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Heart's Folly (The McLachlan Brothers)

Page 5

by Monica Rossi

  He turned, carrying her with him, then pinned her against the door that had just slammed behind them. His lips ran down her neck leaving a trail of fire in their wake and his hand moved up her sides to her breasts, thumbing her sensitive nipples through the dress.

  She groaned deep in her throat, she wanted him now. Putting her hands against his chest she pushed him away and lowered her feet to the floor. She needed to get those clothes off of him. She grabbed the edge of his shirt and started tugging it over his head with his help then turned her attention to his pants. The button popped open and she caught his eye as she unzipped him, his green eyes reflecting the need she felt.

  Pants and underwear dropped to the floor and she took a moment just to look at him, running her hands over his finely sculpted chest and arms. God this man was beautiful, more beautiful than anything she’d ever seen before. She let her fingers and eyes trail down his belly, following the delicious line of dark hair, and wrapped her hand around his throbbing hard erection.

  He groaned and he head tilted slightly back as she worked lightly up and down his shaft, teasing the head ever so slightly before stroking him again.

  Owen moved her hand, “Enough,” he said, his voice graveled with desire.

  He grabbed the fabric of her dress and pulled it over her head in one seamless motion and she stood naked before him.

  “No bra or panties?”

  She shook her head, too lost in desire to speak.

  “You’re killing me.”

  His lips found hers again, but this time with bare skin touching, it was so much more tantalizing. His hands moved between them, one came up and cupped of her breast letting his thumb work maddening circles around its hard tip. The other reached down and found her, wet and waiting for him. She sucked in a deep breath as he rubbed lightly up and down her slit, teasing her engorged clit then moving back down to dip slightly into her. He pressed her back further against the wall and she her pressed hips into him and began to rock with the motion of his hand, anticipating each time his fingers would rub against the sensitive nub.

  Melissa didn’t want him to stop, she could feel the orgasm building inside her, tightening all of the muscles of her body. She moaned low as he watched her flushed face lost in the throes of passion, lips apart and unaware of anything but the feelings he was creating inside her.

  He pulled his hand away and grabbed her by her thighs, lifting her legs up to wrap around him again, but he didn’t enter her. Instead he carried her into his studio, showering kisses and playful bites up and down her neck as they went, his hardness teasing her with each step they took, and he deposited her onto the old couch she’d sat on last time she’d been there.

  Owen followed as he laid her down, letting his weight press her into the soft cushions.

  He paused above her, “Are you ready?”

  Melissa grabbed his hand and pressed it to her dripping center, “You tell me.”

  His fingers worked in her wet tightness for a moment, before he pulled them out and guided his hard cock into her.

  At first she thought he was going to be too big, the head stretching her as he slowly entered her, his eyes devouring the scene of their bodies joining, but the further in he got the more she opened for him, until he was fully inside her, so deep it took her breath away.

  He paused there, his eyes came back to hers, “I want to take it slow.”

  She looked right back at him and said defiantly, “I don’t,” and she rocked her hips against him.

  A guttural growl ripped from his throat and he leaned over her, hand braced over her had on the armrest of the couch as he pulled out and dove into her, again and again. Melissa closed her eyes, his cock working inside of her, breast rubbing in rhythm against his chest, bringing her closer and closer to release. It was rough, and hard and delicious.

  His other had reached between them and covered the top of her pubis, causing her clit to hit his palm each time he thrust into her. She squirmed under him, every inch of her craving the orgasm she knew was about to rip through her. She bit her lip and grabbed him, fingers clawing his back, asking him to hurry and at the same time trying to hold herself steady as her world came apart.

  Her back arched and an inhuman sound came out of her as every muscle in her body contracted. She felt herself tighten around him, squeezing him as she came hard with him inside her. It went on and on, time ceased to exist and all that was left was what this man was doing to her body. She felt him stiffen as he pumped into her one last long time, and he growled his own release. With another cry of pleasure, her muscles finally relaxed as the final waves of her orgasm subsided.

  He collapsed on top of her, his head buried in the crook of her neck, “Jesus Christ,” he whispered. She hadn’t caught her breath enough to speak yet, so she silently added her agreement, Jesus Christ indeed.


  “Mmm,” she nuzzled her head into his chest, “This is turning out to be the best surprise visit I’ve ever made.”

  He grunted his agreement, his eyes closed, hands tucked under his head. After they’d recovered from their first session of lovemaking on the couch they’d moved upstairs to his bedroom where he’d taken her slower and much more gently. As he’d rocked inside her, his hand balled into a fist in her hair, his eyes holding hers, it had taken all of Melissa’s willpower not to start saying things she knew would scare him away. She had wanted to tell him how much she’d thought about him, how many times she’d fanaticized about them being in the exact position they were in, and how much better real life was to any fantasy she could have imagined.

  Instead she looked around his room, studying the little artifacts of his life that surrounded her. The walls were painted a creamy blue but looked cracked, with hints of eggshell and darker beige peeking through. She wasn’t sure if the paint was actually peeling or if it was a design he’d intentionally created. Either way it gave off an old world aura that continued through the rest of the room. Exposed wooden beams, a deep rich color, stood exposed in the ceiling and a fan lazily turned high above them. A wardrobe stood in the corner of the big room, the only one Melissa had ever seen in real life because most people had closets, and a large nightstand trimmed in black metal sat beside the bed. Rugs of different colors and styles lay scattered across the hard wood floor, overlapping in what seemed like a random pattern, making the room seem inviting and warm despite the grand beauty. And taking up almost one entire wall were large French doors that led out to a balcony. It was a room fit to grace the pages of any design magazine, but it only stood to reason. He was an artist, he’d want beautiful things around him. But still it was a strange contrast to the grungy exterior of the house and the lower floor.

  She heard a soft snore escape him and smiled, she was pretty worn out herself but was still too high on the experience to fall asleep quite yet.

  It wasn’t that she hadn’t had sex before, she had, and it wasn’t because she hadn’t had good sex before, because she’d had that too. This had just been so much… more. It had been everything you thought sex would be before you’d actually had it, but better. There was some connection between them that jumped and sizzled every time they touched, she didn’t know if it was just a physical thing or if it could become something more. But it was a heady drug, and she wasn’t sure she could resist becoming addicted.

  Very gently she eased out of bed, careful not to wake him as she moved. It was late, much later than she had expected. The full moon was out and shining brightly down, and the balcony with its promise of fresh air and a cool breeze beckoned her. Grabbing a discarded sheet off the floor she wrapped it around herself and went out into the night. The air felt wonderful, the cool breeze she’d been hoping for tousled her hair and sent a shiver across her overheated heated skin. She leaned over the railing and discovered a small garden compete with a waterfall in the backyard. A lush oasis in the middle of the city. Closing her eyes she inhaled the sweet smell of honeysuckled tinged with the faintest hint of the o
cean. In this moment everything was perfect.

  “Stay right where you are,” his voice called behind her, “Do not move a muscle.”

  She glanced back to see him tugging on a pair of boxers. “Why?”

  “Just stay there, I’ll be right back.”

  She shrugged and went back to admiring the wild blooms that were sprouting below her, it didn’t look like the garden had been laid out with any particular plan in mind, but the overall effect was one of barely contained wildness.

  He came back with his pad and box of pencils in hand.

  “How are you going to see to draw out here? It’s dark,” she asked.

  “The moon is bright and you are absolutely luminous with its reflection,” he started drawing the outline of her shape without taking his eyes off her.

  She wasn’t sure how to respond, she could deflect accusations of being beautiful but ‘luminous’ was a flattery she hadn’t thought of a canned response for.

  “Tilt your head a little towards me,” he instructed.

  She complied in silence, watching him work. If anyone was beautiful then it was him, the moonlight highlighting the muscles on his arms and chest, and glinting off the blonde highlights in his hair. He was the one who was ‘luminous’ she thought and giggled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I was looking at you and thinking that you were the one who was luminous, though I doubt very many guys would take that as a compliment.”

  “Oh I’ll take it, it’s better than many compliments.”

  “Oh yeah, like what?”


  She laughed, she could imagine telling someone that their performance had been ‘satisfactory’. “That’s not so bad. I had a teacher who wrote in my yearbook that I was very studious and tried hard considering my capabilities.”

  “Oh, ouch.”

  “Yeah, she was a soulless hag who taught advanced calculus. I should have taken shop instead.”

  “That would have been fun, using all those power tools, wearing a safety goggles and steel toed boots. Sounds sexy.”

  “I can go find some of those if that’s your thing. I wouldn’t have thought you’d be the kind of guy for Construction Worker role play but I’m game.”

  He kept working on his drawing but he gave an unconscious smile that flashed those dimples and white teeth, she felt her stomach flip over. Even after she’d had him multiple times he still affected her with the smallest things. Just the curve of his arm in the moonlight made her want to go to him and run her hand over that smooth skin. She wanted to run her hands over every inch of him and feel his hands on her again. His mouth on hers, his body pressing her into the mattress, him inside her rocketing her towards orgasm. The muscles at the base of her stomach contracted involuntarily and she gasped.

  She was going to need him to stop drawing. Very intentionally she unwrapped the sheet and threw it over one of the patio chairs, turning to lean back against the railing. She didn’t think there was anybody who could see her but at that point she really didn’t care.

  “What are you doing?” he asked looking up from his pad.

  “Waiting,” she replied.

  Without hesitation he dropped the pad and his pencils on the table beside him and sprang forward, grabbing her with one powerful arm. “Well, I never like to keep someone waiting,” he said before his lips descended onto hers.

  Her back pressed into the cool metal of the railing providing a nice contrast to the heat he was raining down on any part of her his lips touched. He moved down her neck, her chest, before taking one of her breasts into his mouth, alternating between suckling it and flicking it with his tongue. She leaned her head back and moaned, feeling the wetness rush between her thighs. No one was going to ever call his performance merely satisfactory.

  Owen left her breasts, nipples hardening in the breeze, as he started trailing downward, falling to his knees in front of her he ran his tongue across the delicate skin of her belly before going even lower. When the tip of his tongue darted between her lips, touching her clit before flitting back out her whole body began to shiver.

  “Spread your legs for me, just a little,” he said, and she did.

  She watched as his beautiful mouth descended onto her, devouring her like she was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted. She wasn’t going to last very long with him sliding up and down her slit, tongue making maddening circles around her clit. It was going to be over before it had begun. She rocked against his face wanting to come closer to her climax at the same time she wanted to prolong it as long as possible.

  Without warning his mouth left her and she cried out with loss. He grinned up at her and threw one of her legs over his shoulder followed by the other.

  She was now fully supported by her elbows and the pressure of her back on the railing and by him. She worried for a brief moment about the railing giving way and them both falling off the balcony, but then she looked down at his face buried in her and thought it wouldn’t be such a bad way to go.

  His hands squeezed her ass as he sucked on her lips, biting her labia every so tenderly between licking her swollen nub. He was drawing it out just enough to make her crazy. She felt his thumb dip inside of her before it began making warm wet circles around her anus. She jumped slightly but she was thoroughly caught between him and the railing, no one had ever touched her there before and it startled her. But she began to relax and let the sensations take over again, realizing that his thumb was causing the momentum inside her to build even faster. She thrust her hips, almost wild with the need to find release, bucking as wildly as she could in her position against his face. Her head tossed as she looked for that moment when everything would shatter and then reform in the core of her being. Her clit was throbbing and when Owen took it gently between his lips and rubbed it back and forth, she came apart. Her thighs clamped as she called out his name into the night, convulsing with her orgasm.

  Gently he lowered her into his lap where he cradled her and stroked her hair while she recovered, which took a few minutes considering her mind had just been blown.

  “I need something to drink she croaked.”

  He hoped up and threw the discarded sheet at her, “I’ll be right back.”

  As she sat waiting for him to return she eyed the sheet she’d been wearing. Quickly she grabbed it and folded it neatly before sitting it in her lap.

  “Here you go, water with lemon,” he handed it to her and she began guzzling it, coming that hard had been had taken a lot out of her, but before he could sit back down she put up one finger, telling him to hold on a minute.

  “A little thirsty were you?” he asked.

  She took the mostly empty glass away from her lips and gasped, “Just a little.”

  “Screaming like a banshee will do that to you, I’m going to have to send the neighbors my apologies tomorrow.”

  “I did not!”

  “You did,” he assured her, “But what else did you want?” he reminded her that she’d motioned for him to pause.

  “Oh nothing, I just didn’t want you to sit down and get comfortable,” she put the folded sheet neatly in front of his feet and kneeled on it, tugging the waistband of his boxers down and letting them fall around his ankles, “Because it’s your turn.”

  Melissa awoke the next morning feeling alive and full of buzzing energy. Owen slept peacefully beside her, she ran her fingers over his cheek and marveled at how young and innocent he looked. Last night had been more exhilarating than anything she’d ever done before. She didn’t know her body could feel like that. He’d had strummed her like an instrument and her body sang with each note he plucked.

  Watching the light shining in from the big glass door play against his skin she trailed her fingers down his finely sculpted chest, dipping along each hard curving plane, enjoying the look and feel of him. Something curled warm and soft in her belly. It wasn’t desire, though God knew she felt that even though she should have been satiated afte
r their gymnastics the night before, it was something she hadn’t felt in what seemed like forever. Joy. The simple joy of being right here, right now, in this moment. Content to be alive.

  The realization of it hit her hard and she pulled away from him, rolling to her back and staring at the ceiling. Was it wrong? Should she be able to feel this way when her sister couldn’t. Doubt rolled inside her. Could she be betraying the memory of her sister, a sister who lay cold in the ground and couldn’t feel anything at all, by enjoying herself, just this once. Her eyes clouded but she fought it, she had needed this. She had needed human touch and companionship, even though she’d thought she hadn’t wanted or needed anything. It wasn’t until she’d felt again that she knew she had craved it all along.

  “Hey now, what’s with the deep thoughts this morning?,” Owen rolled over onto his side, studying her face as she studied the ceiling.

  Should she tell him? If anyone knew how she felt it might be him. “I woke up this morning and everything felt right,” a tear leaked from her eye and left a wet trail down her cheek, “I felt good. My body feels sore, but in a good way, the way you feel after a good workout. I’m lying beside you and you’re warm and beautiful and comfortable. I enjoyed myself last night and woke up happy,” she finished quietly.

  “And that feels wrong,” he wasn’t asking. He sat up, leaning against the headboard, and gathered her into his arms, her head cradled on his chest.

  “Yes,” she choaked, “I’m here and Felicia is…,” she couldn’t finish the sentence, the tears were streaming and her voice cracked.

  “Felicia is dead,” he finished for her as he stroked her back. She nodded against his chest. “I know. For the first year after Lindsey and Parker died I didn’t even feel like I could enjoy a meal or a pretty sunset. I kept thinking that if they couldn’t be here with me to enjoy it, what right did I have to enjoy it.”


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