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Angels in Seashore Cove (Love and Laugh in Seashore Cove Book 2)

Page 29

by Maggie Van Well

  “Ah, yes, the one where you told her to go to Paris without you because she deserved a man who would always be there for her.”

  He nodded.

  Adriel stood in front of him, his voice soft. “Think about what you just saw, Sean. You are the man who will always be there for her, because you already have been.”

  He stared at the cloud again, and it instantly sprang to life, replaying what he’d just seen. All those women never had a chance with him because he’d already found the person he would always be there for from the moment he was born.

  “Without you, she will never find her happiness.”

  Adriel’s words were like a dagger to his heart. She’d had faith in him, so sure he would always be there for her, because he always had been. One mistake couldn’t stop her from believing, and he let that same mistake take away the only woman he’d ever loved.

  “I was the man she deserved. Thirty years and I never saw it.”

  “You’re feeling sorrow, Sean.”

  “Yes.” Sean had never been an overly spiritual man, but he knew one thing. God’s Home meant peace. “But I’m in Heaven, how is that possible?”

  “Well, there was one other thing I haven’t told you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s not yet your time.”

  Adriel touched his forehead and Sean gasped, pulling precious air into his lungs as he stared up at Jake and Kate, hovering over him, Jake with his hands pumping his chest.

  Cries to God and shrieking sobs turned into mayhem as all his loved ones gathered around him.

  But the only one he wanted to see right now was his soul mate.

  He sat up, weak but determined. “Where’s Dianna?” His voice was raspy and it hurt to speak, but he didn’t care.

  Jake placed his hand on his shoulder. “Take it easy bud. We lost you for a few minutes.”

  Sean pushed the doctor’s hand away and struggled to his feet. His parents and Tucker made it impossible for him to start his search, so he let them fuss over him for a few moments.

  “Oh, my baby.” His mother and his father cried as they took turns hugging him over and over. His body shook, from the trauma, from the emotion, or from the urge to break free, he didn’t know.

  Finally, Tucker grabbed ahold of him, smiling but his eyes were red and swollen. “Don’t ever do that to me again.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  His brother moved aside. “She’s in the house with Loraine.”

  Sean stumbled up the stairs, moving as fast as his abused body would allow. Tucker must have held everyone else back since he didn’t hear anyone following him. He didn’t bother to check, his only goal was reaching Dianna.

  He heard her sobs long before he burst through—well, more like fell through—the front door. His legs wobbled, begging him to sit, but Sean ignored them. He wouldn’t stop until she knew he was alright.

  Dianna sat on the floor in front of the sofa, digging the heels of her hands into her eyes. Loraine held her in her arms, hugging her close as Dianna cried out, “No, please, God, no! No!”

  Sean fell to his knees a few inches short, his rush to get to her obviously too much for his stunned body to handle. “Dianna, I’m here.”

  She dropped her hands and stared at him as if she couldn’t believe he was real.

  “I’m here, baby.” He crawled the rest of the way, not stopping until he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her lips, thanking the good Lord above he had this second chance to make this right. “I’m here, and I’m never letting you go again.”

  Loraine moved aside, her own cries of relief barely breaking through Sean’s focus on his love.

  “Sean.” Dianna touched his face, his shoulders, his chest. “I thought I’d lost you.”

  “Never. Never again.” He placed his lips against hers. God would he ever get enough of her? “Princess, I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.”


  Sean and Dianna turned their heads to find Jake standing over them with Kate by his side. “I believe your ride is almost here.”

  It was then Sean heard the sirens in the distance.

  He turned to Dianna, who nodded. “You really should go. Just to be sure.”

  Tucker came forward and helped Jake get Sean to his feet, just as the EMT’s pulled up in front of the house.

  After they loaded him onto the stretcher, Dianna stayed with him until they reached the open back doors of the ambulance.

  Sean took her hand. “You’ll come with me?”

  “Do you even have to ask?”

  He squeezed, then turned his gaze to all the startled faces staring at them. He took a deep breath. “Oh, man, Princess, we have a lot of explaining to do.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  THE MUSIC WAS a fast upbeat tune, but Dianna moved slowly in Sean’s arm. They always celebrated their birthday at Trish and Josh’s estate by sharing the first and last dance. This year, there would be many more in between.

  It didn’t take long for Sean to be released from the hospital after they’d almost lost him. The doctors and nurses were all in awe, saying it was miraculous he not only survived, but without lasting injuries. They called it a miracle. Sean said it was his guardian angel. And after what he told her about his near-death experience, she believed him.

  Sean kissed her, but Dianna felt eyes on them and she peeked over his shoulder. Tucker stood behind Sean, shaking his head with an unlit cigarette in one hand and his hyperventilating bag in the other.

  She pulled away and turned Sean to face him. “Something wrong, Tuck?”

  “It’s just so weird seeing you two like…that.”

  “Get used to it, my brother.” Then Sean dipped her over his knee and kissed her with passion. Hoots and hollers followed.

  By the time Sean brought her upright she felt delightfully giddy. “This is going to be the best birthday ever.”

  “Hold that thought.” Taking her hand, Sean led her outside where the moon shined bright and the air was crisp. Autumn had sprung on Long Island in all its colorful glory.

  Dianna wished they could take a moment to look up at the stars, but Sean kept going through the backyard, beyond the shrubs until they hit the beach. Thank goodness for the moon to light the way or she doubted they would’ve made the trip without mishap.

  “Oh, my. I’ll never get used to the beauty of the waves at night.”

  “I know how much you love it here.” She reached into his pocket and pulled out his iPod. Seconds later, music filled the quiet beach.

  The first notes of “God Only Knows” touched her heart. “Our song.”

  He pulled her into his arms, and sang along to the words. For the first time, Dianna really listened to the lyrics, understanding what they meant. “This is so wonderful.”

  Sean placed his forehead against hers and whispered, “Marry me.”

  Dianna closed her eyes and a slow smile formed on her face before she whispered back, “Okay.”

  Then she threw her arms around him, stumbling in the uneven sand.

  Sean caught her before she hit the ground.

  “Be careful, Princess. Only you could ruin this moment by tripping into the ocean.”

  “I wasn’t worried. I knew you’d be there to catch me.”

  He grinned and kissed her. “Just like always.”


  “How did we get here?” When Angie stepped through the cloud Jude had summoned, she assumed she’d be facing her new recliner, not the Atlantic Ocean at night. “A moment ago, we were at the Donovan’s upstate home hoping to help Dianna save Sean.”

  Jack giggled like a schoolgirl. “You said fuck.”

  “Oh, shut up! We need to figure this out! I thought when Jude told us to step through a custodio it’d bring us back to our apartment. Why are we at the beach?”

  “Look around.”

  Angie jumped at Adriel’s unexpected voice. Maybe instead of ringing bells wh
en they get their wings, angels should wear them around the necks!

  But she didn’t have time to remain angry with the guardian’s sudden appearance as she searched the area as instructed. Her eyes fell upon a couple in the distance.

  With her heart pounding in her ears, Angie took off in a trot toward the shadowy figures hope filling her heart. As she drew near, the lyrics of a familiar song leaked into her mind. She knew that song, knew to whom it belonged.

  She ran faster. Sean was alive! They were together!

  “Angie, wait!” Jack caught up, taking stride beside her. Her smile hurt her face as she reached out to her lover. He took her hand and together they ran until a barrier, much like the one in front of the Donovan’s house, stopped them.

  Sean and Dianna swayed to the song until the final notes faded.

  “I guess I need to do this the proper way,” Sean said.

  Dianna’s back was to them, but Angie could tell by the eager bobbing of her head that she agreed.

  With her hands over her heart, Angie nearly broke into sobs when Sean got down on one knee and held up his hand. She wasn’t sure what he was doing until the tip of his index finger sparkled in the moonlight.

  Jack came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and laying his head on her shoulder. “Looks like you got your happy ending.”

  She turned and cupped his face. “I got both of them.” She kissed him, then turned to Adriel. “Thank you for bringing us here.”

  “This was not my doing.”

  “And Sean’s accident?”

  “Also, not my doing.”

  Angie glanced at Jack, brows raised. “Jude did all this?”

  The guardian nodded, a crafty grin on his face. “It appears even the most majestic of beings can still learn a few things. Like what makes a human find joy.”

  Angie looked back at Sean and Dianna, when their song began to replay.

  “Please, can’t we at least go say goodbye to them?” Angie gripped Adriel’s hand, praying he would break the rules just this once. “They’re like a son and daughter to me.” She looked at Jack. “To us. We never had children of our own.”

  Adriel squeezed her hand, bringing it to his cheek. “I’m sorry, my child. Your assignment is over. They can no longer see you.”

  “Sometimes rules are meant to be broken.”

  Angie, Jack, and Adriel looked to the booming voice above them. Jude hovered in midair, his face in an easy smile.

  Of the three, Angie could not tell who was more shocked by Jude’s smiling face and bending the rules.

  Adriel arched a brow. “I suppose this dramatic display is due to the fact you still haven’t learned how to walk on sand?”

  The archangel’s smile slipped a bit. “That is not relevant. Angie and Jack will have a moment to say goodbye to their charges.” Then his gaze focused strictly on Adriel. “Do this. I will return.”

  Adriel waved his hand over them. Angie expected to feel a jolt or shock, but she felt nothing.

  “Go say your goodbyes. Do not make it long.”

  She nodded eagerly. “Promise.” Then she turned to Jack and focused until she felt the floaty feeling. Then she snapped her fingers. “Ready?”

  Jack snapped his fingers in kind. “Ready.”

  Together they walked toward the happy couple, Angie fighting back the urge to run to them and hug them tight.

  “Hello, you two!”

  The couple turned to Jack’s happy greeting. Dianna smiled and rushed over to them, delighting Angie with an enthusiastic hug. “Angie. Jack! We haven’t seen you in ages. I thought you’d disappeared when you never responded to our invitation.”

  Sean and Jack shook hands, and then they switched, sharing hugs and kisses.

  “Sorry about that. We can’t stay. We have packing to do.” Angie paused, getting ahold of her emotions. “We just came to say farewell.”

  “What…you’re leaving?” Dianna’s smile dropped. “But you just moved here.”

  “We’ve been called home,” Jack said. “Family business.”

  Dianna’s eyes sparkled from unshed tears. “I know we haven’t known each other very long, but I’ve grown very fond of both of you. I’ll miss you.”

  That was all it took for Angie to lose it. “Oh, honey!” She opened her arms to the young girl and hugged her like a mother sending her child off to college. Then she pulled Sean and Jack into the hug, each laughing and crying at the same time.

  When they finally pulled apart, Dianna took Sean’s hand. “I guess it’s appropriate that you’ll be the first two to know.” She held up her left hand, showing off a large emerald cut diamond ring. “We’re engaged!”

  Again hugs and kisses were exchanged, and then Jack asked, “Why is it appropriate that we know first?”

  “Angie told me the cookie platter story. It made me realize I should wait and fight for what I want.” She smiled up at her fiancé. “She knew before I did how I felt about Sean.”

  Jack chuckled at Angie. “You told her that story?”

  Dianna winked. “She never said it, but I think that’s when she fell in love with you.”

  Angie’s cheeks heated. “Well, we’d better get going.” She touched Dianna’s face. “I’ll never forget you.” Then she squeezed Sean’s hand, before she turned and walked away from the only children she’d ever have.

  Once they were a good distance away, Jack stopped and rubbed her back. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m better than okay.”

  He traced her lips with his fingertip. “Was she right? Was that the day you realized you were in love with me?”

  She nodded and his eyes flashed in anguish.

  “Why did you never tell me?”

  “Why?” She sighed. “Because you always had a girl on your arm. By the time it occurred to me that you might feel the same way, I was married to my first husband. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He let out a humorless laugh. “Jack ‘The Jock’ Wheeler tell the smart, beautiful, classy, Angelica Hanson he loved her? C’mon. What chance did I have with you?”

  “Apparently a pretty good one.”

  He grinned, but it melted into deep thought. “Huh.”


  “I called you Angelica and you didn’t bite my head off.”

  She rose up on her toes and touched the tip of her nose to his. “Suddenly, I don’t mind it so much.” Then she kissed him, letting the serenity wrap itself around her like a warm soft, blanket.


  Jack lifted his lips from hers and they both faced Adriel.

  “I hope that pleased you greatly.”

  “Very much so.”

  Jack shifted from foot to foot. “So, our assignment is over.”


  “Then why are we still here?”

  A flash of golden light lit up the beach. Seconds later, Jude appeared again, this time stumbling toward them through the sand.

  The guardian didn’t answer Jack’s question; instead he walked toward Jude. “What news have you for me?”

  Jude stopped walking, and tucked his wings to his side. “It is done.”

  Beaming, Adriel turned back to Angie and Jack. “We have a gift for you. A wonderful, miraculous gift.”

  “Come here, children,” Jude called. “I will not attempt navigating this retched landscape again.”

  They surged forward until they stood before the archangel, Angie holding her breath in anticipation.

  “I have spoken with The Father. He has offered you a second chance on Earth.”

  Jack gripped Angie’s hand. “A second chance?”

  “To find the joy you missed in life.”

  Angie gasped. Not go back to Heaven? Could she do that?

  Jude continued, “However, I must warn you. You will not remember your past life, nor your time with the Father. When you meet, one or both of you may already be married or history could repeat itself. There is no guarantee you will ever
meet at all.”

  Adriel walked over to them and put his hands on their shoulders. “But if you do meet and you do fall in love, you will know happiness like you have never experienced before on Earth.”

  “Stay here, on a mere chance of finding happiness?” Jack stared out at the ocean, pensive.

  “Or you can come Home with us now and know the joy that only Heaven can give,” Adriel reminded them. “And I promise you will make it to the top floor this time.”

  Jack glanced down at her, his features taut with indecision. “What do you think? Do you want to take a chance to see if we can do it right this time?”

  Angie touched his face. “Just the fact that you’re willing to give up Heaven for me makes me realize that I have all that I ever needed: you by my side. And knowing our children are happy.”

  Raising her hand to his lips, he kissed it softly. “Well then, my love, let’s go see all that Heaven has to offer.”

  Jude raised his wings, but before he could lift them up, Angie cried out, “Wait!”

  The archangel paused, his beautiful face a mass of confusion.

  Angie turned back to her children. “Hey Sean!”

  He and Dianna searched her out and waved.

  Angie waved back. “Adriel sends his love.”

  At the look of utter shock on Sean’s face, Angie let out a joyful laugh, then joined Jack and the angels and lifted up to Heaven.


  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed Dianna and Sean’s journey as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love contemporary romance, but there is something extra special about writing with a supernatural twist.

  Folks ask me all the time where I get my ideas. Most of the time, I have no answer for them. “They just come to me” is a lame response, even though it’s true. But with this book I finally have a real story to tell.

  Angels in Seashore Cove started out as a short story I wrote for a writing contest many years ago. Angie and Jack were the protagonists in the original thousand-word essay, the beginning of which now shows as the prologue. I loved the idea of missing out on your true love the first time around, and Heaven giving you a second chance to find it. But, when the story didn’t final in the contest, I put it away and forgot about it.


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