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Spirit Sorceress: Spirit Sorceress: Book 1

Page 8

by D. L. Harrison

  But she just smiled, “I knew as soon as I felt his soul. It felt familiar, like coming home. Of course, knowing that he was the only one for me didn’t make things much easier. We both had mortal concerns, and had to get to know each other and fall in love like everyone else. Relationships take work Miku, there are no shortcuts, but it’s worth it.”

  I’d lost my parents, and felt alone. But in the back of my mind I’d always had the hope I’d eventually run into my mate, and start a new family of my own. Even becoming an unnatural vampire, which meant I couldn’t have children, left the hope that I could at least share this life with someone else.

  That hope was ashes in my mouth, and I felt a tear in the corner of my eye as I tried not to fall apart in front of Lisa. Werewolves could find a mate in another wolf, a human woman, possibly even a witch or a sorceress. But a vampire? He’d never accept me, it was impossible. I wondered what I’d done in a past life to earn such a shitty deal on this turn of the wheel.

  An alternate ending played in my head, if my parents were alive, I could have found him two years ago. Had the guidance of my mother, and a protective mate, been part of a pack. I felt a surge of guilt, only ifs were useless. The past was set and couldn’t be changed.

  I supposed I still had the coven, and maybe I could have a few friends. I knew I should be thankful for that, but right now I didn’t really care. It hurt.

  “Dinner?” I choked out, not really feeling up to it, or a night out after that. But then, I didn’t want to be alone either, I’d had enough of that. I refused to go back to wallowing in self-pity, like I’d done for the last two years. I even supposed it didn’t mean I had to be alone, I just couldn’t be with the one man that was meant for me, most people never even met their soulmate, or recognized when they did. Most didn’t even believe it was possible.

  Lisa nodded, “Sure, want to talk about it?” she asked, not sure what had happened but she sounded concerned. I guess I wasn’t hiding my shock very well.

  I shook my head and touched her arm gently in thanks, “Not now, maybe later. Thanks.”

  It was about seven when we got back to the coven house. It’d been a full day of running around. We went up to the second floor, and filled our plates with some dinner. It wasn’t a full buffet by any stretch, but there was some variety.

  There weren’t many people left, most had probably already eaten. Lisa lead us over to another table with a few vampires, one of them was Eustice. I noticed he was chatting comfortably and realized this had been his coven already, and now he was free of James’ compulsions. He would just fit right back in. I didn’t know the other two sitting with him.

  “Hey Ice,” I said as we sat down.

  He looked up and smiled, “Miku, how’s your first day going?”

  I nodded, “Pretty good, Lisa’s showed me around.”

  He gestured, “This is Daniel, and Ethel.”

  Daniel looked in his mid-twenties, light brown hair, warm brown eyes, and he gave me a smile in greeting. Ethel, another old fashioned name, and she felt around three hundred, though she looked twenty-four. She had dark red curly hair, and brown eyes, a beautiful face and she was tall, statuesque.

  Ethel gave me a dismissive look, “I don’t see what all the excitement is about.”

  I mentally gave her the finger, and suppressed my smile. I guess she wouldn’t be a friend.

  Daniel blushed and gave me an apologetic look which was kind of cute, in a shy way.

  Eustice just sighed.

  Lisa said, “Daniel is our accountant, he keeps the books and does the taxes for all of our businesses. Ethel is a lawyer.”

  I snorted a laugh, that explained so much…

  Ethel’s eyes narrowed and she turned to Eustice, “I’ll see you tonight,” and she got up and walked away.

  I wondered if they were dating or something. Not that I was jealous, I liked Eustice, especially now that he was out from under James’ thumb, but only in a big brother sort of way. Looking at Ethel walk away, I supposed I could understand the attraction, but she was kind of a...

  Eustice interrupted my thoughts, “So any idea what you’re going to be doing for the coven yet?”

  I shook my head, “No, we’re going to check out the clubs later, and I’ll probably lurk around the third floor tomorrow and see what else is available.”

  Eustice shook his head, “I can’t imagine you doing office work. You’re too…” he seemed to struggle to find a descriptor.

  I raised an eyebrow, “Too what?”

  “Badass,” Lisa said with a friendly smirk.

  I sighed while Eustice grunted in agreement, and truthfully I didn’t want to file paperwork either, and cooking or cleaning didn’t really appeal. It wasn’t unimportant work, or that I thought I was too good for it, it just wasn’t my cup of tea. But being a guard was out, so maybe I could bartend, or… something else at one of the clubs?

  I also had to find a balance for my spirit sorcery. One of the things I was taught, was that our power had a purpose, to keep people on the path of the wheel. Nudge a ghost when it had trouble getting to the spirit world to prepare for their next life. Life was its own teacher, that wasn’t our job, yet we also needed to judge and act when asked for help.

  I found it ironic that I was surrounded by vampires, the very beings that were outside of that path, and I was now one of them. Where did that leave me? How could I guide people on a path that I had left?

  “We’ll see. I’m keeping my mind open until I know what’s available.”

  Eustice asked, “So what club?”

  Lisa said, “Echo.”

  Eustice nodded and stood up, “Catch you later,” and Daniel got up and followed him out.

  “So… Eustice and Ethel?” I asked in a confused voice.

  Lisa snickered, “Jealous?”

  I shook my head, “Baffled.”

  Lisa replied in a doubtful voice, “Sure you are. But no. James was into some shady dealings. Eustice is kind of the general manager of the two clubs, bar, and pool hall. He keeps tabs on the four that manage each business. Anyway, Ethel being the coven lawyer is working with him to clean the places up so to speak. Ceara is letting him clean it up, even though he used to run it.”

  “Like what?”

  Lisa shrugged, “Drugs, prostitutes, other shady activities, they mesmerized the cops to keep them away whenever one came around asking questions.”

  I decided not to ask any more questions, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

  Chapter 15

  I felt a little thirsty as I stepped out of the shower. I wasn’t dying for blood, it was easy to ignore, but it told me even though I was more powerful than the usual baby vamp, I still had to eat like one. I was sure by tomorrow the thirst would be back to a need, just like when I woke up two days ago.

  I dried off, and did my hair, and then went into my closet. I decided on a dark blue tube dress, and a pair of black heels, and then looked in the mirror. I looked… really good in it, but had never worn something so revealing in all my life. It was tight, and hugged all my curves. I’d seen women in more revealing dresses though, it only showed some of my cleavage, and the hem was past my middle thigh.

  I wasn’t usually shy, but it was only my second day in the city, and the first time I was to go to a club. I wasn’t used to it. I decided screw it, it should be fun. Besides, I was sure there’d be women in micro dresses there tonight, which in comparison meant I was dressed like a nun.

  I walked out toward the door when I heard a knock, and it was Lisa. She looked gorgeous in a slinky and barely there red dress, and high heeled open toed sandals. She frowned at me though.

  “What?” I asked, did I put the damn thing on wrong?

  Lisa asked, “No makeup?”

  Right, because I always wore makeup when I hunted rabbits in my fox form. She’d made me buy some at the mall, but honestly I had no clue how to put it on. I thought I looked damn good without anyway.

  I guess she read m
y mind because her eyes softened, “I can help…”

  I sighed and turned around, and she followed me to the bathroom.

  “This won’t take long, just hold still,” Lisa advised.

  Twenty minutes and one poked eye later, I said, “I don’t look any different.”

  She shook her head, “You don’t need much, you have a gorgeous face, and perfect skin. Just a bit to enhance what’s already there.”

  I nodded, I wasn’t sure if I could do it as well, but I’d have to give it a try next time, “We’re ready then?”

  Then I realized I wasn’t being very grateful, so I added in a softer tone of voice, “Thanks Lisa, it does look good.”

  She smiled and took my arm and we headed for the club.

  There was a fairly large line outside the light gray building, with a huge sign proclaiming it Echo. Of course, the coven didn’t wait in line, and Lisa led me around to the employee entrance of the place. The building was tall, and it was all one floor. When I got inside the ceiling was a good twenty, maybe twenty-five feet up. The lighting was dim and I’d have had trouble seeing the details of the place, if I were human that is, it looked like midday to me.

  The walls were black, with multi-colored dim lighting in strips. The tables were tall, small, and round. The bar stools around them were made of wood, and had red seats. The dance floor was in the middle, and seemed to be surrounded by tables all around, there were also spotlights moving and flashing over the people dancing.

  The only places really well-lit in the club were the bars, there were three of them. They were oceans of light so people could always find their next drink. I could see just fine in a dark corner where a vampire was feeding and I smirked at the idea. Then I jumped with an embarrassing screech when I felt an arm go around my waist rather familiarly and squeezed my side.

  “Hi ladies, fancy meeting you two here,” Eustice said, his voice filled with humor.

  I glared at him for startling me like that, but I supposed it was my fault for not paying attention. There were so many humans in here, and about fifteen vampires. I should have recognized his soul moving our way, but the chaos of the place made me miss it.

  Lisa leaned forward from his other arm and gave me a look, as if to say I told you so. I hoped not, I really didn’t like Eustice that way, and didn’t want to deal with that kind of drama. I had enough to deal with right now.

  “Yes, fancy that,” I drawled as I removed his hand, “this place is packed.”

  Eustice shook his head, denying my words, “I’m working on it. We lost some of our… regulars recently. It is a nice crowd though. You both have a fun night, just wanted to say hi.”

  I couldn’t imagine packing in even more bodies in the room, but since it was my first time at a night club I had to take his word for it.

  Lisa pulled my hand, “Come on, let’s dance.”

  I grinned and followed her on the floor. At first, I had no idea what I was doing and just tried to relax and mirror Lisa. Then as my eyes wandered I cheated a bit, and read some souls to learn more moves. It was still hard, knowing and doing are two entirely different things. Still, it did help. I was a vampire now and had hardly lacked dexterity when I was just a sorceress, and I caught on quickly. Before I knew it, I was having fun and just let my body move.

  The hardest part was just to let go and relax, that’s when it finally clicked.

  That’s when I felt it, spirit magic brushed up against my own spirit shield. Spirit magic that wasn’t mine. I narrowed down the direction it was coming from and headed that way, wondering if it was another spirit sorcerer, it had to be. The feeling started to fade, and I realized they weren’t in the club. I reached out as far as I could with my own magic, and didn’t connect, yet I could still feel his.

  I had no idea how I knew that, but it was a spirit sorcerer.

  Then the feeling faded and I was filled with disappointment. It would be nice to see another of my kind, maybe talk things out, things that no one else could really understand.

  Lisa touched my shoulder, “What happened, something wrong?”

  I shook my head, “It turned out to be nothing, let’s dance.”

  I took her hand and headed back toward the dance floor, if there was another spirit sorcerer in the city, I was sure I’d run into him another time. No need to ruin my night over it, dancing was the first fun I’d had since James had turned me.

  As the night went on I wondered what it would be like to work in a place like this. I was sure I could waitress, or even bartend. I didn’t know much about it, but it wouldn’t be hard to read a soul to get a list of drinks and how to make them in my head.

  After that, it would just be practice.

  The first time a man bumped into me and just started dancing with me I was taken off guard, but I have to admit, it was kind of fun. I wasn’t interested in anything more, I had too much going on already, plus, after finding out who my soul mate was earlier, the last thing I wanted to do was settle right now. Still, a little flirty dancing was exhilarating.

  After about six songs, we went to the bar and got some drinks. Lisa said something about iced tea, and a long island of some kind I think. It didn’t make much sense. Whatever it was, it was really good, so I had a second glass.

  The night got kind of hazy after that…

  Ugh, light, bad. I reached over to the night table and pulled on my sunglasses, and then squint glared at my curtains, which obviously weren’t thick enough. I looked down, and saw I was wearing the sexy black panties and matching bra that I’d had under my dress last night. Then I felt a presence next to me and turned my head in alarm.

  At first I was relieved, it was just Lisa. But then I noticed she was in her under things too.

  “What the hell happened last night?” I asked dazedly.

  Lisa looked at me smolderingly, and her voice was sultry, “You were fantastic last night lover.”

  I gaped at her like a fish and was completely speechless, and finally she giggled.

  “Sorry, that was just too easy, you should’ve seen your face. Kidding, we were both a little drunk. Okay, I was a little drunk, you were three sheets to the wind. You can’t hold your liquor girl, so watch that. Anyway, after getting you in bed I kind of passed out next to you.”

  “Without your dress?”

  She shrugged, “I don’t remember that part, maybe I took it off in my sleep, it was uncomfortable.”

  “Umm, did I do anything… bad?”

  She grinned, “Like dance on a table, or tease all the guys?”

  She was enjoying this way too much.

  I glared, “Yes, like that.”

  Lisa snickered, “No, nothing like that. You were a little wild and flirty on the dancefloor, but no more than anyone else.”

  I pictured the way some of the woman around us had been grinding on men on the dance floor last night, from both the front and back, and wondered if what she said should make me feel in any way relieved.

  Oh damn… what the hell did I do last night?

  I considered reading my own soul to find out. It was like a black box on a plane, it never forgot anything and couldn’t be tampered with, unlike the physical mind. Maybe later, I wasn’t sure if I truly wanted to know anyway.

  I groaned.

  Lisa giggled at me, again, “Poor Miku. I need to get to work, just think of the rumors when I do the walk of shame from your apartment to mine.”

  I glared at her as she hopped up. I knew damn well she didn’t swing my way, no more than I swung hers. There wouldn’t be anything wrong with that of course, it just wasn’t either of us. If I’d been thinking straight when I woke up she couldn’t have fooled me like that earlier.

  I did smile as she put on her dress and left, after all, I was almost positive she was a friend. An evil friend that liked to tease me a little too much, but still a friend.

  I groaned and rolled out of bed, and went into the shower. After putting on a dressy casual skirt and blouse, with two inc
h heeled sandals, I went downstairs to hunt down breakfast.

  That’s when I realized I wasn’t thirsty at all, which was a little disturbing, I wondered who I drank from last night. Later, I’d look later if my feeble mind didn’t recall it. It was a plan anyway.

  As I devoured breakfast I felt Melody come in the room. I could hardly miss her, she was a beacon of power. It would be like ignoring a nuclear reaction. It was strange to realize none of the other vampires could feel that, just another sorcerer or sorceress. I hadn’t expected her to cross the room right to me and sit down. I looked up quizzically and she was studying me.

  “Melody,” I nodded respectfully, “Do you need something?”

  She nodded back, “I want to talk to you, privately.”

  I went to stand but she waved me back down, “Finish your breakfast, I’ll be right back, I could use more coffee.”

  My mind raced as I tried to figure out what she could possibly want, while I continued to shove food into my mouth. Being a vampire wasn’t so bad, my hangover was pretty much gone already, and the last remnants were fading as I ate.

  Melody sat back down, “So how was the club last night.”

  “From what I remember, I had a great time.”

  Melody grinned, “Have you decided what you want to do?”

  I shook my head. I wasn’t sure if I was being contrary just because I couldn’t do it, but I thought it would be neat to be a guard, or maybe chase down rogues. I knew I couldn’t do that though, and there was no point in whining about it.

  “I’m leaning toward bartender, if I don’t see something more interesting today on the third floor. Not to change the subject, but do you know of any other spirit sorcerers? I think I felt one last night.”

  She nodded, “Yes, it actually relates to what I wanted to tell you about. I’m glad you are in the city, the forest was no place for you to stay.”

  I felt defensive suddenly, I liked my forest, “What’s wrong with it?”

  She shrugged, “It’s meant for the young of your kind, until you can truly wield your spirit magic the way it’s meant to be wielded. I don’t understand exactly, but from what your mother told me wielding the elemental power of spirit is dangerous. Too dangerous for you until you could shift, and had enough self-discipline to wield it the true way.”


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