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Page 18

by Gabrielle Demonico

  “Daniella, inside of this vial is concentrated dosage of Ellem’s Eye. It is a root that is poisonous to bear shifters but not to humans. Humans have antibodies which make them immune to it.” She said.

  “Well, if it’s poisonous to shifters… why do you keep it?”

  “Although rare, it does have one use among our kind…” she said. “In cases of rare disease or illness, some elect to consume it as a peaceful way to move on from this life.”

  “Sort of like hemlock?”

  “Yes,” she replied. “Very similar…”

  “I don’t understand,” Jett interrupted. “Why are you giving this to her?”

  “Well as I explained, Ellem’s Eye is poisonous to our kind.” She began. “And now that the child grows within her, they share the same blood. There’s no way to know for certain if the child has, or will ever have, enough antibodies to resist the poison.”

  “If it does?” Jett asked.

  “If Daniella ingests the powder and does not lose the child, it means that there are enough antibodies present to protect it…” she began. “Of course, that is the best possible scenario because it means they will both survive.”

  Jett hesitated for a moment. He looked into Daniella’s eyes, squeezed her hand, and smiled softly.

  “And if it doesn’t?” He asked.

  “I’m afraid that’s a bit more complicated…” Millicent sighed.

  “What do you mean?” Daniella asked.

  Millicent nodded and placed her hand on her chest. “Now understand that everything I know comes from hearsay… word of mouth if you will… but, if the child is not sufficiently immune, not only will it die but there’s a very good chance you might as well.”

  “Wait…” Jett began. “But you just said that humans are immune the effects of Ellem’s Eye. How can it threaten her?”

  “For the very same reason she might protect him,” Millicent replied. “Their shared blood. It is the thing which can save them both or… not.”

  “Hmm,” Jett replied as his features darkened. He looked at Daniella and then turned to Millicent. “Would you give us a moment?”

  “Of course,” she said. “Take your time.”

  Millicent left and went to sit with Marilyn and Tricia. As she did, Jett turned back towards Daniella, pulled her hand up to his lips, and kissed it. She looked up at him and smiled.

  “Daniella,” he began. “I… Aren’t you afraid? Are you sure you want to go through with this?”

  She nodded. “Yes, of course I’m afraid but I’ve made up my mind…”

  “But…” Jett said as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t want to lose you. I mean, I can’t…”

  “Well,” she began. “What other options do we have?”

  “You could get an…” he started.

  “No!” Daniella interrupted. “Out of the question… I won’t. I can’t believe you would even suggest that, Jett.”

  “I’m sorry,” he replied as he averted her gaze. “It’s just that… I’d be lost without you… lost.”

  “Jett,” she said. “Look at me. Please.”

  He took a deep inhale and raised his eyes back to hers.

  “When you came here to face Kane, I dealt with those very same fears.” She said. “But in the end, I knew it was something you had to do to grow into the man and leader you were meant to be.”

  “But, it’s different…” he said.

  “How?” She asked. “How is it any different? We both have to face the challenge that will help us grow the most. When you had to face yours, I was there for you. Was I worried? Of course… worried sick… just as I know you are right now. But, you were brave and certain of what you had to do and I feel the same way. I must do this, Jett. I must…”

  Jett chewed his lip and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “This will work, Jett…” Daniella said. “I feel it.”

  “Okay,” Jett replied. “Alright… I pray that you’re right.”

  As he finished speaking, he leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  “I love you.” He said.

  “I love you too…” she replied.

  With that, he leaned away from her and motioned for Millicent to return. She got up from her seat and walked back over towards them.

  “Millicent,” Jett began. “Daniella’s…”

  “I’m ready,” Daniella interrupted as she nodded her head quickly. “I’m ready.”

  Millicent glanced up at Jett and then back down at her. “Alright then, let’s begin…”

  Over the next minute or so, Millicent set about preparing the concoction for Daniella. Cloudy at first when she mixed it with water, it soon turned clear. If Daniella hadn’t known any better, she swore she was about to drink a plain old glass of water. Millicent moved back towards her with the glass in her hand and gestured for Daniella to take it. Daniella sat up a little and wrapped her fingers around the glass.

  Daniella took a moment and looked at the liquid. To her surprise, her mind, which seemed cluttered with a million trivial thoughts lately, calmed. Nothing existed for her except this moment, the glass, and her child. She exhaled a bit, raised the glass to her lips, and without a moment’s delay, consumed it. After she finished, she placed the empty container down on the stone next to her and looked at Millicent.

  “How do you feel?” Millicent asked.

  Daniella shrugged. “Fine.”

  “You don’t feel anything at all?” She asked. “Are you certain?”

  “Yeah,” Daniella nodded. “I feel exactly the same as I did right before I drank it. Honest…”

  “So what does that mean?” Jett asked. “Is she… okay? I mean, did it… work?”

  “Yes…” Millicent said as she looked at Daniella in disbelief. “I can’t be sure but it seems so.”

  “Can you stand?” Jett asked as he extended his hand to Daniella.

  She nodded and took his hand in hers. She scooted to the edge of the altar and climbed down with Jett’s help. As she did, Marilyn and Tricia raced over to her.

  “Daniella!” Her mother exclaimed as she hugged her. “Oh!”

  Tricia couldn’t wait and joined in right away as well. After Daniella embraced them both, she looked at Jett and smiled.

  “I… I can’t believe it.” He said with relief. “It really worked.”

  “Yes,” Daniella said as she exhaled and went to hug him. But, as she moved in his direction, she lost her balance. The room spun as she grabbed for the first thing that could stabilize her. Jett caught her at the last instant but when she looked up at him, it was through blurry vision.

  “Oh no…” she moaned.

  She fell into Jett’s arms and he steadied himself as he caught her.

  “Millicent!” he exclaimed. “What’s happening?”

  “I don’t know!” she replied.

  “Daniella!” her mother cried out.

  Jett swept Daniella into his arms and placed her back on the cool stone of the altar. When he did, Daniella’s eyes flew open and she shot straight up into a seated position.

  “Ahhhh!!!” She screamed as she clutched at her stomach.

  “Daniella!” Jett exclaimed while he did his best to keep her from falling.

  “Don’t touch me!” She yelled as she doubled over in agony.

  She started to cough and choke. Soon blood began to spill out from her mouth on her clothes and the altar beneath.

  “Jesus, Millicent!” Jett exclaimed. “Isn’t there anything you can do?”

  Just then, a blood-curdling cry emitted from Daniella and she toppled from the platform onto the hard stone floor beneath. She hit the ground with a terrific thud and felt herself slip away into unconsciousness. Unaware of how much time passed, the next thing Daniella remembered were voices in her head. Even so, she knew she wasn’t awake.

  “You did this to her!” She thought she heard her mother yell.

  “Marilyn, this isn’t the time. Her life is in danger!” J
ett exclaimed.

  “Jett is right, Marilyn.” Tricia said. “We can point fingers later. The only thing that matters is doing whatever we can to save her.”

  “No!” Marilyn replied. “This is not the life I want for my child. Whatever that thing is that grows inside of her… I swear on my life that if something happens to her because of it, I will see you held responsible!”

  “Responsible!” Jett thundered. “For what, Marilyn? For being in love with your daughter? If I could switch places with her right now, I would!”

  Marilyn seethed with rage. “I wish that you would. I wish that this whole place never existed! I wish you could die for her because if I could have it that way, I would!”

  “Ahhhh!” Jett yelled as he kicked one of the nearby pews.

  And in that moment, somewhere between a dream and death, Daniella felt life stir within her. And more than anything else the hate, and irrational rage, in the room pulled her back from the darkness. The energy that grew within her was born of hate’s opposite… love… and as her awareness returned, that love energy warmed her from the center of her body and bathed her in bliss.

  Her eyes flipped open and she gasped for breath.


  Days later, Daniella recovered at Jett’s home on the clan compound. He and Marilyn patched things up in the aftermath of Daniella’s survival. Marilyn admitted fear got the better of her and she’d said things she didn’t mean in the heat of the moment.

  Now, all she talked about was being a grandmother.

  In the days since, both she and Tricia returned home along with Jett’s parents. Daniella’s recovery would take a fair bit of time but otherwise, she and the baby were healthy. Daniella was never much for miracles but that was a belief she no longer carried. Miracles did exist and she knew that without a doubt as she rubbed her tummy.

  “Hey…” Jett said as he poked his head inside the room.

  “Oh,” Daniella replied. “You startled me.”

  He walked inside and sat down on the bed next to her. “Sorry, didn’t mean to…” he said with a soft smile. “Can I make it up to you?”

  Daniella smiled and pointed to her mouth. A sly grin came across his face. He leaned in over her and placed single soft kiss upon her lips. Afterward, he leaned back from her but the smile remained.

  “What?” Daniella asked after a moment of awkward silence.

  He stood from the bed and looked down at her.

  “I never want to risk losing you again, Daniella.” He said.

  “Okay?” She replied. “Well, you’re not going to. I’m not going anywhere you know…”

  “Promise?” He asked.

  “What?” She replied as she shook her head. “What are you saying, Jett?”

  “I’m saying that you, my child… you are my life… my everything.”

  Daniella propped herself up on her elbows. “I feel the same way, Jett. You know that.”

  He nodded. “Good. Because now it’s time for me to show you…”

  Daniella crinkled her brow in confusion as she looked up at him. “What are you…?” She began.

  But he interrupted her and lifted his index finger to his lips. Then, with a single, swift motion, he reached into his pocket and moved his hand, in the shape of a closed fist, back in front of him. Daniella shook her head in slow disbelief as she looked up at him and then without warning, he dropped on one knee next to her. As the reality of the situation began to hit home, she watched as he brought his hand up and slowly opened it.

  Mesmerized, she gazed into his palm at the most exquisite diamond ring she’d ever seen. Wordless, he grabbed it with his free hand and then took her hand in his. Daniella felt a surge of tears rush into her eyes as he slipped it onto her finger.

  “A perfect fit…” he said. “A perfect stone for the most perfect woman in the world.”

  Daniella raised her hand to her mouth and fought back the surge of emotion as best she could.

  “Daniella,” he began. “Will you marry me?”

  With zero thought to her delicate state, Daniella exploded onto her knees and dove into Jett’s arms. He tumbled back on to the floor and she landed on top of him, straddling him as she did.

  “Is that a ‘yes’?” He asked as he looked up at her.

  Tears flowed as she looked down at him for one final moment before she crashed her lips into his.

  “Yes,” she said as kissed him. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!”

  They kissed for several more moments until at last he helped her up off the floor and back into the bed.

  “We have to get you better.” Jett said. “As soon as you’re able, I want to marry you. I don’t want to wait one day longer than I have to…”

  All of a sudden, the partially opened door to her room opened all the way.

  “Wait one day longer for what?” A familiar voice asked.

  “Owen!” Daniella exclaimed as the indestructible one shuffled inside.

  Jett walked up to him and the two men embraced.

  “Good to see you again my old friend.” He replied.

  “And you,” Owen smiled as they broke free from their embrace. Afterward, he walked over, hugged Daniella, and then took a seat in a chair near her bed.

  They explained everything that happened with the ritual and how it was a success. They went on to tell him how they planned to be married once the baby was born and that Daniella would live in Fesser’s Grove and raise the baby there.

  “Well, that is good news…” Owen said as he leaned back in the chair and folded his hands over his stomach. “Congratulations to you both.”

  “Thank you,” she replied as she nodded and smiled. “You’ll be there of course?”

  Owen nodded. “Now it wouldn’t be proper to miss the wedding of my clan leader and his beautiful bride.” He said with a wink.

  Daniella smiled as she looked at him. “What about you Owen?”

  “What about me?”

  “Will you being staying here to live now that things are different?”

  “Hmm,” he replied as he rubbed his chin. “No, I don’t believe that I will.”

  “What?” She asked. “Why not?”

  “Yeah,” Jett added. “After all this time and everything that’s happened… It wouldn’t feel right without you here.”

  “Well, I appreciate that,” he said with a slow nod of his head. “But, turns out I’m more set in my ways than even I realized. As soon as I’m healed up, I’ll be gettin’ back up to my cabin.”

  “Oh,” Daniella moaned. “Isn’t there anything we can do to change your mind?”

  “No,” Owen said. “But… don’t you worry yourself too much. I’ll come back now and again to check in and see how things are coming along with your brood.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that as well, Owen.” Jett said. “Of course you know you’re always welcome whenever you feel the urge to come visit.”

  “Thanks Jett,” Owen said. “That’s much appreciated.”

  “Excuse me for a second…” Jett replied as he opened the door and began to walk out. “Be right back…”

  Owen nodded as Jett closed the door.

  He and Daniella sat in silence for a few moments until at last she spoke up. “Owen, do you suppose when our child is old enough, we can come up to the cabin? I’m sure there’s still some lessons the magpies can teach.”

  Owen smiled and looked at her with a gleam in his eye. “That there is little lady,” he began. “I’d consider it an honor.”

  “Good,” Daniella chirped. “I can’t wait…”

  Just then, the knob turned and as he entered, Jett knocked on the door.

  “Owen, before you leave you had a couple of visitors that wanted to see you…”

  “Oh did I now?” Owen asked as he sat up in his chair.

  Jett turned and looked back over his shoulder. “Come on!” He yelled.

  And then a few seconds later, the sounds of panting and claws scratching on the wooden floor fil
led the air. Max and Amigo tore through the doorway with Billy holding their leashes.

  “My boys!” Owen yelled as he jumped from his chair and knelt down. The dogs raced towards him and licked his face.

  “Okay… okay!” Owen said as he petted and hugged them. “Watch the bandages now…”

  “Got ‘em here as soon as we heard you were out,” Billy said. “Just like I promised you.”

  “Thanks Billy.” Owen said as he extended his hand.

  Billy took it, shook it, and said, “You ready?”

  “Ready?” Jett said. “For what?”

  “Well, I’m taking Owen back to his place…” Billy replied with a confused look on his face. “I thought you…”

  “Hadn’t gotten around to it just yet…” Owen interrupted.

  “You’re leaving now?” Daniella asked. “But you just got here…”

  “I did,” Owen agreed as he walked over to her. “But, I’ve been gone from home long enough. It’s time for me to get back.”

  Daniella stood and as she did, Jett rushed over to her. “Hey, easy…”

  “I’m okay,” she replied. “He’s not getting out of here without a hug.”

  Owen walked over and embraced her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered as she hugged him. “For everything…”

  “No,” he replied. “Thank you. You gave this old fool hope for the future and that means more to me than you’ll ever know.”

  After a few more seconds, they broke free. Afterward, Jett and Owen said their goodbyes as well. Billy handed the dog’s leashes to Owen, shook Jett’s hand, and hugged Daniella.

  “Thanks Billy,” Daniella said. “I’ll talk to you in the next week or so.”

  “Sounds good.” He replied.

  With that, they both turned and left. At last, only Daniella and Jett remained together in the room. She sat back down on the bed and as she did, Jett sat next to her.

  “I’m gonna miss that old coot…” Jett said.

  “Yeah,” Daniella replied as she choked back a hard lump of sadness in her throat. “Me too.”

  “Hey,” he began. “Come on now, don’t be upset.”

  “I’m not,” she replied. “I’m actually happy. For him, for all of us. My emotions get a little crazy is all.”


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