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Forbidden Seduction: Adult Romance Collection - Romantic Love Story Anthology from Amish to XXX Romance Novels

Page 20

by Aingealicia, Lady

  That wait was a very long one as Orlic and Elicka stayed with the mortals for a bit. They wanted to share in their bliss and love that was rediscovered. Finally one day, Elicka begged to go home. To close the portal and leave the human world. She wanted to go home to Taliande and deal with Victron. She knew he was not going to be happy, Victron that was. Yet she also knew that Orlic had powerful magick and could give Victron what he deserved, happiness. She wanted that for all the beings of Taliande.

  As they traveled between the worlds, Elicka saw the beings coming back to Taliande from the human world with them. Her heart became heavy as they approached her castle. She looked around for Victron, it did not take long for his large shape to surface. As he left the water, his form changed back to a man. He looked at both Orlic and Elicka, biding his time before he spoke.

  “I saw what you did Elicka.” He stated.

  “I figured as much Victron.” She moved towards him motioning for Orlic to stay. “We know that we were not meant to be Victron.”

  “Speak for yourself.” Victron answered gruffly. “I thought I could make you happy.”

  “I have never been happy with our union.” Elicka stated. “I have always loved Orlic. He says he can find a soul mate for you.”

  “And who would ever love a grumpy dragon Elicka?” Victron questioned as he watched Orlic use his wand creating movements in the air.

  As both Elicka and Victron watched, Orlic brought forth a beautiful iridescent dragon with violet eyes. Victon’s heart melted at the site of her. Walking towards her, she backed up, her claws exposed. Victron moved towards the water and shifted back into a dragon so she would see. As she joined him in the water, they cried out to each other and disappeared below the water.

  “Told you I would find one.” Orlic commented to Elicka.

  “I see.” Elicka responded and went to Orlic.

  Orlic placed his arms around Elicka and kissed her deeply, their tongues intertwining as he groaned into her. His hand cupped her breast as he moved her towards the entrance. He had full intentions of making Taliande a happy place for all, after he had her in bed crying out for him to never stop.

  They moved up the stairs quietly as he carried her to her room. Both of their hands were busy removing clothing. Their bodies in synch with each other as he lifted her on him and thrush his hardness in her. Biting her neck and pushing her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Clawing at his back. Her wings fluttering as she pushed her hips down to meet his thrust. This is what she had always wanted.

  They never saw Taliande coming back to life as they made love time and time again that day. Nor did they see the dragons in the loch. All that was in their world was each other for the moment, a love that had never died and never would. Harthgothe smiled as he took the car and drove it to the Orlic’s castle to pick up his belongings.

  All that could be heard in Taliande were cries of passion and joy as the dawning of the new day broke the spell Orlic had cast upon the land. Orlic and Elicka fell asleep in each other’s arms as night turned into day and finally there was peace in the land of Taliande.


  Slave Master

  By Lady Aingealicia

  New Day’s Dawn

  Jasmyn had grown to adore Max. He was her whole world. Each and every day it was in her mind how best to please him. Especially after the last month of being punished. She had learned not to displease him again. He had made his way into her heart, mind and soul. For Jasmyn, he was everything and more. She had heard of relationships like this, just never expected to be in one. Her world was secure and safe, a first for her. It was a situation she had never expected in her life, it just seemed to come naturally when it did.


  Jasmyn woke on the mat at the end of the bed. She was still being punished from the party at Jim’s. She had forgotten to thank her Master for her orgasm. He was still upset with her. He also knew that she would never forget to thank him. He had not played with her either. He had played with Cherry several times since the party and made her watch.

  He had placed a chastity belt on her the day after the party so that she would learn. It was also so she would not play with herself. Sometimes he would place a butt plug inside her before he left for work. She was only allowed to go to the bathroom and then it went back on. She found herself wanting more as she watched Max and Cherry together. Her heart plunged every time she watched them and could not play with them.

  She went downstairs and made Max’s breakfast and took it back upstairs waiting for him to wake. She kneeled beside the bed after placing the tray on the dresser beside his bed as she had been instructed. Soon he moved around and opened his eyes looking at her. He traced his thumb across her cheek and sat up taking his coffee in his hands.

  “I think today you can go without the belt.” He commented as he headed to the bathroom. “Another week and you can earn the bed back my pet.”

  Jasmyn lowered her head as she heard the words that she had to earn back the privilege to sleep with Max in the bed. She waited for him to come back into the rom. She heard the shower running so she knew she would be there for a few minutes. He called her into the bathroom and she crawled to him. As he motioned for her to stand up, she kept her eyes lowered and waited for the next direction. He removed her belt and put it off to the side.

  “You may go to the bathroom pet.” He responded as he stepped into the shower.

  She waited until he came out of the shower and then patted a towel down his body to dry him off. He traced his fingers through her hair and put his hand under her chin to kiss her lips softly. She felt butterflies in her belly as his touch caressed her in all the right places. He wrapped the towel around his body and motioned for her to follow him. As she moved 5 steps behind him, once they were to the bed, she kneeled down before him again.

  “Jasmyn, I am taking today off.” He commented as he ate his omelet she had prepared for him. “I want to spend it with you. We need to talk.”

  A jolt went through her body. She was nervous about what he meant that they needed to talk. Had he decided he did not want her anymore and was going to send her back to the life she knew? Was he that upset about her forgetting to say thank you for her release at the party? She knew that usually when people said they wanted to talk it was a bad thing.

  “Yes Master.” Jasmyn whispered. “What should I wear Master?”

  “A sun dress.” Max stated. “I am taking you to lunch.”

  “Yes Master.” Jasmyn smiled softly as she waited for him to finish his breakfast so she could get ready for the day.

  He set his plate on the tray along with the coffee cup and leaned back on the bed. Jasmyn knew what he expected. She remained upon her knees until he motioned her to move. She kissed up his legs and to his exposed cock. He had removed the towel for her to be able to pleasure him with her mouth. She flicked her tongue against his balls. Moving her mouth up further, she traced her mouth up the shaft of his member to get it hard. He placed his hand on the back of her head and grabbed her hair.

  She shivered from his touch as she opened her mouth and took him fully. His hard member filled her mouth. She felt him push the back of her head as she felt the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat. Her spit covered his full length as she went faster and faster. His hands were wrapped in her hair as he thrust his hips up. She moved her mouth down his shaft and flicked at his balls and then back up the shaft.

  She traced her fingertips across his balls and gave a gentle squeeze as she heard his breath quicken. He held her head where it was as he groaned. She felt the salty release in her mouth as she swallowed everything he gave her. His body remained still as she took her mouth and cleaned him up. She had learned that even this simple act gave her joy in her response to him. Flicking her tongue along the full length of his flaccid member, she made sure nothing was left behind.

  “Now my pet.” He began. “I think something pink would be good for this afternoon.”
  She got off the bed and moved to take the tray. She left the room and went to the kitchen where Cherry was starting to clean. She smiled at Cherry and placed the dishes in the sink as she started to wash them. Her mind raced about the events that had happened in her life. She was nervous about lunch and what it would bring. She did not want to go back to her old life. She had fallen too deeply for Max. At this point she did not care if he loved her or not, she just did not want him to let her go.

  Lunch and History

  Jasmyn sat across from Max at the café while he ordered. Her dark eyes looked at his chest. She knew that this was a moment for them to talk. She had questions that she needed answered. She was figuring out how to ask them and then Max spoke.

  “My pet.” He began. “I want to talk to you about Beth.”

  “Yes Master.” Jasmyn said as she sipped on her water.

  “Beth was a slave of mine.” Max commented. “More than a slave actually. I married her.”

  “Oh, I see Master.” Jasmyn’s head was spinning.

  She wanted to know more about Beth. Where was she now? What happened between her and Max? So many questions. She was sure Max would answer them soon enough.

  “I loved Beth very much.” Max continued. “You often remind me a great deal of her in your actions and your manor.”

  “What happened to Beth Master?” Jasmyn asked.

  “She was in a car accident on the way to the club.” He answered somberly. “She never saw the car that ran the red light and hit her. She was killed on impact.”

  “Oh my.” Jasmyn took Max’s hand and held it. “I am so sorry Master.”

  “I focused completely on building the empire of my clubs after that.” Max continued. “I keep Beth’s collar as you have seen. There is not a day I do not think about her. Then you came into my life.”

  Jasmyn remained quiet as the food finally came and was served at the table. She continued to listen as Max told her more.

  “After you came into my life.” Max started. “That night at the club. That was something that Beth would have done to get into the club. What you did. Follow me in as if you were with me.”

  He laughed and smiled. Jasmyn blushed at his words recalling that night. Maybe it was that night she had fallen for him. She smiled at Max as her eyes widened. He traced his finger across her arm.

  “With Beth and I it was the full package.” He stated, “She was my slave. She did not have limits. She wore my collar. She stayed home and took care of the house and I worked and we played. I gave Cherry up after I met Beth for a few months as well.”

  “Yet Cherry is still there Master.” Jasmyn commented. “So you must love her as well.”

  “I do in my own way.” Max agreed. “Cherry came from a very bad situation and was very abused by her former master. He was not a master, more a massah that liked to think he was in control.”

  “So with Cherry, what was the purpose Master?” Jasmyn questioned as she took a bite of her food.

  “She needed to heal.” Max chuckled at Jasmyn’s questions. “Sometimes people just need to heal little one. The reality is, I took her in to help her out and give her a new life that was safe, sane and consensual. I never expected it to go further than that.”

  “And now?” Jasmyn continued with her questions.

  “She is a part of me just as you are.” Max responded as they finished lunch. “It is very much like working as a team. I know soon that Cherry will find her Master and she won’t be with us anymore.”

  “You mean you are not her Master?” Jasmyn’s jaw dropped. From what she had seen, he was.

  “No my pet.” Max ordered some coffee. “She is there to help me, however her belly is not mine.”

  “Oh.” Was all Jasmyn could say.

  “When the time comes, I will let her go.” Max sipped on his coffee and looked at her. “I have my eye on another.”

  Jasmyn felt warm all over as he uttered his words. She was hoping he meant her. She wanted to serve him fully. She waited as he finished his coffee and then walked beside him as he instructed. They walked to the park that was next to the café. He led her to a wooded part and leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek.

  “Yes, Jasmyn.” He began as the trees rustled above them. “You are the one I want. I have known that since I first laid eyes on you. You may not have, I did. That is the case with most Master’s. They know what they want right away.”

  Jasmyn blushed as his fingertips traced across her cheek and down her neck. He made her shiver as she blushed. Moving his fingertips across the tops of her breast, he lowered the strap and exposed more skin. Motioning for her to turn around, he placed his hand under her skirt as she bit her lip. She had missed his touch the last few weeks that he had punished her.

  “Let’s see if you learned anything from your punishment.” He chuckled as his finger found the exposed lips of her wetness.

  He spread her cheeks with his hands as his finger dipped inside her. He probed her open hole as he leaned forward breathing on the back of her neck. Kissing the tender flesh, she shivered. She did not move as his finger went in deeper. He grabbed her by the waist and bent her forward as he placed two fingers inside her. She gasped.

  “You will not forget this time will you?” He hissed.

  “No Master.” Her breathe was quickening as he thrust in and out.

  The foliage covered them as he placed a third finger inside her and moved it in and out. Deeper with every thrust. She almost cried out as he twisted his fingers and then pulled them out. He placed his other hand under her breast and tweeked her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. His fingers bringing her to the height as she closed her eyes.

  “Please Master.” She began to beg. “Please Master, may I cum?”

  “No, not yet pet.” His fingers were covered with her juices as he pulled them out.

  He placed them near her mouth and she opened her lips as he placed his fingers on her tongue. She tasted herself and found that she had a different taste than Cherry. She sucked on his fingers as he manipulated her nipple. Moving his hand back down to her wet hole, he plunged three fingers inside her and twisted her nipple.

  “No cum my little slut.” He ordered.

  “Yes Master.” She cried out and released. Squirting all over his hand as she did. “Thank you Master.”

  “Good girl.” He commented as his fingers found her mouth again and she dutifully cleaned them.

  He lowered her skirt and took her hand as he led her out of the wooded area. She saw a beautiful lake in the center in park. He headed towards it. She did not have much of a choice except to follow. As they came to the edge of the lake she looked at him. His chiseled features gave her butterflies in her tummy.

  “Master.” She began.

  “Yes my pet.” He used her nickname while he spoke to her.

  “I have enjoyed our day.” She answered quietly as she noticed the ducks on the water. “I do hope we can have more of these.”

  “I am planning on it.” He answered as he looked at the sky. “I want to be able to enjoy you.”

  “I would like that Master.” She replied. “Also, so you know, I like Cherry.”

  “I know you do.” Max nodded. “Tonight we are going to have some fun.”

  They walked back to the car, as she got in he placed his hand upon her thigh. His touch was warm and inviting. She loved his touch. It made her want him more every time. They drove to her apartment that he was still renting. Stopping in front of it, he got out of the car.

  “It won’t be long we will sublet your apartment.” He commented. “As long as you are ready to move forward.”

  “I am Master.” She nodded as they headed up the steps to her apartment.

  When they opened the door, she was shocked to see her apartment. It had already had boxes being set up and being ready to pack. She looked at Max, he had known all along. She knew where she belonged.

  “Well I want you to make one run through with the apartmen
t.” He stated. “I want you to pick out what you are keeping and what you are going to give away.”

  She nodded as she began to look at her things. There was not much she needed to keep. There were things that were from her past that she wanted to keep, yet there was so much to give away as well. Max provided so much for her, that she did not need much. She set things aside that she wanted to keep. Max came behind her with two men who were ready to pack what she wanted to keep.

  Night Time Fun

  The packing went quickly with help. Max led Jasmyn out to the car as the movers packed her boxes in a moving van. They headed back to Max’s old Victorian home. Silence seemed to be best at the moment. Jasmyn could not believe he had done that for her. Looking him over, he grinned as she saw her staring out of his peripheral vision.

  “There is a room that connects to mine that we can put your stuff into.” He commented. “You can unpack it through the weeks.”

  “Yes Master.” She commented. “Have you already sublet the apartment?”

  “Yes, actually, Cherry will be living there.” He smiled. “That way you can visit her any time you want.”

  Jasmyn was not sure how she felt about that. With the apartment, she always had security knowing that she could leave. Now it was going to be given to Cherry. She mulled it through her mind as they approached the house.

  “Don’t worry my pet. If you want to leave, Cherry will move somewhere else.” He stated as if he could read her mind.

  Jasmyn looked down at her hands that were in her lap. She did not know how he did that. Then again, he had been in the lifestyle much longer than she had. She figured he must have known what she was thinking from experience. She looked at him with her big brown eyes and drew in her breath.

  “Thank you Master.” She answered as they pulled in front of the house. “This is a huge leap.”


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