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Angels in Seashore Cove (Love and Laugh in Seashore Cove Book 2)

Page 25

by Maggie Van Well

  If nothing else, he was a very enjoyable companion. She understood why Trudy thought so highly of him.

  “That was nice,” Matt said as he settled into the lounge next to her.

  “A good way to relax.”

  “I’m glad I decided to come. I wasn’t going to, but Trudy assured me I’d be welcome.” He caught her eye and held it. “Was she right?”

  Dianna stared back at him, unsure how to answer. She actually was pleased he was here keeping her company. At least she had a good reason to not be with Sean most of the time, although, that probably wouldn’t have been a problem anyway since he brought a date this year.

  On the other hand, she didn’t want to lead him on. She needed time to heal from the loss of whatever it was she’d lost with Sean before she could even consider a relationship with someone else.

  But, she decided to be honest, and let the cards fall where they may. “Yes, she was.”

  Matt smiled and reached for her hand, raising it to his lips for a soft kiss. “I’m very glad of that.”

  “There you are—Oops! Did we interrupt a moment?”

  Trudy’s singsong voice cut through the intimacy a simple kiss to her hand could create. Wait, did she say we?


  Sure enough, there was Sean, standing behind his date glaring at Dianna.

  Matt turned and smiled at his friend. “Yes, you did, you pain in the ass.”

  She swatted him upside the head. “Oh, hush. Isn’t this fun?”

  “I know I’m having a great time.” Dianna jumped to her feet, facing Trudy. “Thank you for inviting him.”

  Trudy spread her arms wide. “Come on, bring it in.”

  God, she wished she could dislike this woman, but how could anyone not respond to her charming personality? In another time and place, she would’ve gladly been her friend.

  With a sincere smile, Dianna hugged her. This woman had been nothing but kind, she’d be damned if she turned into a bitch because of Sean.

  Dianna embraced the hug for what it was, a genuine expression of affection for a new friend.

  “Don’t hug her too hard, she might pop out of her top.”

  Dianna pulled out of the embrace and stared at Sean, thinking there’s no way she could have heard him right.

  He looked back. “Unless that’s what you’re hoping for.”

  Heat rose in her face, shocked that he would say such a thing.

  Screw him!

  “Sean, don’t move! There’s a wasp on your cheek.”

  Before he could do anything, Dianna pulled back her fist and landed a perfect right hook to his jaw.

  Sean stumbled backwards and flew ungracefully into the pool.

  She stood on the edge, her hands over her mouth. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!”

  “Sean, what happened?” Trudy ran over to him.

  “Are you ok?” asked Matt.

  “You did that on purpose!” Sean shouted as he gripped the side and pulled himself out.

  “No, seriously, there was a bug.”

  “A bug my ass.” He marched over to her.

  Dianna stood straight with her legs apart and her arms crossed over her chest. “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.” She turned to Matt and said, “I’m going to change.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  Dianna had just made it to the changing room and pulled the curtain fighting the urge to punch something else.

  She had no idea what a bastard Sean could be. What the hell was his problem anyway? He was the one who snuck out. He was the one to run right back to Trudy only a few hours later.

  He was the one to bring a date to a party they’d always reserved for them.

  “Dianna? Something wrong?”

  “Nope.” Squaring her shoulders, she put her sunglasses firmly in place and exited the cubicle. “Everything’s awesome.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  SEAN SLAMMED into the downstairs guestroom, where the housekeeper had laid out one of Josh’s T-shirts and the swimsuit he left here for when he came over to swim. If he were in his house right now, he’d be breaking things in two. He nearly came close to ripping apart Matt when he saw his hands on Dianna. It was bad enough to see them together all day, but to come upon them in an intimate moment was unbearable.

  Sean sat naked on the bed and lowered his head in his hands. God, he felt like his insides were fraying. He jumped up from the bed and grabbed the borrowed shirt, yanking it and his swimsuit on harder than necessary.

  He was going to go out there and find a way to get rid of this aggression, otherwise, he was going to throw Dianna over his shoulder and take her to where no man could ever find her again.

  God, if only life were that easy.

  Sean had just walked back to the party when his brother shouted to him.

  “Dude, you wanna shoot some hoops?”

  He sought out Tucker standing with Derek, Patrick, and a few other town residents. He didn’t answer until his eyes settled on Matt. “Oh, you bet I do.”

  Sean made sure he and Matt were on separate teams, itching to show him up. Okay, sure, he knew it would’ve been easier to just whip them out, but he had a feeling Matt would best him in that area too, the son of a bitch.

  His team started out catching an early lead, but his teeth clenched as the opposing team tied the game, eventually surpassing them by two points. Then Derek passed the ball to Matt. Before he could grab it, Sean intervened and pushed him flat on his back.

  Yeah, it felt good.

  “You know, Sean.” Matt climbed to his feet, brushing off his ass. “I’m starting to think you’re doing a little headhunting here. Isn’t that the third time you fouled me?”

  “Well, dude, if you’re not man enough to handle an intense game of basketball, maybe you shouldn’t play.”

  Matt walked over to Sean and looked him right in the eye. And it pissed him off to no end that he had to look slightly up. “I can handle basketball. What I can’t handle is some guy targeting me as his own personal punching bag.”

  “Punching bag? A bit of a drama queen, aren’t we?”

  “Okay, guys.” Tucker wiggled his way between them. “Let’s just call it a tie game, okay?”

  “No way bro, I wanna play ‘til the end.” Sean tried to grab the ball, but his brother snatched it aside.

  “I bet you do,” Tucker said to Sean. Then he turned to the others. “Hmm, do I smell bacon?”

  In a mad rush of excuses, the other men cleared out.

  “What the hell did you do that for?” Sean slapped the back of his head. “I wanted to play basketball.”

  “Chill, you fuckard. What you wanted was Matt’s head on a platter.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sean turned and headed for the house.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Tucker tossed the ball into the mesh ball holder and then followed. “You’re jealous.”

  Sean maneuvered through the crowd, hoping to lose his brother, but he tailed him all the way into the kitchen.

  The tenacious asshole.

  Searching through the fridge for a bottle of water, he opened it, wishing his brother would just shut up and leave him alone. “I’m not jealous, I’m mad.”


  “Who do you think?”

  “And you’re taking it out on Matt. Sure, that makes sense.”

  Sean violently tossed his bottle in the sink. Water splashed everywhere from the open bottle. “I don’t know what’s with her lately.”

  “So fill me in.”

  With a grunt of aggravation, Sean grabbed a sponge and cleaned up the spilled water. He told his brother about going to the florist, only to catch Dianna in a very intimate embrace with Dean Vaughn. How he went to her house later and she acted like spending the night with him meant nothing more to her than a way to pass the time.

  Had she treated Dean the same way? Would she do the same with Matt?

  Sean tossed the
sponge aside and glanced through the window above the sink. He gripped the counter as Dianna came into view. Her face had been stripped of makeup from her swim, her hair pulled back into a simple ponytail.

  God, she looked beautiful.

  No, she wouldn’t treat Matt the same way, because he was relationship material, someone who would never sneak out on her.

  Matt would be a lover, Sean was just a good fuck.

  Tucker turned Sean to face him. “So what did she say when you asked her about Dean?”

  “I didn’t ask her. I saw them together and I left.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you confront her? You would have with any other woman.”

  “Because I didn’t want to hear any excuses.”

  “Yeah, because that’s all she’s ever done, right? Lie her way out of shit?”

  Sean looked away, lowering his head. No, she wouldn’t offer excuses. She’d tell him the truth. The problem was he feared what the truth might be.

  Tucker sighed and walked over to the refrigerator, helping himself to a beer. “I don’t know why you’re suddenly making her out to be some deceptive Jezebel, but I’ll tell you this.” He paused to take a swig of his beer. “You’re in love with that woman, and if you don’t start shaping up, she’s going to find someone like Matt to heal her broken heart.”

  Sean shook his head. “What makes you think she even has a broken heart?”

  “Because, apparently, I know her better than you do these days. She’s going to need comfort and Matt is richer than you, smarter, and in better shape.”

  Sean huffed at that. “Dianna never cared about looks or money, and he’s not in better shape than me.”

  Tucker studied him for a minute. “Well, you do have washboard stomach and your butt is pretty tight—”

  “Dude, really?”

  “Hey, I’m confident in my masculinity, and if I want to tell you, you have a nice ass, I’m going to.”

  “I’m heading out.” He backed away.

  Tucker followed. “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know.” He stopped at the French doors that lead to the backyard, bracing himself before pulling it open.

  Tucker walked up behind him and put his hand on his shoulder. “Do you really love her?”

  Sadness spilled over him. This time last year, he was the one getting her sodas, taking her arm as they made the rounds. By now they would have sang a few songs and played a few games of badminton. This time last year, he had no idea what it was like to kiss her or make love to her.

  Suddenly, he longed for last year.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Then you better do something, man.”


  “No problem bro.” He squeezed his shoulder. “Wow, I never realized how muscular your shoulders were.”

  “Get away from me!” Tucker ducked when Sean went to smack his head and ran laughing from the kitchen.


  “Oh, there’s going to be fireworks?” Trudy clapped her hands, the look of excitement on her face contagious.

  “It’s one of the best shows all season, too.” Dianna wished she could join in on Trudy’s excitement, but for the first time, she would be viewing the display without Sean by her side.

  It was becoming more and more apparent to her what she’d lost along with her virginity. Smiling and staying positive was growing very tiresome.

  Dianna, Matt, and her brothers sat in a circle around the fire pit with Sean, Trudy, and Tucker. Most of the guests had already walked to the beach, but Dianna had stayed behind to help the housekeeper, Sophia, Trish, and Kate clean up after dessert.

  As soon as Trish and Josh joined them, they’d head to the beach with the rest of the crowd.

  “I always found watching fireworks very romantic.” Trudy winked at her best friend. “I’m sure Matt wouldn’t mind asking a certain blonde to watch them with him.”

  Matt chuckled. “You never stop, do you?”

  Dianna wished she would. She liked Matt, but she really could do without Trudy pushing him on her. Of course, the sunny brunette had no idea that every time she smiled up at Sean, Dianna died a little more inside.

  “Alright, people, let’s see some explosions!” Josh called from across the yard, waving for them to follow him down to the beach.

  Dianna stayed back, wanting to keep her distance from Sean as much as possible. Matt walked with her, chatting about how much fun he’d had today. If nothing else, Dianna could be happy someone had a nice time.

  They found a spot on the beach to sit and watch. The firework display was always beautiful and every year it got better. Even though fireworks were illegal in New York, not many heeded the law and the law enforcement personnel seemed to be okay with it as long adults were around.

  “I always wondered who set these off every year. I swear I can see them from my house in East Hampton,” Matt whispered.

  “Well, now you know!” She smiled, but she knew it must’ve appeared forced. It certainly felt like it.

  Matt leaned in. “Are you okay?”

  She shrugged. “I’m fine. I just have some things I’m dealing with.”

  “Does it have to do with Sean?”

  She nodded, unable to speak, knowing her voice would crack if she tried.

  He snacked his arm around her shoulder and hugged her to his side. “I know how you feel. Whenever I’m out of sorts with Trudy, it feels like the world is off kilter.”

  She didn’t say anything, just laid her head on his shoulder. Maybe he didn’t understand fully, but he did to an extent, and that’s all she needed right now.

  Suddenly, Matt gasped and jumped back.

  “What?” Dianna asked startled.

  “Oops, sorry Matt.” Sean stood right behind them with a water bottle in his hand. “Did I get ya?”

  Matt hopped to his feet and pulled the shirt over his head. “It’s okay, no problem. I was getting overheated anyway.”

  He winked, and Sean’s lips disappeared from his face.

  Okay, that’s it! Sean had been nothing but an ass to both her and Matt all day, and she’d be damned if she put up with it any longer.

  She jumped up and grabbed Sean’s arm. “Excuse us a sec guys, I need to talk to my friend here.”

  She yanked him away before anyone could protest. She found a secluded spot far from the ooh’s and aah’s of the crowd.

  “You did that on purpose.”

  Sean shrugged. “No, I didn’t. Someone bumped into me.”

  “That’s a load of bullshit and you know it.”

  “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

  Dianna fumed. God, had he always been such an ass and she just never saw it? “Will you please just leave us alone?”

  “Why were you with Dean last Saturday?”

  Dianna blinked, taken completely off guard. “Dean—what?”

  “I was at the florist, buying flowers for…my mom and I saw you hugging him, and talking really close.”

  He’d seen them? Why hadn’t he come over?

  “We had some ice cream and then we cried on each other’s shoulders.”

  “Why were you crying?”

  Oh, no. No way was she sharing that. “It’s a figure of speech. He wanted to apologize for how he acted on our date and the conversation turned to Natasha and how he was still lost without her. He’s actually a really a sweet guy.”

  “So you’re not seeing him again?”

  “I may see him for lunch or something. What’s this all about, Sean? Why do you even care?”

  Without warning, Sean yanked her up against him and lowered his head, his mouth inches from hers. “Why do you think?”

  “No, you need to answer me.”

  He pulled back somewhat, and his gaze went from anger to angst in a heartbeat. “I care, Princess, because I—”

  “Sean, we’re missing the finale.” Trudy approached, clapping her hands and skipping through the sand.

I’ll be right there,” he called over his shoulder and turned back to Dianna. “Wow, this is hard.”

  Trudy grabbed his arm. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon. Your chat can wait but the fireworks won’t.”

  His shoulders slumped in resignation. “All right.” He turned to Dianna. “I want to talk to you later.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “What could we have to talk about?”

  Sean breathed deeply. “Later, Dianna.”

  No, Sean. There is no later for us anymore.

  Hugging herself, head low, she returned to the fireworks but was unable to enjoy them.

  Is this what she had to look forward to?

  It must be. Because there was no going back to the way it was.


  “Augh! He was so close. He was right there, the words were on his lips and then Trudy had to spoil it. I swear that woman has sonar,” Angie ranted. God she never wanted to smack sense into someone so much in her life.

  “Will you calm down?” Jack said with a smile.

  “How can I calm down? We were seconds away from being sent Home. Again!”

  “Well it didn’t happen that way. He’ll have another chance.”

  “What if he doesn’t? What if we have a time limit down here and have to go back before they tell each other?”

  Jack frowned. “I never thought of that. Does it say anything about it in the instruction manual?”

  “Not that I’ve seen, and Adriel never told us if we had a ticking clock.”

  Jack put a hand on her shoulder. It calmed her instantly. “Don’t you think he would’ve told us if we did?”

  “Maybe.” She turned back to the scene at the beach. “Why doesn’t he just tell her already?”

  “It’s not so easy telling someone you’ve known most of your life that you’re in love with them.”

  Angie flinched. “No, I don’t suppose it is.”

  “I mean, what if the other person doesn’t share those feelings?”

  “And you lose your best friend because it becomes too awkward.”

  Jack wrapped his arms around her waist. “And then your life seems empty because a big part of you is missing.”

  “Yeah.” She sank her teeth into her lower lip. How long before he remembers and she loses him?


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