Fractured: Volume One

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Fractured: Volume One Page 1

by Alexis Noelle


  Volume One

  By: Alexis Noelle


  Copyright © 2014 Ashley Piscitelli

  All rights Reserved. No parts of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  To all the people that help me I am so very thankful. Just to name a few Rachael Duncan, Stephanie Phillips, Missy Borucki, Angie Stanton, Marisa-Shor, Ariana McWilliams, S Moose, and Rebecca Brooke. Also to my friends, family, and my husband thank you for you everyday support.

  To the readers that love the story and the characters you are my rock stars!

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter One

  As I am walking up to our house, the place where we will spend the rest of our lives, I can’t help but smile. The house isn’t too extravagant, but it is the exact picture I had in my mind. A two-story brick house with a huge front porch and a white fence surrounding the front yard.

  Cameron is the person I have fantasized about my entire life, and now I can finally live my dream. Growing up and seeing the love between my parents made me realize the true meaning of love. The fairy tale my parents live, I want that. I yelp as I’m scooped off my feet and cradled in my husband’s arms. “Cam! What are you doing?” I wrap my arms around his neck as he walks us toward the house.

  “I have to carry my beautiful wife over the threshold.” As he walks us toward the door, I can’t help but stare at him.

  Cam has always been hot, and in high school I couldn’t believe my friends when they said he was going to ask me to homecoming. I mean I’m not a troll but I certainly wasn’t head cheerleader material. Cam was the quarterback of the football team, and most people just expected him to follow the generally accepted rule of dating the blonde bimbo. I think everyone else was just as shocked as I was when he asked me out.

  My fingers thread through his semi-short brown hair and I give it a little tug.

  “Mmm, you want it rough, huh?” he asks and smiles before flipping me around and dropping me over his shoulder. I can’t say the view from this point is bad, and I take advantage of the situation giving his butt a hard smack. He walks us up the steps and opens the door carrying me into our new home. As soon as the door closes, Cam pulls me off his shoulder and backs me against the wall. His lips are right next to my ear and his warm breaths send shivers down my body. “I am going to christen every inch of this house with you, my beautiful sexy wife.”

  His mouth is on me before I can respond and I’m lost in him, in us. His large hands roam up and down my sides before settling on my butt, and squeezing it hard. I let out a moan and kiss him even deeper. His lips begin to slowly travel down my neck. “You always taste so fucking good, babe.” Cam grips my butt and lifts me off the floor. I instinctively wrap my legs around him and he begins to move toward the stairs. I love when he is this aggressive. “While I want to have you everywhere I want to make love to you in our bed for the first time.”

  Cam is more romantic than anything else, he says and does that I used to swear only happen in books. I love that side of him, he is always so kind and caring. Cam is the type of man that you think doesn’t exist; he is everything I have ever dreamed of. We reach the top of the stairs and he makes the turn to step into our bedroom. His arms tighten around me and he lowers me to the bed.

  “Shay Wilson, the fact that you now have my last name and are officially mine is so damn sexy.” I smile as he says my new name. My hands grip the bottom of his t-shirt and tug at it, he helps me and pulls it over his head before lowering himself down to hover over me. Cam slowly unbuttons my shirt and kisses each new area of skin he unveils. My body is humming and I start to squirm with impatience. When he reaches my jeans, he places slow deliberate kisses across my waistline, causing me to arch my hips toward him letting him know what I want.

  “You’re so eager, baby, but I want to take this slow.” I swear to God this man might actually kill me. His fingers pop the button on my jeans and ease the zipper down. I hold my breath hoping he will touch me and ease this unbearable ache, but he doesn’t. He stands up and looks down at me slowing dragging his eyes over every inch of my body. I squirm under his gaze wanting his hands on me instead of his eyes. At the same time his stare is setting every nerve in my body on high alert. Not able to take much more of this slow torture, I sit up and take my shirt off. As I reach behind my back to undo my bra, Cam grabs my hands.

  He gently reaches behind me and unclasps my bra, before lowering me back down to the bed. After he throws the bra on the floor his body is once again hovering over me. When he lowers his mouth and captures my nipple in it I cry out. Even this little bit of satisfaction he has given me is rocking my body to the core. The anticipation makes me more eager than a damn dog in heat. Cam trails his other hand up my body using it to gently massage my breast. My hips arch once again and he begins to trail kisses once more down my body.

  This time his fingers slip under the waistline of my jeans and gently begin to ease them down my legs. One of Cam’s fingers teases the edge of my panties as his other is slowly dragging along my inner thigh making my entire body squirm underneath him. His hand grips my panties and in one swift motion yanks them off. As I lay there bare before him my need for him is overwhelming. I can’t move slowly anymore. I can’t wait. I reach for his jeans making quick work of his belt and pulling them down taking his underwear with them. I can tell he is about to say something but I grip his hips to take him in my mouth.

  “I love you, Mr. Wilson,” I say as I pull back a little.

  “I love you, Mrs. Wilson,” he groans as I take him deeper into my throat. I love to watch him like this, it’s rare to see him lose all control. Cam’s hands grip my head pulling me up to him.

  He kisses me on the lips before sinking his cock into me causing my nails to dig into his back. He slowly begins to move in and out of me deliberately grinding against my pelvis and my clit causing me to moan even louder than I already was. I tighten my legs around his waist forcing him even deeper and relishing in the feeling of him being there.

  “Baby, you feel so fucking good. Each time I think there is no way it could get better but it does.” His hands grip my hips and he starts to speed up his pace, with each thrust my body peaks so close to release it’s agonizing. I throw my head back and arch into him begging for more. Cam’s hands slip around to my butt and lift me off the bed as he uses the weight of my body to drive into me even harder. I scream as my orgasm rips through me, Cam speeds up and it prolongs the effects making my body almost spasm in pleasure. He lets out a groan and finally stills taking mercy on my used and exhausted body.

  I hear a muffled ringing and Cam stands up. I’m too tired to open my eyes and pay
any attention to what is going on until I hear his reply to whoever is on the other end.


  Chapter Two

  Well, that doesn’t sound good. I can’t help but wonder who he is talking to, and what it could be about. Cam is pacing back and forth in front of the bed and obviously the mood is over, so I get up and walk over to the bathroom. I throw on some pajamas I left in there and when I come out he is sitting on the bed with a pair of sweatpants on. “Hey, everything okay?”

  His hands run over his face before he looks up at me. “The squad that was attached to us in Afghanistan has gone missing. I just got orders that we are deploying a week from today on a rescue mission.” His voice is barely audible and I have to almost strain to hear the words coming out of his mouth.

  A deep pit forms in my stomach. I try to hold back the impending tears, knowing he needs me to be strong. I don’t want him to go, I want to be selfish and keep him here with me.

  Cam has been in the army since after high school and I still have an anxiety attack every time I find out he is getting deployed. This time feels different though, I mean a rescue mission? That screams danger. We just got home from our honeymoon, too, and we haven’t even unpacked all of the boxes. As selfish as this might sound, I’m not ready for him to leave me yet. I hang my head and look down at the floor trying to compose myself and not put any added stress or pressure on him. My fingers nervously play with my hair while I try to think of something I can say to him.

  “I know it sucks, babe, but I don’t have any control over this.” He walks up to me and pulls me against his body. “At least it isn’t a long one.”

  Cam’s longest deployment was six months, and I barely made it. I have never thought of myself as someone who has enough strength to be a military wife. When I met Cam he wanted to get a football scholarship to a college, and eventually go pro. He got into Mississippi State and was put into the Egg Bowl game when the starting quarterback had to get checked for a concussion. The Egg Bowl is when Mississippi State plays their longtime rivals Ole Miss. It is always a brutal and emotionally charged game. He was doing amazing and people couldn’t believe it was his first college game, that’s when it happened.

  Cam was running the last play of the game and he had just let go of the ball when another player hit him from the side. He went down hard and the doctor determined he had suffered a concussion. This would normally not have been a big deal if he hadn’t already had two others within the same year. The first was in the playoffs our senior year, a situation much like what had just happened. The second was actually when he was with me. It was during the summer and we were headed out for a “nature” day as Cam liked to call them. An SUV came out of nowhere and slammed into our car. I walked away with a broken arm and Cam with a concussion. So now the concussion he got in the game was number three and the medical staff told him they did not feel secure with keeping him on the team.

  After that they told Cam he couldn’t play anymore and the look on his face broke my heart. I could tell that he was crushed completely, the only thing he had ever wanted had been stripped from him and he was lost. For weeks he had no direction and there wasn’t even a glimpse of the person I used to know.

  After about a month, Cam stopped at one of the booths set up around campus and received some information on the ROTC program. He joined the day after he spoke to the director and explained his circumstances. After that my Cam started to come back; he was smiling, laughing and seemed to be enjoying his new dream. When we graduated college, he became an officer in the army and three months later we were facing his first deployment.

  He calls me whenever possible but I know during the first few days they have don’t have much free time and the reception is always really spotty. “I’m gonna miss you.” My voice is almost a whisper because I don’t trust myself to have the strength behind it that I want. That’s all I can say to him. I’ll admit that I’m not the strongest person, and I am probably way too dependent on Cam, but he has always taken care of me. When he isn’t here, I feel like a part of me is missing, nothing feels right.

  “Baby, I’ll come back, I’ll always come back. You are my life, and I couldn’t ever leave you.” I relax at the sound of his words. He tells me this every time he has to leave and it’s what I replay in my mind constantly while he is gone. It’s what keeps me going, knowing that at the end of the deployment he’ll be back here with me again. “No matter where I am in the world just know that I'm always here next to you. Without you, none of this can be real. You're my lucky charm; the woman I'm gonna grow old with. In sixty years we're gonna sit on the front porch swing and watch our grandkids running and laughing in the yard. I'll take your hand and you'll look at me smiling. It's going to be an amazing life, baby. I need you to be strong for me okay?” I look up at him taken back by the amount of love that I see in his eyes. “We have a week before I leave, and I plan to use it to spoil my beautiful wife.”

  I smile at him and gently place a kiss on his lips. “You know how your wife wants to be spoiled right now?” I wrap my arms around his neck and he raises his eyebrows at me suggestively. “She wants you to help her unpack the enormous amount of boxes in the house.” His face drops and I can’t help but laugh at his expression.

  “You better run.”

  I screech and fly out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Cam catches me in the living room and tackles me onto the couch. He pins my arms over my head and settles himself on top of me. “That was not very nice, Mrs. Wilson.”

  “Maybe I’m not as nice as you think I am, Mr. Wilson.” He leans down to kiss me once more. “You are everything I think you are and so much more.” He stands up pulling me with him. “Let’s get all this crap unpacked so we can enjoy being with each other this next week.”

  With that statement my mood drops once again. One week—seven days—is all I have before he has to leave. It might not be so bad if I worked a normal nine to five job and had somewhere to spend my days. I’m a writer so really the only place I will go is Starbucks and I usually spend more time people watching than actually writing. I suffer from serious writer’s block when Cam is gone, too. How can I write about loving couples when I’m separated from the person I love? Every time he leaves, he takes my inspiration with him. As depressing as I know I sound all I really do when he’s gone is veg out on the couch and watch trashy reality shows.

  My few friends will try to get me out and every once in a while they succeed. However, more than anything else, I will just stay home, afraid that if I’m somewhere with bad reception I might miss a call from him. I might not get that reassurance that he is safe, and hear him telling me that he will be home soon.

  Although my parents are still alive and happily married, I hate going to them with my issues. My mom is more of a worry wart than I am and my dad is so stressed out and tired by the time he gets home from work that I just don’t want to bother them with my issue of needing to be coddled. I need to be strong. Not just for me, but for Cam.

  Cam and I spend the rest of the night unpacking and we have gone back to the way we were before he got his news. We ordered a pizza and ended up falling asleep ten minutes into the movie we decided to watch. If I could spend every night like this I would.

  He makes me so happy even when we are doing absolutely nothing.

  Chapter Three

  I wake up to the smell of bacon and crawl out of bed like a zombie. My body is still so tired from unpacking the house yesterday that if it weren’t for the heavenly smell that drifted upstairs, I would still be sleeping. When I walk into the kitchen Cam is standing in front of the stove in just his pajama pants. I hear a muttered curse word every couple of seconds and his body is jumping like he is getting shocked. “How many times have I said you shouldn’t cook bacon without a shirt on?” I laugh and lean my elbows onto the island behind him.

  He turns around and smirks at me. “You complaining about the view?” My eyes roam over his toned chest and abs causing me t
o unintentionally shake my head. I definitely never complain about the view. He watches me as I walk over to him. “Best view I’ve seen in a long time.”

  His eyebrows raise at my comment. “In a long time? You better change that statement to the best view you’ve ever seen.” I laugh and reach for a piece of bacon that is already cooled on the plate. Cam smacks my hand and I quickly withdraw it. “Uh-uh-uh, what were you saying about the view?”

  My arms wrap around his waist and I lean into him so that we are flush against each other. “Best. View. Ever.” I place a kiss on his chest in-between each word.

  Cam smacks my butt before turning back to the stove. “That’s what I thought.” I grab a piece of bacon and then head over to the table. I swear I have the best damn husband because it is set with plates and glasses of orange juice. Cam walks over with the bacon and eggs before sitting down across from me.

  “Thanks so much, babe. It smells amazing.”

  “I figured that is what got your comatose butt out of bed.” I throw a piece of bacon at him. Instead of it hitting him, he catches it in his mouth. “Don’t forget we have the picnic with everyone today.”

  I internally roll my eyes. Cam’s friends and their wives can be nice but I don’t feel like being sociable today. The women only want to talk about their husbands or their kids, before the wedding all I would hear is “when are you two going to tie the knot?” now that that question is answered, I know the next topic will be “when are you two going to have babies?.” I am so not ready for that conversation or babies. Plus I know the hot topic will be the upcoming deployment. All of the guys are in the same squad so I’m positive they all got the call yesterday. It is seriously going to bring my mood down having to talk about babies and losing Cam all day. I put on my happy face though because I don’t want to put any added stress onto him. “Sounds good.”


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