Book Read Free

Unexpected Gift

Page 4

by Bellus, HJ

  “Yes, honey.” I scoop her up in my arms. “Which one do you want?”

  She scrunches her nose up surveying all the different plates. She does this every single time yet chooses pumpkin every single time. The girl makes herself sick on it and that’s why I only make it a few times a year.

  “Nunkin.” She points and then looks over to Roan her wild hair bouncing around. “Pie!”

  “Yeah,” he chuckles.

  “You.” She points again.

  I’m about to tell him that Grace is insisting on him to pick his pie.

  “I like pumpkin too.” He winks at her.

  Grace swoons right in my arms and just like that Roan McDaniels has won over the heart of my daughter now making the count to two Hughes’ girls who are hopelessly in love with him.

  Grace throws her arms out toward him.

  “Just a minute, Grace, I’ll take you out and get you settled in.” I bounce her in my arm reaching for the slice of pie. Roan is faster than me grabbing two dessert plates in one of his strong hands. The action takes me back to so many memories from the way he’d strum his guitar to all the times those hands ran all over my body.

  Grace lurches out of my arms right into his chest. Roan doesn’t flinch or even think twice about it before he has her settled against his chest. She dips her chubby finger in the whipped topping and plucks it in her mouth. She then does the same to the other pie and holds her finger up to Roan.

  “You?” She tilts her head in question.

  I bite down on my bottom lip holding in laughter. The little shit is about to play out her favorite trick that her Uncle Jake and Brad play on her. Roan opens his mouth, his features a bit awkward about the gesture. I see it coming before it happens and so would Roan if he was tentative.

  Grace’s finger flies past his mouth right to the tip of his nose. She drags the whipped topping all over his nose and cheek.

  “Got you!” Grace’s sweet giggles ring out through the kitchen overpowering the Christmas music in the background.

  Roan’s deep chuckle joins her and I find myself laughing at the entire scene finding it way too easy falling back into all the what-ifs. Roan darts his tongue out trying to clean up the mess which only makes Grace laugh even harder. I pass him a napkin, but seeing that his hands are full I freeze. The moment becoming awkward all over again.

  Grace grabs the napkin and begins dabbing it all over his face only making a bigger mess. A fierce passion ignites inside of me. I want nothing more than to kiss the hell out of this man again to feel his stubble tickling my skin, the feel of his lips on mine, and the comfort of his touch.

  “Pie!” Ivy races into the kitchen. “You’re mom may stroke out any moment.”

  Jake and Brad tail her in. They freeze when they take in the scene in front of them. Brad shoves past Ivy going straight to Roan. I have no doubt that if he wasn’t holding Grace, Brad would lay his ass out.

  “Come on, baby girl, let’s go eat pie.” Brad holds his hands out.

  Grace shakes her head. “No. Pie with…”

  Her words dies off, she peers up to Roan with a question on her face. “Who you?”

  Roan’s smile lights up his face. “Roan. My name is Roan.”

  Grace’s tiny teeth beam wide. “Pie with Oan.”

  “Grab plates and let’s go,” Ivy instructs.

  I nod to Roan giving him permission to take Grace out into the lobby. The rest of us load up trays with pies and carry them out. My brothers stand by my side helping me make sure everyone is served. They are sure to grunt and flex their fists at every chance they get.

  “Enough you guys.” I turn to my brothers when the last of our friends and family are served. They both open their mouth in unison to protest. I hold up a hand. “I mean it. I’m not a weak, young, heartbroken teenager anymore. I can handle this. Hell, we all know I’ve been through far worse things than Roan leaving.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” Jake crosses his arms over his chest.

  “Yeah, doesn’t matter,” Brad adds. “We aren’t about to watch him come into your life and hurt you again. He doesn't even get the chance. Yeah, you’ve been through a lot in the last few years, but guess what it’s been us standing by your side holding your hand through the pain. Ain’t happening on our watch!”

  My shoulders slump with that comment hitting right at the center of my heart. It’s the truth. As annoying as my brothers can be they’ve been my rock. “This isn’t easy, but if you really think I’ll put myself back into a position where I’m broken then think again. I have Grace to think of and…”

  “And what?” Jake urges me one.

  These shits know me all too well.

  “And things could be different this time.” I shake my head. “Things are different this time.”

  My stupid heart is already doing the thinking for my brain. They both grimace and stare me down. It’s Brad who speaks up first.


  I roll my eyes knowing these two don’t even know the first thing about the definition of compromise.

  “We’ll back off for now. Don’t need any unneeded drama during the holidays, however, if this thing goes any further and he hurts you, he’s ours. “

  “Yep.” Jake smiles wide. “And when we are done with him there won’t be a plastic surgeon in Hollywood that can put his pretty face back to normal.”

  I shake my head. “You two are idiots.”

  “And you love us,” Brad replies.

  I hold my arms open wide going in for a hug. They’re right I do love the overbearing fools with everything I have.

  “Look at me,” Mom hollers.

  We turn to her still embracing one another only to be blinded by the bright flash of a camera. Over the top of her shoulder, I see Grace in Roan’s lap talking a mile a minute about something while they share a slice of holiday pie.

  Chapter 5

  “She out?” Roan asks standing from the leather couch in the lobby.

  “Passed out.” I sweep my hair from my face.

  “She’s hilarious and nonstop energy.”

  “Yeah.” I gesture to the couch. We both take a seat keeping plenty of space between us. “She’s something else and keeps me on my toes.”

  “I can see that,” he agrees.

  Then the awkward silence becomes the third visitor in our party of two. Everyone else has retreated to their rooms since it’s now nearing midnight. Grace will more than likely be a hot mess tomorrow. She’s all about routine.

  I point to the opened bottles of wine on the table. “Want a glass?”

  “Yeah.” He nods.

  “Red or white?” I ask pouring myself a heaping full glass of white. It’s way past the classy limit.

  “Same as you is fine.” Roan relaxes back on the couch.

  “A wine drinker. I like it.” Eyeing him while pouring his glass. Again not a classy amount, so I may be wrong. I’m thinking the liquid magic might ease the tension between us.

  He chuckles reaching for his glass. Our fingers touch for the briefest of seconds and that zap I’ll never forget shocks through my system.

  “Actually, and if this hits the headlines I’ll know where it came from,” he winks at me while taking a drink of the white crisp, sweet wine. “I prefer wine over whisky.”

  “You do?” I ask in shock.

  I mean it was always sneaking out beers when we were in high school. There’s so much I don’t know about him as we’ve aged.

  “Yeah, chalk it up to the one good thing my parents taught me.”

  “Oh.” I take a drink from my own glass, feeling the wine warm my belly.

  “You know I want to hate and resent them for the shit they put in my head. Dad threatened to disown me if I didn’t go into the family business.”

  “You’re not the cutthroat lawyer type.” I throw my two cents in.

  “Yeah. Tried telling him that. He wanted nothing to do with it and you know Mom is his puppet. Grey never gave a shit so I was
stuck in the middle. They tried to disown me until my name hit the headlines gaining national attention then they were my biggest fans. The pressure built and I lost myself, so I guess they won in the end.”

  I reach over grabbing his hand without thinking and give it a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry, Roan. I had no idea they were putting that much on you. I knew they were…”

  I pause searching for the right word.

  “Different,” I finally squeak out then place the wine glass to my lips.

  “Assholes,” he corrects me.

  I stifle down the laughter when he tells it how it is not wanting to shower him in wine.

  “It’s the truth there’s no way around it. And I’m not allowing them to control me any longer.”

  I squeeze his hand again. “I’m proud of you.”

  He drops his head and then glances back up at me with heat simmering in his hypnotizing eyes. “I want to kiss you so damn bad. I want to sing with you again. Hold you. I want it all, Poppy.”

  Those words puncture a piece of my aching heart. It would be so easy to jump in the deep end with this man. But I have priorities in my life right now. I won’t lie the elated feeling of being free with him is intoxicating.

  “I’d sing with you,” I squeak out.

  “It’s a start.” Roan bends down grabbing Dad’s guitar that’s leaning against the table. He hands it to me.

  “No.” I wave him off. “I want to hear you play.”

  Roan shrugs the guitar on around his neck and strums a few chords before glancing back up at me. “You pick.”

  “No, you.”

  “Tis the season.” He winks and then begins playing All I Want For Christmas Is You.

  I shake my head but don’t miss the first word of the song. Roan would pick a song that pushed my voice to the limits. I don’t miss a beat and before I know he’s quit playing the guitar singing right along with me.

  Once the song is over he passes me the guitar and I begin playing The First Noel. Our voices glide in unison. Hours pass as we sing like we used to. We pick up right where we left off. My heart doesn’t miss this fact.

  Roan leans in and I don’t back away. I do the exact opposite falling into him. Our lips touch and neither of us move. We both relish in the old, familiar touch. When his hand goes to my jawline I’m throttled into action. It’s sweet, rushed, tender, and crazed as our lips tangle together. It’s better than any song we could’ve sang because it’s our song. And I’m so screwed because I just dove head first in the deep end and have never felt happier about it.

  * * *

  “One more stop.” Ivy drags me to another shop on Main Street.

  Grace feels like a ton brick on my shoulder. She’s been passed out for the last thirty minutes and I can no longer feel my arms or spine. I knew she’d be a bear today. Mixing in last minute Christmas shopping makes me a ferocious bear. I’m ready to trip my best friend and run back to the inn. I’m over all of this.

  “What in the hell are you getting now?” I lean on the counter taking some of the weight of the sleeping Grace off my back.

  “Grabbing Jake’s gift,” Ivy responds, not looking back at me.

  Well, this piqued my curiosity enough to ignore my protesting muscles.

  “What are you getting him?” I peek over her shoulder.

  “This shaving kit. I’ve heard they’re amazing.”

  I study the different personalized kits. The wooden boxes they’re in are enough on their own to convince me to purchase one. And hell I don’t even have a beard. I spot one that reminds me of a certain scent.

  “Grab the one on the far right.” I turn so she can see my hip. “Grab my debit card.”

  “Your dad doesn’t have a beard and you already bought Brad and Jake’s gift.”

  “Shut up and buy mine please.” I go back to the counter relaxing on it. Grace doesn’t stir from her position

  The downside to shopping Cringle Cove days before Christmas are the lines. The business woman’s heart inside of me soars with pride. The mom with an aching back and two sleeping arms dreads this crap. A slight murmur rolls over the store. Heads duck together and phones come out taking discreet pictures. What in the hell?

  I have a few seconds to process my pondering when I know what’s causing the stir. I don’t have to see him to know Roan is right behind me. Then lips are on my temple and that musky orange scent intoxicates me.


  I turn my head just enough to see his dazzling smile and mirror one of my own right back at him.

  “Hey. Funny seeing you here.” I turn a bit and wince when a massive cramp zips up my arm.

  “Here.” Roan adjusts some bags into one hand and then takes Grace from me. “Shake it out.”

  “Thanks.” I do just that wiggling my arms and stretching my neck from side-to-side.

  Grace rustles around his arms until she settles her chubby cheek against his shoulder and wraps her arms around his neck. I sigh. Yes, sigh because I know how comfortable that spot is. Without thinking, I reach out and pat his forearm.

  “Thanks. I was about to crumble.” I remove my hand letting both of them disappear into the long sleeves of my off the shoulder baggy sweater. “What are you up to?”

  “Christmas shopping and you?” Roan saunters toward me.


  “Grey wants a shaving kit from here. It’s all he’s been talking about.”

  I smile. “Bet he’s happy you’re home.”

  He chuckle. “Sure is.”

  Roan looks over the same kits I just did. I can tell he’s impressed as he studies each of them one by one.

  “These are pretty badass.” Roan juggles Grace in his arms and picks one up.

  “Sir, can I help you?” A busty blonde with lust twinkling in her eyes leans over the counter and holy bazooka her cleavage is on full display.

  “I’ll take two of these.” Roan hands her the kit not appreciating any of her goods she’s trying so hard to put on display.

  “Oh, my God!” A voice whisper squeals. “It’s the one and only Roan McDaniels. Oh, my God, will you totally sign my boobs.”

  We both turn to see Ivy with shopping bags in her hands bouncing up and down. In unison we all erupt in laughter. The thing about being forever best friends is the fact we can read facial cues and body language like no other. I do my best death stare to convey my message. A few eye darts to the kit in Roan’s hand and after three throat clears Ivy picks up on what I’m putting down.

  “You buying one of those?” Ivy points.

  “Yeah, one for Grey and thought what the hell I’ll grab one for me too.”

  “Here your hands are full.” She tugs it from his hand and ignores the poor sales clerk, never even noticed by Roan. “I’ll grab your credit card.”

  Ivy slips her hand in Roan’s back pocket with no shame tugging his wallet out and then slaps his ass. “You’ve kept those buns steel tight, Mr. Famous Pants.”

  The line begins to swarm us with elbows jabbing our sides. Grace takes it upon herself to wake up wiggling around in Roan’s arms.

  “We’ll be outside, Ivy. No funny business with the credit card.”

  Ivy leans in as close as she can and does a perfect version of a whisper-shouts that’s not so much a whisper. “Dick rings for everyone.”

  “Ick?” Grace wipes the sleep from her eyes.

  I tug on Roan’s arm and shake my head at my idiotic friend that I love dearly.

  “She hasn’t changed a bit.” Roan shakes his head walking away.

  “No, that is the one thing that has stayed the same.” I hold the door open for Roan.

  The sunshine reflecting off the buildings warms our skin instantly. It’s such an interesting picture with snow surrounding us and sunshine warming us.

  “Oan!” Grace pats his cheeks just realizing who’s holding her.

  “Hey, sweet cheeks.” He leans in and kisses her forehead without thought.

  It should be weird
, but it’s not. It’s the complete opposite. She babbles on about some nonsense. Her words coming out faster than anyone can process.

  “Got it.” Ivy holds up the bags. “It’s Santa time!”

  “Santa!” Grace screeches. It’s one of the words she gets out perfectly.

  I glance up to Roan. “Want to join us? I mean if you’re not busy.”

  I find myself fumbling with my fingers, chewing on my bottom lip feeling like the timid high school girl hanging out with the class stud all of the sudden.

  “Love to.” He points across the road. “Let me drop these off in my truck.”

  We follow him over to his truck. Ivy goes in stealth mode tossing the bag with the one shaving kit under a bunch of others. And holy hell, he sure bought a lot of stuff. He must be really spoiling the hell out of Grey.

  “What’s in the box?” Ivy points to a huge box in the bed of the truck.

  “A present,” he responds.

  “No shi- shoot.” Ivy is quick to correct herself.

  “Let’s go so we can beat the lines to see Santa.” I break up the argument between Ivy and Roan before it starts. She loves a good banter and Roan was always up for the challenge.

  When we are a block away from the start of the trail ride that leads us to Santa, Grace wiggles out of Roan’s arms. Panic crosses his face. I’m only guessing at the sight of my tiny spitfire in the middle of the chaos. Took me a long time to let her go as well. I grab her hand and pat his shoulder.

  “She’ll be fine.”

  “She could be hit by a car or snagged by someone. The street is insane with people.”

  “She’ll be fine,” I reassure him.

  His jaw ticks. “If someone even nudges her their ass is grass.”

  Roan grabs her other hand. Grace squeals when Hunter Beckett’s horses come into view. Grace adores horses and the times her uncles take her over to feed them carrots.

  “Momma! Momma!” I drop her hand letting her point at them.

  “Hold on, sissy. We’re almost there.”

  Her eyes truly light up when she sees the sleigh hooked to some of the horses. It’s Christmas tradition. I’ve ridden up to Santa’s workshop from the time I can remember right through my adult years. Last year, Grace was intrigued, wide-eyed and taking everything in. This year is so much sweeter with enthusiasm bursting through the seams.


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