mistress, that’s all you do. I was wrong, and I didn’t realize my mistake until much later.

  By the time I realized what I had lost, it was too late. You were all grown up, and I was afraid to come and visit you, Cassie. I know I should, and sending this letter is just an even bigger act of selfishness. If you crumple this up, and don’t come looking for me, I understand. I know deep in my heart I’m not worth your time.

  I’m dying, and it seems that you’re only ever worth something to someone when you’re alive and can spread your legs. That’s a really cold thing for me to say, right? Well, I’ve been taught a hard lesson in life. I thought being a mistress was the best of all worlds. I got a man when I thought I wanted him. Clothes, an apartment, everything I could do. I didn’t even have to work a day in my life. The reality is, I was at his disposal when he deemed it necessary. I wish I could say I was clever and figured that out all on my own, but that’s not true. It’s a lie.

  He’s paying for my care. He doesn’t come to visit, and last I heard, he’d already moved in a new mistress. Some young twenty-something with the same life ahead of her that I had. If I had the strength I’d warn her of how cold and lonely it got. I used to pretend that it was better this way. That I didn’t have to worry about caring about anyone. The truth is, unless he wanted me, I was always alone. No one wanted to be friends with a woman like me. I made that mistake. The nurse here asked if I had any regrets at all. I have so many, but the biggest one was walking away from you. I was an awful mother, and a nasty wife. Bill deserved better. So did you, my darling daughter. I am sorry for everything I put you through.


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