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OverTime (The Dartmouth Cobras Book 9)

Page 37

by Bianca Sommerland

  “Because that’s exactly what I’d want to do in your position.” Donnell’s lips curved slightly. “It’s also a rather educated guess, since there’s no other reason for you to be up here.”

  True, but Dominik didn’t like that the man had so effortlessly eliminated the one card he’d still had to play. Not that he hadn’t known it was a weak one at best. Donnell pointing out the obvious had simply given him a chance to consider the facts.

  “The general manager will be here to yell at tomorrow if that’s what you decide to do, Mr. Mason.” Donnell lifted his shoulders as they approached another set of elevators. “The young man is leaving tonight. I imagine he’ll want to see you before he does.”

  Donnell pressed the button to call the elevator. Stepped on, not looking back to see if Dominik would follow. He didn’t seem surprised when Dominik joined him. He simply inclined his head in farewell when the elevator stopped for the employees’ parking.

  A floor down and Dominik crossed the player’s parking lot, ignoring the calls from the lingering players as he got into his truck. He drove home, steeling himself for what laid ahead. Bran would be crushed. Kimber would lash out at everyone. Neither of them would understand why he couldn’t keep their brother on the team. That he didn’t have that power.

  The soft sounds of Bran crying when he opened the door hit him like a load of bricks crushing the middle of his chest. He went straight to the living room, where Sahara sat with the little boy in her arms on the sofa, speaking to him softly.

  “I know, baby. This is hard, but we should be proud of Heath.” She kissed Bran’s cheek, which was wet with tears, rubbing his back as he started to calm. “He played so well another team fought really hard to get him to play for them.”

  “That means the Cobras didn’t fight hard enough to keep him.” Kimber’s eyes narrowed as she spotted Dominik. “Ain’t that right? Bunch of bloody lame ass wankers, jerking off together rather than running the fucking team.”

  “Kimber, I don’t ever want to hear you talk like that again. I’m sorry you’re hurting, but your brother’s worked hard for his career. Sahara’s right.” The last thing Dominik wanted to do was scold Kimber when she was this upset, but that kind of talk would hit Heath hard, considering everything his friend in Russia had been dealing with. Besides, Sahara had brought up the one thing he should have considered already. Even though Heath hadn’t had a great start to the season, other teams had made offers. Damn good offers if Richter had accepted one. “Heath might get a better position on another team who needs someone as talented as he is. We should be happy for him.”

  “Do you mean that?” Heath came from behind him, dropping his suitcase, his eyes pleading for Dominik to tell him things were going to be okay. “I mean…the Kings are an awesome team. And being out in LA will be cool.”

  Damn it, the western conference? Dominik schooled his features, even though they both knew Heath playing way out on the other side of another country would make traveling back and forth that much harder.

  He nodded, reaching out to pull Heath into a tight hug. “Yes, I mean that. They’ve been looking for a top scorer for the last two seasons. You’ll be first line in no time. Maybe get your hands on the cup before I do.”

  “Yeah…that would cool.” Heath inhaled roughly, then eased back. “Kimber, Bran, please don’t be mad at me. I’ll video call every night. And I’ll come back home whenever I can.”

  “Damn it, you dumbass. We ain’t mad at you.” Kimber hurried across the room, throwing herself into her brother’s arms. “We’re gonna miss you so fucking much. But we’ll see you more than we did when you were in Russia, right?”

  “Yes. And even better, I won’t be going back there.” Heath rubbed a fist over his eyes and smiled at Dominik. “Nicky was contacted by that group you told me about. He called me from Toronto.”

  “That’s amazing, Heath.” The tension in Dominik’s chest eased slightly. Heath looked happy for the first time in much too long. Not because he was leaving, but because he’d finally gotten a break from all that had been weighing him down. “Did you tell him to get in touch whenever he can? I’ll find work for him. A place to stay.”

  “I did. I don’t know if he’ll take you up on it. He’s a proud man. Likes to handle things himself.”

  “Like someone else we know.” Dominik chuckled when Heath ducked his head. “What time’s your flight? Maybe we can give you a ride to the airport?”

  Heath hesitated, then shook his head. “I ain’t about saying goodbye in front of a bunch of strangers, mate. I…just wanna remember you’re here. That you’ll always be here when I come home.”

  “We will, Heath. I promise you that.” Dominik cupped the back of Heath’s head, hugging him again, holding him a little longer before he finally had to let him go. “No matter where you go, this is home.”

  The cab honked and Dominik got the door for Heath, patting his shoulder and telling him to call when he landed. He hadn’t been prepared to watch the young man who’d come to him so guarded and insecure go, not yet, but his job hadn’t been to keep him here forever. His job had been to teach him how to be a great hockey player, how to survive in the world of a professional athlete. And he’d done exactly what he’d been meant to.

  He’d helped him become strong enough to set out on his own.

  Chapter 36

  This meeting wasn’t one Lorenzo was looking forward to, but it was one he needed to have to finish what he’d started. He stood at a knock at his door. Jerked his black suit jacket straight and inhaled slowly for calm. No matter how angry he was, he would handle this like a businessman.

  “Come in.”

  Moving gingerly, Ford came into the office, his expression wary. He approached the desk and held out his hand. His jaw tightened slightly when Lorenzo didn’t take it. He lowered it to his side. “You asked to see me, Mr. Keane.”

  “I did, Mr. Delgado. Please, sit.”

  Ford lowered into one of the two leather chairs in front of Lorenzo’s desk. He still looked to be healing, but after three weeks off, he’d been given the doctor’s approval to come back for light work.

  Lorenzo had no intention of wasting any of his time. “Were you aware that your father and several business associates made a bid to buy the team?”

  “I knew he was considering it.”

  “A few more months and he might have gathered the capital to make a decent offer. A shame I hadn’t been further delayed.” Lorenzo gave Ford a tight smile as the younger man paled. “I’ve been considering the events over the past month and I find it a strange coincidence that the youngest player on our team suddenly showed interest in my daughter. That she was prompted to convince me that the team was very important to her.” He pulled his chair closer as he sat, rested his elbows on the desk, then steepled his fingers. “All this happening as your father renewed his relationship with his children and informed you that you had a son.”

  “Mr. Keane—”

  “I’m not finished, Mr. Delgado.” Lorenzo’s jaw hardened. “Thankfully, the relationship between Mr. Ladd and my daughter ended with no lasting damage. I intend to keep it that way. So this conversation stays here.” He gave a satisfied nod when Ford inclined his head. Then continued. “I appreciate that you are the reason I was able to become the owner of this team. For that I will give you the opportunity to tell me if either of your sisters were involved in this…plan of yours. But I hope you understand that your employment here is terminated. You may fight it, of course, you do have a contract. But I don’t think there’s any need to drag this out.”

  Ford clasped his hands on the arms of the chair, looking ready to argue. Then he stilled. Took a deep breath. “They didn’t know anything. And they both work very hard for you. I’ll leave, but please don’t take this out on them.”

  “Fine. But as I said, this remains between us. I’d rather not deal with your younger sister lashing out to defend you.”

  “She won’t be happy that you
fired me.”

  “Then I suppose you’d best find another way to explain why you are no longer part of this franchise. It may be too late to prevent what you put in place, but I can’t simply let this pass.” Lorenzo stood, placing his hands on his desk and leaning forward. “I was tempted to remove your entire family from this team. Not only you and your sisters, but anyone connected to you. I almost lost my little girl, while the other was still recovering from heart surgery. I can’t imagine anything that would make you feel what I did when I watched my daughter, straight from a car accident, get her heart crushed.”

  “This is on me, Keane. Nothing I can say will ever be enough, but I’m sorry.” Ford rose slowly, his painfilled eyes meeting Lorenzo’s. “I was wrong.”

  “You were. But don’t worry, I won’t make anyone else pay for your mistakes.” Lorenzo straightened. “I understand the position you found yourself in. And I’m happy you have your son back. Hopefully you’ll take the time you’ll now have to do better for him than your father did for you.”

  “You’re damn right I will.” Ford’s jaw clenched as he made his way to the door. “I’ll get my things and be out of my office within the hour.”

  “No.” Lorenzo lifted a hand when Ford looked ready to protest. “You shouldn’t be lifting anything so soon after surgery. If you don’t have anyone that can come get your belongings for you, I will have someone pack and drop the boxes at your house.”

  “Oh…” Ford’s brow furrowed slightly. “Thank you. I’d appreciate that.”

  Lorenzo inclined his head, then opened the door, grateful that Ford left without another word. He’d expected firing the young man to be much more satisfying, which was why he’d done it personally, rather than sending him a notice of termination. Instead he felt…hollow.

  Ford wasn’t an evil man. But he had hurt Mackenzie, intentionally or not. Lorenzo respected that he hadn’t tried to deny it or defend his actions. Part of Lorenzo might have wished that there had been some way to defend them.

  Only…it didn’t matter. Not anymore.

  Mackenzie already had another boyfriend. One he liked a lot less than Heath, even if the relationship had been fake.

  God, save me from teenage daughters. He shook his head as he made his way across the office, pausing to look at a picture of him and his girls, standing in front of an iceberg on one of the boats he brought them out on every summer.

  They looked so happy and carefree. Had that only been months ago? It felt like years had passed.

  A soft rap at the door pulled him from his thoughts. He smiled as Ainsley slipped into his office at his call, carrying two cups of coffee.

  She set them on his desk, then came to stand at his side. “I can’t stay long, I have a flight to schedule for Silver for her reading tomorrow.”

  “She has you doing a lot more work that doesn’t involve the team lately.”

  “Yes, I think she’s trying to make my resume look better, but either way, I’m happy to do it. Her contacts in the entertainment industry are…very interesting.”

  “I can only imagine.” He nodded toward the coffee. “Do you have time to finish that or has she cut your break short?”

  “I have enough time.” She thanked him as he went to pick up both coffees and handed one to her. “Today is the day you officially presented the sale of the team for league approval, isn’t it? I still can’t decide if I should say congratulations, or I’m sorry.”

  “Neither. It’s…somewhat of a relief, but I will miss being an active part of the organization. Priest has asked me to remain on as a silent partner, so I’m not cutting ties completely. But it won’t take up quite so much of my life.” He took a sip of his coffee, prepared perfectly, as always. “Speaking of which, are you busy Friday night?”

  “No, Silver will be out of town. I have the weekend to myself.” Ainsley’s brow lifted. “Why? Are you not seeing enough of me and my son every morning for coffee?”

  “I enjoy our mornings very much, but I was hoping Friday could be just the two of us.”

  “As in a business meeting?”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “As in me taking a woman who’s been there for me and my daughters out for a nice evening.”

  Her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink as she brought her coffee to her lips. She lowered the cup and nodded. “Yes, I’d like that very much.”

  Their relationship had progressed slowly over the last several weeks, but considering how quickly everything had been moving around him, he preferred it this way. Ainsley didn’t have to wonder if he’d be like the man who’d destroyed her life. They’d developed a mutual respect, bonded over their children, and found a balance that suited them.

  One day there might be more, but he wasn’t in a rush. Something as simple as having her and her son be one of the first things he saw, along with his daughters, every morning gave him an idea of how things could be.

  Not that he never looked at Ainsley and wished they could have a moment alone. Away from the office. Where they both seemed to live most of the time.

  “What’s that look?” Ainsley finished her coffee and tossed her cup in the little trashcan under his desk.

  He arched a brow. “Am I giving you a look?”

  “Yes. And it’s very inappropriate.”

  “Asking to kiss you would be much more inappropriate.”

  “I am beginning to think you have a workplace fetish.”

  He barked out a laugh.

  She reached started out, glancing back at him with a smile. “Dinner Friday. And I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

  “I look forward to it, Ainsley.”

  She hesitated with her hand on the door. “You know, if you kissed me at your house, I don’t think any of our children would be shocked. Actually, I believe they’re waiting for it.”

  Her words stayed with him the rest of the day. And through the night, when he laughed at himself and realized they’d gotten into a comfortable routine where he hadn’t even tried to move forward. At this point, Ainsley might believe he wasn’t interested in her anymore.

  She hadn’t been joking when she’d asked if they’d be having a business meeting.

  The next morning, he made sure he was the one to greet her at the door. Let Madison take the coffees, then pulled Ainsley into his arms.

  “Good morning.” He met her eyes as her lips parted.

  She smiled, leaning up to him. “Good morning.”

  He lowered his lips to hers, tasting her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, then laughed as both his daughters and her son whooped behind them. The kiss ended too soon, but from the look in her eyes, she sensed the promise for more behind it.

  “About time!” Mackenzie called from the kitchen.

  Wrapping an arm around Ainsley’s shoulders, he smiled down at her. “Now…coffee?”

  She shook her head, her eyes glowing with warmth. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter 37


  Ford cursed as he tried to pull out the minifridge under the bar, his arms shaking as the damn thing stuck. His doctor had told him he could start lifting heavy things again, but a month with limited activity had him fucking weak. Not to mention he wasn’t even sure he could fix this damn fridge. Or afford to replace it.

  He lowered his head to the top of the fridge, wondering why he even bothered anymore. The bar still wasn’t making enough to support itself and his savings were running low. He’d already fired Reggie—which pleased Cort—and would have to start letting waitresses go if things didn’t improve.

  The scrape of a chair brought his attention to the other side of the bar. Cort and Akira each took a seat, watching him. Cort looked amused.

  Akira’s eyes filled with concern. “Are you sure you should be doing that?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Are you really?” The amusement wasn’t in Cort’s tone as Ford resumed tugging at the fridge. “How about you rethink that answer.”
  “And say what? If I can’t fix this fridge I can’t serve cold drinks. Not that it matters because I can’t pay the property taxes for the bar.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “I’m fucked. Everything is fucked.”

  “All right, so what’s the plan?”

  Glaring at Cort, Ford shrugged. “Rob a bank?”

  Cort gave him a level look.

  What the hell does he want me to… Oh. Ford groaned as he stood. He leaned on the bar. “I know I’m supposed to ask for help, but you’re both already doing more than your share. I need to find another job. I just…” He shook his head. “I’m not good at anything.”

  “Yes, you are. But that’s not the point. You love this bar.” Akira put her hands over his. “I got some new sponsors for the rinks, so I can use some of my savings to make improvements here. You need better advertising too. And why not have a band come in? You’d have enough space for a stage if you expanded the area in the back.”

  “And you’re not using the top floor for living space anymore. You didn’t want to rent it out, so why not renovate to include it?” Cort looked around the bar as though considering all the things he could do to it.

  All things that would cost a lot of money.

  “That sounds great, but you turned down my suggestion of grand larceny.”

  “You have no experience with robbing banks. Maybe you should go back to stealing cars. I have some buddies in prison I’d love to see again.” Cort’s jaw hardened. “I work my fucking ass off and bring in damn good money. How about you fucking acknowledge that for once?”

  Wincing, Ford lowered his gaze. “I don’t expect you to take care of me, Cort.”

  Letting out a rough sound of frustration, Cort reached out and took a firm hold of Ford’s jaw. “Listen to me. I’m going to explain to you, very carefully, how this works. We take care of each other. We’re a family. You don’t pay for things for your son alone. We pay for what our son wants and needs. You don’t sit here alone and wonder if you’re going to lose everything. You damn well talk to us and we figure it out together.”


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