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Finding Valor

Page 43

by Charlotte Abel

Josh refused to let his negativity ruin what very well could be their last night together. They were trapped. But there was nothing he could do about it except stay alert and wait for something to happen. It was the waiting that was eating him from the inside out. He tapped into his magic and begged it to give him the courage he needed to enjoy every second of whatever time they had left…and to be sure that Channie enjoyed it even more.


  The next morning, Dominance’s guards delivered “clothing more suitable for a prince and his companions.” But they’d neglected to bring anything for Vince.

  Josh thanked the guards but told them they’d wear the clothes they brought. They might be threadbare and plain, but they were clean. He and Channie made good use of the sunken tub late last night, but he used a cleansing spell on everyone’s clothes.

  After breakfast, which Josh managed to eat just fine, Dominance requested an audience with him.

  “Of course.” He stood up then helped Channie out of her chair.

  Dominance flared her nostrils, but said nothing when Josh wrapped an arm around Channie’s waist, making it clear she went wherever he did. She led them into a room in the center of the castle. It could have been the ballroom out of a Disney fairy tale. White marble floors, crystal chandeliers, a five-tiered fountain and a throne. Seriously? The woman had a throne? Gold-plated legs and arms, red velvet seat and back. Josh sucked his lips into his mouth to keep from snickering at the cliché. But all urge to laugh evaporated when she lowered herself onto her elevated perch and glared at Josh. “What do you hope to gain?”


  “You heard me. Is it my kingdom you want?”

  “No…I…you’re the one that invited me here.”

  Channie grabbed Josh’s hand before he could shove his fingers in his hair. Not a very princely habit, but after all the hospitality, Dominance’s sudden hostility took him by surprise.

  Channie squeezed Josh’s hand. “We were under the impression that you wanted to end the war.”

  A brief flash of fury lit up Dominance’s energy field. It was the first emotion he’d been able to detect from her. She had it under control immediately, but not quick enough to hide its existence.

  Josh tugged Channie’s hand behind his back, pulling her into his side. Just the mere warmth of her body strengthened him. Power surged under his skin. He stood a little straighter. “Too many mages have died. All I want is for the war to end and for all mages to live their lives free from fear.”

  “Without fear there is chaos. You cannot rule without it.”

  “I disagree.”

  “So you do want my kingdom.”

  “I never wanted any of this.” Josh thrust the fingers of his free hand into his hair. “I was perfectly happy living my non-magical, mundane life before I ever knew I was a mage.”

  Channie stiffened.

  Josh grimaced. He could have worded that better. “All I want is to spend the rest of my life with Channie by my side. I want to raise a family and know that no one is going to hunt us, or anyone else, down for every infraction, real or imagined.”

  “You want a lot.”

  “What do you want?” Josh honestly had no idea what was so alluring about absolute power. “Surely you realize that people don’t like you. What do you get out of frightening people?”

  “Control. Order. Stability.”

  “When was the last time you really felt in control?”

  “Enough!” Dominance jumped to her feet. Rage exploded past the boundaries of her energy field.

  Josh’s shield popped into place, protecting Channie and himself. Dominance’s negative energy bounced off but dissipated before it reached her. It wasn’t really a curse—more of a childish outburst like what the trips were struggling with—but there was no doubt in Josh’s mind that it wouldn’t have been much fun if it had hit them.

  Dominance sighed then sat back down. “I apologize. My nerves are a bit frazzled lately.”

  “As are mine.” Josh used his “princely” persona. “I’d like to negotiate a peace treaty without further bloodshed.”

  “So would I.” Dominance narrowed her eyes to slits. “But I’m afraid that isn’t possible.”

  Josh’s blood ran cold. He shoved Channie behind his back and raised his shield.

  Dominance laughed. “Foolish child. I’m not about to turn you into a martyr. I’d never subdue your stubborn hillbilly rebels if I killed you while you were my guest.”

  “And how long will your hospitality last?”

  “I believe the invitation was until solstice.”

  “And then what?”

  “Then, we shall see who is the stronger mage.”

  “A duel?”

  “Conducted according to the ancient rites. Let’s set the time to coincide with the total eclipse, shall we?”

  “To the death?”

  “Winner takes all.” Dominance unfurled a scroll. “Sign this.”

  There was a lot of legalese but what it boiled down to was one sentence. Josh read it out loud. “As acting liege, my signature in blood also binds all those that have ever sworn fealty to me.”

  He leaned down to whisper in Channie’s ear. “What about free will?”

  “In matters of royal law, they surrendered their will to yours when they knelt and swore fealty.”

  Josh closed his eyes. He could still see the entire camp, every man, woman and child, kneeling in the dirt of the common area. He could still feel their love and support as they swore to “follow and obey” every royal decree. “So, if I sign this…and lose…everyone that’s loyal to me will be forced to obey Dominance?”

  Channie nodded. “Or die.”


  The next few days passed in a blur. Dominance no longer invited them to join her for meals, but her staff still fed them and fed them very well. They delivered the food to the northeast wing, and collected the dirty dishes a couple of hours after every meal. The guards remained posted just outside the entrance. No one tested their resolve, but Josh was certain they wouldn’t let them pass. They were prisoners, not guests.

  On the third evening, Josh found a note under his napkin. “All set—Z.”

  He had no idea how Zen managed to slip a message in right under Dominance’s nose, but he was glad he had. He showed it to the others before destroying it with magic. They all heaved a collective sigh of relief, knowing that the freedom fighters were in place.

  The night before the duel, Channie refused Josh’s attempt to seduce her. She claimed she was afraid it would weaken him. And nothing he said to the contrary changed her mind. She moved his hand off her boob for the third time then tucked into his side and laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Dominance is strong, but you’re stronger. Entire squadrons have failed to defeat your shield. As long as you get it up fast enough, she can’t harm you.”

  “I thought you didn’t want me to get it up?”

  Channie smacked his chest. “I’m serious.”

  Josh pinned her hand over his heart. “I really think this is going to be okay. I mean…I’m not looking forward to killing her, but I can do it. I will do it.”

  “And you won’t feel guilty for it afterwards. Right?”

  “I promise.”

  Josh waited until Channie fell asleep then snuck out of bed and retrieved the Book of the Dead, hoping it might have another message for him…some assurance that he would indeed prevail. But it remained dormant.

  The apex of the total eclipse would happen at 3:17 AM local time. Which also happened to be the exact time of Josh’s birth nineteen years ago. He couldn’t help but believe it was an omen of some sort, but what kind of omen? Good or bad? There was a sort of symmetry to dying on the anniversary of your birth, and he’d think it was sort of cool if it were his ninetieth birthday instead of his nineteenth.

  Vince knocked on Josh and Channie’s door a little before midnight and handed Josh a bundle of clothes.

  “I’m not accept
ing anything from Dominance.”

  “My old nannie’s daughter snuck these inside the castle for you. My mother had nothing to do with it.”

  “Oh. Well, in that case, let’s see what we’ve got.” Josh unfolded the bundle and spread it out on the bed. Black leather pants, black boots, a sapphire blue silk shirt and a black leather vest. “I’ll look like a pirate.”

  “You’ll look like a prince.”

  Josh held up the pants. They looked long enough, which surprised him, but they were definitely going to be tight. There was no way his boxers would work. He’d have to go commando.

  “Just try them on.” Vince motioned for Channie to join him in the hall and pulled the door shut behind them.

  The pants were definitely tight and left very little to the imagination. But they were surprisingly comfortable. In fact, Josh detected a trace of magic in each article of clothing. He’d thought the silk shirt was silly, especially in the middle of winter, but silk came from living animals and he could always cast a warmth spell on himself, or ask Vince to do it for him so he wouldn’t weaken himself.

  Still, he was more than a little embarrassed when he opened the door and stepped outside.

  Channie’s eyes widened. “Oh, my.”

  Hunter grinned at him. “If you wore that on stage at Her Lady’s Pleasure, you could make a ton of money.”

  “Oh, hell no.” Josh turned around to go take off the stripper outfit.

  Channie reached out and grabbed his arm, just below the elbow. “Don’t. I feel magic in those clothes.”

  “I do, too. But I don’t want to show up for a duel to the death looking like a stripper.”

  Hunter crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. “I never said you looked like no stripper.”

  Josh rolled his eyes. “Or an exotic dancer.”

  “You’d need to rip the sleeves outta that shirt if you wanted to use it for a dance costume…or better yet, rip ‘em off while you’re onstage. That’d drive the ladies wild.”

  “Not gonna happen.”

  “That’s enough foolishness.” Vince's voice echoed in the stone corridor. “Valor, wear the clothes. They’re appropriate for…what you’re doing.”

  It was obviously important to Vince. And they did feel good against his skin. “Do you think it’ll give me an edge?”

  “I don’t know. But I do know that Tailor spent the past three days and nights working nonstop to make these for you and risked her life delivering them.”

  “I’ll wear them.”

  “There’s a hidden pocket inside the shirt for the Book of the Dead.”

  “You want me to take it with me? What if I lose?”

  “Then it won’t matter.”

  As the time ticked down, Josh’s emotions bounced all over the place. He alternated between rock solid self-confidence and pure terror with every heartbeat. But mostly, he just wanted it to be over.

  At 3:00 AM, ten guards, wearing black leather and black silk shirts entered the northeast wing. The tallest guard inclined his head respectfully. “It’s time, my prince. Please, come with us.”

  The man’s demeanor surprised Josh. He pried past his energy shield, even though doing so was considered rude. He found nothing but respect, hope, and sadness. Huh. Josh wondered how many others under Dominance’s rule were secretly on his side. He patted the man’s shoulder, a silent apology for invading his privacy. “We’re ready.”

  “I’m sorry, my prince, but the only one that may accompany you is your second.”

  Josh didn’t like the sudden change of plans, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. He took Channie’s hand.

  One of the other guards, a short stocky man that openly radiated contempt, stepped in front of her and glared at Josh. “No opposite sex may serve as second. Choose one of the males.”

  “What? No!” The Book of the Dead specifically said that Channie had to stay by his side.

  “It is the ancient way.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not leaving my wife behind.”

  “She’ll be safe until the duel is over.” The tall guard spoke quietly. “I’ll lock the doors to this wing. Everyone else will be in attendance.”

  Was the man giving him some sort of message?

  Vince shoved Hunter towards Josh. “Take Hunter as your second. I’ll personally see to Channie’s safety.”

  Vince grew up there. Maybe he knew some secret passage out of the castle or something. He knew how important it was for Josh to keep Channie by his side. Vince's emphasis on personally guaranteeing Channie’s safety had to mean he had a plan to get her to Josh.

  “Please, my prince.” The tall guard’s voice trembled. “If I do not deliver you on time, the lives of my entire family will be forfeited.

  Josh couldn’t think. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t hear over the pounding of his heart.

  Hunter took his arm and guided him towards the door. He murmured into Josh’s ear as they walked but he didn’t hear anything until they were almost at the clearing where the duel was to take place.

  “It’ll be okay. Vince will get her there in time. There’re all sorts of secret tunnels and whatnot in that old castle. He told me all about growing up in it while you and Channie were otherwise occupied. Now breathe!”

  Josh took a deep breath and nodded.

  “That’s better.” Hunter hugged him and thumped him on the back. “By the way…what’s a second supposed to do?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Dominance clapped her hands, twice. All conversation stopped. She held her hand out to the side. “My second, Tempest Veyjivik, shall now read the rules of dueling as set forth in the ancient rites of our ancestors.”

  Hunter leaned in closer. “Were you aware of any rules?”

  “Not specifically. I just thought we were supposed to fight it out until one of us was dead. Winner takes all.”

  Dominance cleared her throat and glared at Josh.

  Tempest unrolled a scroll. “The challenged principle shall choose the weapons to be used in the duel. The seconds shall also be armed with the same weapons. Should either principle attack before the appointed time—”

  “Wait!” Josh strode forward until he was face to face with Dominance. “You didn’t say anything about weapons. We’re supposed to fight with magic.”

  “You agreed to fight according to the rules of the ancient rites and I choose pistols.”

  “You challenged me, so I get to choose the weapons, and I choose magic.” Josh’s shield wouldn’t repel bullets unless he was touching Channie’s bare skin. Did Dominance know? Was that why she’d been so adamant about keeping Channie away from the duel? He couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a pistol. An assault rifle, maybe, but not a pistol.

  Dominance snapped her fingers. “Play the court records from my meeting with Prince Valor on December seventeenth.”

  A mage stepped forward with an iPhone in his hand. He plugged it into a docking station then tapped the screen. The conversation between Dominance and Josh boomed out from half a dozen speakers.

  “And how long will your hospitality last?” Josh cringed at the suspicious undertone in his voice.

  “I believe the invitation was until solstice.” Dominance’s voice dripped with honey.

  “And then what?”

  “Then, we shall see who is the stronger mage.”

  “A duel?”

  “Conducted according to the ancient rites. Let’s set the time to coincide with the total eclipse, shall we?”

  “To the death?”

  “Winner take all.”

  Dominance spread her arms and turned around as she spoke. “Did you all hear Prince Valor say ‘A duel?’”

  Several of her minions chanted, “Yes, my queen.”


  She ignored Josh’s protest and spoke over him. “Is there any doubt that Prince Valor challenged me to a duel?”

  “No, my queen.”

  “I call bullshit!” H
unter raised his fist in the air.

  Dominance shot a pure bolt of power straight at his heart. Josh’s shield slammed over Hunter a split second before her curse would have killed him.

  The crowd gasped then buzzed with hushed whispers and lowered voices, too many and too quiet to discern. But the tension shot up exponentially. Josh didn’t want things to get out of control. He could feel the energy of his loyal army nearby and getting closer. This could easily turn into a blood bath. “Wait a minute…okay? Just…calm down.”

  Silence spread out from him like a ripple across a pond.

  “It was not my intention to challenge Dominance to a duel. I was merely asking if that was her intention when she said ‘we’ll see who is the stronger mage.’ But whether I did or not is irrelevant. We both agreed to do it according to ancient rites…and pistols are not ancient weapons.”

  Dominance sighed as if she found the whole affair a terrible bore. “The ancient rites do not specify what weapons may or may not be used. Only that the challenged party gets to choose.”

  “You set me up. I never would’ve agreed to a duel with pistols. Either we fight with magic or we go back to full scale war.” It wasn’t just his life on the line. If he lost, all mages would be bound by the agreement he’d made in ignorance. They’d be Dominance’s slaves.

  All pretense of civility slid off Dominance’s face. Her countenance reflected nothing but pure evil. She extended her left arm and wiggled her fingers in a “come here” gesture.

  The crowd parted. Two guards stepped forward. Josh’s heart stopped then fell to his feet. One of them held a knife to Vince's throat, the other to Channie’s.

  “No.” It came out as a breathy whisper, but Josh was screaming inside. He swayed on his feet. He would have fallen to his knees if Hunter hadn’t grabbed his elbow.

  “Excuse me.” Hunter cleared his throat. “As Valor’s second, I’d like to take his place.”

  “No. Hunter, I won’t let you do that.”

  “This ain’t just about saving you, Josh, although I’d still be willing. But there’s a whole lot more riding on this here duel.”

  Dominance saved Josh the torture of deciding one way or the other. “No, you may not.”

  Hunter lifted his chin. “What do the rules say?”


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