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Angels in Seashore Cove (Love and Laugh in Seashore Cove Book 2)

Page 14

by Maggie Van Well

Sean’s jaw tightened. “Think about it.”

  “I don’t have to. I may not be an expert on these things, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be hard to maintain our current relationship once I’ve seen your sex face.”

  He turned away, but he couldn’t hide the red rising from his neck into his cheeks. Sean was blushing? He never blushed. Ever.

  “I suppose you’re right.” He let out a humorless laugh as he faced her again, his skin tone returning to normal. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “You were thinking you had to protect me. But I’m big girl. I can take care of myself. I’m happy sex is finally in my future.”

  “Well, I’m not.”

  “I’m not asking you to be. I’m just asking you to be my friend. Can you do that?”

  Sean lifted one shoulder in an unenthusiastic shrug, but it was accompanied by a small smile. “What else would I do?”

  She smiled in return. “I better go.”

  “I’ll walk you out.”

  Dianna followed him, in a hurry now to get home and call Dean, but Sean’s stiff gait captured her attention.

  He couldn’t possibly be upset with her, could he? It’s not like she’d rejected him, just his idea. And it was a crazy one.

  Why then would a small part of her wish he’d talked her into it?

  Dianna quickened her pace; stepping outside before he closed and locked the door. “Sean, are you mad at me?”

  He didn’t answer right away. Instead, he punched in the code for the alarm with a little more force than necessary. “No, of course not.”

  “Then why are you attempting to break your new alarm system?”

  “I was just getting annoyed because I kept punching in the wrong code.”

  She placed a tentative hand on his shoulder, but removed it when he moved away to lock the door. Or had he shrugged it off? “Then we’re good?”

  He offered a slow nod as he inserted the key into the deadbolt and twisted. “Yup.”

  They headed for her car, Dianna trying to decide if she believed him or not. Sean said it had nothing to do with her, so she had to trust he meant it.

  “In that case, take this as a fair warning. Don’t ever try to interfere with one of my dates.”

  “No promises, kiddo.”

  “Okay, but try it again and it’s your funeral.” Dianna pressed the button to the keyless entry as they walked the last few steps to her Chrysler.

  He grabbed the car door handle, but didn’t open it. “Princess, I know this sounds odd, but could you keep me posted on how things proceed with Dean?”

  She arched a brow. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I don’t want details or anything. I just want to make sure I’m available if you need me.”

  There was that flutter again. Goodness, she’d been getting them a lot lately. “Okay.”

  “Thanks.” He opened the car door and she slid behind the wheel wishing he would at least look her in the eye. “Get home safe.”


  Dianna pulled from the parking spot and headed up Main Street. Adjusting the rearview mirror, she glanced at the reflection, surprised to see Sean still standing in the street, watching her drive away.

  For some reason, Dianna got the feeling she’d just let him down easy.


  Sean stayed in the middle of Main Street watching Dianna’s taillights disappear around the corner, knowing he would hear from her as soon as she got home.

  He waited until the ticking of her engine faded into the quiet night before heading to the parking lot behind the pub.

  Well, this night sure turned out differently than he’d anticipated. He’d expected a long night of tears and shoulder lending for crying—or worse, no contact at all until tomorrow morning.

  What he got was a feeling that his life had just changed forever.

  He hadn’t been lying when he told Dianna he didn’t know why he’d blurted out his offer. The idea just popped into his head and he went with it.

  What the hell was going on with him lately? It was like his thoughts weren’t his own—and yet, they felt right. Okay, maybe sleeping with her didn’t sit real well, but the image of making love to her sure did and he was done fighting it.

  He opened the door to his Porsche and sat behind the wheel, laying his head back as he released a long sigh. He’d been offered a reprieve…at least for tonight. But, despite what he told Dianna, there was no way he was letting this go. No way he’d let her sleep with Dean. He couldn’t. The idea of another man touching her had eaten at him since she’d revealed her plan earlier.

  Just as he was about to shove the key into the ignition, his cell buzzed.

  A text from Dianna.

  I’m home safe

  He snickered. Nearly every one of her texts had an emoticon attached to it.

  Good, he texted back. C U tomorrow?

  Of course. Oh and by the way…

  Typical. She never used the standard text lingo, saying it was just as easy to type it all out—smiley faces and lol’s notwithstanding.

  I heard from Dean. He has to go away on business, which is odd since he just got back so you can relax…for a week anyway lol

  Sean’s gut lurched. Away on business? For a week?

  A week before the leach came back. A week before Dianna made the biggest mistake of her life.

  So that meant one thing.

  He had a week to seduce her.


  Angie skipped through Sean’s custodio with Jack right behind her, still in shock at what’d just happened.

  She turned to her partner in crime, sure that his look of disbelief reflected her own.

  “I did not see that coming,” he said.

  “Why would he make such an offer? Fear? Panic? You were right beside him, didn’t you feel—” Then a lump lodged her throat as she glared at her friend. “What did you say to him?”

  “Me? I didn’t say anything.”

  “Yes, you did. I saw you.” She stepped closer, pointing an accusing finger. “When I was standing with Dianna, hoping to soothe her, you were by Sean, and I saw your lips move.”

  Jack opened his mouth, but no words came out as his face paled. “Shit.”

  “Oh, God, what?”

  He gulped. “I was trying to calm him down, but he was so upset, the air around him grew heavy. Nothing I did was working. I got frustrated. I mumbled to myself, ‘at this point, I’d just offer to do it myself.’ I didn’t think he heard me!”

  Angie dug her fingers into her hair, anxiety twisting her gut. “My God, Jack, what have you done?”

  He plopped down into the sofa, lowering his face into his hands. “What am I going to do to fix this?”

  “There is nothing to fix, my friend.”

  Angie turned to see Adriel sitting on the ottoman next to the tiny fireplace.

  Jack jumped up and stood in front of her. “This isn’t Angie’s fault, it’s mine. Tell me what to do.”

  Maybe she hadn’t spoken the words that would make Sean offer the absurd proposal, but there was no way she’d let her friend take the fall alone.

  “That’s not true. I told Jack to try to calm Sean down.”

  Jack shot her a glare. “Stay out of this—”

  Adriel raised a hand and they both fell silent. No matter how hard she tried, Angie couldn’t speak.

  The angel lowered his hand. “Look at Sean’s cloud.”

  Angie turned toward the custodio, still visible since neither she nor Jack erased it. “It’s green.”

  “What does that tell you?”

  Jack snapped his fingers. “Jealousy.”

  “C’mon. Green with jealousy?” Angie let out a small laugh and turned back to the angel. “Isn’t that a tad on the nose?”

  Adriel steepled his hands together and nodded. “Or envy. The two are linked emotions.”

  “Why would Sean be jealous?” she asked.

  “Because his soul is recognizing its mate, even
if his mind isn’t.”

  “So it’s trying to stake its claim.” Jack paced in front of Adriel, his stance still stiff and on alert.

  “It would seem so.”

  “Then Jack’s utterance didn’t force Sean to make his offer?”

  He grinned. “It would take a higher level of angel than even Jude to make a human do something that’s not in his heart.” As always, Adriel’s voice soothed. “The thought was already in the deep recesses of Sean’s mind. Jack’s words just brought it to the surface.”

  “Okay, so we’re off the hook.” Jack’s shoulders relaxed and he finally stopped pacing.

  “Not exactly.” Adriel sat forward resting his elbows on his knees. “That’s why I’m here.”

  Angie went over to Jack and gripped his hand. “This doesn’t sound good.”

  Adriel rose and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “This is of the utmost importance. You cannot let them be intimate. They’re not ready.”

  Jack’s hand squeezed hers. “What if we can’t stop them?”

  “Then it could mean the end of their relationship…and your assignment.”


  Dianna tossed and turned, finding it hard to sleep. She had no idea what came over Sean earlier. Okay, she got that he wanted what was best for her, but to go as far as to have sex with her? That was a bit extreme, even for Sean.

  Something didn’t add up.

  She groaned as she buried her head under her pillow. She’d hoped a lot of questions would be answered tonight. Instead, she only had more questions. Why did Dean decide he wanted her to drive to her house? Sure, Dean was cheap, but even he wouldn’t sink so low just to save a few bucks on gas. Especially since it would have been so easy for her to just say goodnight and go home alone.

  And what the hell happened to all her gas? Sean said he didn’t empty her tank, and she believed him. That left her with zero other possibilities. Except, maybe, the universe was conspiring to have her die a virgin. Maybe she should have taken Sean up on his offer and just closed her eyes and jumped him the second the words left his mouth.

  She flipped onto her back.

  Had she been too quick to decline?

  No, of course not. Just the idea of kissing him, having his lips on hers while his tongue snaked inside to tango with—

  Dianna sat up, her breath suddenly coming in quick bursts. Images of Sean kissing her while she ran her hands over his chest grew vivid, almost real.

  Then the flutters started, but it wasn’t long before the butterflies turned to swarming bats.

  She jumped from the bed and hurried down the hall to the kitchen, all the while chanting, “What the hell. What the hell. What the hell.”

  Getting herself a glass of ice water, she stood in front of the sink, took a sip, then tossed the rest in her face.

  The shock of the cold water pulled her from her haze, but the physical remnants remained. Her limbs shook, her breath came fast and, dear God, the intense heat between her thighs nearly buckled her knees.

  She tried to tell herself her nipples pressing hard against the lace of her nightgown was from the cold water clinging to her skin, but she knew that was a lie.

  It was because of Sean.

  Groaning, Dianna set her glass down and then buried her face in her hands. Why now? Was it because of his offer? Sean had never shown any interest in her, at least not in that way.

  Long ago, she’d developed a small crush on Sean. What teenage girl wouldn’t? He was sinfully handsome, intelligent, funny, and had been a star on the basketball team. Without any encouragement though, her teenage crush had fizzled and died, never to be revived.

  But now, with only the tiniest amount of interest it burst into flames again? How pathetic was she?

  She snatched a paper towel from its roll and mopped her face and chest. None of what happened earlier mattered anymore. She’d turned him down, his interests would return to their perfect friendship and all would go back to normal.

  Dianna placed the glass in the sink and headed back to her room, where she was sure she’d spend the night staring at the ceiling.

  For some reason, going back to normal didn’t seem so perfect anymore.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “REMEMBER WHEN YOU SAID you’d do anything for me? Well, I need you. Please, Sean. Can you come right over?”

  Sean’s heart pounded as his brain absorbed the meaning in Dianna’s text. He shoved the phone into his back pocket as he grabbed his jacket and ran out the door.

  He’d gotten no sleep last night as he pondered how he was going to seduce his best friend, knowing he had to be subtle. Dianna was annoyingly clever and would immediately pick up on any blatant attempt and put an end to it. No, he had to be devious and just as clever if this was ever going to happen.

  And here she was, the very next day, begging him to go to her.

  He gripped the steering wheel as he turned onto her block a little faster than he should have, thanking God there were no children playing in the road. He took a moment to absorb his surroundings, appreciating the cool, late September afternoon.

  He slowed down until he pulled into her driveway, but as soon the car was in Park, he was in high gear again.

  Okay, dude, you need to slow down. You don’t want to do everything at top speed tonight.

  But in his head he kept hearing the words, You’re going to have sex with Dianna, over and over again. And damned if his dick wasn’t standing at attention because of it.

  Forcing himself out of overdrive, he entered her home at a more leisurely pace.

  The house was quiet. Sean gulped. Was she in the bedroom already?

  He made his way down the hall, remembering the last time he took this journey…and the lingerie she’d been wearing. Would she be wearing it now? Was she naked and waiting for him? He hoped not. He wanted to savor every second as he removed her clothes, relishing the first sight of her soft curves.

  Stopping outside her door, he raised his hand to knock, but hesitated. He was going to kiss her too. Really kiss her—like a man should.

  He nearly flinched at how much tighter his jeans had suddenly become. The thought of kissing Dianna excited him more than anything else he anticipated tonight.

  Their first kiss. And he was going to make damn sure it was a memorable one.

  He knocked.

  There was a slight pause. “S-Sean? Is that you?” Her voice was sleepy, husky. Had she started without him?

  Wait. Did she just ask if it was him? Who the fuck else would it be? What did she do, text a bunch of guys and whoever showed up first was the winner?

  Turning the knob, Sean swallowed again and eased the door open. The blinds were closed, the room dim, but he could easily make out her silhouette lying in the bed.

  Under the covers.

  Why was she under the covers? Was she self-conscious maybe?

  She sat up. “Hey you. I didn’t think you were coming. You never answered my text to say you were.”

  Oh, well, that explained her confusion. He’d been so eager to get over here; he’d forgotten to tell her he was on his way.


  He sank onto the bed, placing his hand on her bent knee. “Sorry, I rushed right over.”

  She gave him a quick hug. “You are so good to me.”

  His breathing grew labored as he brushed a stray strand of golden blonde hair out of her face. Inching closer, he lowered his gaze to her lips. “You’re about to find out how much.”

  Within an inch of his mouth touching hers, Dianna grinned, pressed her index finger against his lips and laughed, “Cut it out, you weirdo. Now come sit with me while I make the frosting.”


  Ten minutes later, Sean sat at Dianna’s kitchen island with a cupcake in one hand and a pastry bag in the other, glaring at her as she prattled on about her day.

  When she’d said frosting, this is not what he’d had in mind.

  Of course he should’ve realized her cry for help
wasn’t anything to do with sex. Dianna was bold, open-minded, but she wasn’t that audacious. At least, not for her first time. But he’d been so turned on he’d have believed she wanted a threesome if one of her friends happened to knock on her door.

  God, he needed to get a grip!

  “I really taught you well.” Dianna took the bright pink cupcake from him and placed it gently into a large, white baker’s box, admiring his handiwork.

  He grunted in response.

  Well, damn it! He was pissed off—and a little achy in certain places. One place in particular.

  “You really have no idea how much I appreciate this. It’s my own fault really.” Holding the cupcake, in one continuous swirl, Dianna decorated the tiny treat with the ease of a pro, completely unaware of his inner turmoil. “I should’ve finished these hours ago, but when my headache got worse, I figured I’d better take something for it and rest. Silly me for falling asleep.”

  Yes…silly you. Silly me for thinking you actually summoned me here for sex.

  Picking up the next cupcake—number thirteen out of one hundred—he put his frustration aside and focused on what he was doing. “Is your headache better?”

  As if the mere mention of it brought it to the front of her mind, she rubbed the back of her neck. “Not really, but I think I can handle it long enough to get this done.”

  They chatted casually as they finished decorating the rest of the cupcakes. Sean could tell she was feeling better as the afternoon continued on. Although she rubbed her neck every once in a while, her shoulders weren’t as hunched and she laughed readily.

  Still, he could use her fading headache to his advantage.

  She placed the last cupcake in the baker’s box. “We made it and,” she checked her watch, “with twenty minutes to spare before my client comes by to pick them up.”

  “You’re not delivering them?” That would certainly help with his plan.

  “No, these are going across the bay to Greenport, and since she lives in Seashore Cove she said she’d save me the trip.”

  After her client came and left, Sean helped her clean up her large kitchen, biding his time.

  As soon as she rubbed her neck again, he put his plan into motion. “Your head still bothering you?”


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