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Murder in Calistoga: A Liz Lucas Cozy Mystery

Page 12

by Dianne Harman

  “Good morning, Liz,” Judy said as she came into the dining room and sat down next to her. “I see you’re making notes again. Last night I called several of my spa staff members, and I’ve scheduled a number of appointments with them for the police personnel. If Mac or Simone is watching or has someone watching, I want them to see people going in and out of the spa. I’ve made sure we have plenty of robes, slippers, and towels. Mary will have food available during the day, actually she’s going to make sandwiches and some other things that don’t need to be refrigerated. They’ll be here in the dining room for anyone who wants them. Other than that, I can’t think of anything else, can you?”

  “Around eleven or so this morning, I want you to call Mac, but I want you to wait until there are a few cars in the lot, and a few of the police personnel are here. You can thank him for his offers over the months and tell him since you’re booked for the next few weeks, there is no way you’re going to sell the property. As he’s talking to you, say something like, ‘I have to go. Two people that don’t even have reservations just walked in. Talk to you later, or some such thing.’ Say whatever feels natural to you.”

  Liz looked at the large grandfather clock that stood next to the breakfront cabinet and said, “It’s 9:00. Chief Oliphant said they’d start delivering the cars right about now. We should probably get ready for them. The police will begin coming about the same time and continue throughout the day.”

  They both heard the first car arrive, and a few minutes later the front door of the hotel opened and a male and female police officer registered at the hotel under a false name. It continued throughout the day. Each time one of them registered, Judy told them what kind of a spa appointment she had arranged for them and when it was scheduled. Several times during the day people returned to the office and thanked her, saying it was the best massage or facial or whatever they’d ever had. Judy figured even if they didn’t catch the murderer, she was certain the law personnel would help the spa be successful simply by word of mouth.

  As the afternoon wore on, Liz became more and more nervous, hoping her plan would work. At 5:00 that evening, she and Winston went outside and made a loop of the area around the sauna. The lights were on and several law enforcement personnel were in there, but nothing was happening.

  She stationed herself at the kitchen window, hoping against hope that she would see something, or that something would take place in the sauna. Everything was quiet. She looked at the trees around the spa and thought she could catch a glimpse of a policemen as he waited for a suspect to make a move.

  The time went by excruciatingly slow. Finally, at nine that night Liz had to admit to herself that her plan had failed. There had been absolutely no activity at the spa other than some law enforcement personnel languishing in the jacuzzi or the sauna. The man in charge, Deputy Williams, walked into the hotel and said, “Mrs. Langley, it’s late, and I don’t think anything is going to happen. There’s a city ordinance that spas have to close down at 9:00, and I’m sure both of the suspects know that. I’m going to take my personnel and leave now. I’m really sorry, because it was a very good plan, but it just didn’t happen the way we hoped it would.”

  “Unfortunately, I think you’re right. Believe me, I hate to have it end this way, but it is what it is. I guess the only saving grace is that your people were able to have some spa treatments and some great food prepared by Mary. Other than that, it was a wasted day. I’m sure some of your people are going to look like prunes from being in the jacuzzi and sauna too long. On behalf of both Mrs. Rasmussen and me, thank you.”

  He left, and she walked into to the living room where Judy was silently weeping. “Judy, I am so sorry it didn’t work. I really thought it would. We both need a good night’s sleep, and we’ll think of something else tomorrow. Try not to worry. This was just our first attempt. I need to take Winston out one more time. See you in the morning.”

  Liz and Winston walked out into the darkness through the kitchen door and back to a grove of trees which separated Judy’s property from Mac’s. Winston was communing with nature when Liz noticed a movement to her left. Winston lifted his head, instinctively walking silently over to her. She put her hand on his head, indicating he was to be still.

  A moment later a shadowy form moved towards the sauna where the police personnel had left the lights on. The mysterious person stopped next to the pile of construction debris, picked up a piece of steel rebar, and then started to fiddle with temperature controls of the sauna.

  “Stop,” Liz yelled. “Who are you? What are you doing?”

  She saw the figure whirl around with a gun in his hand and then he yelled at her. “You’re the woman with the dog. You were in my place yesterday, but today you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. Put your hands up, or I’ll kill you like I killed that woman in the sauna,” the figure said.

  “Winston, attack,” she whispered to the big ninety-five-pound dog. The dog was faster than the bullet the figure fired at him, as Winston crashed into him, causing the man Liz recognized as Mac Owens to fall to the ground. Simultaneously a voice yelled, “Police, drop the gun and stay where you are.”

  Liz saw the large figure of Chief Oliphant run over to Mac Owens, who was lying on the ground, and say, “Don’t move.” He spoke into a small microphone on his lapel and said, “Backup needed. Shots fired. Code three. Serenity Hotel at the sauna.”

  Liz heard the approaching sirens and said, “Chief, what are you doing here? I thought your vacation didn’t end until tomorrow.”

  “Theoretically it doesn’t, but I decided to cut it short. I knew my men had the sauna and jacuzzi covered, but the more I thought about it, the more certain I became that Mac Owens was the murderer. He had the motive, and he also could see Mrs. Rasmussen’s property from his wine tasting room. As soon as it got dark I hid in the line of trees that separates his property from the hotel’s. When I saw him leave the wine tasting room and begin to walk towards this area, I followed him.”

  “Thank you,” she said as several police officers ran towards Mac and the chief.

  “You can call your dog off now that my men are here.” He turned to his deputy, motioned towards Mac Owens, and said, “Take him to the station and book him for the murder of Nikki Evans. I have his confession on tape as well as a witness, Mrs. Langley.”

  Just then a car raced into the parking lot. A man threw the door open and ran back to where Liz, the chief, his men, and Mac were. It was Roger.

  “Roger, what are you doing here?” Liz asked.

  “The chief called and was concerned you might try to get involved in the sting instead of staying in the house. He asked if I could drive over here and keep an eye on you to make sure you didn’t get into any trouble. I planned on being here about two hours ago, but there was a horrible accident on the freeway and I had to just sit there waiting for the Highway Patrol to open the lanes, getting more and more nervous as the minutes ticked by. Are you okay?” he asked as he pulled her to him and patted Winston on the head.

  “I’m fine. Oh, Roger, I was so sure my sting idea wasn’t going to work, and Judy was going to lose everything. Thank heavens it did, although I’m not too sure what would have happened if it hadn’t been for Winston and the chief.”

  Roger pushed her away at arm’s length and said, “Where’s the pistol I gave you? The one you promised me you’d have with you at all times.”

  “I did, Roger. It was with me all day, but when all the police left, and we were sure the sting wasn’t going to work, I left it inside while I went out to walk Winston. We were all sure that the murderer was a no-show, so I didn’t think it was necessary.”

  “Liz, it was necessary. Please, please, promise me if you’re ever again involved with anything else like this you’ll have a gun with you every minute, although it would be just fine with me if this was the last time.”

  “Roger, if it’s any consolation, it would be just fine with me as well. I need to go tell Judy what’s h
appened. I’m sure she heard the sirens, and she’s probably a nervous wreck about now.”

  “Go on in. I’ll be there in a few minutes. I want to talk to the chief. Winston, go with Liz.”

  Liz and Winston walked back into the hotel where Judy was anxiously looking out through one of the windows. “Judy, it’s over. It was Mac, and the chief’s men are taking him to the police station and booking him for Nikki’s murder. I’m sure the paper will run a story on it tomorrow, and the Serenity Hotel and Spa will be cleared in full.”

  Judy started to cry. “I can’t thank you enough, Liz. I was sure when we didn’t think the plan had worked that my time as a spa owner and hotelier had been very short-lived. I was actually ready to call Mac and take whatever offer he wanted to give me, so I could salvage something from it. Now there’s a good chance the hotel and spa really will be successful, and I owe it all to you.”

  “You don’t need to think that the hotel and spa are going to be successful, Judy. I think the operative words are that they will be successful, and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving person. Now, if you want to thank me, you could book a massage for me the next time I come. I’d love to have one tomorrow, but Roger drove over, and since he’s involved in a trial, we need to drive back tonight, but first he needs to switch cars with you.”

  She and Winston walked back to their suite. She packed in a matter of minutes and when Roger walked in she said, “I’m ready to go. If we leave now, we’ll make it back just in time to see Brandy Boy deliver his last nip of brandy for the night to my guests at the Red Cedar Lodge.”




  2 pheasants

  ½ cup flour + 2 tbsp. flour

  4 tbsp. cooking oil

  ½ cup sliced mushrooms (I prefer fresh ones to canned.)

  1 can mushroom soup

  ½ cup half and half

  ½ cup white wine

  2 tbsp. chopped parsley for garnish


  Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Cut the legs and breasts from pheasants and discard the rest. Heat oil in frying pan over medium high heat. Dredge the pheasant breasts and legs in ½ cup flour. Place the pieces in the frying pan and brown all sides for about five minutes. Remove from the pan and dry on paper towels. Place the pheasant pieces in a 9 x 13-inch ovenproof pan.

  Drain all but 2 tablespoons of oil from the frying pan. Add 2 tablespoons flour, soup, half and half, wine, and mushrooms to the pan and cook over low heat until blended. Pour the mixture over the pheasant pieces, cover with tin foil, and bake for 1 ¼ hours. Remove from the oven and garnish with parsley. Enjoy!

  NOTE: Great served over noodles or rice.



  1 ripe cantaloupe

  ¼ cup heavy cream

  2 tbsp. granulated sugar

  1 tbsp. apricot brandy or other fruit liqueur (optional)


  Cut off the top third of the cantaloupe and remove the seeds. Scoop ten or so balls out of the cantaloupe with a melon ball cutter and reserve them. With a spoon, remove the rest of the pulp from inside the cantaloupe leaving the melon shell. Puree the pulp in a blender with the cream, sugar, and brandy. Pour the mixture into a small bowl and freeze for 30 minutes. Stir the mousse and freeze for an additional ten minutes. Transfer the mixture to the melon shell and freeze it for ten minutes. Top the mousse with the reserved melon balls and sprinkle them with the brandy. Enjoy!



  ¼ of a baguette, cut into small cubes (I’ve used croutons in place of baguette cubes and it worked great)

  4 oz. cream cheese, cut crosswise into 12 pieces (This is super cook friendly. If you have some cheese you want to use up, you can certainly substitute it.)

  1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil + additional for drizzling

  ¼ lb. ham, chopped (about one cup) (I see no reason why any meat, or for that matter, shrimp, etc. couldn’t be used.)

  4 scallions, both white and green parts

  1 tbsp. freshly ground pepper

  1 ½ cups half and half

  6 large eggs (I usually use jumbo)

  1 tsp. fresh thyme leaves

  Spray oil


  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a muffin or mini-muffin pan with the spray oil. Fill each cup halfway with baguette cubes. Top each with a cream cheese piece. In a small frying pan, heat the olive oil and add the ham, white pieces of the scallions, and a pinch of pepper. Cook, stirring until the scallions are tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in the half and half and bring to a simmer. Remove from the heat.

  In a medium bowl whisk eggs and thyme together. When they’re mixed add the half and half mixture and pour the combined mixture over the baguette cubes. Bake in the oven until puffed and golden brown around the edges, about 15 minutes. Let rest for 5 minutes. Run a knife around the edges and invert onto a baking rack. Sprinkle with the green part of the onions. Enjoy!

  NOTE: I like to make these as an appetizer in mini-muffin pans. Watch to make sure they don’t burn, but I’ve found they usually take a little longer than the suggested 15-minute baking time. If you’re using a muffin pan, up the time to about 25 minutes.



  8 slices bacon, diced

  1 cup chopped green onions

  ½ brown onion, chopped

  4 medium sized potatoes, peeled and cut into ½ inch cubes

  1 stalk celery, thinly sliced

  2 medium sized carrots, thinly sliced

  1 clove garlic, minced

  2 cups water

  1 tsp. sea salt (You can use table salt.)

  ½ tsp. white pepper (If you don’t have white, use freshly ground black pepper.)

  1 tsp. Worcestershire

  8 drops liquid hot pepper sauce such as Tabasco

  2 cans evaporated milk

  4-5 cans whole baby clams

  2 cups half and half

  2 bottles clam juice (I use these to thin the soup if it needs it. Totally a matter of personal preference.)

  4 – 6 large round sourdough bread rolls


  On the top of the bread, make an incision about 2 inches in from the edge and cut out a piece (think of it as a lid to your bread bowl.) Remove the lid and set aside. Scoop out most of the bread with a large fork. You can discard it or use it to make homemade croutons, which is what I do. Set aside.

  In a large deep pan cook the bacon over medium heat until crisp. Add onions, potatoes, celery, carrots, garlic, water, salt, pepper, Worcestershire, hot pepper sauce, and evaporated milk. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Cover and simmer until the potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes. Add the clams and the half and half. Heat until steaming, but not boiling. Ladle into the bread bowls, cover with the bread lids, and serve. Enjoy!



  3 large bananas, mashed

  ¾ cup white sugar

  1 egg

  1/3 cup butter, melted

  1 ½ cups all-purpose flour

  1 tsp baking powder

  ½ tsp. salt

  ½ cup walnut pieces

  Non-stick spray or paper liners


  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat muffin pans with non-stick spray, or use paper liners. Sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Set aside. Combine bananas, sugar, egg, and melted butter. Fold in flour mixture and mix until smooth. Gently stir in the walnuts. Scoop into muffin pan.

  Bake in preheated oven. Bake mini-muffins for 10 to 15 minutes, and large muffins for 25 – 30 minutes. When the muffins spring back when lightly tapped, remove them from the oven. Serve and enjoy!


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  I live in Huntington Beach, California, with my husband, Tom, a former California State Senator, and my boxer dog, Kelly. My passions are cooking, reading, and dogs, so whenever I have a little free time, I am either in the kitchen, playing with Kelly in the back yard, or curled up with the latest book I'm reading.

  Her other books are available below:

  Amazon: Blue Coyote Motel

  Amazon: Coyote in Provence

  Amazon: Cornered Coyote

  Amazon: Coyote Series

  Amazon: Kelly’s Koffee Shop

  Amazon: Murder at Jade Cove

  Amazon: White Cloud Retreat

  Amazon: Marriage and Murder

  Amazon: Murder in Cottage #6

  Amazon: Murder in the Pearl District

  Amazon: Murder and Brandy Boy

  Amazon: Murder in Calico Gold

  Amazon: The Death Card

  Amazon: Murder at The Cooking School

  Amazon: Murder & The Monkey Band

  Amazon: Murder at The Bed & Breakfast

  Amazon: Murder at The Secret Cave

  Amazon: Murder in Cuba

  Amazon: The Blue Butterfly

  Amazon: Trouble at the Kennel

  Amazon: Murdered by Words

  Amazon: Murdered by Country Music

  Amazon: Murder at the Big T Lodge

  Amazon: Murdered in Argentina

  Amazon: Murder on the East Coast

  Amazon: Murder at the Clinic

  Amazon: Murder at the Polo Club

  Amazon: Alexis

  Amazon: Trouble at the Animal Shelter

  Amazon: Murder in Calistoga

  Please feel free to follow me on these social media sites:


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