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[Anthology] The Paranormal 13- now With a Bonus 14th Novel!

Page 87

by Dima Zales

  Aazuria smiled, remembering Callder’s lamentable display at the club. Trevain grinned at her. “He’s still sound asleep there right now. Hung over. I should wake him up before lunch, although I dread it—he will be grouchy as hell. Maybe I’ll have Mr. Fiskel do it.”

  “Poor Mr. Fiskel,” Aazuria said, following Trevain as he continued to guide her through the house.

  “He’s an old friend of the family. He used to be a sailor on the boats back when my father was alive. When he was too old to fish, I decided to hire him on as my cook and butler.”

  You are amazing, Aazuria thought to herself, but she decided against saying anything of the sort. Instead she just nodded in acknowledgement.

  “There’s an indoor swimming pool and hot tub on the main floor,” he informed her. “Heated so you can get a bit of exercise even in the winter. There’s a solarium filled with exotic plant species. We also have a very large library, although you might find my taste in books eclectic. If you ever want to entertain, maybe invite some friends over like that redhead from the club, feel free to do so. Just let Mr. Fiskel know so he can prepare extra food.”

  “That is thoughtful,” Aazuria said. She could not wait to invite the twins over and show them the magnificent quarters, proving to them that Captain Trevain Murphy really did honor his word. She still had difficulty believing her good fortune.

  From downstairs, the sound of the doorbell was heard ringing through the house. Before a second passed, the doorbell was rung again fiercely several times, each loud clangor overlapping the echo of the previous peal.

  “Crap,” Trevain whispered, growing pale, “not now.”

  “What is the matter?” Aazuria asked, feeling the muscles in her stomach tighten in apprehension. The doorbell continued to sound wildly.

  “Keep an eye on your sisters,” Trevain said with a frown. “Don’t let them come downstairs. This isn’t going to be pretty. I’ve been dreading this.”

  Aazuria watched as an agitated Trevain limped downstairs. She rushed to the room where Corallyn and Elandria were discussing their new closets in sign language.

  “There may be some kind of danger,” Aazuria said, ushering the girls behind her and closing the door until there was just a crack open.

  “Danger?” Corallyn asked. “I knew this was too good to be true. I knew it.”

  “Hush,” Aazuria said, reaching into her purse and pulling out a small knife. She crouched by the door with the knife in a ready position and pressed her ear close to the crack to listen for any signs of trouble. The doorbell only stopped ringing when the door was opened, and promptly slammed shut.

  “You need to explain to me exactly what the hell happened, Trevain!” came a hysterical voice. “I leave for a few days and all of you men forget how to tie your own goddamned shoes? What happened? Tell me! Start talking now!”

  “Calm down…”

  “Don’t you dare tell me to calm down! Leo is dead! Dead! How can I be calm? How could you let this happen? Dammit, Trevain! Dammit!”

  “Listen, Brynne…”

  “You listen! What the hell is wrong with you? You’ve never been such a negligent asshole!”

  Meanwhile, upstairs, Aazuria was grimacing. “It is just some annoying, irate female,” she whispered to her sisters angrily. “No real danger, but Trevain is too nice to stand up for himself. He is letting her rip him apart!”

  “Then go do something about it,” Corallyn suggested.

  “I do not wish to interfere,” Aazuria said, although she was sorely tempted to give that woman a piece of her mind. She tucked her knife back into her purse. “I hardly know him. It is not my place.”

  From downstairs, Trevain’s voice filtered up into the room, his tone beseeching. “Please, Brynne, there was nothing that I could have done. Nothing that anyone could have done. We didn’t even know when…”

  “You didn’t know!” the female voice almost screamed. “You didn’t know when a man fell overboard? When a man was injured? When a man was drowning? How could you not know? How could no one have seen or heard anything?”

  “You know that I run my crew more carefully than any other captain who fishes the Bering Sea. I have never lost a man in my entire career before Leander. I can’t explain what happened out there, but we can’t allow it to get us overemotional or we risk making mistakes and letting it happen again.”

  “Why didn’t you call me? I headed down to the docks today after doing some grocery shopping for our trip—I got some vegetables in addition to the instant mashed potatoes and chocolate because I was in such a great mood and felt like getting something healthy. But once I got to the Magician, everyone looked as though someone had died. Finally, I had to practically beat up Billy to find out that someone had actually died. Do you know what it’s like finding out that way? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I knew you’d react like this. I didn’t want to ruin your time in Florida.”

  “Fuck Florida! I needed to know this. Dammit! This is your fault, Trevain. I hope you know that Leo’s death is on you. This is what you get for hiring such an incompetent greenhorn! No one else is to blame but you.”

  There was a silence before Trevain wretchedly said, “I know.”

  Aazuria resolutely raised herself to her feet at sound of the captain’s quiet acceptance. Elandria grabbed her wrist and held her fast with both hands, mouthing words to her since she could not use her hands: Aazuria! Do not be rash! However, the older girl slipped out of her grasp quickly.

  “Stay here,” Aazuria commanded her sisters, before opening the door and quickly crossing the corridor to the staircase. Her modestly-heeled black shoes clinked on the oaken staircase as she descended, her posture erect and uncompromising. When Trevain and Brynne turned up to look at her, she was suddenly conscious of her new clothes. The twins had chosen a simple knee-length teal dress for her, believing it would accentuate her new dark coloring. She also wore her extremely long hair wrapped up tightly into a bun. She hoped this styling would have the added benefit of ensuring that she was taken seriously despite her young appearance.

  “Forgive me for overhearing your bellowed accusations,” Aazuria began steadily, while still descending the stairs. “I did not mean to eavesdrop, but it is challenging to ignore such a deafening commotion.”

  Brynne assessed the woman with astonishment. She had not expected anyone to be in the house other than Mr. Fiskel and Callder, and was immediately ashamed. She was even more embarrassed by the feminine appearance of the girl, and her elegant mannerisms. Brynne was suddenly conscious of her own ragged jeans, flannel shirt, and manly shouting.

  “Who is she?” Brynne whispered angrily to Trevain.

  “Be polite,” Trevain softly warned the brunette.

  Brynne’s fists clenched in jealousy. “I’ll be as rude as I damn well please!”

  “Captain Murphy does not deserve to be verbally attacked,” Aazuria stated calmly and evenly. “Do you not think he has suffered enough pain for his loss already? In fact, Captain Murphy has had to be strong for his brother and all of his crew who are equally distraught. They were all present at the tragedy, and they all share the burden of responsibility. Perhaps you should do something positive. Console the men; reassure and support them instead of tormenting them as though you are entitled and blameless just because you’re female.”

  “How dare you!” Brynne shouted, swiveling to face the captain. “Now you’re living with some woman, Trevain? Is she the reason you weren’t paying attention on the ship and you let a man drown? Is your new bedmate keeping your head in the clouds and distracting you?”

  Trevain recoiled and shouted. “Brynne! Jesus, woman. This is Aazuria. I only met her two nights ago, after Leo drowned.”

  “Two nights ago! And she’s already living here? Did you have a Vegas-style wedding? How old is she, nineteen? God, Trevain! I thought you were a sensible man, but it looks like you’re having a midlife crisis! The granddaddy of all midlife crises!”

/>   Aazuria approached Brynne until she was standing directly before her. “Excuse me ma’am, but you are mistaken in your obscene suppositions. When Trevain learned that my father recently died he extended his sympathy to me and my orphaned younger sisters in letting us stay in his home. I am sure you can see how offensive it is to hear the character of the man who has offered me such charity and compassion slighted so unjustly.”

  Brynne was rendered silent for a long moment. She stared into the hard black eyes of the woman who reprimanded her until she had to look away. She looked at Trevain and saw that he was also displeased. “I’m sorry, Trevain. Sometimes I jump to conclusions. And you… sorry about your dad,” she said, trying to soften up, but failing to fully let go of her fury. “What did you say your name was?”

  “I am Aazuria.”

  “Aazur—? What the hell kind of a name is that?” Brynne spat.

  “It is derived from the word ‘azure’ which is the color of… the ocean,” Aazuria said. She had briefly hesitated, almost having said that azure was the color of her eyes, but she quickly remembered that her eyes had changed with the increased melanin from her high sunlight exposure.

  “The ocean? The ocean isn’t azure, girlfriend, it’s black, okay?” Brynne snapped. “Black as death. And sometimes, when someone dies in it, portions of it are red. Was there lots of blood in the water when Leo died, Captain?”

  “Stop attacking him,” Aazuria said darkly. “Also, stop displaying your ignorance. The ocean is azure.”

  “What do you know?” Brynne asked, advancing on Aazuria until they were almost nose-to-nose. The women were both tall, but Aazuria’s low high heels allowed her to tower over sneaker-wearing Brynne by two inches. “What does an adolescent girl like you know about the ocean?”

  “Enough.” Aazuria’s voice was cold as ice, sending a chill through those around her. Her chin had lifted as she dissected the brunette with her glare. Hostility crackled in the air between them, and Aazuria felt so much bile stirring within her that she surprised herself with the force of the emotion. She had never felt so compelled to defend someone’s honor, and she almost hoped that Brynne would strike her so that she would have an excuse to strike back.

  “You know nothing!” Brynne shouted. “You’re obviously a brainless spoiled brat—I am a grown woman who has lived and worked on the sea for over a decade.” Each word was laced with mounting resentment.

  “A decade,” Aazuria repeated with a condescending smile. “Is that supposed to impress me? Poets have been calling the ocean azure for thousands of years.”

  “Exactly. Romantic, dimwitted poets. I’m a fisherwoman. Don’t you dare come into my world and tell me what color the ocean is! I don’t care what the poets say. It’s black. Black as midnight. Black and awful!”

  Aazuria realized that the woman was in pain from mourning—sympathy promptly replaced most of her anger. “You may feel that way right now, but you are only allowing passion to cloud your judgment. Look out the windows and you will see that the ocean is clearly azure.”

  “Don’t you have some audacity!” Brynne hissed, stepping even closer to Aazuria. “I am intimately familiar with the water. I’m telling you now, what you see is a goddamned illusion! It looks blue and pretty to your untrained landlubber eyes, but I can see the truth. It’s actually hell that you’re looking at. Hell on earth!”

  “Brynne Ambrose! Settle down,” Trevain demanded, putting a hand on the woman’s shoulder and trying to firmly guide her away from Aazuria. At that moment, he would have preferred to be breaking apart two giant football players. Brynne seemed out for blood. “Give her some space.”

  “No! She needs to be taught a thing or two,” Brynne barked, shrugging him off and turning back to her adversary.

  “Hell on earth?” Aazuria repeated in a whisper. “It is closer to paradise. If only you knew…”

  “I’m trying to teach you something, you vexing little virgin. You are a virgin, aren’t you?” Brynne snickered, much to Trevain’s frustration. “Learn this fast if you want to survive amongst us: the water is black. Do you understand me? Black. You had better change your name.”

  Aazuria stared at her challenger, her eyes flashing with indignation and pity. “You are gravely mistaken. Your soul is of the earth—how could you know the sea?

  “Who knows the color of the ocean better than me?” Brynne released a hysterical snicker. “In case you didn’t notice, girl, I’m a fucking fisherwoman. I know best.”

  “I know better—because I am a fucking mermaid.”


  Elandria slid down the wall she was leaning against, her bottom landing against the floor with a little thump.

  Corallyn’s lips parted in shock. “I can’t believe she just gave it all away like that.”

  “I thought she found the term ‘mermaid’ offensive and erroneous,” Elandria signed with her hands. “What is she doing? She is usually so tactful. She used to be a diplomat.”

  “She cursed too,” Corallyn noted. “She never curses. I think we should get ready to leave. It’s a good thing we didn’t unpack or get too comfortable.”

  The girls were interrupted by a great howl of laughter traveling up from downstairs. Corallyn and Elandria stared at each other in surprise as they listened to Trevain’s gigantic guffaw until it petered down into uncontrollable chuckles.

  “It’s just like Viso said,” Corallyn realized after a moment of confusion. “He didn’t even believe her.”

  Downstairs, Brynne’s face had been etched with shock at the other woman’s statement. They had stood in a moment of stalemated silence until Trevain had begun to laugh in his good-natured and infectious way. Finally, Brynne felt a smile coming to her own lips, and felt rather silly for being so aggressive to the beautiful young girl. She vaguely wondered why she had been so unwelcoming; there was an unpleasant combination of grief and envy in her chest.

  Brynne realized that it had been a long time since a woman had stood up to her like Aazuria just had—perhaps no female had ever done so. Brynne was used to battling with males, and she was used to winning. She had perfected the art of intimidation at a young age, and it had served her well. She argued ridiculous things, claiming that grass was blue while the sky was red. She would have argued for milk being purple if it suited her need to overpower someone. The arguments were always about the same thing for Brynne; establishing and emphasizing her dominance in all of her relationships.

  “Well, Aazuria, I guess you win,” she said reaching out to shake the woman’s hand in a gesture of apology. “I can’t compete with a certified sea-wench like yourself. I’m sorry for being such a bitch; I just went a bit crazy after learning about Leo. I really liked that kid, even though he was a bit of a greenhorn. If he was half as tough as you are, he probably wouldn’t be six fathoms deep right about now.”

  Aazuria raised her eyebrows at being called a sea-wench but she returned the woman’s handshake and nodded head in acceptance of her apology. Trevain had been observing the interaction between the women curiously. He was used to Brynne’s rough ways, but very impressed and amazed by the graceful vigor that Aazuria had battled her with. The girl was young, but she could stand her ground.

  Brynne turned to look at Trevain, and lowered her eyes shamefully. “I’m sorry, Captain. I just had to let off a little steam. I’m fine now, and reporting for duty. Let’s go catch some crabs.”

  “Brynne,” said Captain Murphy quietly. “I understand if the accident has made you angry enough to want to quit. I can pay you for the portion of the season that you worked, and that will be that. I think you know, however, from experience, that women aren’t generally treated very well on most other fishing boats. You’ll have to choose your next employer carefully. I’ll give you the best of recommendations, of course.”

  Brynne crossed her arms across her chest, exhaling heavily. “I don’t want to quit, Captain. Our crew is a family. I just don’t want this to happen again. I feel like I just lost a brot
her. We’ve always heard about this happening to other crews, but it has never happened to us. I wasn’t even there! Goddammit! It’s just… I only learned about it a few minutes ago at the docks, and I haven’t been able to deal with it yet.”

  “If you need to take time off, take as much as you need,” Trevain said. “The men haven’t been dealing with it well either.”

  “No,” Brynne said, her voice cracking. She shook her head violently. “I’m not letting anything else go wrong. You boys need me to keep an eye on you out there.”

  “Yeah. We do,” Trevain said, slapping Brynne on the back in a companionable fashion.

  “No more weekends in Miami for me,” she joked. “Have either of you been to Florida? It’s far too warm, and I simply don’t have the right wardrobe; definitely not my cup of tea. My cousin’s wedding was beautiful though.”

  Just then, Mr. Fiskel entered the room, “Captain Murphy, Miss Aazuria, lunch is served. I heard Miss Brynne’s voice (it was rather loud) and I set another place at the table. We’re having lobster tails!”

  “Sounds delicious, Mr. Fiskel! You’re a savior,” Trevain said with a smile. “Could you do me a favor and go upstairs to—”

  “No,” Aazuria interrupted, placing a hand on Trevain’s arm. She sent him a secretive look before turning to the brunette. “Brynne, do you know where Callder’s room is?”

  “Yeah,” she answered suspiciously, “why do you ask?”

  “You seem like the type of woman who would know where men’s bedrooms are. Would you please be a dear and go wake Callder to tell him that lunch is ready?”

  Brynne looked as though she wanted to hit Aazuria, but she quickly gathered her composure and turned to Trevain with reddening cheeks. “Where on earth did you find this creature? She looks like she’s eighteen but she speaks like she’s eighty. Goddamned sea-wench!”


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