Book Read Free

Vacation Writer

Page 10

by Coleinger, Ronnie

  By the time they had finished with their shopping and had filled out the papers for their wedding license, it was way past lunchtime. James took Jill to a small deli a few blocks from the county building, which he had taken clients over the years. They always had great food and the atmosphere was quiet and relaxed. When they walked into the deli, they stepped up to the counter and placed their orders, and then they sat down at a small table. When their food was prepared, a waiter delivered it to their table and brought napkins and their drinks. As they ate, they discussed what James was going to do about his apartment if they wanted to live at Jill’s beach house. James explained that he had paid up the lease for a full year and would lose the remaining money if he moved out. Then he said, “I will talk to the manager of the apartment complex and ask if there is a way out of the lease. If not, then I will simply move out and forfeit the money.” Jill giggled and said, “Maybe if I went with you and threatened to beat him up, he might let you out of the lease.” James laughed and asked, “Would you do that for me. I would be in your debt.” Jill giggled and said, “We will go see this man right after we finish eating. I will teach him to disrespect my man!” Jill’s words came out a little too loud and some of the patrons turned to look at her. She immediately put her fingers over her mouth, looked around and then said to everyone, “Sorry. I got a little carried away.” James laughed and said, “You might want to let me do the talking at first. Then if he does not give in, you can have your way with him.”

  When they entered James apartment, they took a minute to use the restroom and then located the manager’s number on a wall plaque. When they called the number, they got his pager. They left their phone number and then waited for a return call. It was only five minutes before the manager returned James call. James explained his situation and then listened for a moment to what the manager had to say. When James hung up the phone and poured himself a glass of beer, Jill began quizzing him. She asked, “So what did he say? Will he let you out of the lease?” James rolled his eyes and said, “When I mentioned your name, the man got all nervous and asked me not to let you hurt him. I think he might have been about to cry. He said I could have my cleaning deposit back and he would return my first and last rent deposit since I had already paid in advance for this month.” Jill held up her arm and squeezed her bicep with her fingers, and then said, “It is a good thing he treated my man with respect. He had reason to be nervous with me around.” James chuckled and said, “I see who will be wearing the pants in this family.” Jill giggled and said, “Speaking of pants. You have never fucked me in your apartment. I suspect that might be a good thing to do before you move out. Can the neighbors hear sounds through the bedroom walls? Will your neighbors be angry if you have a screaming orgasmic woman in your bedroom? Shall we do it now; I am getting quite horny talking about it.” James stood up and said, “You are quite the seductress. Shall we hit the shower before my tongue sends you into orgasmic bliss?” Jill quickly stood up and began stripping off her clothes as she walked towards the bedroom.


  When Karen and Donald walked into the hotel’s restaurant for breakfast, their waitress greeted them with smiles and hot coffee. Once the waitress took their food orders, it only took twenty minutes before the food was ready. The bacon was hot and crisp and Karen was delighted. She giggled over her food, she giggled over the beautiful mountain views out the restaurant windows and she giggled over the steaming hot cinnamon roll the waitress sat on the table in front of her.

  When the restaurant began to get busy, Donald and Karen paid their bill and headed back to their room. They had called yesterday, shortly after they arrived, and signed up for a Lake Superior bus tour. They planned to spend the day looking over the countryside before shouldering their backpacks and spending the next ten days in the wilderness. Today they would relax; tomorrow they would put their survival skills and mental awareness of nature to the test. If they managed to become one with Mother Nature and the critters around them, they would have the adventure of a lifetime. However, one mistake in the backcountry could cost them their lives.

  Donald walked hand in hand with Karen as they walked the short hike from the bus drop off point to the front entrance of the hotel. They had had a spectacular time on the bus tour, having had a chance to meet some wonderful people and having seen much of the Superior lake Shoreline. Now they were tired and needed some rest before shouldering their backpacks and heading off into the backcountry. As they walked along the sidewalk, they stopped to watch the green aurora borealis shimmering in the darkened night sky. Karen turned and faced Donald and kissed him hard on the lips. She put her head on his shoulder and said, “I had a great time today. Thanks for being my friend and my lover. My life is complete with you in it.” Donald kissed her tenderly and looked back up into the night sky to see the changing colors. The beautiful green and red spectacle seemed to envelop them. Donald reached up and tried to touch the flickering lights, but they were elusive and remained just out of his reach. He finally gave up and they began the short walk towards the hotel entrance. There, they could get a good night sleep before moving their vehicle to a friend’s home where it would remain for the next ten days.

  Once Karen and Donald finished their showers, they opened one of the windows to let in some cool night air and allow them to hear the night sounds that drifted around the mountains. With the northern lights lighting the night sky in an eerie green and red luminescence, the coyotes had begun to howl. Certainly, the nocturnal lights distressed them, but their voices soon mixed with those of the wolves, owls, and tree frogs who seemed undisturbed by the occurrence. Karen soon fell asleep. Donald moved up close to her and drew in her warmth for security. He felt nervous about sleeping with the animals they would encounter in the backcountry over the course of the next ten days, yet he felt excitement also.

  When they woke in the morning, the room was cold. The sun was just coming up over the top of the mountains and its bright red hue cast shimmering colors on their white bed cover. Karen was the first to run to the bathroom to pee. When she returned, she snuggled her bare body up against his for warmth. She was spooning him and her pubic hair tickled the crack of his ass. He finally rolled over to face her. She snuggled up close, pushing her breast against his chest. He could feel her erect nipples and the feeling was wonderful. He kissed her neck and then moved down so he could fondle and suckle her nipples. Karen giggled from the wonderful sensations his lips were causing her. Then he moved his fingers down between her legs and gently massaged her labia, slowly working his fingers between the lips so he could circle his fingertip around her clitoral hood. He felt her hips begin to move, ever so slowly, then faster as he continued to work his magic. Then he felt her tense up and begin to breathe hard. Her body thrust against his fingers until she came. With wet fingers, he slowly worked a finger into her vagina, gently touching her most sensitive spot. When he slid a second finger into her well-lubricated vagina, he pushed them inside her until they touched her cervix. A tiny bit of pressure against her cervix was all it took to open the floodgates. Karen began to climax, once, twice, three, maybe four times; Donald was unsure how many times, but each one seemed a little more intense. When her body finally settled back down and her breathing was back to normal, he gently removed his fingers. Karen took hold of his hand and moved his fingers to her mouth. She licked both fingers, tasting her own body’s response to his lovemaking. She loved it when Donald masturbated her. The feeling was always much nicer when someone else performed the deed.

  She reached down and found her husband’s throbbing erection. She moved down under the covers and began licking the head and around the sides. She could feel Donald’s response to her actions, his hips had begun to move, ever so slowly, but she could tell she was doing it just right. She reached back and began squeezing his balls, rolling them gently between her fingers. She sucked a little harder and a little faster. She heard Donald warn her, but she just giggled and continued with what she was doing
. After a moment, Donald put his hand on her head and said, “I am going to come in your mouth if you do not release me immediately.” Karen just sucked a little harder and ran her tongue hard around the head, pushing back his foreskin so she could get her tongue in just the right place. She felt Donald’s body stiffen and then tasted the first squirt of cum in her mouth. She sucked harder again, this time causing her man to release his semen with full force down her throat. When she was certain she had swallowed every drop, she released her grip on her man’s penis and balls and looked up into his eyes. He said, “My God girl. You are so good at that. I will bring you to orgasm more often in the morning if I can get that reward.”

  They decided they needed to get themselves up and around. They would need to be on the trail by eleven o’clock to insure they made it to their designated campsite before dark tonight. They had no desire to hike in the darkness simply because they spent too much time in bed this morning.

  Once they finished taking their showers and repacked their backpacks, they loaded everything into their vehicle. They returned to the hotel and ate a light breakfast, knowing they would be quite hungry by lunchtime if they did not put some calories into their bodies this morning. They would park the car and then begin today’s hike from their friend’s house. Leaving from there would only add a mile for today’s hike.

  It was quarter to eleven o’clock when they arrived at the registration point and logged into the registry book. It appeared that another couple was out ahead of them by almost an hour. Karen hoped that did not mean they had farther to walk then they realized. After thinking about the first day’s trip, she decided not to dawdle, instead she would push hard to insure they arrived at their campsite early instead of late. Donald would keep up with her no matter how fast she hiked. He had an extra six pounds more weight on his back than she did, but she realized that the extra weight would not hinder his speed.

  As they worked their way along the mountain trails, they kept checking their maps. They soon realized that they were making good time and would arrive at their designated campsite around four o’clock in the afternoon. That pleased Karen, she hated being rushed while setting up their tents and preparing food for their evening meal. They had packed hotdogs frozen in water filled Gatorade bottles. They would eat the hotdogs tonight and use the water they had frozen the dogs in to cook their Maruchan ramen noodles. After that, they would use the empty bottles to dip water from the streams and lake for drinking water. They would be careful to insure they remembered that the water in those bottles needed purification before drinking. Karen had once giggled over using the bottles in their tents for pee bottles. She had written a letter P on the tops of both bottles with a felt pen. Donald laughed at her, but remembered that leaving the tents during the night to pee would not be the smartest thing they could do. There was always the possibility of an animal attack while out in the dark.

  The third night out in the forest was one Karen would not soon forget. She and Donald had set up what the forest service called a dispersed campsite. They had simply hiked out into the deep forest and set up camp in a small clearing. There were no established campsites in the area, one simply set up camp and dug a cat hole in the forest to poop. Since Mother Nature had blessed the forest with ample rain over the last few weeks, they were able to build a small cooking fire. There was plenty of dead downed wood in the forest and it took little effort to keep the campfire burning all night if they chose to do so.

  The place Donald had chosen to set up the tent was along the edge of the forest in a small meadow. There was green grass under their feet as they drove in the tent stakes and made camp. Donald had picked up a few stones six inches or so in diameter to make a fire ring and Karen soon had a fire burning. Once they cooked up some beans and rice for their evening meal, they gathered a little more wood and placed it under a small tarp to insure they would have some dry wood in the morning. The night air was already getting chilly by the time they snuggled into their tent. They normally set up two tents, but when out in the backcountry, as they were presently they liked to sleep together. Things were a little tight in one tent, but they always managed.

  They had not slept more than an hour when the first wolf began to howl. The sound unnerved Karen and Donald decided to put some wood on the fire to keep it burning. Within an hour’s time, an entire wolf pack moved within a few hundred yards of the campsite. The campers could hear the pack moving about the area, occasionally making audible sounds, often times howling. Donald stepped out of the tent and put another log on the fire. Once he returned to the tent, he could see eyes glistening in the firelight. Some of the eye colors were pale yellow; others were pure yellow or amber. Karen swore that she saw two pairs of eyes that were green, but Donald did not believe her at first. Later on, he saw the green eyes as well. The animals with the green eyes were low to the ground and might have been wolf pups. It was normal for the young pups to have green eyes

  The campers did not get much sleep that night. They tried to take turns sleeping, but often times they were both awake for long periods. Karen disliked the sounds that the pups made. They sounded like human babies crying for their mothers. Just before daylight, Donald realized that there were wolves all around them. Most of the animals were sleeping, but the campfire silhouetted some and Donald saw them moving about in the dark.

  When the sun rose, the animals moved off a short distance from the tent and lay back down. They had obviously hunted earlier in the night and now were resting. Donald got up and stepped outside the tent, trying to be as quiet as possible. It was then that he realized that a female was nursing three small pups just a few feet from them. She paid Donald little notice and never moved an inch while he put more wood on the fire to cook their oatmeal and make coffee. Karen was not so brave, but finally forced herself to get out of the tent and dress. Then she sat down on a log near the fire and watched what was going on around them.

  As they ate their food, multiple wolves moved around and then lay back down. Some of them lay down near the nursing mother, sometime opening one eye to check on the activities of the humans. Karen tried to remain calm, but feared that once they started packing their belongings into the backpacks that the animals might become hostile and attack them. When the pups were finished with their breakfast, they slowly moved closer and closer to the humans. The female wolf watched over them carefully, but she made no effort to call her pups back to the safety of the pack. She seemed to care less if the pups checked out the new visitors to the forest. The only critter that seemed frightened by the experience was Karen. The pups were intent on playing. Often times jumping on each other’s backs and rolling around in the grass, playing as two human children would. Karen desperately wanted to pick up one of the pups and hug them, but she knew her limits. The wolves would have attacked them instantly if a human had touched or gotten to close to one of the pups.

  As Karen and Donald worked to pack up their backpacks, the two pups wandered into the camp. They climbed up on top of the stump where Karen had been sitting and watched what was going on. When one of the pups jumped down and moved a little too close to one of the backpacks, the huge male wolf (probably the alpha male) growled. The two pups immediately scampered back to their mother. Then the male lay down beside the female and closed his eyes. It was obvious he had no fear of the humans, yet he did not want his pups to close.

  As Donald and Karen shouldered their backpacks and began hiking back towards the main trail, they discussed sleeping with the wolves. Donald said, “Might have scared us, but I think sleeping within the pack removed any danger we might have faced from bears, coyotes or any other animal that roamed the forest at night.” After they walked a short distance from the campsite, Karen dropped her pack on the ground and headed off the trail a few feet to poop. When she returned, she said, “I am not so certain I want to sleep away from a designated campsite for the remainder of this trip. I think we should call the ranger station and ask if they have openings at the established ca
mpsites for us.” Donald agreed and made the call.


  It was time for James to move out of his apartment. They spent two days packing the last of James belongings into boxes. Then they picked up the moving truck they had rented and loaded up all of James belongings. Everything James owned fit into the truck with the exception of his Ferrari. That they had left parked in Jill’s garage where it was safe. James had decided to sell it after they were married and they did not want it damaged until after it sold.

  James and Jill finished making all of the wedding arrangements. They had hired the minister to marry them at the beach house; they had arranged for a catered meal at the wedding reception and purchased plane tickets for those traveling from out of town. They had agreed to pay for all the travel expenses for their families and they would pay for their hotel rooms as well. None of their friends and family was wealthy and Jill did not want to burden them with any undue expenses.

  James decided to ask Jill’s brother, Glen to be his best man and Jill asked James sister, Jenny, to be her maid of honor. The arrangement seemed perfect. James and Jill had already decided that they would not spend a lot of money on tuxedos or formal clothing. They would simply wear their black suits with a white shirt. However, Jill and Jenny would be wearing new dresses from the bridal shop in town. Jill had already picked out a simple wedding dress and a gown for Jenny. They would have to make a trip to the bridal shop as soon as Jenny was in town to try on her dress and get any alterations made that she required. Since Jenny was of a similar size and shape as Jill, there should be little problem with the alterations.


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