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Healing Hearts 2: Fight for Freedom (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Ferlong was nowhere to be found. They thought he was dead. Not a chance. The son of a bitch escaped. Him, as well as Phantom, wanted to be the one to kill him, but it didn’t look like they would get their chance. That operation could have cost all their lives. Now he chose carefully. Which jobs, which location, and what they entailed with him and the team’s safety top priority.

  They weren’t getting any younger and being around Mercy and all this town had to offer was starting to make them think about retirement. They could do things like Selasi did, and work intel in the safe, relaxing atmosphere of their own homes. Going out in a blaze of glory no longer had the same appeal. Especially leading up to that shit show in Peru. The abused women, the forced laborers, all in the name of some drug dealer and terrorist who was using the money to buy weapons and build his army of rebels. It was all so confusing and complicated. It wasn’t like they were just terrorists from one cell. No, these men, this group, came from different areas in the Middle East as well as South America. What were the fucking South Americans doing joining forces with terrorist? There had to be some sort of dealings going on but what? Something more than drugs and guns? What could it be? He racked his brain like he did every time that mission came back to his mind. It was over. Just leave it behind them and move on. He had to, as a leader and man who wanted more for his team.

  His cell phone rang and he stretched out his muscles and answered it. “Yo,” he said into it.

  “Guess who I’m looking at right fucking now?” Turner said to him.

  “Got no idea.”


  Mike sat up. “No.”

  “Yes I am. Him and Denver are in town visiting Denver’s sister and her husband. They want to meet up tonight. You game?” Turner asked.

  “Hell yeah. I’ll talk to Phantom.”

  “I told them that Watson, Dell, and Fogerty are out of town. I’ll come back to the house in a little bit once I confirm plans.”

  “Sounds good, Turner.”

  Mike ended the call and smiled, shaking his head. He hadn’t seen Rodriguez and Denver in a long time. He thought they retired from the military and was working in the police department in New Jersey or something after a stint with the FBI. He would love to catch up with them. This call definitely changed his mood for the better.

  * * * *

  “Yes, ma’am, the kitchen is extra-large and great for entertaining. Of course, that view out the back and the beach in the distance is an added bonus,” North said to the woman as her and her husband walked around the upscale beach home.

  North heard her cell phone go off again and assumed it was either April or Afina texting about tonight. Smiling, she glanced down and felt her coloring go and that fearful sensation hit her in the chest. She glanced up at the clients who were now on the patio looking impressed.

  The phone went off again.

  Just checking in. No need to panic. Would love to hear your voice and confirm all is good.

  She exhaled, feeling a slight bit of relief hearing from Sebastian Mount. He was a federal agent who worked with her brother Tyler. He was the reason why she was alive today and placed into hiding here in Mercy. His Uncle Billy and Aunt Stella lived twenty minutes from town. All of North’s friends she made out here so far believe that Billy and Stella were North’s aunt and uncle. Well, she considered them family. They were the closest she had to relatives. That thought made her think of Tyler.

  She took a moment to text Sebastian, letting him know she was with clients but would text as soon as she was finished.

  The couple walked back into the house, grabbing her full attention.

  “We want to make an offer. What do you think is fair, North? We don’t want to mess around and waste time.”

  She smiled. “I know the seller wanted as close to asking price as possible, but they did price it to sell. I wouldn’t go too low.”

  She spent the next thirty minutes going over their offer, signing some papers, and then told them she would be in touch as soon as she got a response.

  They left the house and she remained there making the call to the other realtor and the offer. He would contact the sellers and hopefully North made another great sale. She really loved the community, and hoped to one day have a home of her own here, but condo life was the best for her right now. She didn’t sleep well, liked the idea of being on the eighth floor overlooking the ocean and having only one way in and out of her condo. The front door.

  I’m good now.

  She texted Sebastian, and a minute later her phone rang. She couldn’t help but get that nervous, anxious feeling when he called. It was instant and it automatically brought back the memories of more than two years ago, and how raw her emotions still were. She made a lot of accomplishments in the past year here, but had a long ways to go to being recovered. At least she was no longer experiencing withdrawal symptoms from the drugs that had been given to her by Forester to control her. She swallowed hard. That had been a fear of hers, but her determination and strength to move on and be free got her through all of it and into recovery, physically and emotionally. She was still fearful though, and that would never change until Forester was dead.

  “Hi, Sebastian,” she answered.

  “Hey beautiful, how are you?”

  She smiled and leaned against the island in the large kitchen looking at the view through the sliders. “I’m well, and keeping busy.”

  “I hear you’re really busy and haven’t gotten together with your aunt and uncle for over a month.”

  She sighed. “I’m good, Sebastian. It’s hard, that’s all.”

  “Hard how?” he asked. He was always so easy to talk to, and she trusted him.

  “As soon as I start feeling pretty comfortable and confident, I get that sensation like something is wrong and this life, the safety, is going to disappear.”

  “It’s understandable, North. It truly hasn’t been that long since everything happened. You’ve forced yourself to make things happen in record time. You’ve made great friends, established a career, and are moving on with your life.”

  “Not quite moving on.”

  “No one said not to date.”

  “I’m not interested in dating.”

  “Sure you aren’t. You’re a beautiful, classy, professional young woman. I know the guys swarm you.”

  “Oh really, how do you know that?”

  “My uncle and aunt tell me.”

  “Your uncle and aunt tried to sneakily set me up with a guy they know.”

  He laughed. “I heard, and I told them not to do that, besides that guy was all wrong for you.”

  “Why is that?”

  “He works for the bureau and drug enforcement agency.”

  She laughed. “What were they thinking?”

  He laughed, too. “Are you in need of anything?”

  “No. I’m doing good, Sebastian. What about you? How is the investigation going?”

  “Nothing has changed. It seems that the focus is going toward bigger fish, which is what we expected.”

  Her belly quivered and she felt that fear simmering low. Her silence gave away that fear to Sebastian.

  “I know, sweetie. You can’t live your life looking over your shoulder. All I can give you as reassurance about Forester, is that he hasn’t been seen in the United States. He is no longer the focus in the investigation, however, if he steps foot in the United States, I’ll know and he won’t be getting around without agents following him.”

  “I sure do hope so. If he did somehow get here and find me, he more than likely would kill me.”

  “Not from what we gathered at his home, and the intel on searches for you, and those attempts by men to get into the hospital.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “Sorry, but we both know staying diligent is important.”

  “I’ll never feel safe again, Sebastian. I know that.”

  “How about the counseling? Is that working talking with Ice?”
/>   She was quiet. She had seen him only a few times and he was always checking up on her. When they did see one another, she made the conversation general and fought counseling.

  “North, you like Ice. You can trust him. You’re the only civilian he is willing to see. He deals with military only and he is my cousin.”

  “I know. I know, it’s just hard to tell him things.”

  “Why? He’s a great therapist.”

  “He’s so big and well, good looking and intimidating. I’m embarrassed to tell him deeper things.”

  “Don’t be. He has your file and he can read between the lines. Besides, you shouldn’t be embarrassed. You were the victim.”

  “It’s easy to just label me a victim, and especially with a therapist. Maybe I don’t want to think about it all. About Tyler, too.”

  “Understandable, but talking about it, getting out that anger toward your brother, can help in a lot of ways. He was the only male in your life who stood for something.”

  “He stood for nothing. He worried about himself. I realized too late. Geesh, forget about this, Sebastian. I’m fine. I have to be. There’s no one to count on but me.”

  “Damn it. Listen, in a few weeks I’ll try to get there to visit.”

  “I’m fine, really.”

  “Text me if you need anything, and I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Okay, Sebastian. Take care.” She ended the call and sighed as she leaned back.

  She thought about Tyler, and that was someone she didn’t want to think about. He introduced her to Forester, but had Forester seen her first, or was she part of some bigger deal to save Tyler’s own ass? She felt sick, hurt, betrayed and so damn angry. How could she ever trust any man, any person fully ever again when her own brother sold her body, her soul, her life to another man? Seriously, this kind of shit is so twisted and despicable, no amount of counseling, of talking about it, expressing emotions over it is going to heal her and make her feel whole again.

  She pushed off the counter, took a deep, yet unsteady breath and released it. Time to get back to work, back to reality, back to looking like she was happy and normal.

  Chapter Two

  Casey looked at Amelia, Afina, North, Kai, and April, and gave a small smile. She had noticed that Amelia was being awfully quiet, and every time one of the guys came over to talk to them, or someone came over to hit on Afina, North, and April, Amelia tightened up. Casey could understand Amelia’s fears, and she had a feeling more was going on with her, but Amelia wasn’t budging. Who was Casey to give advice about men? Her own boyfriend tricked her, lied to her and then tried to kill her and Kai as well. That was a nightmare and it had been embarrassing. Casey was staying clear of all men, too. She didn’t trust them. Whenever a guy approached to talk to her, she interrogated him and he got turned off. She shouldn’t even bother, but being here with her friends made her more comfortable.

  “I need to use the ladies room. I’ll be right back,” North said, and got up from the table.

  Casey caught Mike looking at North the second she got up. Then Phantom and Turner did, too, and the two guys they were talking with. Could Afina’s brother be interested in North? North would turn them down, just like she turned down all men who asked her out. When they asked North why she didn’t date, she said she was too busy making money to pay her bills and it had to be priority. Afina pushed like always and got some answers. Apparently, North had been in a bad relationship and the guy was abusive. They didn’t know how bad, but it upset them all. Apparently, there were a lot of dicks out there ready to abuse and hurt a woman. Why couldn’t each of them find good men who would love them, make them feel special, and could heal their hearts, their bodies and souls? Was that just wishful fantasy thinking on Casey’s part? She didn’t know as that pain in the pit of her stomach increased. It was always there, would be there for a long time, perhaps forever.

  Then she noticed Turner rub his side and then shake his head and look kind of pissed. What was up with that?

  “Hey, why are you being so quiet? Are you feeling okay?” Kai asked Casey.

  She gave her a smile. “I’m fine, just noticing some things, and enjoying hanging out here and not feeling uncomfortable.”

  Kai gave a soft smile and her friends looked sympathetic. “Hey, it’s been a few months. It will take some time and Ghost and Cosmo said you could use the bathroom in their office if you are uncomfortable in the hallway.”

  “I just won’t go down there alone. Maybe grab a few guys with guns or something, ” she said, and then forced a smile.

  Kai hugged her arm. “We’ll all go together,” Kai suggested, and then they raised their glasses and clinked them together.

  These ladies had become her closest friends, and Kai saved her life, so she owed her everything.

  * * * *

  “So you guys are seriously thinking about moving here with your brothers? When did this come about?” Mike asked Rodriguez just as Denver got up off the stool, smiling wide and reaching his hand out.

  “We sure are, in fact this is our real estate agent,” Rodriguez said just as Mike had turned to see who Denver greeted. His eyes widened as North came into view, smiling, and greeting Denver and Rodriguez hello.

  “So you found the hottest spot in town?” she said.

  “How did you guys meet North? I mean with all the agencies around here?” Mike asked.

  He noticed Rodriguez had his hand on her lower back still as if protecting her from anyone passing by, or maybe from Mike and his team? What the hell? They knew North already. We met her first, the words popped into his head.

  “Actually, she introduced herself to us. Denver and I were talking out loud about this one place near the beach,” Rodriguez said.

  “Well a block from it, but still a view and you can hear the water,” Denver added, and she smiled.

  “One look into these gorgeous green eyes and we were ready to let her lead us anywhere,” Rodriguez flirted, and North gave him a half-amused expression.

  “You guys are relentless. So how do you know Mike?” she asked.

  “We worked together a few years back,” Rodriguez said, and didn’t take his eyes off of North.

  It bothered Mike and made him feel jealous. He had no right to be jealous. She didn’t belong to him. He hadn’t made a move or anything, and Turner was still up in the air about work and didn’t think having a girlfriend would be fair or even possible. Some missions sent them away for months. A woman as hot as North would have men hitting on her all the time. Worrying would drive him, Phantom, and Turner nuts.

  “How did that showing go this afternoon in the million dollar house?” Denver asked her.

  “Oh it went great. They made an offer and the seller accepted.”

  “Fantastic. Let us buy you a drink to celebrate,” Rodriguez said, then asked what she wanted, and she told him coconut rum and cranberry juice.

  “You here with friends?” Denver asked her.

  She pointed over toward the table where Afina and the ladies were. They looked on and stared, smiling and checking out Rodriguez and Denver. Mike, Phantom, and Turner listened as Denver and Rodriguez continued to flirt with her, ask about meeting tomorrow to look at more houses, and maybe doing dinner together. He was losing his mind feeling so jealous. Then Rodriguez got a call and Mike slid his arm around North’s waist and pulled her closer. She gasped, and turned toward him looking way up into his eyes. She was a gorgeous woman, with the most stunning green eyes that drew you in immediately. Her body was perfection and fit really nicely against him. Her hand was on his chest and the other on his shoulder as she looked up at him shocked, hell scared. She was fucking incredible.

  “You be careful with them. They tend to be very flirty, they’re older as well,” he warned her. He hadn’t meant to come across sounding so damn fatherly, but he heard it in his voice. She looked surprised by his move, and she was shaking. He felt it and squinted at her. Was she scared of him? “North?”

��I’m a big girl, Mike, thanks for the brotherly advice, but they’re harmless,” she said to him.

  Phantom moved in behind her and then was right by her side. “That’s what you think.”

  She stared at Phantom, and their gazes locked and neither looked away. Mike felt the attraction instantly. This was the closest he ever got to North and he liked it, was aroused with her between him and Phantom. Fuck, he wanted her, and it was instant. Where the hell did these feelings come from?

  “So, North, what do you say? Dinner tomorrow after you show us some houses?” Denver asked, and she slid from Mike’s arms, and gave Denver a smile.

  “Actually, I have a dinner date in the evening, but we could grab lunch if you want to get an early start tomorrow around nine? I can set up viewings at a few of the houses that caught your eye.”

  Denver gave her a smile. “Plan on it. Maybe Rodriguez and I will impress you enough to cancel that dinner date and spend more time with us,” he said, and winked.

  She chuckled, but Mike now wondered who the hell she had a dinner date with. One look at Phantom and his very blank expression and he knew he was thinking the same thing. Maybe Mike could ask Afina and find out.

  * * * *

  North was relieved to be away from the men and back over to the table with friends. She was completely caught off guard by Rodriguez and Denver’s flirtation that was worse than when she first met them, and completely confused by Mike’s behavior. He seemed pissed off, and when she made up the lie about a dinner date, hoping to catch some breathing space, she hadn’t expected Mike’s expression or Phantom’s for that matter. Phantom looked ready to kill.

  Both men were quite intimidating in size and attitudes. Turner, who remained in the background for the most part, hadn’t said a word but she felt his eyes on her all night. Then she kept thinking about what it felt like to be pressed up against Mike and Phantom close behind her. It was crazy, but it had been so long since she experienced something as simple as a hug. To have strong arms around her, someone she felt safe with, and someone who didn’t want to hurt her or use her. She gulped and felt so emotional. A fucking hug? Was she that desperate and needy for an embrace that now she would harping on the feel of being in Mike’s arms? Mike, six feet three, muscular, scruff along his face, dark brown eyes, short brown hair with an air of arrogance, confidence, superiority and capability. He was sexy. Good-looking, mysterious, and she had no idea what he even did for a living, just that he disappeared with his team, and she assumed they were some sort of military or something.


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