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Healing Hearts 2: Fight for Freedom (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Synista cleared his throat. Forester looked up at him.

  “Did they arrive?” he asked.

  “They are in South Carolina, their eyes on the house and on North. There are people viewing the house, as soon as they leave they’ll move in.”

  “Excellent. I want to know when she is on the plane.”

  “What about Castella and Ferlong?”

  “I made the call. They don’t want beef between us or any trouble. They’ll take care of Sully.”

  “What about the money you transferred?”

  “It will be removed as soon as they take him out. Is the bedroom all set? I want to make sure she is comfortable. She’ll be here for the rest of her life.”

  “It’s all set, and the drugs are by the table. Merdock said he can go over the dosage to give her. She should still be out of it when she comes here.”

  “Gordo better not give her too much. I want her conscious when she arrives and sees that I found her and that her destiny was set from the start. Then when she resists, we can drug her up to train her.”

  “Everything will be perfect, Forester.”

  “I hope so. None have compared to her, Synista. None.”

  “Because she was meant to be your woman and now you will have her back, and you can focus on what needs to be done from here on out.”

  “Yes, I can sit back, enjoy this estate, my wealth, my power from afar, with a goddess by my side. Keep me posted on everything.”

  * * * *

  North was wrapping things up, locking up the doors, making sure the windows were closed when she heard the front door open and close. “Hello, the open house is over,” she said, and when he came around the corner she gasped. Gordo, one of Forester’s men was there. She ran to the right, reaching for her purse.

  “Don’t run, North. You’re coming with us. Hiding is over,” he yelled to her, and she pulled out her cell phone and hit Sebastian’s number and then grabbed her gun. She undid the safety and turned to see Gordo there pointing a gun at her. He lifted and shot. She shot, too, hitting him in the forehead, but never expected the pain in her arm and to get tackled to the ground by someone. Her gun went flying across the floor. “Fuck, North! Why?” he yelled and struck her. She screamed and she didn’t know if Sebastian was on the line or not, but she started yelling out information.

  “I killed Gordo, and I will kill you, too, Pulta!” she screamed.

  “Stupid bitch. Move now.”

  “I’m shot.”

  “You’re gonna be in worse condition than that when Forester gets his hands on you.”

  “No, no let me go. Where are you taking me?”

  “You’re going on a nice long flight to Costa Rica.”

  “No. No what is that? Don’t.” She screamed as Pulta shoved her onto her belly and stuck her in the neck with a needle. “By the time you wake up, you’ll be in Forester’s bed where you belong.”

  “No, leave me here. Leave me alone. Oh God. I can’t see. Oh God.” She cried as he dragged her from the house, her eyes landing on her cell phone on the floor, the gun feet away, blood from her arm trailing along with her and Gordo, bleeding from his forehead and dead. Sebastian will know who took her and where. She couldn’t do anything else as weakness overtook her body and then darkness.

  * * * *

  “We can’t let you in there,” Rodriguez said as him and Denver blocked the taped off area leading to the house. There were police everywhere as well as paramedics, and the FBI.

  “The fuck you can’t. That’s our girlfriend who is in there. We need to know about North. What the fuck is going on?” Mike demanded to know. Turner and Phantom were there too and trying to get through.

  “She isn’t in there, Mike. I can’t get into the details and don’t know too much, but I can tell you she isn’t in there and it’s a crime scene.”

  “A crime scene? What the fuck?” Turner yelled, and then Mike saw the men who looked like agents, two of them coming from the house. Denver looked at them. Mike locked gazes with the one guy. He was big, was clenching his teeth as he came closer.

  “Let them by, Rodriguez,” he said, and Rodriguez stepped aside and apologized for having to make Mike and them wait.

  “Come over here with me please,” the other guy said, and they followed and weren’t sure of the situation, but it was obvious these guys knew who Mike and his brothers were.

  “I’m Agent Mount, this is Agent Young.”

  “Where is North? What is going on?” Turner asked.

  “There was a situation here today. Two men who have been searching for her got a tip from an agent, a rat inside the agency, and they came here to take her.”

  “What?” Phantom asked.

  “Take her where and to who? What is this about?”

  “I know she didn’t tell you everything. She was trying to protect you. That’s why she had a gun and she was able to kill one of the men.”

  “What?” Mike asked.

  “Let me explain as quickly as I can. I know you’ll have questions, but you’re going to have to leave this up to us. Once we figure out where they took her in Costa Rica, then we can organize a rescue mission. There’s a lot of red fucking tape here, and now with this crime scene, with the agent on the run that we know is a rat, we’re about ready to arrest multiple big-time drug dealers.”

  “Holy fuck. I’m so confused. What the hell could North have to do with this?” Mike asked.

  “Was her ex a drug dealer? The guy that was abusive?” Turner asked.

  Agent Mount exhaled. “Let’s go over here. We’ll need time to sort things out, so I’ll explain what’s going on.”

  Mike was beside himself in anger and shock. As they stood there and listened to what North had been put through, how she nearly died, how her brother a traitor sold her out to this Forester dick, and how she was forced to be his woman and to suffer for over a year under his control. With every detail and as much informational Sebastian could give, they got a clearer picture of North’s life and the secret she hid so well.

  “No wonder she was so afraid to let down her guard with us,” Turner said.

  “She did though. When I spoke to her two days ago I knew she sounded different. I told her about the photo and it being shared, about the possible danger and she told me about you guys.”

  “You already checked us out. You know, at least have an idea from our credentials, what we’re capable of,” Phantom said to Sebastian.

  “I do.”

  “So why wouldn’t you tell her to confide in us? Why wouldn’t she?” Turner asked.

  “To protect you from Forester. Those men came here to kill whomever stood in the way of grabbing North. She knew that you would want to protect her, and the risk to your lives was something she wasn’t willing to risk. This man hurt her so badly physically, emotionally, that I didn’t think even with counseling she would recover. Never mind what her own brother did to her.”

  “It’s understandable, but this was new between us and she had no clue as to what we do for a living. We also know who these men are. At least who Castella, Ferlong, and Loconto are. They’re responsible for the murder of several of your agents and others. We were part of the team of mercenaries that destroyed that warehouse and factory in Peru,” Mike told Sebastian.

  His eyes widened. “Holy shit. Fuck, if Forester finds out.”

  “He won’t find out because he doesn’t know it was us. No one survived that but our team,” Mike added.

  “This is crazy. While you were doing that and killing these men, North was being beaten, drugged, and tortured. We got lucky when Forester sent her with two of his men to a discrete location and we stopped them before she could be forced elsewhere. We believe Forester was going to bring her out of the country,” Sebastian told them.

  Mike looked at his brothers and then at Sebastian. “We want in on this. Now whether you agree or not, we’re calling in our people, our connections and we’re doing this right. No offense, but you’ve had
three years. We’re experts at finding terrorist assholes hiding out in little fucking underground holes, we sure as shit can find this prick and his buddies in Costa Rica,” Mike said, and then looked at Phantom. “Call the others. Have them meet us at the back room of Corporals,” he said to him, and Phantom pulled out his cell phone and walked away.

  “You can’t get involved with this. We’re hunting down three other main drug dealers that have killed numerous agents and have been bringing in illegal drugs and weapons to the United States,” Henry said to them.

  “Let me know who your commander is. We can work together or alone, but either way we’ll be in Costa Rica by morning, and we’ll have North back in our arms safe and sound, and this Forester guy under arrest or six feet under. All depends,” Mike said.

  “Depends on what?” Henry asked.

  “If he’s resistant, and if he hurts North.”

  “The government will not allow you to do this.”

  “The government won’t know what the hell is going on and we’ll be out of there before they even process the paperwork to start an investigation. Now are we doing this together or not?” Mike asked.

  Henry exhaled and shrugged. “Together. All I ever wanted was to keep North safe and give her a chance at a normal life. The men need to go.”

  Chapter Eight

  “You shot her?” Forester asked, looking at her arm covered in a bandage.

  “Gordo shot at her when she pulled the gun and she killed him.”

  “Holy shit,” Synista replied.

  “That’s a mess no one can clean up. The feds and the cops will be all over this shit,” Pulta stated.

  “We’re taking precautions. No one will be able to find the estate, and if they did we would be aware of them long before they reach the perimeter. By that time, we can escape on helicopter if need be,” Forester said and leaned down and stroked her cheek.

  “She resisted some?”


  “She’ll suffer for killing Gordo. Let’s get her comfortable. How long before the shit wears off?”

  “An hour maybe. The doctor said it’s a flesh wound and will heal. I didn’t let him do stitches. Figured you may want someone better so she isn’t scarred,” Pulta said to him.

  He nodded. “Leave us,” he said, and they exited the bedroom. Forester looked at North. She was dressed nicely. Short, flare skirt, camisole and blouse that had blood on it. He reached for her, leaned down and inhaled against her neck. She still smelled the same. Delicious, sweet, and he removed the blouse and then looked at her abundant breasts. It was then as he trailed a finger along her neck that he saw the light marks on her skin. Love bites? He pushed the material down and sure enough there were more. Small marking, she was fucking someone. She had a lover? He shoved at her and stood up, running his fingers through his hair as he paced.

  “Synista! Synista!” he yelled, and Synista appeared wide-eyed and concerned.

  “She was fucking someone. Find out who. I want to know who?”

  “Why? She’s here now, what does it matter?”

  “Look that this,” he said, and pulled down her strap, revealing more of her breast, and pushing her head to the side, the love bites were faded but there.

  He looked at Forester. “You really want to know? Then what?”

  “Then I want him dead. I want him to know that I have her and she is mine and he can never fuck her again. Then slit his fucking throat.”

  “Okay,” he said and bowed. Forester looked at North. He was fuming mad as he walked toward the closet and pulled out the ropes. He got to work. She was going to be punished the second she awoke. Punished for hiding from him, and punished for letting another man into her body. She belonged to him and him only.

  * * * *

  “Sully is dead. The body was found an hour ago,” Henry told Sebastian, Mike, and the group of military men who gathered in the back room of their local bar.

  “They catch them?” Watson asked, while Dell and Fogerty were looking at the laptops they had laid out on the tables. Ghost and Cosmo were on their phones and writing things down. Everyone was pitching in to help save North.

  “Two got free. One is dead. How do you want to handle this, Sebastian?” Henry asked him.

  Sebastian looked at Phantom, Mike, and Turner. “They could know exactly where Forester is holding North in Costa Rica. I need to question them.”

  “I’m coming along, too. There’s no way we’re wasting hours pampering these fucks. We do it mercenary style,” Phantom said, and stood up. He adjusted his guns he had on his hip, his side, and motioned with his hand for Sebastian to lead the way.

  “We should go, too,” Turner said.

  “No, you two stay here and organize our transportation and a team of men. We’ll meet up to head out together. This won’t take long,” Phantom said to them, and Sebastian knew Phantom was the quiet one. How the hell was he going to question these guys? They headed out to the SUVs and were accompanied by a few other agents. When they got to the secure location, some empty house blocks from the bar, they headed inside. In a flash the tables were turned and shots were fired.

  “Get down.” Phantom grabbed Sebastian and pulled him lower, they nearly both got their heads blown off.

  “Give up assholes, we got the place surrounded,” Sebastian said.

  “Not until the deed is done.” The guy yelled out and shot at them again. Sebastian tapped Phantom’s shoulder. “They got the place surrounded and more backup is coming,” he whispered.

  “We’re not waiting,” Phantom said, and he had his weapon drawn and he slowly started to make his way through the house.

  * * * *

  This whole operation was a shit show, and it seemed to Phantom and his friends that there were more agents involved with the illegal stuff and no one could be trusted. He certainly wasn’t trusting anything these guys said or did.

  “Phantom.” He heard his name, turned and slid along the wall and peeked around the corner, and saw Henry being held at gunpoint by one of the prisoners.

  “You’re the boyfriend, right?” the guy asked.

  Phantom kept his gun pointed at the guy, and he knew he could take the shot if need be, but then the guy spoke.

  “You’re the fucking boyfriend right?” he yelled and Sebastian joined him but remained hidden by the wall.

  “Forester said to kill you, and let you know first that you’ll never see North again, and never get to fuck her again, but he will, forever.”

  Phantom saw red. Henry moved slightly as the guy took his shot at Phantom and Phantom took his shot at the guy. Phantom watched as the guy’s head splattered. Henry looked shocked and fell to the ground and Phantom could feel the burning on his ear. The fucker nearly took his head off.

  “Holy fucking shit. Holy shit you shot him. You fucking shot him,” Henry carried on, and Sebastian just looked at Phantom like he was crazy.

  “Forester Colon and his crew of shit, are next,” Phantom said, and walked out of the room and back to the SUV. That mother fucker sent men to kill him, but the guy said boyfriend, so maybe he didn’t know about Mike and Turner, but Forester knew she was intimate with them. Considering what they heard about this guy’s obsession with her and how he put her in the hospital, he surely would take out his anger on North. They had to get to her. They needed to leave as soon as possible.

  * * * *

  Turner and Mike grabbed onto Phantom the moment he got back to the bar. “Are you okay? Holy fuck, your ear is bleeding,” Turner said, and Ghost came over with Fogerty.

  “Let us take a look and then bring you up to date. You explain what the fuck happened first,” Mike said, and he explained and everyone got more angry and even somber.

  “He’ll hurt her. He’ll make her suffer,” Ghost whispered.

  Henry and Sebastian came into the room. “This is out of control, we got men prepared and in position to raid numerous buildings where we know Castella and Ferlong reside. We don’t want to mov
e in on them yet in case they warn Forester and then he moves North and goes somewhere we can’t locate her. He has resources and in that country, he could be in the middle of the fucking jungle,” Sebastian told them.

  “Well, we aren’t waiting. We’ve got a plane stocked, fueled and ready. We got people on the ground in Costa Rica we trust, and men working on locating exactly where Forester is.” Mike said to him.

  “How the hell could you have people there looking and a plane all set and ready? We don’t even have an approval from the agency to plan and initiate a search and rescue.”

  “Your commander has been overruled. This has become a mission of special operations unit. The approval comes as we organize and facilitate the mission to confiscate illegal weapons, narcotics, and paraphernalia that was illegally transported overseas by one terrorist cell led by Forester Colon. His name is on a wanted list of terrorists in connection to various crimes and murders. Due to the fragility of this international invasion, no federal agents will be involved and it will be accomplished by a secretive set of individuals who take out terrorist for fun. Now enough of the bullshit. You in or are you out?” Mike asked.

  “Fuck yeah I’m in. North deserves a life and to be free from all this shit her brother caused. She needs her men.”

  “Let’s do it,” Turner said.

  And they started issuing orders and organizing the series of events and what teams would be going.

  Mike placed his hand on Phantom’s shoulder and his other hand on Turner’s shoulder as they stood by the wall. “This is crazy shit, right here under our watch, in our territory our woman was taken. God only knows what she’s going through right now and how alone and scared she is. We use that to fuel our mission, to achieve success, and to bring these assholes down. You know as well as I do who these fuckers are and what they did to members of our organization and to us more than two years ago. While we were fighting to save our fellow soldiers, North was being taken and about to be forced onto a plane when we were fighting for our lives against these same assholes. They’re going down. Our commanders know and approve. It ends in Costa Rica.”


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