Mr. Big Shot

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Mr. Big Shot Page 16

by S. E. Lund

Finally spent, he collapsed onto me and I slipped my arms around him.

  On my part, while my body spasmed around him, I felt elated to have been able to orgasm twice in one session. I had never before, even with Blaine, who I was with for several very long years. He'd never seen my pleasure as being his concern, focusing on his own like mine was incidental to the whole process. In my ignorance, I thought that's the way sex was supposed to be.

  I could see that with Luke, it would be different. My pleasure was his focus and his own was only made all the better by mine.

  He lay there against me, his breathing slowing, and began kissing my neck, then my cheek, and finally, my mouth. We kissed, his hand holding my face. When he pulled away, he met my eyes and we shared a moment. I don't know what it was, but I felt naked in a way I hadn’t before with any man. Like he could see inside of me and I him.

  Then it passed and he leaned down and kissed my shoulder before carefully pulling out.

  "That was amazing," he said and leaned down to kiss each of my nipples quickly. "I feel like I barely got enough of your body. We're going to have to spend an entire day in bed tomorrow, only coming out for food." He glanced up at me, a grin cracking his full lips. "How does that sound to you?"

  I smiled back, feeling like a kid being offered a day at Disney World. "Sounds fantastic. What about the sun and surf?"

  He shrugged and laughed. "If you insist, I suppose I could take a few minutes out of worshipping your body…"

  "I insist. The rest of the time, worshipping my body is fine."

  He smiled again, and I was struck by his boyish charm with a touch of devilish charm mixed together.

  "You're okay with this?" he said, his eyes meeting mine. "You're okay with really amazing but totally meaningless sex? I don't want you to feel pressured…"

  "I'm more than okay with it," I said softly.

  I watched as he slipped the condom off his now-deflating erection and tied it off. He helped me up and we quickly dressed, then he took my hand and he led me out of the main great room and through the common entrance. The lights were out but there was enough of a moon shining through the large stained glass doors, that we could find our way around.

  We climbed up the circular staircase to the other wing of the house where the bedrooms were located.

  "I was worried someone would come back downstairs for a snack and find us."

  "Don't worry," he said and laughed lightly. "I know what they do. Once they go down for the night, they don't come back up for air until the morning. We were fine. No one would come down, and if they did, they'd quickly leave unless they're voyeurs."

  I laughed at that, my nerves overcome by how sure he was.

  "So, your parents are okay with us sleeping together?"

  "I'm a big boy," Luke said as we walked down the hall to his bedroom. "If you stayed in another room in the guest wing, they'd wonder if I'd turned gay or something."

  I laughed at that. "They know you can't turn gay," I replied.

  "Of course," Luke said. "I was just joking. They're happy to see me with someone new. You have to remember, they're both from the hippie generation even if they look like rich old coots."

  "Rich old coots…" I smiled at him. "They don’t look anything like rich old coots. Maybe comfortable middle aged people."

  "They're that," he said and opened the door to our room for the weekend. "I'm going to take a quick shower. There's a bathroom across the hall if you want to change, brush your teeth – whatever."

  I nodded and grabbed my duffle bag and went to the bathroom, wondering what the rest of the weekend would bring. On Luke's part, he undressed and threw his clothes on a chair by the large walk-in closet while I did the same, hanging my nightgown on the doorknob.

  When he saw it, he shook his head. "No, no, no," he said and took it off the knob, putting it firmly back in the duffle bag. "I want you sleeping naked beside me. No pajamas for you."

  "Will I get any sleep if I do?" I watched him as he took a toothbrush and began brushing his teeth.

  "Guaranteed eight hours. I can't promise anything after that. I'm a morning person. But I do plan on getting as much out of your body as I can tomorrow. In the daylight." He leaned over and kissed my shoulder. "Again and again."

  "It's yours to get as much out of as you can," I replied.

  I took out my own toothbrush and brushed my teeth while he stripped off his boxers. While I watched in the mirror, I saw him cross to the bed, his delicious buttocks so nice and muscular, then he threw back the coverlet and crawled in.

  I finished up and then stripped off, only a bit shy of walking naked to the bed while he watched me, his hands behind his head. I could see an expression of appreciation on his face and tried not to show any modesty. He was perhaps the most desirable man I had ever met. Not only was he gorgeous, he was smart. He was funny. He was ambitious.

  The wealth was impressive, but it was the fact he'd made so much money so young, and from his own ideas and concepts, that was impressive. If it was only a million, instead of a billion, I wouldn’t care.

  He enjoyed my body – that much was clear.

  He could enjoy it as often as he wanted over the weekend. I hadn't had sex for almost a year. I needed it.

  I wanted it.

  Most of all, I wanted it from him.

  The look in his eye when he watched me climb into the bed suggested I’d get it.

  Chapter 14


  * * *

  Despite the novelty of having a woman sleep in the bed beside me, I fell asleep almost immediately, with Alexa spooned beside me, my arm thrown around her body.

  In the morning, after a solid night's sleep, I woke to find the bed empty beside me. Alexa must have gotten up and gone to the bathroom. I rolled over and waited, watching the door to the bedroom for her return.

  When she emerged from the ensuite, she covered herself up demurely when she saw me watching.

  "Don't hide yourself," I said, already aroused at the sight of her curves. "You're beautiful."

  She smiled and I could tell she forced herself to drop her arms from across her breasts. The sight of them made me instantly hard, my dick throbbing. Still, I didn’t want to greet her with morning breath, so I jumped up and passed her, not hiding the evidence of my own arousal. Let her see it and think about it. I wanted her ready for another round or two when I returned as well.

  I quickly took a piss and then brushed my teeth as I saw she had done and then went back to the bed to find her under the covers, a smile on her face when she saw me standing at the side of the bed, my cock now at half-staff.

  I knew she was interested in another round when she pulled back the covers for me. I hopped in beside her, always the gentleman, pleased to give her exactly what she wanted.

  Once I was lying down, she rolled over and lay on top of me, still smiling.

  I honestly couldn't have asked for a better way to wake up.

  * * *

  Later, much later, when both of us were satiated and now were only hungry for food rather than each other, we showered and dressed, then went down to the main wing and the kitchen.

  The double patio doors were open, and the breeze off the ocean was cool and salty. Outside on the patio, a long table was set with linen and dishes, and several of the guests for the weekend were there, eating the brunch laid out on the table in the kitchen.

  "Wow," Alexa said. "Is this breakfast?"

  "Brunch," I replied. "On the weekend, it's here for guests to serve themselves whenever they get up."

  I watched Alexa's eyes bug out at the spread, which was normal for my family but I was sure was reserved for special occasions for hers. I had to remind myself that not everyone grew up the way I did – with privileges. What seemed like a treat to Alexa, I knew was business as usual for my family.

  There were scrambled eggs and Eggs Benedict, biscuits, home fries, bacon, sausage, sliced ham, toast, waffles and fruit. Fresh coffee, juice and milk were in the
rmal flasks next to a collection of cups and mugs, glasses and plates.

  We fixed our plates and then went to the table, taking a pair of chairs at one end, saying good morning to everyone as we sat down and dug in.

  "Sleep well, dear?" Mrs. Marshall asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

  "Never better," I replied, glancing sideways at Alexa, who was holding back a grin. "We slept very well, didn't we?"

  "Yes," Alexa said and took a sip of her juice, a twinkle in her eyes.

  "I hope that old bed is good enough for you. We brought it out from the city to use as a spare instead of getting a new one."

  "It was fine," I said and took a sip of coffee. "We both slept very well, didn’t we, sweetheart?"

  "We did," Alexa replied, narrowing her eyes at my use of a term of affection. Might as well go all out.

  I was glad I could truthfully say that we had a great night, even if we were just performing the boyfriend-girlfriend part. I slept amazingly well, despite the fact I wasn't used to a woman in my bed. I usually kicked them out, sending them home with my driver at as early an hour as I could so I could sleep alone and get up early, refreshed. On the weekends, I could be forgiven for letting Alexa stay overnight. Besides, I was pretending she was a real girlfriend.

  After last night, I felt we could give an even better performance than we had already. At least we got the sex part of the relationship right, even if everything else was an act. I could tell by the way her pussy clenched down on my fingers and cock that she wasn’t faking that part of the relationship…

  We ate our meals, listening to the sound of the surf, and the talk of the people at the table about their plans for the rest of the weekend. When we were finished, we left the table and went for a walk down to the beach, hand in hand.

  It felt strangely real to me, walking along the beach with Alexa. I could keep up this façade without any effort. Alexa was smart, beautiful, and great in bed. There was nothing about her that I didn’t like and I felt no inclination to take her home so I could be alone and work, as I usually would with a sex partner. In fact, I looked forward to spending the weekend showing her around the Hamptons, and maybe taking her out for a sail if the weather held up.

  "Hey, would you like to go to see my boat?" I said as we turned around and made our way back to the house. "The builder’s just down the coast at Patchogue."

  "Sure," she said and smiled. "I don't know anything about boats but I'd like to see it."

  "Deal. I'll call over and we can meet Dave, who's in charge of building it."

  We arrived back at the house and then collected our things. Before we left, we passed by the library, just off the great room. Inside, Mr. Thorpe sat reading the Saturday times and drinking coffee.

  "What are you two up to?" Mr. Thorpe asked when we walked by.

  I grabbed Alexa's hand and pulled her to my side. "Going to take Alexa to see my catamaran at Alpha Yachts in Patchogue."

  "Lucky Alexa. I'd love to see it someday," he said, turning a page in his copy of the paper and looking at us over the edge. "What an adventure, sailing around the world."

  "When the cat’s finished, I'll take you sailing before we leave on the trip if you want to go."

  "I'd like that," he said and nodded. He returned to his paper, his half-eye reading glasses perched on the end of his nose.

  I led Alexa outside and we hopped in the SUV to drive down the coast to the ship dealer in Patchogue.

  As strange as it felt to be taking a woman to see my catamaran, I wanted the weekend to be enjoyable for Alexa and so I thought it would be a great idea to take her along with me. If she was going to pretend to be my girlfriend, I wanted her to feel the effort was worth her while, treating her to a deluxe weekend at the beach house with all the trimmings. Sun, surf, maybe a late afternoon sail, great food and even better sex than I hoped she'd had in a long time.

  From her reaction to me the previous night and that morning, I felt pretty sure she had been in real need of a great fuck.

  It was the least I could do, given how much she had done for me…

  * * *

  We spent about an hour at Alpha Yachts while my dealer, Dave, showed us the catamaran and how the build was going. They were still outfitting the interior, which had two main compartments for sleeping, including a set of bunks, a double bed and a pull-out bed that could double as a sofa slash eating nook. The finishes were all of the highest quality. I told Dave to spare no expense. The galley had a full kitchen, if in miniature, with a small stove, refrigerator, sink, and even a tiny dishwasher. Although I’d been used to a much less fancy ship before, where we had to actually wash our own dishes, I decided that the boys and I were not interested in spending our time cleaning dishes.

  I'd even install a gas line for a barbecue so the four of us would be able to grill fish and whatever fresh meats we came across on our trip.

  "What do you think?" I asked Alexa, who was standing on the front bow of the catamaran, watching as the workers installed some storage compartments. "Do you think you could manage a trip on this?"

  "It's amazing," she said and glanced around at the ship, which was almost finished. "I've never been on a ship before. Do you get seasick?"

  I shook my head. "Some people do, but I never have. When the seas are calm, it's like being on a boat on a lake."

  "When the seas are rough?"

  I shrugged. "Then it can be a bit tough, but we pay close attention to weather reports and stay in port if there are going to be rough seas. We won't have any deadlines, so it won't matter if we stay several days extra in any given port."

  "It's a once-in-a-lifetime trip," Alexa said, her voice wistful. She ran a hand along the smooth fiberglass surfaces of one of the bulkheads. "I don't know if I'd be able to sleep on a ship."

  "You would after the first or second night, believe me. I've done it. After a while, you don't even notice the motion."

  After we finished the tour and Dave updated me on the progress to date, we drove back to the house, the windows open, the breeze blowing through the vehicle. I loved being out at the beach house, the salt air a reminder of all the happy summers I'd spent there as a kid with Dana and whatever friends we had at the time. For a number of years, we were each the other’s only friend, but once my parents died, we began to have other friends.

  I looked forward to seeing Dana. She and dickface were due out after lunch, and it would be nice to spend time with her. I could tell Dana approved of Alexa for my girlfriend. Even if she wasn't my real girlfriend, I wanted Dana to think I was happy now. She'd been worrying about me for the entire year since Jenna and I broke up, ending our engagement and cancelling our plans for marriage.

  As we drove up to the beach house, around the circular driveway, I saw that, as I expected, Dana and Eric's Mercedes SUV was parked in one of the slots. There was also a vehicle I didn't recognize – a red Audi with a license plate I didn't know.

  Who else was coming this weekend?

  I took Alexa's hand as we walked up the stairs to the porch.

  "Ready for another performance?"

  "As ready as I'll ever be. I'm looking forward to some time on the beach."

  I nodded. "That was my plan as well. Dana's here so we'll say hello and then go down.

  "Maybe I'll go up and use the washroom first, if you don't mind. All that coffee's hit me."

  "Sure," I said and squeezed her hand. "Come on down when you're finished. People are probably out on the porch out back. We can say hi and then go down to the beach later."

  She smiled and climbed the staircase to the second floor family wing and I went through the entry to the back of the house, past the great room and kitchen. Sure enough, the double patio doors were still open and a number of people were sitting around the table.

  I saw Eric first, his annoying voice rising above the rest of the group.

  "It's been so long," I heard him say. "So good to see you again. Terrible, terrible what happened…"

  I fr
owned and poured myself a cup of coffee before I went outside, and when I did, I went right over to Dana, bending down and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  "Good to see you, sis," I said and squeezed her shoulder. "How's my little mommy doing?"

  She gripped my hand on her shoulder and smiled, but she bit her lip and then tilted her head to the side, like she was trying to signal something.

  "What?" I asked and glanced to see what she meant, eyeing Eric, the bastard. He had this grin on his face that seemed really gloating. I frowned and glanced down the long table to see the usual suspects – Mr. and Mrs. Blake, Felicia, Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe, my adoptive mother and adoptive father…

  And then I saw her.


  She was sitting at the far end of the table, her mother sitting beside her.

  I felt the blood drain from my face. Adrenaline surged through my body.

  What the fuck?

  What the hell was she doing here?

  How did she gather the nerve to come to the beach house when she knew I would most likely be there – and with a girlfriend?

  "Luke, darling, look who showed up unexpectedly? Jenna and Mrs. C. What a surprise, isn’t it?"

  "Jenna," I said, trying to keep my voice level. "Mrs. Cornwall. If you'll excuse me, I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone. Alexa and I will be going back to the city."

  "Don't leave because of us," Jenna said and frowned at her mother. "We had no idea you'd be here this weekend, did we, mother…"

  "Not at all," Mrs. Cornwall said, but I didn't believe her for one single moment. "When we were invited, we didn't expect you'd be here. We thought you’d be holed up in Manhattan negotiating the sale of your company.”

  I turned to my mother, who shrugged, her eyebrows raised. "I must have forgotten to mention you were coming."

  I turned to my father, who quickly hid his face behind the Saturday Times, shaking the paper and clearing his throat. I knew he had nothing to do with this, but there was no way I believed my adoptive mother failed to tell Mrs. Cornwall that I was going to be here. That was probably the only reason she and Jenna were there.


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