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Snow Bound: MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 8

by Bianca Vix

  So hot.

  Just as hot as Mykayla, who’s lying back watching us. Linc and I aren’t even touching and she’s gazing at us with a look on her face that’s just as intense as the one on Linc’s. It’s easy to see what’s going through her mind. She wants both of us.

  I can’t believe this is happening. Already it’s more than I hoped for. I can’t resist either one of them. I choose Mykayla first, trailing my fingertips lightly over her thighs. I open them up and climb in between.

  Linc’s kissing her again, one hand behind her neck while the other one covers her breast. He’s teasing her nipple and she bucks up, her sexy lips coming close to my mouth.

  I catch a quick glimpse of Linc’s cock before I settle where I want to be. It’s nice and big. And rock hard. I can hardly wait to get my hands on it.

  But I will. Mykayla’s just as sexy and I really can’t wait to taste her. I give her clit a light lick and she groans. She’s so wet. I slide a finger deep into her scorchingly hot body, exploring her depths while my tongue works her clit. I’m lost in what I’m doing to her but it doesn’t take long at all before she’s coming, flooding my mouth with her sweet juices.

  “Jase.” She gasps out my name in a way that makes my cock pulse hard. Orgasmic waves are still washing over her and I can’t take my eyes off her while she’s coming down. Until a hand on my cock jolts me.


  He’s watching Mykayla too but his fingers are curling around my stiff shaft. He’s jacking me slowly, teasingly, and I can hardly stand it. This isn’t how I want to come but if he doesn’t stop, it will be.

  Reaching out, I grab him too. As if his hand on my throbbing cock isn’t enough, the way he feels is incredible. He has a great cock and it feels like it’s what’s been missing from my hand. I want to explore everything about it and what he likes best.

  But there isn’t enough time now. He start to pull back from me just as I’m doing the same with him. Linc’s right where I am. Eager to come but not just yet.

  “I want one of you guys inside of me.” Mykayla flashes her pretty smile. “Right now.”

  Linc squeezes my ass. “I want to see you two together. Go on and give me a good show.”

  I’m already searching for my pants, quickly pulling a condom out of the pocket and getting it on in record time.

  Mykayla spreads her legs in an achingly sexy invitation. I climb back between them, my cock already nudging against her lips.

  Linc’s eyes are right there on me as I ease inside of Mykayla’s willing body. He sets his hand on my back as I pump into her, filling her up good and deep.

  Her hips rise up to meet me and I pick up speed. I can’t hold back. I pound into her, faster and faster.

  Linc moves away from me and closer to Mykayla’s head. She turns to face him and he inches forward, his steel-hard shaft right in her face. Right by her mouth.

  She parts her lips. Linc slides his cock into her mouth and his face twists up from the pleasure of it. Mykayla sucking him while I’m buried in her body is fucking mind-blowing. I shift so my head’s right near hers and I can get a nice close up view of the action. Between Linc’s hot cock and Mykayla’s sexy mouth, I have to concentrate harder than I ever have before on not losing all control.

  All too soon, Linc pulls back. He’s panting as he shifts around. Now his cock’s pointing right at me.

  On my next thrust, I stop moving. My cock’s buried deep in Mykayla and I lean so I can run my tongue up the length of Linc’s shaft. He groans, thrusting forward into my mouth. I suck him between my lips and his cock pulses hard.

  It’s getting to be too much. I let him go and start thrusting again. It’s impossible to hold back now. I’m fucking Mykayla with a passion I’ve never felt before.

  I slide an arm under her hips, lifting them up so she’s as close to me as possible. But Linc’s not just watching. Even as I’m thrusting wildly into Mykayla, he slips his hand between our bodies. I suck in my breath when he touches me. Somehow he’s worked his way to my balls and his warm hand’s around them. They tighten under his touch and no matter how wild my thrusts are getting, he’s not letting go.

  Mykayla calls out my name and then all it takes is one firm squeeze on Linc’s part. I’m exploding, so hard that shocks run through my entire body.

  I’m almost choking for breath as I shoot hard, deep inside Mykayla. Linc doesn’t let me go until I’m totally, completely spent.

  “That was hot.” Linc sits back as Mykayla and I untangle ourselves. “Ready for more, Mykayla?”

  “Yes. I want you too.” The words have barely left her mouth when he’s jumped up and going for his own jeans, rummaging in the pocket just like I did before. He’s suited up before he even gets back to us.

  Mykayla moans as he sinks into her. Her face is so far beyond sexy, I can’t help staring. I can see why Linc wanted to watch us. It’s insanely hot, both of them joined together right here beside me.

  I slide my arm under Mykayla’s neck. And even with how spent as I am, my cock stirs as my other hand goes to her breasts. There’s no way I don’t want to be a part of this. Linc’s chest rubs against my arm as he pumps into her. I want to do to him what he did to me, but most of my body’s not working again yet to be able to do much more than lie right here on my back.

  Next time.

  “Yes. Fuck. Yes.” Linc’s thrusting faster. Turning onto my side, I move my hand to his chest. He grunts when I give his nipple a hard pinch. He’s close, and Mykayla’s right there with him, another orgasm building up rapidly inside her. I already know her expression for when she’s right about to come. She wraps her legs around his waist and lets go.

  It hits her hard and from Linc’s expression, she’s clenching him tight. No man could withstand that and Linc’s no exception. My eyes are on his face as he erupts and they come together.

  What an amazing sight. Even my well-spent cock is taking notice.

  Linc gives her a kiss before they separate. And then he does the same to me.

  I’m stunned. A kiss from a man after sex isn’t something I’m used to getting. I’m all about hugging and touching afterwards, no matter how many orgasms have been had. I’ve never been with a guy who was the same way. Even Linc’s quick kiss is something so different for me.

  He lies down on the other side of Mykayla, stretching out on his back.

  “Warm enough?” I trail my hand down her side. She shakes her head. “Not yet.”

  I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. Linc jumps up and grabs the other blanket from the sofa, throwing it over us. His arms rub mine as he hugs Mykayla from the other side, one hand resting on my arm. “That better?”

  She gives him a kiss, then me. “It’s perfect.”

  I couldn’t agree more.

  Chapter 13


  I can’t sleep. I can’t move, either. All I can do is stare at the high ceiling above me. The huge, broad beams of wood are kind of calming in a way. They’re so ordered. Balanced. Unlike the way my emotions are bouncing around in my head so hard, I’d like to go for a run just to calm down.

  Not possible, of course. We’re still snow bound. But even if we weren’t, there’s nothing that could make me move right now. There’s no better place in the world than where I am right now. No tropical island could match this. Not even close.

  I’m lying with Jase and Linc in front of the fire, just like we’ve been doing every day since our first time together. Their naked bodies are wrapped around me and I’ve never felt so warm and protected as I do when I’m between them. We all agreed after our first time here that we’d stay close to the fire. I would have stayed anyway, no matter what. I’ve never had sex in front of a fire before. Now it’s my favorite place to be.

  But there are practical reasons too. It’s the warmest spot in the cabin, and we’re getting dangerously low on firewood. I don’t want to think about what that means. Surely the storm will pass and someone will come for us before that h

  At least, that’s what I want to believe. Jase wants me to believe it too. I love the way he’s trying to keep me from worrying too much. I can tell from the way his jaw tightens that we’re worse off than he wants me to know. So I try not to think too hard about what’s going on around us. Worrying won’t help. I want to be ready, no matter what we have to do.

  I have no idea what that might be. But whatever needs doing, I’m up for it.

  At least now we have each other to keep warm. Body heat. It’s the best kind. Now we’re mostly staying here. Naked. Together. The only time I’ve gotten up and put on clothes is when it’s my turn to get some food together for us. Usually Jase comes along with me. He goes along with Linc, too. But he won’t let either of us join him when it’s his turn. Our food situation isn’t bad. It isn’t great, but it’s not too bad. We’re eating as little as we can get away with. And the only way we’re burning it off is with sex.

  Although, that’s taking a lot of energy. It’s all we have to do here, and we’re giving it our all. I’ve never spent this much time having sex. The most was a single weekend away with my ex, and even then we only did it like twice.

  Now here with Jase and Linc, it’s almost constant. We only stop to eat and sleep. I’ve never been so aware of my body as I am now. We’ve got so much time, and we’re making the very best use of it. Really taking our time to get to know each other in the most intimate ways possible. Who likes what the best. And how. And right along with getting to know both of them, I’m discovering some things about myself that I never knew before.

  Like just how much I like foot massages. Of course I’ve never had two men at once doing that to me. Each one giving me his full attention. It’s nothing like I ever thought it would be. Like there’s a direct line from my feet right to my nipples. I never knew my whole body could catch on fire just from my toes being gently worked.

  Everything’s all about sensation now. I’m so much more aware of everything. Like how the heat from the fire feels on my skin when I throw the blankets off. So different from how Jase’s hand heats me up. Or how warm Linc’s leg is when he drapes it across mine. So many different kinds of heat, and they all make me feel differently.

  Food, sleep and sex. Lots and lots of insanely hot, mind-blowing sex. No wonder I’m more relaxed than I’ve ever been in my life.

  Once we get out of here, we should do this every weekend. Now that I’ve tasted this kind of life, I don’t want to give it up. It’s so different than anything I’ve ever done before. And now I can’t get enough. I’m hooked. I want to spend every moment I can with Jase and Linc. Naked. It’ll be just as great, even without a blizzard raging around us. And the threat of running out of food and firewood.

  I shove that thought to the back of my mind. I can’t quite forget what’s going on here, outside of our own fiery sex bubble. But I’m getting pretty good at ignoring it and just enjoying the moment.

  That’s so unlike me. I want to stay like this, though. Not worrying about every little thing so much. Not that anything about our situation is little. Far from it. I’m well aware that with every passing hour that the storm doesn’t let up, things are getting worse for us. But there’s truly not a thing I can do about it. If there was, I’d be on it. So would the guys. But there isn’t. We have to wait it out.

  The guys. My guys. My two guys. If I had to be stuck here with anyone in the world, I’d choose these two. I’m not just more relaxed than I’ve ever been before. I’m happier. Who knew it would take two men to make everything so good? I’m so glad I know the answer to that question now. I can’t imagine being with either one of them on their own. We all need each other. This is all so different. And it couldn’t feel more right. I’m so grateful Jase had the idea of three.

  The only tiny little thing I’d change is if we could spend more time talking. Getting to know each other better. I’ve started up that type of getting to know you conversation, and no-one’s holding back. But we never get very far into it. Either Linc or Jase always interrupts with a kiss, and that leads to something else altogether.

  I’m not really concerned. Because there’ll be time for that later on. Once we’re back into the real world of work and deadlines. Dates and drinks. There’s no sense spending the time we have here on something we can do anytime.

  Being here in the cabin is just so special. Magical, even. Like I’ve stepped through the looking glass into another place and time. There’s no work here. No devices demanding my attention. Just pure sensual pleasure. And I don’t want to do anything to change it.

  I’d be more than happy if it lasted forever.

  “Here you go.” Jase breaks me out of my thoughts by handing me a plate. It’s his turn in the kitchen and once again, he wouldn’t let me come along with him.

  “Mmm. Looks wonderful.”

  Linc’s still asleep beside me. I trace my fingers over his bare chest to wake him up gently. Eyes still closed, he catches my hand and lifts it to his lips for a kiss.

  “What’s for lunch? Or is it dinner?”

  Jase reaches over me to hand him a plate as he works his way into sitting up. “Either one. I’m not too sure.”

  Linc takes a bite. “This is good. But we’re starting to run low on food, aren’t we. How could they have thought that this would be enough for a company retreat?”

  I swallow a mouthful. “Most of the food was supposed to be brought in on the same day as everyone else was scheduled to arrive. We’re lucky we have this much stuff that they dropped off in advance.”

  It’s so comfortable being with them like this. We eat in silence, like we usually do. As always, the food’s amazing. Proper attention must be paid to it. What we’ve been eating is so simple. But it’s been tasting better than the best, most exclusive restaurant I’ve ever been to.

  We’re nearly done when Jase jumps up. “I forgot to bring out dessert.”

  I watch him walk off. The man has an ass that’s perfection. Turning my head back to Linc, I catch him checking out Jase as well.

  He grins at me. “Bet you never thought the company retreat would turn out like this.”

  “I’ve always heard about how incredible the retreats have been. But I couldn’t have even imagined anything like this.” I wave my hand to encompass everything. The cabin. The snow piled up high against the windows. Both men, as Jase’s already coming back in from the kitchen.

  “Grapes? I didn’t know we had grapes.”

  “They were hiding in the back of the fridge. I found them earlier on, so I cooled them down with some snow in the sink. They’re nearly frozen, but not quite. I think you’re going to like them like this.”

  I’m about to take one from the plate but Jase stops me. Picking one up, he feeds it to me. The taste explodes on my tongue. It’s like nothing I’ve ever had before, its sweetness amplified by how cold it is.

  Linc laughs at the sight of us. “You’re feeding her grapes? Quite the romantic, huh Jase.”

  “I can do the same for you if you want.” With a wicked grin, Jase reaches towards him, grape in hand. Linc knocks his arm away playfully. “No way, man. That’s too weird for me.” He grabs a strand from the plate and bites one off. “Hey, these are good. How do you know so much about what to do with food?”

  “I started to learn as a kid, from my mother. I liked cooking with her just as much as playing, a lot of the time. Then when I got older, it became a hobby. It’s stuck with me ever since. I enjoy cooking. I do it whenever I have the chance.”

  “I thought all you outdoorsy types ate was freeze-dried, pre-packaged stuff while you’re out on your ten day hikes.”

  Jase laughs. “Yeah, there’s a time and a place for food that travels light when you’re carrying it on your own back. But even then, there’s always room to add to it. You just need the right ingredients. Spices are very portable.”

  “I have to say it.” I take another grape as Jase offers me the plate. “These are better than wine. I never thought I�
��d say that about anything.”

  “It’s a good thing you feel that way. Because we polished off the last of the wine last night. Good news is, we’ve got plenty of grapes.”

  “Works for me.”

  Once we’re done eating, Linc and I stretch out onto our stomachs. Usually by now Jase would by lying down on the other side of me, but now he’s squeezing his way in between Linc and I so he’s kneeling down between us.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Jase sets his hand on my back, doing the same thing to Linc. Slowly his fingers start moving, rubbing in circles. I exhale in contentment. He’s massaging us both, really lightly, and it’s so nice. I didn’t think I could get anymore relaxed than I already am.

  I was wrong.

  Even Linc’s not objecting. So far he hasn’t held back during sex. He’s been all in on that. But he almost flinches whenever Jase tries to give him even a casual, affectionate touch. I’ve even caught him tensing up when I put my hand on him in any way that’s not sexual. I don’t know what that’s about. It doesn’t make any sense at all. Maybe what Jase is doing now will help him get over it. I hope so.

  He’s tracing lines down our backs now. I glance at Linc before I shut my eyes. His are already closed and for once he doesn’t look tortured from a non-sexual touch.

  Not that Jase’s hands aren’t turning me on. It’s not possible for him to be anywhere near me now without my body reacting to him right away. Letting me know what it wants. And what it usually gets.

  I’m drifting off when a sharp sound pierces through the silence and nearly makes me jump out of my skin. What the hell was that?

  Linc’s right there with me. Eyes wide, he’s looking around almost frantically. “That’s my phone. I already sent a message around explaining our situation. And asking that no-one contact me unless it’s urgent.”

  He jumps up and grabs his phone from the table near the door. He’s far enough away that Jase and I can’t hear what he’s saying.

  “I hope everything’s okay.”


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