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The Lost Treasure Map Series

Page 64

by V Bertolaccini

  He curiously watched a new soldier march in the tent and ask two soldiers something and dreamily march up to him afterwards and stand upright in front him.

  “Malone wants to see you now!” he said firmly, and saluted, and Cameron ignored it and rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed, feeling drowsy.

  Cameron watched him march away and realized he had done something again, and grabbed a bottle of whisky from beside his bed and downed some to try to wake him, and shifted to the door!

  Once in Malone’s tent he realized that he was only slightly annoyed this time, and he examined Cameron’s face and tried not to look surprised about something, and suddenly poured a drink, examined his face from the side of his eyes and gasped, and stopped himself asking him something and looked away.

  “Sit down!” Malone ordered, clearly annoyed now.

  Cameron realized he never had a clue what he wanted him for.

  “Cameron!” Malone eventually whispered annoyed. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Malone’s staring eyes penetrated deep into his brain trying to grasp his thoughts and looked away.

  “Have I done something!” he inquired, not knowing what it was he meant.

  “There has been a complaint about you again!” he announced loudly, studying him again, seeing if he would react. “This time it’s authentic!”

  “What about?” he gasped, wondering who would complain about soldiers and to them, and he realized that the last complaint might have been made up by him.

  “Some people don’t like you, Cameron!”

  Cameron was humiliated and tried to get what he was going on about and realized he should ask the complainers to tell him and he would try to solve the problem, and grasp what they were going on about! People should stop complaining about nothing, and things they never liked the look of and save it for real things!

  He wondered if he could believe their complaint as he was sure they were talking utter rubbish!

  Malone himself must have more people complaining of him than anyone, especially from the soldiers, and from the things he was responsible for, and he wondered what the hell he was up to.

  “The people of this country could do without you!”

  He stared deep in his eyes again, and looked away disappointed.

  “Did you go to the pub last night and get drunk?” he curiously asked, calming himself.

  “Yeah!” he replied annoyed, and even more annoyed at his persistence in not saying anything. “There were hundreds of people drunk, lying in bushes, and vomiting all over the pavement, and throwing beer cans! The place was totally covered with people drinking and partying, and there were wild orgies in rooms!”

  “Is that all! What else was there? Was there physical action?”

  “Physical action! Yeah! There was this woman playing with her crotch doing a striptease!”

  “That sounds fun! What else?”

  “She gently rubbed her hands rhythmically across her thighs, sensually rubbing oil into her skin, and loosened his pants and pulled them to her knees and started massaging herself!”

  “Rubbing oil!” Malone moaned. “What next?”

  “She continued on going ...”

  “But what the hell has it to do with what I’m talking about ...!” Malone shouted, furiously.

  “Nothing then!”

  “Cameron! This country needs you! And not for you to hang about perverted bars!”

  “What did you want to know if I was there for then?”

  “I was checking if you were there! There was a complaint about you having a fight with a disabled pensioner and dragging him out the bar and rolling him about in puddles ...!”

  “That’s not what happened!”

  “You admit to throwing him about?”


  “Apparently Cameron ... You’re a menace to civilization! I ought to do something about you!”

  “What help me clean my head up!”

  Malone bent over holding his head, but only for seconds, and straightened up firmly, and Cameron realized he had put his foot in it again.

  “So you’ve lost your memory! Well, this time I’ll have you checked out!”

  “What about?”

  “It’s your blasted memory!” he screamed.

  “Well then it is about time you told me!”

  “I will! I’m coming to that!” he replied, calming himself.

  Cameron gasped, wondering if he would get it for the crime! What was he on about though? He had not actually committed a crime! Other than take the old drunk home! Was it about something he had done before he had been found in the pool of mud in the field? Was he actually wanted!

  He could not be! He could tell by all the people who knew him that he had not!

  Malone took his official pose and sat studying him, as though a judge ready to sentence him for a crime against humanity and that he would regret it for the rest of his life, and he wondered what he was up to when he never and just sat staring at his face with deep emotions about something, and Cameron wondered what the outcome of it could possible be.

  “You remember what you did after the bar?” he asked, curiously examining him.

  “Yes! I had to walk back here in the end ...”

  “Have you been back to that small roadside wood I asked you not to go near?”

  Cameron just replied that he never, and wondered what he was being accused of there!

  “It was me who saw you climbing down a well in the middle the wood on Floors Road! You had no right to be there!”

  Cameron realized that it was not someone else who complained and that he might have been following him around, and he wondered if had been watching him at the bar!

  “I’m warning you not to do it again and I’m sending you to a doctor to exam your head! If there’s something wrong with your memory or brain we should have it revealed!”

  Cameron realized that he should visit the doctor and have him explain what had happened!

  Chapter 17

  The Doctor

  Cameron had to rush to the doctor’s as he forget the appointment, after Simpson got them drunk in a drinking session lasting hours!

  He sat there considering what would happen if the doctor never accepted him, and realized after thirty minutes of sitting in the silent empty waiting room that he would just get another blasted appointment and marched up to the doctor’s door and knocked, and eventually sat back down and waited!

  After another thirty minutes he grew tired and started to feel all the drink he had consumed.

  He grew impatient and then deep anger at the doctor and his treatment and suddenly leapt on his feet and ran and jumped hard against the doctor’s door, and started shouting at the doctor calling him a bald headed dick, and if he never served him he would report him to the highest officer he could get hold of!

  After fifteen minutes more he ran over and yanked the door open, ready to give him a piece of his mind on his treatment of dedicated hardworking soldiers!

  Yet he searched the office, not believing his eyes, realizing the doctor was out for lunch, and was annoyed at him not leaving any sign of it to warn him!

  He decided to wait for his return there, sure that it could not be long after the tremendous wait, and he rushed into the room and banged the door shut and jumped into the doctor’s seat! Put his legs up on his desk, and started swinging the doctor’s stethoscope over his head making loud helicopter sounds.

  He put on the doctor’s white jacket and stood admiring it in a mirror and did a cartwheel across the floor, and was in the middle of doing a handstand on the doctor’s desk, while he did impersonations of a doctor, when a woman yanked open the door!

  He immediately jumped down and sat in his seat, and he pretended to be the doctor and right away told her to undress and put her clothes in the corner to see if she would do it, and was surprised that she did, and he followed through with it and demanded she hurried up!

  She grudgingly removed cloth
ing and when she was standing naked he shifted over and started to stroke her thigh, and asked her, “Do you know what this is for?”

  “Yes!” she moaned. “You’re checking me for any abrasions and dermatological abnormalities?”

  Surprised at her reaction he began to fondle her breasts, and cried, “Do you know what I’m doing now?”

  “Yes!” she moaned firmly. “Your checking for lumps!”

  He firmly embraced her and they rolled over together across the examination table, and lowered themselves onto the floor in lustful mad passion!

  He started removing his trousers, and panted, “Do you know what we’re doing now?”

  “Yes!” she moaned loudly, realizing what she was doing. “You’re making it with the doctor’s wife!”

  She swiftly shifted away and fixed up her clothing and left, and as she left the door gave him a sexy smile.

  Eventually the doctor turned up and ordered him to get out his seat, and Cameron realized that he had to know what he had done with his wife, and sat in a seat opposite him considering ways to cover it up!

  His stared eyes studied Cameron with amazement, and penetrated deep into his mind trying to grasp his thoughts, and Cameron wondered why.

  The doctor, after he had finished cleaning the mess he had made of his desk, asked him firmly, “Tell me what you do in an average day?”

  “Well!” he replied, realizing he needed to cover up what he did with his wife. “It starts in the middle of the night! My wife always wakes me at three in the morning for a massive wild sex session, including oral sex and masturbation all over the bedroom floor, and again at five where we spend hours making love before I go to work!”

  “Is that what’s causing the problem?” the doctor asked, curiously.

  “No! Doc! That’s not it! When I get on the train to work there’s always this beautiful girl I meet every morning and we sneak into an empty compartment and have wild sex sessions rolling all over the floor!”

  “Now I see ...”

  “No! Not that! When I get to work my secretary really fancies me and I have to make it with her in the storeroom during morning break and all the other office girls arrive and we have a massive orgy lasting up to hours!”

  “Oh!” the doctor replied, slightly confused.

  “Doc! There’s more! For lunch I go to the local sandwich bar where this really sexy woman works! And we always pop into the back room for a quickie, which usually ends up with us spending hours rolling around the floor in a mad frenzy of lust!”


  “Then in the afternoon I have to make it with my attractive lady boss in her office for hours because if I don’t she says she’ll fire me! Then when I get home the minute I walk in the door my wife grabs sexual organs and we have wild sex sessions rolling all over the living room floor until we go to bed!”

  The doctor scratched his head, and asked firmly, “So what’s your problem?”

  “I have a sore willy!”

  The doctor started shouting at him for wasting his time, and clearly recalled he was an army doctor and dealing with a soldier!

  The doctor calmed himself, and started over again, and told him firmly, “Now tell me what you do in an average day!”

  “Every time I make it with my wife, while drunk, I collapse in a heap on the floor ...”

  Suddenly the doctor looked up and explained to him how he could help him and Cameron realized he thought he meant he was infertile and could not get his wife pregnant, and the doctor handed him a sperm sample jar and asked him to use the jar!

  Astonished at it, he moaned back, “What! You expect me to stick my sexual organs in that dirty old jar?”

  “What!” the doctor moaned, annoyed. “You ejaculate in it!”

  “What from here?” he answered “From this side of the table?”

  “No!” the doctor shouted. “From your bloody house!”

  Tired and wanting to rest Cameron just took the jar and left through the waiting room.

  Early the next morning he arrived back drunk from a bar and handed over the jar empty, and the doctor moaned, “I asked you to use that jar?”

  “Well doc!” he announced, drunkenly. “I tried it with my left hand but that didn’t work! So I tried it with my right hand but that didn’t work either! So I asked my wife to help! She is younger than me and better with her hands and she tried it with both her hands at the one time! But still nothing! Then she tried it with her mouth, but nothing! So as a last resort we got all the local housewives to come around and give it a whirl! But still no joy! Even with ten of us going at it!”

  “Nothing?” the doctor replied, surprised.

  “Listen doc! We tried and tried and no matter what we did none of us could get the bloody lid off the jar!”

  The doctor shouted furiously at him for wasting his time and calmed himself, and told him firmly, “Yesterday I asked what you did in an average day to discover why you were here! So I could determine why you were losing your memory! Now tell me what you do from day to night, and give me what you might think causes your memory loss!”

  Chapter 18

  The Second Horserace

  The sun was blazing down and the scent of newly cut grass was in the air and Cameron admired the racecourse and its construction, across his front, and he watched Willy being brought out by Hanks, going to the starting line, and studied Willy’s facial expression and saw no real danger!

  Yet the horse had clearly won the last race with its determination and he knew that they needed to have it there, and he knew that Hanks would use it to win, but how would he control the horse, and he shrugged.

  He spotted Hanks looking worried for a moment and Cameron wondered what he was originally like before his memory loss, and realized his future predicament, and what he would have to face.

  The doctor had in the end realized his real problem and had given him as much information as possible on the problem.

  Yet even with it he could not solve the problem and still had no real solution!

  Everything looked perfect at the racecourse and as perfect as they were going to get and Cameron wondered what could possibly go wrong! Even if the horse did not win it was only its second race and he was sure its performance would become far better in the future. But how long could it last? How long would it take to show what it could really run like? The horses at the last race had been rubbish as far as he had seen! The horses this time looked far better and he was sure that it would soon become apparent what Willy was like as a racehorse! The last time the other horses had left it behind at starting line, and he was sure that it was the problem!

  Hanks had transformed into something else and now looked like a professional jockey, and not the soldier that he knew, and he even wondered what he was up to! Why had he not just found a professional place to work for? Was he really a good jockey?

  He studied the weight of the jockeys and their horses trying to see if he noticed anything, and they were the same, and Hanks was not overweight from all the beer he had consumed, and he wondered what the conclusion would be.

  Hanks looked determined and determined to do his job!

  He had questioned him more intensely on his knowledge of racing as much as he could, checking if it was a good investment, and for the fun of finding the truth.

  Willy seemed to have deep determination and perhaps a plan and he was sure it could be more determined to win, and at the start line it gave vicious looks at the other horses and as though they were different and inferior, and he was surprised to see the others react like it was something, but he could not quite grasp what, and he realized the other horses thought it was a predator!

  He stood astonished and wondered how a horse could possibly treat and think of other horses as it did! It ate grass and had the basic horse body, and he wondered if it had been Hanks all along that had done something to it, which had altered it to something else, and that he had trained it to attack them!

  The argument over i
ts name occasionally still emerged, as at different angles they could not imagine a horse with such a name could become a leading racehorse! Some places seemed to choose horses by their names! But Hanks had insisted that it was a great horse name and he had given examples!

  Willy looked a monster, especially at night, and people avoided going near where it was kept, and while sober he still looked twice at it when he had not seen it for a long time, and he was surprised that experienced people at the racecourse gave strange reactions and many stood staring at it and some recalled its appearance in the newspapers, and some he was sure recalled it at the last racecourse, and there were still the occasional people that thought they were up to something.

  As he moved over to the starting line he wondered over and over if it could be a winner and what the outcome of the race would be, and wondered if racehorses did make it anymore and if it was a fantasy and thing of the past.

  He spotted how prepared and determined for the race the other jockeys had become and that their horses looked more trained now, and he realized that Hanks might not have trained it enough and tried to recall how much he had been away visiting it.

  At the starting line he went beside Fogler and Simpson, at the front of the audience, and they watched Hanks preparing himself for action and he wondered again why he was so keen.

  When the starting gun blasted he was surprised at the speed the other horses raced away at, but Willy seemed to be left behind for some reason and he studied Hanks checking if it had been him all along that had gone at the back of the race and had made Willy accelerate at the right time, but he never saw anything that indicated that it was, and he was sure that he had not, and he was sure the horse was deliberately at the back of the horses for some reason that he could not determine other than to surprise the other horses near the finishing line.

  Hanks went crazy trying to get the beast to move on before it was too late, and Cameron saw what looked like a glint of satisfaction on the horse’s face, but he also saw something in its posture and eyes that grasped his attention and that it was eyeing up the other horses like it was chasing them like a predator.


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