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For the King

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  “I want that sweet ass and pussy of yours, Willow.” He growled out the words. Shivers wracked my body at the sound.

  He took off his crown and set it on the dresser beside him. Then he reached behind him, over his head, and took his undershirt off that way. It was so damn sexy the way he removed the material and tossed it aside. And then the chest that was revealed had my pussy clenching, my body readying itself for Victor. His arms were huge, rippling with muscles, and his upper chest was defined. His abdomen was hard, his six-pack on clear display. And the monster between his thighs was hard and pointed right at me.

  All of that was wrapped up in hard, golden skin.

  “You like looking at me?”

  I nodded, not even about to deny or hide it. All I could focus on was his big cock jutting out at me. He moved closer to me, and I felt my heart start to pound faster, felt the perspiration on my body become more pronounced as the anticipation filled me.

  “Get on the bed and turn around and let me see that ass,” he ordered.

  A shiver raced up my spine. I did as he said, and when I was on my belly I looked over my shoulder. Victor was on me in the next second, running his tongue up the length of my spine, having me bow my back ... having me on the precipice of begging for him to fill me with his huge cock.

  God, I felt so drunk right now despite the only glass of wine I’d had at dinner. I should have had more, but with a court full of guests watching us, judging me no doubt, I’d tried to be the prim and proper queen I now was.

  Everything in me was heightened: sight, smell, hearing, and even touch. The sheets beneath me felt rough against my overly sensitive flesh.

  He moved back and cool air moved along my body.

  “Look at this ass,” he said, but it was uttered low, so softly that it was as if he spoke to himself. And before I could even contemplate what he planned on doing, he brought his big palm down on one fleshy globe. A cry of pleasure and pain left me, heat rushing to my bottom, right under my skin. Tears filled my eyes, but as that pain started to fade and warmth took its place, I felt a tingling pleasure fill me.

  He brought his hand down on my ass again, not as hard as the first time, but still with enough force it had a sound leaving me. He spanked me over and over again and I was forced to curl my hands into the sheets and hold on. That’s all I could do as he had his way with me.

  He didn’t speak as he stood behind me, spanking me until I was biting my bottom lip hard enough I tasted blood. He made small grunting noises behind me as if he were having a hard time controlling himself.

  And then I felt his hands running over my ass, teasing the erotically abused flesh, smoothing the sting away and heightening my pleasure even more.

  “Damn, your ass is so red, so damn perfect.” He ran his tongue over my left cheek, and then did the same over my right. “I bet I made this perfect ass sensitive, didn’t I?”

  “Yes.” I breathed out that one word.

  He continued to lick at my skin, running his teeth over the curved flesh, tasting every part of me. And then he spread my cheeks. Cool air wafted along the crease of my ass and my pussy.

  “Look at how juicy this little pussy is for me, all primed and ready to be stretched by my cock.”

  I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even think straight.

  “I’m going to plow through this virgin pussy, make it mine, fill you up with my seed and make you big and pregnant with my heir.”

  I gasped for air, closed my eyes, and felt obscene for as much as I wanted this. With one final smack to my bottom, he flipped me onto my back, my breasts shaking from the force. He started running his hand over my breasts, pulling at my nipples and having the need crest inside of me.

  “Look at me, watch as your husband—your king—takes you.”

  I opened my eyes, not realizing I’d closed them in the first place. He had his mouth on my nipple and ran his tongue around my areola, tracing my flesh until it puckered.

  “You ready for my cock, princess?”

  “Yes,” I said on a moan.

  “Yeah, you fucking are.”

  Tonight the king would own me.

  Chapter 7


  Everything in me was on fire. My blood pumped through my veins, my need to fully give myself to Victor strong.

  He slid his hand between my thighs, cupping my pussy with so much pressure I gripped the sheets beneath me, trying to find something to hold on to. I was so sensitive down there, so wet and swollen for him.

  “Victor.” I whispered his name.

  “So damn juicy.” He slipped his fingers through my folds, rubbing up and down. I was ready for him and didn’t bother trying to pretend otherwise.

  “Open more for me.”

  I spread my legs as wide as they would go, so much my muscles protested. He started stroking me harder, with more pressure, more desire. One of his fingers found its way into my pussy, the long, thick digit working me from the inside out. Victor pulled the digit out and slowly slipped it between the cheeks of my bottom, rubbing the wetness all over my asshole.

  I grew tense at that sensation. I’d never had a man take me, least of all back there.

  “One day I’m going to take you here, My Queen.”

  My breathing increased as he slipped the slick finger into my ass. A few pumps into my body was apparently all he could handle because a second later he pulled it out and replaced it with his mouth. I cried out at the sudden feeling of his tongue probing me back there, fucking a spot I never dreamed would be touched. His hands on my ass, spreading the cheeks wide, kept me immobile for his erotic onslaught. I could do nothing but cry out as the pleasure grew inside of me to a tidal wave of sensation.

  After long moments of him running his tongue over the puckered hole, he pulled away, gave my ass one final smack, and stepped back. I looked at him, feeling my entire body flush from my arousal.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “I could get off just looking at you.” He was breathing hard, his chest rising and falling viciously. He reached down and grabbed himself, palmed his cock and started stroking it from root to tip. “Beg me for my cock,” he demanded, ordered. I licked my lips, wanting him desperately, but also unused to this situation. I’d never been with a man, let alone talked so obscenely with one. “Say it, Willow.”

  “I want you inside of me.” My heart beat so hard. “Give me your cock.” he was breathing so hard “Back on your hands and knees.”

  When I was where he wanted me—how he wanted me—he made a strangled noise and was back on top of me, his chest pressed to my back, his heat searing me. He pushed the hair off my neck, kissing the skin that was exposed, sending goosebumps along my arms and legs. Victor squeezed one cheek of my ass, and then spread my ass once more.

  “I’m addicted to this ass, princess. I’m going to eat it, fuck it … own it.”

  I felt dizzy, a wave of desire moving through me like a freight train.

  “But not tonight. The ass fucking will be for later, after I’ve broken in this sweet little pussy of yours.” He groaned and I made a muffled noise and buried my face further into the sheets. “Your virgin slit is too much of a temptation. I’m going to spread you, stretch you, until all you feel is me.”

  And then the crown of his cock was placed at my entrance, a thick promise of what was about to come.

  He started to push in, slow and easy, breaking through my innocence, making it his own.

  A low moan left me and I closed my eyes.

  “Relax. Open up that hole for me.” He started to slide into my body, my lubrication making it easier even if he was so large, so thick. And then he was fully in me, his balls pressed right to my body. He didn’t wait to give me time to adjust to his massive size. Victor just started moving in and out of me, easy at first, but still fucking me like I was made for him.


  I sucked in a lungful of air. The pain was intense, the feeling of being filled taking my sanity. But as he moved into me
and retreated, there was a spark of desire, a wave of pleasure. That discomfort slowly ebbed and I let go, just felt.

  “Beg your king to fuck you.”

  “Fuck me,” I said on a moan, not even caring that I’d said the words, that they were foreign to me. He was the one in charge and I loved it, got off on it.

  He smacked my ass hard. I cried out, and he did it again. He started fucking me then, hard, fast, making me take all of his dick until I felt tears fill the corner of my eyes.

  “Come for me, milk my cock, have this little virgin pussy sucking the cum from my balls.”

  My orgasm crashed through me violently.

  He was crazed in his movements, pounding into my body like he owned it. He does.

  I tightened my pussy around his pounding cock. “Yes,” I cried out as another orgasm moved through my whole body. I started pushing back against him, trying to make him go deeper.

  He snaked his hand up my back to grab a chunk of my hair. Victor pulled my head back, exposing my throat. I turned my head so I could see him as he came … as he got off. His gaze was heavy lidded as he watched his cock disappear into me. Sweat glistened on his hard, defined body, and I wanted to lick it all off, wanted it covering me. I’d never felt this kind of desire before, never even imagined it could be like this.

  As if he sensed my gaze he looked at me and started really pounding away. Victor grunted out every time he was balls deep in me. The pleasure was never-ending. He growled before thrusting several more times into me and then stilling. His roar of completion sounded like a feral animal.

  “Christ.” That word spilled from his mouth in a rush as he came. He braced himself on his hands on either side of me and stayed there, buried in me, breathing hard, filling my virgin pussy with his cum. And then he pulled out with a grunt and collapsed on the bed beside me.

  For several long moments nothing was said. The only sound was our erratic breathing. I turned to face him, saw his eyes closed and his chest rising and falling harshly. Sweat glistened off his hard body and my mouth watered to have a taste. I was already a fiend for this man.

  He looked over at me, the corner of his mouth kicking up. He had me pulled nearly on top of him then, his arm around my waist, his cock thickening, getting hard again against my thigh.

  “You better get some sleep, Queen Willow, because I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

  Chapter 8


  The life of royalty and luxury was not something I thought I would ever get used to. To have people wait on me hand and foot, to have them at my beck and call, was strange and unusual. I felt out of place. If I wanted a glass of water I should get up and get it myself, not have somebody bring it to me on a silver platter, which they did.

  I walked over to the window and stared out at the city, the shops and buildings, lush greens that surrounded the property. It really was a beautiful and picturesque scene, and was now mine to take in at my leisure.

  Although I was the queen I refused to relinquish my flower shop. It had been my mother’s before I was born. I’d stay there with her when I was younger, watching her design gorgeous bouquets and flower arrangements. It had been a safe place for me and I wasn’t going to let that go because I was now Victor’s.

  And that’s exactly what I was … his.

  But I no longer worked at the flower shop and instead had my own employees. Even now that was strange to say, knowing that people worked for me.

  I looked off to the right where the sunroom was located. The indoor pool looked especially blue today as the sun streamed in through the windows. And I couldn’t help but smile as I saw my mother sitting on one of the lounge chairs, her legs stretched out and a book on her lap. Some things never change.

  Now that she was in the care of the royal physician, no insurance roadblocks stopping her care, she was doing much better. She had color in her face and meat on her bones. And she genuinely looked happy.

  Agreeing to marry Victor, to be his queen, also meant my mother would not be left alone. So she moved in with us, into the royal palace where she had her own wing, her own library filled with books from floor to ceiling. There were so many stories for her to get lost in that she’d never have a dull moment.

  I felt strong arms wrap around my middle and I smiled, leaning back against Victor. I rested my head on the center of his chest and his big, strong body enveloped me. For long moments we didn’t say anything, both of us just staring out the window. I could see his reflection in the glass, his silver crown sitting atop his head. Unless I was out on official business with him I didn’t wear mine. It felt strange having that weight on the top of my head, the priceless accessory filled with diamonds and rubies. But Victor had grown up with this. It was all he’d ever known.

  But I also couldn’t deny that I felt beautiful and important when I had it on, knowing that I could help others with where I currently was at in life. And that’s what I wanted to do. So working with charities, donating my time, all of that and more was what I focused on. Well, that and the insatiable appetite Victor had for me. I had no doubt that our lovemaking would get me pregnant sooner rather than later. But I supposed that was the plan.

  I turned around in his arms and tipped my head back to look in his face. His amber-colored gaze was focused right on me. But then again, it always was.

  Rising up on my toes, I placed my lips against his. He instantly had his hands cupping each side of my face, holding me in place as he probed the seam of my lips with his tongue, gently urging me to open. And I did so instantly.

  He swept his tongue inside my mouth and moved it along mine, instantly having me wet and ready for him, needy for the things only Victor could give me. In the short months that we’d been married I found myself hopelessly falling in love with him. He was a ruthless leader if his kingdom was threatened, but a kind and gentle one as well. He cared about his people, about the ones he loved.

  Pulling back, I couldn’t help but smile, my lips tingling from his kiss and my heart pounding from my emotions.

  “I love you,” I said softly and rested my head on his chest, hearing his heart beating a steady rhythm. I’d fallen asleep to the sound many times. His hand on the back of my head was calming and secure, letting me know that he’d never let anything happen to me. We were in this together and always would be.

  “I love you, Willow, My Queen.” And then he just held me and it was perfection.

  Epilogue One


  Six months later

  My hand shook as I pulled the gown across my body. I sat on the edge of the exam table, the doctor for the royal family jotting something down in a file. “You’re sure?” I asked, my voice shaky. He glanced at me and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, smiling.

  “Positive, Your Highness.” He finished writing something down and I glanced away, thinking about everything this would entail, how this would change our very lives.

  Placing a hand on my flat belly, I thought about the baby growing inside of me, and how I would let Victor know. Since our wedding night this had been bound to happen, no protection being used as he tried to get me pregnant with his heir. But this wasn’t just the next royal in line for the throne. This was our baby—Victor’s son or daughter—something I’d grown to want desperately.

  “Would you like me to call in the king to break the good news?”

  I shook my head. “I’d like to tell him in private, if that’s fine.”

  The doctor nodded and smiled. “As you wish, My Queen.”

  He left the room and I quickly got dressed, my heart beating fast and my hands still shaking. I was nervous but excited to tell him the news.

  I quickly got dressed and headed to his office, where I knew he’d be working. My legs felt like pudding and my hands refused to stop shaking. I had to clasp them together to keep them still.

  The door was partially open, so I brought my knuckles down on it twice before pushing it open. Victor was leaned over his des
k, has broad shoulders hunched forward as he read the file in front of him. My mouth suddenly went dry, my throat tightening. He glanced up at me, the strain on his face evident until it dissipated and he smiled. He leaned back and held his hand out for me, curling his finger inward and gesturing me to come forward.

  “My Queen,” he said in that deep, baritone voice that had every part of my body coming alive.

  I walked over to him and he immediately pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply.

  “I could get drunk off your scent,” he said and inhaled again, causing a shiver to race over my body.

  I shifted slightly on his lap and looked him in the eyes. His brows lowered and I could see the confusion settle across his face. It was clear he could tell something was up. Now I just needed to find the courage to say the words.

  This shouldn’t have been as hard as it was, or as difficult as I was making it. We both wanted this, but I supposed now that I was faced with the reality of it, I was a little nervous.

  “What’s wrong?” he said and pulled me in closer, kissing me on the lips gently. He rested his forehead against mine, his fingers gently digging into my sides, keeping me close to him.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” I said honestly. He pulled back and cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking underneath my eye. Instead of saying the words I reached up and took his hand, guiding it down to rest on my belly. It took him a moment to understand what was going on, but I could see the realization of why I’d placed his hand there filter across his face.

  “A baby?” he asked but I could hear the truth in his words.

  “A baby,” I replied and couldn’t stop myself from grinning. I placed my hand over his, which rested on my stomach still. I wanted to say it was hormones, but the truth is I was just emotional because I was so damn happy. Tears stared to well up in the corners of my eyes and I chuckled, closing them and willing myself to stay strong.


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