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OverTime (The Dartmouth Cobras Book 9)

Page 26

by Bianca Sommerland

  Ford quickly fetched the gloves. Because of all the grease and paint Cort constantly had on his clothes, they’d bought a sturdy, second-hand washer and drier for the garage, making sure his work clothes didn’t end up with Akira’s uniforms or Ford’s suits. When she’d gotten fed up with the stains she’d given her mother a call and gotten some tips. And warnings about handling the different cleaners she’d need.

  Pulling on a pair of gloves, Akira motioned for Ford to put on the other. “This is the stuff Cort used to use to clean his hands after working under a hood all day. He’s got better stuff that isn’t so harsh on his skin now, but this is still awesome for taking out grease stains.” She grabbed a spray bottle full of water and soaked the stain, then put a few pumps of the heavy duty cleaner on it. “Now you just smooth it around.” She used her gloved finger to spread the jelly-like substance. “And then grab the scrub brush.”

  Watching her, his expression intent, Ford nodded and grabbed the scrub brush. When she stepped aside he started scrubbing, his lips curving as the stain began to fade. “Well look at that.”

  “Uh huh. See how easy things can be once someone shows you the right way to do them?” She glanced over at the Coke-soaked coveralls and sighed. It reminded her too much of how Ford was trying to manage his father and Kyle on his own.

  Only she had a bad feeling cleaning up the family mess would be a lot harder than wiping up some sticky soda.

  “What’s wrong?” Ford stopped scrubbing, his gaze troubled as he met her eyes. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Will you tell me if I ask? He’d already proven the answer to that, but she wouldn’t hold it against him. They’d been through so much already, he likely blamed himself for bringing more chaos into their lives and wanted to shield her and Cort from it. Her because she barely had time to breathe between preparing her Ice Girls for the season and her rink for later this year when she’d open her figure skating school.

  And Cort because his freedom would be in jeopardy if he handled the situation the only way he knew how.

  So she smiled at him and shook her head, pointing at the stain. “Do this. Once it looks like the stain’s completely out, rinse it with hot water, then put some dish soap on it and scrub a bit more. Then you shove them all in the washer and wash them normally. Check that there are no marks before you shove them in the drier or it’ll be twice as hard to clean.”

  “Got it.” Ford reached out, using his forearm to pull her close, careful not to let the glove touch her hair. He brought his lips to hers, kissing her long and slow, letting out a soft laugh when she leaned in for more. “You wanna stick around until the spin cycle?”

  His kiss had her feeling all light and happy and warm, but still, she shook her head. “Nope. I’m about to head out.”

  “With Oriana? She just pulled up and asked me to see if you’re ready to go?” Cort stepped into the garage, looking from her to Ford, then to the table. “Should I tell her you’re busy doing a strange science experiment with my clothes?”

  Ford let out an irritated huff. “It’s not a science experiment. I’m getting the stains out for you.”

  Cort arched a brow, pinching the Coke-soaked coveralls between his fingers and lifting it. “You’re doing it wrong.”

  “Be nice, Cort.” Akira poked Cort in the center of the chest, knowing full well he wasn’t serious, but worried Ford might take his teasing the wrong way when he was trying so hard to help. “He wouldn’t have to do this at all if you’d put stain remover on right away.”

  “I’ve told you before the stains don’t bother me, Tiny.” Cort lifted her up, kissing her breathless and letting her slide down his body, the tenderness in his gaze making it hard to move away from him when he let her go. She wrapped her gloved hands around the back of his neck and he grinned. “Whatever you’re doing with Oriana, make it quick. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” She rose up on her tiptoes to steal another kiss, then finally slipped away from him. “I’ll try not to take too long.” She glanced over to Ford and smiled. “Thank you for helping with this. I know he says he doesn’t care—” she shot Cort a sideways look and shook her head, “—but he always wears the coveralls I fix for him first. I think he appreciates that I want him to look good.”

  “I do.” Cort stepped up behind Ford and rubbed the back of Ford’s neck as he went back to scrubbing. “I appreciate both of you so fucking much.”

  Exactly what Ford needed to hear. And what she needed as well before leaving them. The three of them had an amazing relationship, and she’d never been happier, but she also couldn’t ignore how hard Ford was still working to prove himself to Cort. And to her. Not in the house, not until recently, but when he worked at the forum or the bar, he acted like it was no big deal, no matter how many hours he put in. He treated her and Cort’s jobs like they were more important.

  Maybe because he didn’t feel like his job with the Cobras really mattered much anymore? Silver had taken on the bulk of the responsibilities with the management of the Ice Girls, and Becky was so efficient with PR for both them and the team, there wasn’t much left for him besides the odd meeting and paperwork that could easily be assigned to an intern.

  He’d been a bit lost until he’d learned about his son. Then Jaxon took all his focus. Which was perfect. The child needed it.

  But that left Ford vulnerable to people like Anthony Delgado. Like Kyle.

  Once she and Oriana took that power away from those manipulative assholes, Ford would be back to his old, confident self. Or she hoped so anyway. The Cobras being sold would hit him hard, but he’d find something else to be passionate about. He could always help her with her school.

  Actually, he’d offered before. She’d told him she needed to do it on her own.

  Sound familiar?

  She groaned as she walked through the house, then out the front door. The three of them really had to get better at accepting help. Or better yet, asking for it.

  Which they’d discuss.

  Once she handled this issue of Ford’s before it buried him. She took a deep breath as she climbed into the passenger side of Oriana’s SUV. “Sorry I took so long, I was showing Ford how to take out grease stains.”

  “I can see that.” Oriana let out a light laugh, then reached over and pulled off the rubber gloves Akira had forgotten to take off. She reached into the glove compartment, grabbed a plastic bag, and stuffed the gloves inside before handing it to Akira. “And no worries, I was on the phone with Sloan and Westy. He always sends me videos of our son doing the cutest things and I love it, but I think it’s a hint of what he expects when he’s on the road. I had to call him and let him know I’ll send him enough videos to fill every minute that he’s not behind the bench.”

  “That must have made him happy.” Akira leaned forward, laughing as Oriana played a short clip of Sloan rocking Westy, trying to get him to bottle feed as the baby stubbornly tried to suck Sloan’s chest through his shirt. “What about Max?”

  Oriana set the phone in her purse and sighed. “He’s…adjusting to the idea. I’m going to have him speak to Landon. He had trouble when Amia was first born and didn’t want to leave her. He even got distracted on the ice, but he eventually found some balance. I think Max will do the same.”

  “I think so too. The team needs him…but so does Westy.” Akira wrinkled her noise as Oriana pulled out, heading downtown. “The team relocating makes everything so much more complicated. I don’t envy the choices you’ll all be forced to make.”

  “It’s a choice you’ll have to make as well, sweetie.” Oriana’s lips curved slightly. “But I think it will be easier for you and that makes me happy. You weren’t planning to be the captain of the Ice Girls permanently. You’ve been training Justina to take over and focusing more on your rink. Cort has his shop. Jaxon’s just started at a new school.”

  “Ford will have a hard time letting the team go, though.”

  “He might at first. So much of his life ha
s revolved around it for the last few years I don’t think he knows what to do with himself without it. The bar is almost a hobby at this point.” At a stoplight, Oriana glanced over. “But he was so proud of the bar when he first opened it. It was the first thing that was really his.”

  “Do you think he’ll remember that when the team is gone?” Akira’s focus had been on giving him other options, but did he really need them? Maybe he just had to realize what he’d done for himself and what an accomplishment that was considering how hard he’d fought to be free from Kingsley. “He used to have so many plans for the bar and now it’s barely an afterthought.”

  Oriana inclined her head, continuing onto the main street. “I think that will change. The team was his safety net. His connection to me and Silver—the only family he had left. He probably feels like fighting for the team is fighting for his family, but he’s not going to lose us, even if we’re not living so close.”

  “So you’ll be moving with the team?”

  “I plan to.”

  “And Silver?”

  Lifting her shoulders, Oriana slowed the car and pulled into an underground parking lot, sliding into a slot near the elevator. “I think she’s torn. She’s a lot like Ford, seeing the team as the center of everything good in her life. The new owner might want a new GM, but definitely won’t let go of Landon. Dean could get a job with another team. Amia’s still young enough that a move won’t disrupt her life too much, but the three of them will have to decide whether to travel a lot and stay here, or make a new home somewhere that works for them all.”

  Akira rubbed a hand over her face and sighed. “What a mess. Are you sure the team has to move? Ford’s plan is probably in a grey area, but Silver—”

  “Likely came up with something just as shady. I know you love my sister, hon. I do too.” Oriana stepped out of the car, then glanced back. “But make no mistake. She’ll play just as dirty as Ford if she thinks there’s no other way.”

  “True.” Akira got out of the SUV and joined Oriana at the elevator. “So we save them both from themselves?”

  Oriana nodded, straightening her shoulders as though bracing herself for what would come next. “Not for the first time. And probably not the last.”

  All the way up to Anthony Delgado’s condo, Akira eyed Oriana, wondering if she could really pull this off. She might have two siblings without many boundaries, but Oriana was a straight shooter. She was honest to a fault, kind, forgiving…could she really look at the father who’d betrayed her—yet again—and pretend everything was fine?

  The elevator doors opened and Oriana’s face lit up abruptly. “Surprise!”

  “It’s so nice to see you, Oriana.” Anne, Oriana’s stepmother, met them in the hall. Her voice was sugary sweet as she wrapped her thin arms around Oriana. “To what do we owe this pleasure?”

  “I was in the area and I thought I’d stop by. I was just giving Akira a lift home and she was telling me what a good time she had with Jaxon this weekend.” The elevator dinged and Oriana turned, her pleasant mask slipping to something more authentic as Jaxon stepped off ahead of his uncle. For a moment, it looked like she couldn’t speak. She just stared at Jaxon, blinking fast.

  Akira put her hand on Oriana’s arm and smiled at Jaxon’s stunned look. “Hey, buddy. Remember when I said I’d take you out for ice cream? Are you busy now?”

  Jaxon looked confused for a second, but quickly schooled his features. “That would be awesome!”

  “Wait a minute, kid.” Kyle plastered on the fakest smile Akira had ever seen and put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “You have homework.”

  “I don’t have much.” Jaxon jerked away from his uncle. “Just let me go.” He paused, as though rethinking his approach. “Please?”

  Kyle rolled his eyes. “Fine. But it better be quick. I have other things to do.”

  Hell no. This asshole is staying here. But Akira couldn’t think of a good excuse for him not to come.

  Thankfully, Oriana had recovered. She stepped up and took Kyle’s arm. “If you don’t mind, I was hoping we could talk for a little bit. Just me, you, and my father.” She lowered her voice. “I know Ford’s excited to be a father, but do you think he’s ready? Is there anything…anything that might make things difficult?”

  Interest filled Kyle’s expression. He started walking with Oriana down the hall. “Actually, I’m glad you asked…” He paused. Looked back. “I’m sorry…Akira, is it? I hope you understand that I don’t know you and can’t let Jaxon leave the house with a virtual stranger.”

  “I completely understand.” Akira kept her tone carefully light. “Is your sister here? Do you think she’d mind coming with us?”

  Kyle made a face. “She’s too busy to—”

  “Aunt Andrea, are you busy?” Jaxon shouted, running to the stairs that led to the second floor and leaning forward to look up. “My dad’s girlfriend is gonna take me out for ice cream, but you gotta come!”

  It took everything Akira had not to cross her fingers. But she did hold her breath as sharp heels descended the stairs.

  The woman was about Akira’s age, tall with long legs in dark blue jeans, wearing a white lace top. She had long brown hair with red streaks, plump, blood-red lips, and a cold smile. The type of woman Akira was always wary about around her men, no matter how much she trusted them. Had Andrea’s sister been this beautiful? No wonder Ford had been such easy prey as a teen.

  The thought made her sick, but Andrea wasn’t her sister. And she might just be the best shot they had to get Jaxon out of here for good.

  With a smirk, Andrea looked from Jaxon to Kyle. “Did your uncle try to say no?”

  Jaxon scowled. “Yeah, but I promise I’ll do my homework later. He said I can only go if one of you are with me because he doesn’t know Akira.”

  Across the hall, Kyle folded his arms over his chest and frowned. “That’s not what I said. I said Andrea is busy.”

  “So sweet of you to think of me, bro, but I’m doing fuck all.” Andrea’s lips slanted. She winked at Jaxon. “Let’s go.”

  Yes! Akira schooled her features as she followed Jaxon and Andrea back onto the elevator, resisting the urge to look back at Kyle, who was probably fuming. Oriana would keep him busy while Akira would hopefully get something from Andrea that she could use.

  The second the elevator doors closed, the cold façade Andrea was wearing drifted away. She ruffled Jaxon’s hair when he grinned up at her, then turned her focus to Akira. “I’m glad you came by. The kid needs to get out of that house more often. I try to take him to the park as often as I can, but I’ve been looking into getting a student visa, so I haven’t had much time.”

  “It’s my pleasure. I love spending time with him.”

  “Good. Because he won’t shut up about you. You agreed to watch cartoons with him?” Andrea’s red lips curved at Akira’s nod. “Cool. It’s a shame he’s not living with you already. You’d have plenty of time for it.”

  They got off the elevator in the lobby and headed out to the street, Akira leading the way to a nearby park with a small ice cream shop nearby. Hopefully Jaxon would want to play and give Akira and Andrea some time to talk.

  I think I misjudged her.

  Akira kept the conversation light until Jaxon had finished his ice cream and found a group of kids to play soccer with. On a bench nearby, she watched him, trying to figure out the right way to approach the subject of the boy’s living arrangements, and what Kyle was doing to Ford, with Kyle’s sister.

  “Fuck, I hate this.” Andrea tossed the rest of her ice cream cone in the trash leaned back, staring into the sky. “You seem like a really nice person. I don’t know many of those and I have no idea how to fucking talk to you.”

  “If it helps, I feel the same.”

  Andrea laughed. “Don’t tell me you saw me and thought I was nice. I can’t stand liars.”

  Taking a deep breath, Akira stared out at the field where Jaxon was playing. “Maybe not, bu
t he thinks you’re awesome. I figured if anyone could help him, you could.”

  “I will, but not gonna lie, I wasn’t convinced him being with Ford would be any better than where he is now. I wasn’t close to my sister, but I remember Ford. He used to intimidate me.” Andrea folded her arms over her chest and rested back against the bench. “I was twelve when he fooled around with my sister. He seemed like a lot of her other boyfriends. Motorcycles, drinking, being loud.” She shook her head. “I didn’t know he was so young. She probably did though, but she wouldn’t have cared. She was always looking for a way into the gangs. She knew how to play the tough guys. Get in on the criminal shit they did without getting her own hands dirty, you know?”

  Akira’s lips parted. “So she was just using Ford for a way into…I’m guessing Cort’s father’s gang?”

  Nodding, Andrea met her eyes. “He was the perfect target. She ended up with Cort after, but not for long. I saw her with his dad a few weeks later. She was so damn proud of herself until Cort ended up in jail and his dad cut her loose. She’d practically worked her way through the family and ended up with nothing. Cort’s dad didn’t trust her. I think he scared her a little, because she didn’t even try to claim the baby was his.”

  “But did she know Jaxon was Ford’s right away?”

  “She must have. She put his name on the birth certificate.” Andrea shrugged. “But I didn’t know that until after she died. Sure, Jaxon looks like Ford, but I hadn’t seen Ford in years, so it didn’t click. I think Cort’s dad was her wake up call, in a way. She’d tried to play a man who saw right through her games. She went with safer guys for a while, but she couldn’t kick her addictions and all her relationships ended up toxic AF.”

  “That’s actually pretty sad.”

  Swallowing, Andrea lowered her gaze. “Yeah, but…I kinda hated her. Which makes me feel like shit now, but I only ever saw her when she was trying to quit and lashing out because she didn’t really want to. She’d get clean enough to get her son back from child services, then get mean, then start taking drugs again just to ‘take off the edge.’”


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