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Happily Ever Alpha: Until More (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 5

by S. Van Horne

  “What!” my voice echoes along the beach.

  “If you want my cock, Legs, you need to put a ring on it.” He holds up his left hand in the air and shakes it like Beyoncé does in the Single Ladies video.

  My mind begins to swirl with thoughts of just how fucking ridiculous he sounds right now. Honestly, I don’t know if I can marry someone who would make that stupid of a statement.

  “Come on, let’s go tell everyone.” He has everything already packed up, and grabs my hand to pull me behind him.

  The stupidity of this man at times has me questioning if it's hereditary. Maybe Kai and Myla can help me with getting out of this engagement.

  “Fish tacos? I’m not a big fish eater . . .” I trail off and glance back at the stand we're at. Kai told us this is the best place for fish tacos, and that we needed to go on a date before we head to Vegas.

  My eyes glance back down at the four-karat diamond ring that’s sitting on my finger. The sun hits it as my fingers flex, and I still can’t get over the fact that I accepted his proposal. This is nuts, who gets married to someone that they don’t know very well and don’t even love . . . at least, I don’t think I love him.

  Can I fall in love with him? Absolutely. But for now, I don’t think I have, and it doesn’t make sense to marry someone I don’t love. This afternoon, after we got back to the house, I started to panic and question what we were doing. He finally had enough and called Kai and Myla. They proceeded to explain a few things about their marriage. How they fell in love after they were married. To say I was shocked was an understatement. They wouldn’t tell all the details of what led to their marriage, but it was enough to convince me that maybe it would all work out.

  I argued the fact that we don’t have to wait until marriage to have sex since I've already been deprived of sex for a year. He stated again to put a damn ring on it if I wanted it. Kai started laughing, then ordered us out of the house for our date. We still have to pack before we head to Vegas on his private plane tomorrow. He told us of this place and now, here I am in front of some food truck trying to figure out if I want to eat fish tacos, or if I’m able to order something else instead.

  “Do they have regular tacos? I also want some fresh pineapple juice. Myla promised they have it here, and the moment she said it, I started craving it. What about you, Mads, you want to try some pineapple juice?” I smile at the young lady standing next to me.

  Her face scrunching up in disgust has me chuckling.

  “No, I want chicken nuggets, fries and a coke.”

  “Shit,” Conti murmurs beside me and immediately my body tenses as I’m not sure what's going to happen. “Mads, how about tacos like C? You like tacos,” Conti softly says to his sister.

  “No. McDonald's please.” Mads walks off and sits at the table that’s by the building.

  “Umm, okay this isn’t what I thought would happen when we got here.” His hands run through his hair then he gazes into my eyes. “Would you be too upset if we go to McDonald's instead? Part of the Autism is that she’s very picky on what she eats. Once she gets it in her head, there's no changing it. Sometimes it’s just easier to give in then fight her for what I want.”

  He glances back at his sister and I see the war raging in his head on wanting to make this special for me, but yet trying to figure out if the argument would be worth it.

  “Let’s go. We can always come back and eat here next time.” His eyes meet mine and relief shines bright. That alone makes my breath catch, and I vow that I’ll do whatever I can to see that look in his eyes often.


  Crystal leads Maddison to the spare room she’s currently staying in. About fifteen minutes ago, she showed signs of needing a nap, which a was a good thing as rage is still flooding my veins from what happened at McDonald's.

  Dread had filled my stomach when I heard Mads demand that we go there instead of eating tacos. I wanted to have a nice quiet lunch date, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen once she stated what she did. Seeing the look of understanding on Crystal's face let me know that asking her to marry me was one of the best ideas I ever had. Even if it was Kai’s suggestion.

  I’m actually glad that Myla found out why her husband was getting the plane ready for Vegas. At first, it was just going to be Crystal, Maddison, Mari and me, however Myla demanded to come along to see her friend get married suggesting that she be a witness. She offered her assistance with the wedding preparations since it was going to be a few days before I proposed to Crystal.

  When Kai began to protest, she shot him down. She wanted to make another trip to Vegas before she couldn’t travel anymore since she was pregnant with his third child. So the plan was to head out to Vegas tomorrow, shop for wedding bands, then the next day get married. However, now that my ring was on her finger, knowing that it'll be another two days before Crystal is my wife is fucking torture.

  Crystal's laughter rings out in the play area and I can’t help the smile that forms on my face. Jesus, I love her laugh as much as I love her. That thought catches me by surprise. Do I love her? As I watch her help Mads, I realize that I do love her. And the desire to tell her is strong. The thought of fate having planned this long ago hits me. At first, I didn’t think Kai was right. However, when I spotted a man talking with her while she watched Maddison today, I knew that he was right.

  This is fate and love. Only the one who was made for me would have me wanting to rush over there and kill the man for even speaking to her. She has my ring on her finger, but it won’t be official until I place the wedding band next to it, and then plant myself so deep in her that every man on the planet knows she's taken.

  “Conti, you have that look on your face again,” Crystal's voice floats over to me.

  Glancing up, I watch her re-enter the room, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  “She layin’ down?” I stand up and stalk towards her. At her nod, my steps pick up until I’m right up on her. “That fucker at the play area is lucky that I didn’t kill him. The need to mark you so every man knows that you’re taken is going through me so fucking bad right now, Legs. I’ve never felt this way about a woman. You drive me fuckin’ crazy.”

  Bending down, I shove my face in her neck while lifting her up to wrap her legs around my waist. My lips find her skin and I bite down, sucking hard enough to leave a mark.

  Her groan just spurs me on more.

  “What are you talking about?” her breathless voice breaks through my fog of need.

  “I hate it when every fucking guy stares at you when you walk by, like you’re still single and can pick them. You’re mine, Crystal. Admit it.”

  “Conti, I’m yours.” Her hot pussy is rubbing along my cock. “Always yours. Please,” her moans have me almost snapping.

  God, the need to undress us and shove my cock deep inside her is driving me to break my promise I made earlier. And it’s that thought that has me pulling away from her.

  “Conti, if you fuckin’ leave me like this, I’ll fucking kill you in your sleep and you won’t be able to marry me in two days.”

  Chuckling, I bite her earlobe and stalk down the hallway with her in my arms.

  “I’ll always give you what you need, Legs. I promise I’m not leaving you like this, but you won’t be getting my cock.”

  With speed I didn’t even know I have, I undress her and then push her down onto the bed. I hold her legs open and then glance into her eyes. I let her see the hunger that’s running desperately through my body.

  “Let’s see if you can be quiet.” Without allowing her a chance to respond, I dive in and lick her pussy lips.

  The taste that I’ve been craving since that one night we were together bursts on my tongue. The need to have her come all over my mouth is too overwhelming for me to control and I find myself eating her like she’s going to be my last meal.

  “Fuck, Conti, please,” she cries out as her hands twist in my hair.

  Sucking her clit hard as I shove my finge
rs inside her, reaching that spot that’s deep, has her clinching and screaming out her release.

  My fingers continue to pump inside her to prolong her orgasm. After a few more moans, she jerks on my hair.

  The moment my eyes meet hers, I then know I was fucking stupid in saying I would wait for sex. Her eyes are soft and glazed over from the orgasm I gave her. The desire to see that same look as she comes on my cock nearly overtakes me. This is going to be a long fucking forty-eight hours.



  Vegas, Nevada

  All I want is something simple. Just a plain, gold band to go with my engagement ring, dammit. But Conti isn’t having it. The need to bash him over the head is growing by the second and the only thing stopping me is the thought of being married in jail if I can’t control the need to hurt my damn fiancé.

  “What about this one? The diamonds wrap around the whole thing,” Conti suggests, holding the ring between his fingers.

  “No. I want a simple white gold wedding band. That's it.” My finger points out the one that sits next to the board that he's looking at.

  “Legs,” his tone is stern, but I'm not bending.

  “Fine, you want me to have diamonds? Then you're getting them too.” The stomping of my feet as I make my way back over to the men’s section echoes in the tiny shop.

  “Men don’t do fucking diamonds, Crystal,” Conti growls from behind me.

  “You want me to have a diamond band, then you're getting the same. I don’t need one with fucking diamonds. I don’t want it taking away from the one that's on my engagement ring. It's so beautiful that I just want the focus on it,” I try to explain one more time.

  Turning I look at the expression on his face. It still hasn’t changed and I have a feeling I’m not going to get him to come around to my way of thinking.

  And if that's the case, then he'll get a ring with diamonds too.

  “Why can't you see that I also want people to also see your band? Please, I need this, Crystal,” he whispers.

  “Then explain it to me so I can understand.” My foot stomps in frustration.

  “Fine,” he huffs, throwing his hands in the air. “I want you to have a diamond band so it sparkles in the sun. That way any damn cock out there that thinks they have a chance with you will see that they fucking don’t, okay? I know it's fucking caveman of me, but I just need to make sure nobody assumes you're single.” He grabs me and his lips crash against mine, as he takes me in a punishing kiss.

  Finally, when I'm beginning to be desperate for air, he pulls back and his eyes move down to my lips, a smile forming on his face.

  “I like seeing your lips swollen from my kisses. Now, let’s get our rings.” All I can do is nod in agreement since my head is in a deep fog.

  I take a moment to ponder what his words truly mean. He said he couldn’t stand guys thinking that I’m single. Does that mean he loves me? And why does him acting like such a fucking caveman make my panties drenched with desire? I’ve never liked it before when men did shit like this but on Conti, it's like it brings out my need for him even more.

  Before I realize it, we're leaving the store and I really take a good look at him. Realization that he got his damn way hits me like a two by four to the forehead, and the need to bash his head in comes back in full force.

  However, I stop myself from slapping him silly. If I'm honest with myself, I don’t want him to have a messed-up face in my wedding pictures. And seeing the smile he's now sporting is somewhat worth him getting his way.

  Myla’s a genius and I have no clue how I’m going to thank her for what she did for Conti and I. The shock I’m still in that today is my wedding day, doesn’t stop my eyes from slowly scanning their way around the room. In just a few moments I'll be making my way to Conti.

  Two different colors of blue flowers fill almost every nook and cranny in the room with bits of silver thrown in as an accent color. There's about twenty people all standing waiting for me to make my entrance. And since they're all standing up, I can’t actually see him. That has my feet moving with sure steps just so I lay my eyes on him. To make sure he's here and waiting for me.

  The moment I turn the corner my mouth drops. If I thought he looked good in jeans and t-shirts, well then he's fucking amazing in a damn tux. Immediately, my eyes spot that he isn’t wearing a tie and has left the top few buttons undone. My thighs become slick with my arousal and I walk a bit faster, hoping that nobody can smell it as I pass by them. That would be completely embarrassing and has my desire starting to fade with the thought.

  Hands swoop around me and before I can stop him, Conti’s lips are on mine, giving me a kiss that takes my breath away. The laughter in the crowd is the only thing that pulls me quickly out of the damn fog that he likes to keep me in.

  “Legs, you look breathtaking. Let’s get this over with so I can finally sink into you,” he whispers into my ear and then bites it.

  We turn toward the officiant, and Conti nods at him to begin. The words flow over me as I watch my soon-to-be husband from the corner of my eye. The reality of what's happening sets in, and I wonder again if we're doing the right thing. Maybe I should stop this before we get too far into the wedding.

  “Crystal, your vows.” I swallow before turning to Conti. Closing my eyes, I decide that no matter what happens, I'm going to go through with this. A life without him . . . isn’t possible.

  “Conti, you were someone I wasn’t expecting life to throw at me. To be honest, I was content on living my life as a single cat lady that just happens to write books. I don’t own any cats at the moment, but I was planning on it anyway.” The giggles in the crowd have him softly smiling at me. “However, life said that isn’t what was in store for me. You were placed in that damn bar almost a year ago. And now here we are, on our wedding day. I promise to be the best wife, mother, friend, and comrade you can ever need and want. I promise to encourage your dreams, and hold your hand when you face the impossible. I promise to always come to you with my concerns and fears, as I would want you to do the same with me. I give you myself fully and ask for only you in return.” My hands shake as I take the band from the Bible and begin to slide it on his finger. My eyes slide back up to his and tears slide down my face. “With this ring, I take you, Vigo Conti as my husband.”


  Crystal’s words gut me and I realize just how fucking lucky I am to have this beautiful creature marrying me.

  When she turned the corner, my breath caught in my throat. The need to run down the aisle and throw her over my shoulder was fierce, but I stopped myself. She would have been pissed at me for ruining her wedding by acting like a caveman. The white dress that she had on molded to her body like it was painted on. All I could think of was turning her around and kissing my way down her spine as I took the dress off of her.

  The moment she made it to my side, I couldn’t stop myself from kissing her deeply and telling her just how amazing she looked; along with what I wanted to do to her.

  Now, my cock is even harder, hearing the words of promise fall from her lips as she made me hers in every way she could before everyone and God.

  “Vigo, your vows,” the officiant reminds me.

  “Legs, that night at the bar was one of the best nights of my life. I knew from the moment my eyes landed on yours, that I was officially an owned man. I had no regrets about it whatsoever. Hell, I didn’t even fight it like most men do as I knew it was no use. I promise to be the best husband, father, friend, co-worker you could ever want and need. I promise to help you persue your dreams, even if that means you use me to experiment when it comes to your writing. Actually, I'm really down for doing that anytime you want.” The laughter coming from her has my heart jumping in my throat.

  God, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life.

  Taking a deep breath, I continue. “I promise to hold you when you're afraid, and be the shoulder you need when you're sad. Thank you for not only ch
oosing me to be your husband for the rest of your life, but also for choosing Maddison. You will never understand just how much both of those choices mean to me.” I slide the diamond band that I fought her for up her finger. “With this ring, I take you, Crystal Kopas, as my wife.”

  My eyes snap to the officiant waiting for the words that I've been longing to hear.

  “With the exchange of rings and vows, I now pronounce this couple husband and wife. What God has put together let no man put asunder. Vigo, you may now kiss your bride.”

  My lips are on Crystal's before he even finishes his last sentence. The cheers coming from the witnesses vanish and all I can think is, Thank you, God. Just thank you.

  Glancing to my right, I chuckle when I see Maxim rolling his eyes at his sister. Those two have been a blessing since I met them. Knowing that they’re right next door to Crystal, and get along well with Maddison, makes everything that is currently happening in my life even better. They give me hope that maybe one day when Crystal and I have kids, they’ll have the same sibling relationship as Maxim ad Melanie. My gaze lands on the rest of the guests that joined us here in Vegas. Half of them I have no clue who the fuck they are, but Kai and Myla do.

  Myla told me that when her friend Lilly found out about our wedding in Vegas, she decided to lend her assistance. Cash and Lilly showed up, and right away helped to get things together for us. As we were decorating the restaurant we rented for the reception, we learned that they also got married in Vegas. Lilly, since Cash could have cared less, was excited to see another couple do the same thing. Honestly, I didn’t give a fuck if they were here or not. As long as I got to marry Crystal, then nothing else mattered. If they want to witness it, then so be it. But I will say they both are really cool people and super nice.


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